[cl-opengl-devel] a patch to add a support for the Vertex Arrays

Denys Rtveliashvili rtvd at mail.ru
Wed May 2 19:35:31 UTC 2007


I created a patch for adding a support for Vertex Arrays in cl-opengl. 
It works great with the "aapoly" demo from the Red Book.

The main problem was to handle the vertex/color/etc.. arrays. The 
respective OpenGL functions do not copy them when called. Instead, they 
register their location and then reference them when functions like 
glDrawArray are called. That's why it was not convenient to use macros 
like (with-foreign-object ...) and I had to create a special class for 
managing these arrays.

Some parts of functionality like "glInterleavedArrays" is not 
implemented. That's because it is not clear for me how should it look 
like in Lisp. Actually, in such cases it does not seem to be a good idea 
to support this function at all.

Please let me know what is the best way to send you the patch. I will 
attach it to this email, but I am 99% sure it will be corrupted during 


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