[cl-opengl-devel] working setup

Bastian Müller turbo24prg at web.de
Fri Aug 8 11:35:58 UTC 2008


I'm currently trying to get a working setup up and running but have the 
following problems:
No matter which combination of cffi (0.10.0 or darcs HEAD) and cl-opengl 
(darcs HEAD or darcs versions some months older) I use, some don't work 
at all, others for example just let me run the glut-teapot example one 
time and crash after a second run:

CL-USER> (glut-teapot)
; No value

CL-USER> (glut-teapot)
Unhandled memory fault at #x7FA94AAD37F3.
    [Condition of type SB-SYS:MEMORY-FAULT-ERROR]

Is there a working cffi + cl-opengl combination or do I have to use 
different branches like cffi-newtypes, cffi+lotsastuff or 
cl-opengl-thomas? I'm using SBCL btw.


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