[local.cl-pdf.devel] Re: [cl-pdf-devel] The cl-typesetting repository is online

Jan Rychter jan at rychter.com
Fri Dec 26 10:44:13 UTC 2003

Another repost which seems not to have made it to the list via the NNTP


I've just tried cl-pdf and it looks and works great! I must say I'm
rather impressed.

So now for the questions: is there a way to make it work with Unicode
text? I've tried some Unicode (UTF-8 encoded) characters, but didn't get
very good results. It seems that the only that passes through correctly
is 8-bit ISO-8859-1. And I also need ISO-8859-2 and Japanese :-)

Now, I'm sure it's a thorny issue, having to do with fonts, encodings,
and CL implementation's support for Unicode, but I thought I'd ask what
the major obstacles are.

BTW, I'm trying cl-pdf and cl-typesetting out of frustration with LaTeX.


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