[cl-opengl-devel] CL-Glut fix for ECL

Michael Raskin f9cef2aa at yandex.ru
Fri Jan 29 10:50:09 UTC 2010

	I am trying to make ASDF-Installing Cells-GTK simpler on different
platforms. The last thing that is wrong for ECL/Linux is the following:
in :cl-glut package some symbol (GET) is declared shadowing in the
package definition, and some other symbols (SPECIAL, CLOSE) are later
passed to "shadow" invocation. It looks non-uniform and for some obscure
reason works unreliably in ECL (Although shadowing symbols from
:Common-Lisp package should probably be done before it is used in the
package anyway).

So, is there any problem with replacing in
the line
(:shadow #:get)
with line
(:shadow #:get #:special #:close)

After that in the file
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
  ;; FIXME: find good alternative names instead of shadowing these CL
  (shadow '("SPECIAL" "CLOSE") :cl-glut)
can be safely removed (or they can be left as-is, no difference).

Michael Raskin

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