[cl-opengl-devel] Fwd: OSX glut diff

Jean-Philippe Barette-LaPierre jpb at rrette.com
Sat Jun 27 13:21:13 UTC 2009

On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 5:25 PM, xristos <xristos at suspicious.org> wrote:

> I fixed the main loop issue with destroy-current-window.
> If something else does not work as it should, someone should
> post about how freeglut works for these bits. I don't have
> linux or x11 here and can't test what freeglut does when
> windows are destroyed.
> I can't do anything about CCL as the issue is not that simple.
> The code that is commented out in interface.lisp simply interrupts
> the initial thread and starts the glut event loop there.
> This does not work (window comes up but event loop is blocked
> and i can't do anything) because, in CCL, the initial thread
> does certain housekeeping tasks and one can not simply hijack it.
> Someone familiar with how CCL does things might want to look into
> this, specifically into what CCL does with their cocoa event loop
> and duplicate the functionality.

I did solve that issue by "cloning" code taken from examples/opengl-ffi.lisp

in CCL source distribution. I still didn't had the time to get on my laptop
(where the code is), but I'll be able to send it soon.

> The same strategy of interrupting the initial thread and starting
> the glut event loop there works fine in SBCL but i haven't included
> the code as for most scenarios the default behavior of SBCL where
> the REPL is on the initial thread (this is not true when slime is
> involved of course, one has to do the interrupt trick then)
> should suffice.
> New patch:
> On 26 Jun 2009, at 15:55, Luís Oliveira wrote:
>  On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 7:43 PM, xristos<xristos at suspicious.org> wrote:
>>> Here is a cleaner version against current cl-opengl
>>> without the extra wm-close methods.
>> Looking good, though it still doesn't seem to exit the main loop.
>> Here's how I reproduce that bug:
>>    * (require :cl-glut-examples)
>>    ...
>>    * (cl-glut-examples:rb-cube) ; for instance
>>   <press Esc to close the window and the function won't return>
>> Also, this patch doesn't work on at least CCL because of that
>> threading issue I mentioned earlier.
>> --
>> Luís Oliveira
>> http://student.dei.uc.pt/~lmoliv/ <http://student.dei.uc.pt/%7Elmoliv/>
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