[cl-net-snmp-cvs] r74 - in vendor: . zebu zebu/doc zebu/test zebu/test/binary

ctian at common-lisp.net ctian at common-lisp.net
Wed Oct 17 13:05:40 UTC 2007

Author: ctian
Date: Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
New Revision: 74

Add zebu-3.5.5 as vendor

Added: vendor/zebu/COPYRIGHT
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/COPYRIGHT	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+           Copyright (C) 1989, by William M. Wells III
+                            All Rights Reserved
+        Permission is granted for unrestricted non-commercial use.
+;;; *************************************************************************
+;;; Copyright (c) 1990, 91,92,93,94 Hewlett-Packard Company
+;;; All rights reserved.
+;;; Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works
+;;; based upon this software are permitted.  Any distribution of this
+;;; software or derivative works must comply with all applicable United
+;;; States export control laws.
+;;; This software is made available AS IS, and Hewlett-Packard Company
+;;; makes no warranty about the software, its performance or its conformity
+;;; to any specification.
+;;; Suggestions, comments and requests for improvements are welcome
+;;; and should be mailed to laubsch at hpl.hp.com
+;;; *************************************************************************
+        Copyright (C) 1990, 91,92,93,94,95,96 by Joachim Laubsch
+                            All Rights Reserved
+ Permission is granted under the
+  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+    parties under the terms of this License.
+    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)

+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+    customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
+    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+    received the program in object code or executable form with such
+    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.

+  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.

+  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.

Added: vendor/zebu/ChangeLog
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/ChangeLog	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+1999-01-13  Joachim Laubsch  <laubsch at hpwat03.cup.hp.com>
+	* In zebu-generator.lisp replace the def of type->predicate by new
+	def which considers the builtin types NUMBER IDENTIFIER STRING
+Thu Oct 2 12:43:10 1997  Joachim Laubsch  <laubsch at hpwat03.cup.hp.com>
+	* changes for CMUCL suggested by Raymond Toy <toy at rtp.ericsson.se>
+Fri Mar 15 09:41:11 1996  Joachim Laubsch  <laubsch at hpwat03.cup.hp.com>
+	* lexical categories are sorted in the way they are declared.
+	Fix supplied by (Marc Dzaebel), marc at rose.de
+Fri Mar  8 15:12:09 1996  Joachim Laubsch  <laubsch at hpwat03.cup.hp.com>
+	* test/exercise.lisp ((compile-module "ex2")): Release 3.4.8
+	print each rule if :verbose is T
+	eliminate EMPTY action
+	updated doc on number, identifier and string as subtypes of the
+	root domain
+Tue Mar  5 09:58:21 1996  Joachim Laubsch  <laubsch at hpwat03.cup.hp.com>
+	* Release 3.4.7
+	* COPYRIGHT: added GNU Copyleft
+	* COMPILE-ZEBU.lisp corrections for Allegro
+Thu Dec 21 17:01:24 1995  Joachim Laubsch  <laubsch at hpwat03.cup.hp.com>
+	* 3.4.5 first release of a version that will run in ACL 3.0
+	Windows 3.1.  The script winzebu translates to short filenames,
+	creating the subdirectory 'win'
+Tue Aug  2 14:17:18 1994  Joachim H. Laubsch  (laubsch at hpljhl.hpl.hp.com)
+	* COMPILE-ZEBU.lisp: *load-binary-pathname-types* for 
+	(and :SUN :LUCID)
+	* zebu-driver.lisp (read-parser): if a lex cat is scanned and
+	iff an IDENTIFIER is also expected prefer the IDENTIFIER in case
+	it is longer. 
+Thu Jul 28 09:50:16 1994  Joachim H. Laubsch  (laubsch at hpljhl.hpl.hp.com)
+	* zebu-loadgram.lisp: Fixed Bug with "." as separator 
+	(ambiguous constituent names were made) 
+	Version 3.3.2
+	* zebu-generator.lisp (insert-clause): warn if syntax is not
+	unparsable, because some non-terminal is unbound in semantics
+Fri May 13 11:00:43 1994  Joachim H. Laubsch  (laubsch at hpljl)
+	* zebu-generator.lisp (insert-clause): fixed error that led to
+	wrong printers
+	(gen-printers): warning message for use of undefined domain type,
+	assume possibility of undefined type in is-subtype-of.
+Thu May 12 10:39:12 1994  Joachim H. Laubsch  (laubsch at hpljl)
+	* zebu-tree-attributes.lisp: konrad at dfki.uni-sb.de fixed
+	 bug in prepare-tree-attributes
+Thu Apr 28 15:55:22 1994  Joachim H. Laubsch  (laubsch at hpljl)
+	* added debug-parser (&key (grammar t) (lexer nil))
+	(debug-parser) will load a version of read-parser
+	that traces the parsing engine's shift and reduce
+	moves.
+	(debug-parser :lexer t) will provide more information
+	on the lexer's progress.
+	(debug-parser :grammar nil :lexer nil) will reload the
+	silent and fast version of read-parser.
+Mon Apr 25 10:00:59 1994  Joachim H. Laubsch  (laubsch at hpljl)
+	* zebu-driver.lisp: implemented state-sensitive token look-
+	ahead
+Tue Aug 31 17:13:47 1993  Joachim H.  Laubsch  (laubsch at hpljl)
+	* introduce the keyword CASE-SENSITIVE -- which can 
+	be given as part of the grammar spec.  If its value is
+	true the case of grammar keywords is significant.
+Tue Aug 17 20:14:52 1993  Joachim Laubsch  (laubsch at hpljl)
+	* fix number token lexer bug.  Now integer, ratio and float
+	should be recognized.
+Tue Jul 20 20:14:52 1993  Joachim Laubsch  (laubsch at hpljl)
+	* introduce macro
+	   def-tree-attributes (class &rest slots)
+	   def-tree-attributes can be compiled and at load-time
+	   no compiler is necessary.
+Mon May 17 21:05:39 1993  Joachim Laubsch  (laubsch at hpljl)
+	* KB-equal compares now also sequences which are "dotted 
+	lists".
+Wed May  5 10:57:05 1993  Joachim Laubsch  (laubsch at hpljl)
+	* Printers for slots of type kb-sequence are now
+	generated properly if the Kleene +/* notation is
+	used.
+	Example:
+	;; Domain definition
+	Program     := [(-stmts kb-sequence)];
+        ..
+	;; Rules
+	Program --> "begin" Stmt+ ";" "end"
+                    { Program: [(-stmts Stmt+)] } ;
+        ..
+Tue Apr 27 16:03:50 1993  Joachim Laubsch  (laubsch at hpljl)
+	* kb-subtypep is now a function analogous to CL's subtypep
+	KB-type-name-p is a function that returns true iff its
+	argument is a symbol naming a subtype of KB-DOMAIN.
+	Improved printer generation.
+	Checked for MCL compatibility and rewrote part of 
+	regular expression compiler.
+Wed Apr  7 10:00:18 1993  Joachim Laubsch  (laubsch at hpljl)
+	* To Do
+; Muessen die Kleene-Operatoren eigentlich die leere KB-sequence ans
+; Ende jeder Sequenz schreiben? Ein normales nil sollte mit Hilfe
+; eines modifizierten Printers dasselbe leisten, oder?

Added: vendor/zebu/INSTALL.mk-defsystem
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/INSTALL.mk-defsystem	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+The Zebu runtime system is all you need if you want to use the
+parser/generator that was produced by the compiler (in form of a .tab
+file / <grammar>-domain.lisp file).
+The Zebu-compiler is necessary in order to convert the external
+grammar description (in form of a .zb file) into a LALR(1) parsing
+table (in form of a .tab file), and associated printers and semantic
+functions (in form of a <grammar-name>-domain.lisp file).
+Installation (using ASDF)
+To compile a freshly installed zebu, evaluate:
+        (asdf:operate 'asdf:compile-op :zebu)
+        (asdf:operate 'asdf:compile-op :zebu-compiler)
+        (asdf:operate 'asdf:compile-op :zebu-rr)
+To load a component of zebu, evaluate
+(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op <system-name>).
+Please tell me if installation works for you and, more importantly,
+when it does not.
+Rudi Schlatte <rudi at constantly.at>
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/README
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/README	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+; -*- mode:     Text ------------------------------------------------ ;
+; File:         README
+; Author:     Joachim H. Laubsch, laubsch at cup.hp.com
+;;; Copyright (c) 1989, Hewlett-Packard Company
+;;; All rights reserved.
+;;; Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works
+;;; based upon this software are permitted.  Any distribution of this
+;;; software or derivative works must comply with all applicable United
+;;; States export control laws.
+;;; This software is made available AS IS, and Hewlett-Packard Company
+;;; makes no warranty about the software, its performance or its conformity
+;;; to any specification.
+;;; Suggestions, comments and requests for improvements are welcome
+;;; and should be mailed to laubsch at hplabs.hpl.hp.com
+;;; ***********************************************************
+Zebu is a kind of YACC, and was originally implemented in Scheme by
+William M. Wells III.  It generates an LALR(1) parsing table. To parse
+a string with a grammar, only this table and a driver need to be
+The present version of Zebu is an extension, rewritten in Common Lisp.
+It contains the ability to define several grammars and parsers
+simultaneously, a declarative framework for specifying the semantics,
+capabilities to define and use meta-grammars (grammars to express a
+grammar in), generation of unparsers (generators) using a 'reversible
+grammar' notation, as well as efficiency related improvements.  
+Zebu also contains a lexical analyzer which is based on the regular 
+expression compiler written by Lawrence E. Freil <lef at nscf.org>.
+Zebu compiles a grammar with 300 productions (including
+dumping of the tables to disk) in approx 2 minutes and 30 seconds on a
+HP 9000/370.
+This implementation has been tested in Lucid CL, Allegro CL, and
+MCL 2.0b.
+For documentation look into the doc/ directory:
+	Zebu_intro.tex 	contains an introduction to the Common Lisp
+  version and the enhancements.  This is a LaTeX file.  The PostScript
+  version is Zebu_intro.ps.
+The test/ directory contains a few examples.  The file exercise.lisp runs
+many of them.  Most example files also have a commented section at the end
+that suggest some tests.
+Other features, like grammar-names, string- or symbol-delimiters,
+parameterization of lexical analysis, and modes of interpretation of
+the grammar actions are also documented in zebu-loader.lisp.
+If you need help or have suggestions, send email to:
+        laubsch at cup.hp.com
+	Joachim H. Laubsch
+	Hewlett-Packard
+	19477 Pruneridge Avenue (MS 47UI)
+	Cupertino, CA 95014 
+	Tel	408-447-5211
+	Fax 	408-447-5229

Added: vendor/zebu/README.asdf-system
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/README.asdf-system	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+These are system definition files for the Zebu parser compiler.  Zebu
+is a Lex/Yacc-sorta thing for Common Lisp.
+Zebu can be found found at
+ftp://ftp.digitool.com/pub/MCL/contrib/zebu-3.5.5.tgz, among other
+Read about Daniel Barlow's asdf (Another System Definition Facility)
+at http://ww.telent.net/cliki/asdf
+I have written asdf system definition files, taking the original
+system files as a guideline.  The package definition file
+zebu-package.lisp was rewritten, since it depended on some symbols
+being present in the CL-USER package, amongst other things.  The file
+zebu-compile-mg.lisp was added to compile the metagrammar (can't call
+zb:zebu-compile-file directly from the system files, since at read
+time the "zebu" package does not exist yet).  The file
+zebu-asdf-setup.lisp was added to hook Zebu source files into asdf
+itself.  A asdf system component (:file "some-grammar.zb") should do
+the right thing after loading Zebu itself.
+The one thing I was too lazy to do is rewrite #p"test;exercise.lisp".
+This one still excepts some symbols in the CL-USER package that are
+not there anymore (the original zebu-package.lisp imported them, and
+every other file expects them to be within the ZEBU package anyway).
+Please report any installation problems to me.  Note that I am not the
+original author of Zebu itself, so I am unlikely to be able to help
+you with hairy bugs in that system.
+Oh, yes, how to use it:
+- Prepare everything:
+(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :zebu-compiler)
+(zb:zebu-compile-file "my-grammar-file.zb")
+(zb:zebu-load-file "my-grammar-file")
+(setf zb:*current-grammar* (zb:find-grammar "my-grammar"))
+- Ok now, parse away:
+(zb:file-parser "some-file")
+(zb:read-parser "2*(3+4)=++foo:")
+- Regrettably, Mr. Laubsch seems to be off the 'net at the moment.  I
+tried to contact him and got no reply; other people on comp.lang.lisp
+reported similarly.  I did not want to package a "new" version of Zebu
+without his okay, especially since none of the core functionality is
+changed and I did some package setup differently than him.  Hence, the
+distribution of a "diff" package to be installed over the original
+- Here is a list of files that I removed, since they are not needed if
+you load Zebu via asdf:
+INSTALL.*           ; except \1.asdf, obviously :-)
+win*                ; Yay!
+zebu-package.lisp   ; Replaced by new version
+ZEBU-sys.lisp       ; the .system files were modelled after this one
+Have fun,
+Rudi Schlatte <rschlatte at ist.tu-graz.ac.at>
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/Version
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/Version	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

Added: vendor/zebu/doc/Zebu_intro.ps
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/doc/Zebu_intro.ps	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,3571 @@
+%%Creator: dvipsk 5.58f Copyright 1986, 1994 Radical Eye Software
+%%Title: Zebu_intro.dvi
+%%Pages: 31
+%%PageOrder: Ascend
+%%BoundingBox: 0 0 612 792
+%DVIPSCommandLine: dvips Zebu_intro.dvi -o Zebu_intro.ps
+%DVIPSParameters: dpi=600, compressed, comments removed
+%DVIPSSource:  TeX output 1999.01.13:1307
+%%BeginProcSet: texc.pro
+/TeXDict 250 dict def TeXDict begin /N{def}def /B{bind def}N /S{exch}N
+/X{S N}B /TR{translate}N /isls false N /vsize 11 72 mul N /hsize 8.5 72
+mul N /landplus90{false}def /@rigin{isls{[0 landplus90{1 -1}{-1 1}
+ifelse 0 0 0]concat}if 72 Resolution div 72 VResolution div neg scale
+isls{landplus90{VResolution 72 div vsize mul 0 exch}{Resolution -72 div
+hsize mul 0}ifelse TR}if Resolution VResolution vsize -72 div 1 add mul
+TR[matrix currentmatrix{dup dup round sub abs 0.00001 lt{round}if}
+forall round exch round exch]setmatrix}N /@landscape{/isls true N}B
+/@manualfeed{statusdict /manualfeed true put}B /@copies{/#copies X}B
+/FMat[1 0 0 -1 0 0]N /FBB[0 0 0 0]N /nn 0 N /IE 0 N /ctr 0 N /df-tail{
+/nn 8 dict N nn begin /FontType 3 N /FontMatrix fntrx N /FontBBox FBB N
+string /base X array /BitMaps X /BuildChar{CharBuilder}N /Encoding IE N
+end dup{/foo setfont}2 array copy cvx N load 0 nn put /ctr 0 N[}B /df{
+/sf 1 N /fntrx FMat N df-tail}B /dfs{div /sf X /fntrx[sf 0 0 sf neg 0 0]
+N df-tail}B /E{pop nn dup definefont setfont}B /ch-width{ch-data dup
+length 5 sub get}B /ch-height{ch-data dup length 4 sub get}B /ch-xoff{
+128 ch-data dup length 3 sub get sub}B /ch-yoff{ch-data dup length 2 sub
+get 127 sub}B /ch-dx{ch-data dup length 1 sub get}B /ch-image{ch-data
+dup type /stringtype ne{ctr get /ctr ctr 1 add N}if}B /id 0 N /rw 0 N
+/rc 0 N /gp 0 N /cp 0 N /G 0 N /sf 0 N /CharBuilder{save 3 1 roll S dup
+/base get 2 index get S /BitMaps get S get /ch-data X pop /ctr 0 N ch-dx
+0 ch-xoff ch-yoff ch-height sub ch-xoff ch-width add ch-yoff
+setcachedevice ch-width ch-height true[1 0 0 -1 -.1 ch-xoff sub ch-yoff
+.1 sub]/id ch-image N /rw ch-width 7 add 8 idiv string N /rc 0 N /gp 0 N
+/cp 0 N{rc 0 ne{rc 1 sub /rc X rw}{G}ifelse}imagemask restore}B /G{{id
+gp get /gp gp 1 add N dup 18 mod S 18 idiv pl S get exec}loop}B /adv{cp
+add /cp X}B /chg{rw cp id gp 4 index getinterval putinterval dup gp add
+/gp X adv}B /nd{/cp 0 N rw exit}B /lsh{rw cp 2 copy get dup 0 eq{pop 1}{
+dup 255 eq{pop 254}{dup dup add 255 and S 1 and or}ifelse}ifelse put 1
+adv}B /rsh{rw cp 2 copy get dup 0 eq{pop 128}{dup 255 eq{pop 127}{dup 2
+idiv S 128 and or}ifelse}ifelse put 1 adv}B /clr{rw cp 2 index string
+putinterval adv}B /set{rw cp fillstr 0 4 index getinterval putinterval
+adv}B /fillstr 18 string 0 1 17{2 copy 255 put pop}for N /pl[{adv 1 chg}
+{adv 1 chg nd}{1 add chg}{1 add chg nd}{adv lsh}{adv lsh nd}{adv rsh}{
+adv rsh nd}{1 add adv}{/rc X nd}{1 add set}{1 add clr}{adv 2 chg}{adv 2
+chg nd}{pop nd}]dup{bind pop}forall N /D{/cc X dup type /stringtype ne{]
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+length 1 sub dup 2 index S get sf div put}if put /ctr ctr 1 add N}B /I{
+cc 1 add D}B /bop{userdict /bop-hook known{bop-hook}if /SI save N @rigin
+0 0 moveto /V matrix currentmatrix dup 1 get dup mul exch 0 get dup mul
+add .99 lt{/QV}{/RV}ifelse load def pop pop}N /eop{SI restore userdict
+/eop-hook known{eop-hook}if showpage}N /@start{userdict /start-hook
+known{start-hook}if pop /VResolution X /Resolution X 1000 div /DVImag X
+/IE 256 array N 0 1 255{IE S 1 string dup 0 3 index put cvn put}for
+65781.76 div /vsize X 65781.76 div /hsize X}N /p{show}N /RMat[1 0 0 -1 0
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+{}B /RV statusdict begin /product where{pop product dup length 7 ge{0 7
+getinterval dup(Display)eq exch 0 4 getinterval(NeXT)eq or}{pop false}
+ifelse}{false}ifelse end{{gsave TR -.1 .1 TR 1 1 scale rulex ruley false
+RMat{BDot}imagemask grestore}}{{gsave TR -.1 .1 TR rulex ruley scale 1 1
+false RMat{BDot}imagemask grestore}}ifelse B /QV{gsave newpath transform
+round exch round exch itransform moveto rulex 0 rlineto 0 ruley neg
+rlineto rulex neg 0 rlineto fill grestore}B /a{moveto}B /delta 0 N /tail
+{dup /delta X 0 rmoveto}B /M{S p delta add tail}B /b{S p tail}B /c{-4 M}
+B /d{-3 M}B /e{-2 M}B /f{-1 M}B /g{0 M}B /h{1 M}B /i{2 M}B /j{3 M}B /k{
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+a}B /bos{/SS save N}B /eos{SS restore}B end
+TeXDict begin 40258431 52099146 1000 600 600 (Zebu_intro.dvi)
+ at start /Fa 1 111 df<3907C007E0391FE03FF83918F8783E393879E01E39307B801F38
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+>107 D<387FFFE0B57EA37EEA0003B3B3A5007FB61280B712C0A36C158022337BB22C>I<
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+10 118 df<0107B612FCEFFF8018C0903B000FF0001FF04BEB07F81703021F15FC17014B
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+(h at hplabs.hp.com\))1483 1592 y(Jan)m(uary)f(13,)f(1999)2143
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+b Fr(:)50 b(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)f(:)h(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g
+(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)f(:)h(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)192 b
+Fu(5)491 1383 y(2.1.1)111 b(Grammar)30 b(Rules)46 b Fr(:)k(:)g(:)g(:)g
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+(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)f(:)h(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)143 b Fu(10)120
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+b(13)266 2534 y Fu(4.1)100 b(Domain)30 b(De\014nition)94
+b Fr(:)50 b(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)f(:)h(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g
+(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)f(:)h(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)143 b
+Fu(15)266 2710 y(4.2)100 b(Example)32 b(Grammars)26 b
+Fr(:)50 b(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)f(:)h(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g
+(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)f(:)h(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)143 b
+Fu(15)266 2887 y(4.3)100 b(The)33 b(Kleene)g(*)f(Notation)59
+b Fr(:)50 b(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)f(:)h(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g
+(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)f(:)h(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)143 b Fu(18)120
+3197 y Fs(5)90 b(Using)37 b(the)h(Compiler)2376 b(19)266
+3374 y Fu(5.1)100 b(Compiling)29 b(a)j(grammar)99 b Fr(:)50
+(:)g(:)f(:)h(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)143 b Fu(19)266 3550 y(5.2)100
+b(Loading)31 b(a)h(grammar)41 b Fr(:)50 b(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g
+g(:)g(:)143 b Fu(22)266 3727 y(5.3)100 b(P)m(arsing)32
+b(a)g(string)g(with)h(a)f(grammar)23 b Fr(:)50 b(:)g(:)g(:)f(:)h(:)g(:)
+b Fu(22)266 3904 y(5.4)100 b(P)m(arsing)32 b(from)f(a)i(\014le)f(with)g
+(a)g(grammar)67 b Fr(:)50 b(:)f(:)h(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g
+(:)f(:)h(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)143 b Fu(23)266 4080 y(5.5)100
+b(P)m(arsing)32 b(from)f(a)i(list)e(of)h(tok)m(ens)62
+b Fr(:)50 b(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)f(:)h(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g
+(:)f(:)h(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)143 b Fu(24)266 4257 y(5.6)100
+b(Debugging)31 b(a)h(grammar)84 b Fr(:)50 b(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g
+143 b Fu(25)120 4567 y Fs(6)90 b(Lexical)37 b(Analysis)2548
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+(Expressions)c Fr(:)50 b(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)f(:)h(:)
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+b Fr(:)50 b(:)g(:)g(:)f(:)h(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)143 b Fu(25)266
+5097 y(6.3)100 b(The)33 b(functional)e(in)m(terface)i(to)f(the)h
+(parsing)f(engine)84 b Fr(:)50 b(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)g(:)f(:)h(:)g(:)g(:)
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+(translation)g(of)g(formal)f(languages.)41 b Fo(Zebu)364
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+(rev)m(ersible)e(grammar,)k(together)f(with)d(a)364 1916
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+(translation,)g(genera-)364 2407 y(tion,)e(in)m(terop)s(erabilit)m(y)-8
+b(,)29 b(LEX,)h(Y)-8 b(A)m(CC.)120 2809 y Ft(1)161 b(In)l(tro)t
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+(languages,)48 b(markup)d(languages,)j(data)d(in)m(ter-)120
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+120 3682 y(and)42 b(retriev)-5 b(al)40 b(for)i(p)s(oten)m(tial)e
+(reuse.)72 b(Zebu)42 b(has)g(b)s(een)h(applied)e(to)g(writing)f
+(translators)h(for)120 3802 y(formal)32 b(languages)i([6].)50
+b(The)36 b(main)c(idea)i(of)h(this)f(w)m(ork)i(is)e(that)g(a)g(mo)s
+(dule)g Fr(m)h Fu(comm)m(unicates)120 3923 y(b)m(y)k(sending)f(or)g
+(receiving)f(messages)i(in)e(some)h(language)f Fr(L)p
+Fu(\()p Fr(m)p Fu(\),)j(and)e(that)g(for)f(v)-5 b(arious)37
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+(di\013eren)m(t)g(languages.)53 b(F)-8 b(or)35 b(comm)m(unication)f(to)
+h(b)s(e)h(successful,)120 4163 y(translators)d(ha)m(v)m(e)i(to)f(b)s(e)
+g(used.)48 b Fq(Zebu)34 b Fu(pro)m(vides)g(to)s(ols)f(to)g(de\014ne)i
+(translators)e(at)h(a)f(high)g(lev)m(el)120 4284 y(of)f(abstraction)709
+4248 y Fn(2)748 4284 y Fu(.)266 4451 y(McCarth)m(y)38
+(\\concrete")h(syn)m(tax.)55 b(The)37 b(con-)120 4572
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+b(an)29 b(addition)p 120 4917 1440 4 v 232 4979 a Fl(1)269
+5009 y Fk(\\)p Fj(zebu)p Fi(n)p Fk(.,)k Fi(pl)p Fk(.)49
+b Fj(-bus)p Fk(,)32 b Fj(-bu)p Fk(:)45 b(1.)j(an)31 b(o)n(xlik)n(e)g
+(domestic)g(animal)g(\()p Fi(Bos)j(indicus)p Fk(\))f(nativ)n(e)e(to)g
+(Asia)g(and)h(parts)120 5108 y(of)c(Africa:)36 b(it)28
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+(insect-b)r(orn)g(diseases.")55 b([W)-7 b(ebster's)34
+b(New)g(W)-7 b(orld)34 b(Dictionary)-7 b(.])57 b(A)120
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+(abstract)120 815 y(syn)m(tax)34 b(than)f(in)f(the)h(concrete)g(syn)m
+(tax.)266 983 y(If)42 b(w)m(e)g(w)m(ere)g(to)f(design)h(an)f(algorithm)
+d(for)i(simplifying)e(expressions)43 b(of)e(some)g(language)120
+1103 y(|)46 b(sa)m(y)h(\\arithmetic")d(|)i(w)m(e)h(w)m(ould)f(use)h(as)
+1224 y(translate)36 b(in)m(to)g(abstract)h(syn)m(tax,)j(then)d(express)
+1344 y(transformation)25 b(rules)i(that)g(op)s(erate)g(on)f(the)i
+120 1464 y(end)33 b(the)g(\\arithmetic-unparser".)266
+1632 y(More)d(generally)-8 b(,)29 b(if)f(w)m(e)j(w)m(ere)g(to)e(design)
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+1993 y(A)45 b(to)f(the)i(domain)d(of)h(language)g(B.)h(The)h(fron)m(t)e
+2114 y(bac)m(k-end)34 b(the)f(\\B-unparser")266 2281
+2402 y([9])38 b(that)f(resulted)h(in)f(the)h Fq(Re\014ne)1394
+2365 y Fn(3)1471 2402 y Fu(program)f(transformation)e(system)k([8].)58
+b(The)39 b(basic)e(ideas)120 2522 y(underlying)45 b Fq(Zebu)g
+Fu(are)g(already)f(presen)m(t)j(in)d Fq(Re\014ne)p Fu(.)82
+b Fq(Zebu)45 b Fu(is)f(m)m(uc)m(h)i(more)e(compact)h(than)120
+2642 y Fq(Re\014ne)371 2606 y Fn(4)411 2642 y Fu(,)37
+(feature)g(structures.)55 b Fq(Zebu)36 b Fu(also)f(o\013ers)120
+2763 y(the)25 b(p)s(ossibilit)m(y)e(of)i(de\014ning)g(a)f
+(meta-grammar.)38 b Fq(Zebu)25 b Fu(lac)m(ks)g Fq(Re\014ne)p
+Fu('s)h(abilit)m(y)d(to)i(declarativ)m(ely)120 2883 y(sp)s(ecify)33
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+(ed)k(in)120 3171 y([1])j(or)f([2].)89 b(The)48 b(curren)m(t)h
+Fq(Scheme)h Fu(program)120 3291 y(dev)m(elop)s(ed)34
+b(b)m(y)f(William)28 b(W)-8 b(ells)32 b(and)h(is)f(written)g(in)g
+Fq(Common)h(Lisp)p Fu(.)266 3459 y(The)h(next)g(section)f(will)e
+(w)h(seman)m(tics)120 3579 y(can)45 b(b)s(e)g(asso)s(ciated)g(with)f(a)
+h(grammar)d(rule.)80 b(Section)45 b(3)f(describ)s(es)i(the)f
+(de\014nition)f(of)h(the)120 3700 y(seman)m(tic)36 b(domain.)52
+b(With)35 b(this)g(capabilit)m(y)g(it)g(is)g(p)s(ossible)g(to)h(state)g
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+b(syn)m(tax)i(should)d(lo)s(ok)g(lik)m(e.)74 b(Section)42
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+b(Section)33 b(5)g(summarizes)f(the)h(functional)e(in)m(terface)i(of)
+120 4061 y(Zebu)j(and)g(explains)f(ho)m(w)i(a)e(parser)h(can)g(b)s(e)g
+(customized.)53 b(Section)36 b(6)f(describ)s(es)i(ho)m(w)g(lexical)120
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+(expressions)i(and)f(parameterization.)p 120 5017 1440
+4 v 232 5078 a Fl(3)269 5108 y Fh(Re\014ne)27 b Fk(is)g(a)h(trademark)e
+(of)h(Reasoning)f(Systems,)i(P)n(alo)e(Alto.)232 5178
+y Fl(4)269 5208 y Fh(Zebu)i Fk(runs)f(on)g(a)g(MacIn)n(tosh)g(in)h
+(MacIn)n(tosh)e(Common)i(Lisp.)232 5277 y Fl(5)269 5308
+y Fh(Zebu)52 b Fk(can)g(b)r(e)h(obtained)f(via)g(anon)n(ymous)f(ftp)i
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+(ull-grammar,)27 b(whic)m(h)k(is)g(a)g(p)s(o)m(w)m(erful)g(but)g(v)m
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+1298 y("zebu-mg")f(whic)m(h)h(is)f(describ)s(ed)h(in)f(section)65
+b(4.)266 1466 y(Non-terminals)21 b(are)j(represen)m(ted)i(b)m(y)e(sym)m
+120 1586 y(b)m(y)33 b(strings.)44 b(There)34 b(are)e(the)h(follo)m
+(wing)d(op)s(en)j(classes)g(of)f(non-terminals)2878 1550
+y Fn(6)2916 1586 y Fu(:)283 1870 y Ff(identifier)j Fu(::=)d
+Fe(h)p Fu(lisp)f(sym)m(b)s(ol)p Fe(i)283 1991 y Ff(number)239
+b Fu(::=)32 b Fe(h)p Fu(in)m(teger)p Fe(i)283 2111 y
+Ff(keyword)188 b Fu(::=)32 b Fe(h)p Fu(string)p Fe(i)120
+2231 y Fu(where)283 2352 y Fe(h)p Fu(in)m(teger)p Fe(i)177
+b Fu(::=)32 b Fe(h)p Fu(digit)p Fe(i)n Fu(*)283 2472
+y Fe(h)p Fu(string)p Fe(i)222 b Fu(::=)32 b(")h Fe(h)p
+Fu(c)m(haracter)p Fe(i)p Fu(*)f(")266 2756 y(A)48 b Fe(h)p
+Fu(lisp)32 b(sym)m(b)s(ol)p Fe(i)47 b Fu(ma)m(y)g(b)s(e)i(quali\014ed)e
+(b)m(y)i(a)f(pac)m(k)-5 b(age)48 b(name,)k(e.g.)90 b
+Ff(zb:cons-1-3)51 b Fu(is)c(a)120 2877 y(v)-5 b(alid)41
+b(iden)m(ti\014er.)75 b(In)43 b(case)h(pac)m(k)-5 b(ages)44
+b(the)120 2997 y(v)-5 b(ariable)33 b Ff(*disallow-packages*)39
+b Fu(should)c(b)s(e)f(b)s(ound)h(to)f Fd(true)p Fu(.)50
+b(\(It)35 b(defaults)f(to)g Fd(false)p Fu(\).)49 b(The)120
+3117 y(alphab)s(etic)37 b(case)i(of)e(a)h(k)m(eyw)m(ord)i(is)e(not)f
+(signi\014can)m(t)h(if)f(the)h(v)-5 b(ariable)36 b Ff(*case-sensitive*)
+42 b Fu(is)120 3238 y Fd(false)32 b Fu(\(the)h(default\))f(when)h(the)g
+(grammar)e(is)h(loaded.)266 3405 y(If)c(alphab)s(etic)e(case)j(of)e
+Ff(*preserve-case*)h Fu(should)27 b(b)s(e)h(set)120 3526
+y(to)k Fd(true)p Fu(.)44 b(Other)33 b(categories)f(can)h(b)s(e)g
+3840 y Fs(2.1.1)112 b(Grammar)37 b(Rules)120 4074 y(Grammar)25
+b(Rule)g(Syn)m(tax)99 b Fu(A)22 b(grammar)f(\014le)h(consists)h(of)f(a)
+h(header)g(\(the)g(\\options)f(list",)h(see)120 4194
+y(section)62 b(3.1\))30 b(follo)m(w)m(ed)g(b)m(y)h(one)g(or)g(more)f
+(domain)f(de\014nitions)h(or)g(grammar)f(rules.)43 b(The)31
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+(grammar)e(rule)h(is)g(also)f(the)i Fd(start-symb)-5
+b(ol)69 b Fu(of)34 b(the)h(grammar.)120 4435 y(A)e(parser)g(will)d
+Fd(start-symb)-5 b(ol)p Fu(.)266 4602 y(This)31 b(example)e(sho)m(ws)j
+Fq(Zebu)g Fu(grammar)e(rule)120 4723 y(\(using)k(the)h(n)m
+(ull-grammar\):)265 5007 y Fe(\017)49 b Fu(BNF)32 b(rule)g(example)578
+5217 y Fe(h)p Fu(A)p Fe(i)h Fu(::=)f Fe(h)p Fu(B)p Fe(i)g(j)g(h)p
+Fu(C)p Fe(i)h(h)p Fu(n)m(um)m(b)s(er)p Fe(i)f(j)h Fu(\\fo)s(o")e
+Fe(h)p Fu(A)p Fe(i)h(j)g Fu(\\c")g Fe(j)h(h)p Fu(the-empt)m(y-string)p
+Fe(i)p 120 5316 1440 4 v 232 5377 a Fl(6)269 5407 y Fk(The)28
+(preceding)f(constituen)n(t)1896 5656 y Fu(5)p eop
+%%Page: 6 6
+6 5 bop 265 407 a Fe(\017)49 b Fq(Zebu)32 b Fu(n)m(ull-grammar)d
+(example:)364 667 y Ff(\(defrule)53 b(A)825 788 y(:=)f(B)1282
+b(;)52 b(\(1\))825 908 y(:=)g(\(C)g(NUMBER\))822 b(;)52
+b(\(2\))825 1028 y(:=)g(\("foo")h(A\))872 b(;)52 b(\(3\))825
+1149 y(:=)g("c")1180 b(;)52 b(\(4\))825 1269 y(:=)g(\(\))1231
+b(;)52 b(\(5\))825 1389 y(\))266 1679 y Fu(The)45 b(rule)f(describ)s
+Ff(A)p Fu(.)j(Eac)m(h)h(of)f(the)120 1800 y(pro)s(ductions)36
+b(has)g(the)h(left-hand)e(side)h Ff(A)p Fu(.)g(The)h(righ)m(t-hand)e
+(side)i(of)e(\(1\))h(consists)h(of)e(just)i(one)120 1920
+y(constituen)m(t,)32 b(the)f(non-terminal)e Ff(B)p Fu(.)i(\(2\))f(has)i
+2040 y(stituen)m(t)i(is)f(the)g(non-terminal)e Ff(NUMBER)k
+(rational\).)120 2161 y(\(3\))38 b(is)g(a)h(recursiv)m(e)h(pro)s
+(duction.)61 b(\(4\))38 b(con)m(tains)h(just)g(the)g(terminal)d(\(or)i
+(k)m(eyw)m(ord\))j Ff("c")p Fu(.)62 b(\(5\))120 2281
+y(deriv)m(es)34 b(the)f(empt)m(y)g(string.)266 2449 y(None)42
+m(hed.)72 b(By)42 b(default,)h(the)f(se-)120 2569 y(man)m(tic)35
+b(action)g(is)h(the)g Ff(identity)i Fu(function)e(if)f(the)i(righ)m
+2690 y(a)30 b(single)g(constituen)m(t)i(and)e(the)i Ff(identity*)h
+Fu(function)d(otherwise.)43 b(\()p Ff(identity*)33 b
+Fu(is)e(de\014ned)h(as)120 2810 y(the)h(function)f(that)g(returns)i
+(all)c(its)i(argumen)m(ts)h(as)g(a)f(list.\))120 3129
+y Fs(Grammar)f(Rule)g(Seman)m(tic)f(Actions)97 b Fu(If)27
+120 3250 y(seman)m(tic)j(actions,)h(w)m(e)g(ha)m(v)m(e)h(to)e(use)i(a)e
+Ff(:build)i Fu(clause)f(after)f(a)h(pro)s(duction.)266
+3417 y(The)h(build)d(clause)i(has)g(the)g(syn)m(tax:)120
+3707 y Fe(h)p Fu(build)e(clause)p Fe(i)i Fu(::=)f Ff(:build)i
+Fu(\()p Fe(h)p Fu(lisp)d(function)p Fe(i)h(h)p Fu(argumen)m(t)g(list)p
+Fe(i)n Fu(\))120 3828 y Fe(h)p Fu(build)f(clause)p Fe(i)i
+Fu(::=)f Ff(:build)i Fe(h)p Fu(atomic)d(lisp)g(form)p
+Fe(i)120 3948 y(h)p Fu(build)g(clause)p Fe(i)i Fu(::=)f
+Ff(:build)i Fu(\()p Ff(:form)g Fe(h)p Fu(lisp)d(form)p
+Fe(i)o Fu(\))120 4068 y Fe(h)p Fu(build)g(clause)p Fe(i)i
+Fu(::=)f Ff(:build)i Fu(\()p Ff(:type)g Fe(h)p Fu(struct-t)m(yp)s(e)p
+Fe(i)1275 4189 y Ff(:map)85 b Fu(\(\()p Fe(h)p Fu(non-terminal)p
+Fe(i)29 b Fu(.)44 b Fe(h)p Fu(Slot)p Fe(i)n Fu(\)*\)\))266
+4478 y(The)34 b(\014rst)f(case)364 4739 y Ff(:build)h
+Fu(\()p Fe(h)p Fu(lisp)d(function)p Fe(i)h(h)p Fu(argumen)m(t)g(list)p
+Fe(i)n Fu(\))266 4999 y(is)41 b(lik)m(e)g(a)h(function)f(call.)69
+b(It)42 b(ma)m(y)f(con)m(tain)g(free)h(v)-5 b(ariable)40
+b(o)s(ccurrences.)73 b(These)43 b(will)d(b)s(e)120 5119
+y(b)s(ound)28 b(to)f(the)i(non-terminal)c(constituen)m(ts)k(of)e(the)h
+5240 y(side)33 b(of)f(the)h(pro)s(duction)f(at)g(the)h(time)e(of)h
+(applying)f(the)i(seman)m(tic)g(action.)266 5407 y(In)g(the)g(second)h
+(case)1896 5656 y(6)p eop
+%%Page: 7 7
+7 6 bop 364 407 a Ff(:build)34 b Fe(h)p Fu(atomic)c(lisp)i(form)p
+Fe(i)266 672 y Fu(the)k Fe(h)p Fu(atomic)31 b(lisp)g(form)p
+Fe(i)j Fu(m)m(ust)h(b)s(e)h(a)f(function.)51 b(It)35
+792 y(of)e(the)h(righ)m(t-hand)e(side.)50 b(This)34 b(function)g
+(ts)h(as)120 913 y(the)e(righ)m(t-hand)f(side)g(of)g(the)h(corresp)s
+1080 y(Since)i(it)f(happ)s(ens)i(often,)f(that)g(only)f(some)g(of)h
+1201 y(are)23 b(selected,)j(or)d(com)m(bined,)i(a)e(few)h(useful)f
+Fq(Zebu)p Fu(.)3680 1164 y Fn(7)266 1368 y Fu(An)35 b(example)g(for)f
+Ff(cons-2-3)j Fu(whic)m(h)e(tak)m(es)h(3)120 1489 y(argumen)m(ts)d(and)
+f(returns)i(a)e Fd(c)-5 b(ons)32 b Fu(of)g(its)g(second)i(and)f(third)f
+(argumen)m(t.)266 1656 y(The)g(third)e(form)g(of)g(the)h
+Ff(:build)i Fu(clause)e(is)f(just)h(a)g(long)f(w)m(a)m(y)i(to)e(write)h
+(the)g(\014rst)g(form,)f(i.e.)364 1921 y Ff(:build)k
+Fu(\()p Fe(h)p Fu(lisp)d(function)p Fe(i)h(h)p Fu(argumen)m(t)g(list)p
+Fe(i)n Fu(\))266 2186 y(is)g(the)h(same)g(as)364 2451
+y Ff(:build)h Fu(\()p Ff(:form)g Fu(\()p Fe(h)p Fu(lisp)d(function)p
+Fe(i)h(h)p Fu(argumen)m(t)g(list)p Fe(i)n Fu(\)\))266
+2716 y(Similarly)-8 b(,)364 3013 y Ff(:build)34 b Fu(\(progn)e
+Fe(h)p Fu(atomic)f(lisp)g(form)p Fe(i)o Fu(\))266 3310
+y(is)h(the)h(same)g(as)364 3607 y Ff(:build)h Fu(\()p
+Ff(:form)g Fe(h)p Fu(atomic)c(lisp)i(form)p Fe(i)n Fu(\))266
+3904 y(The)i(last)e Ff(:build)i Fu(clause)f(is)f(more)f(in)m
+(teresting:)608 4169 y Ff(:build)j Fu(\()p Ff(:type)g
+Fe(h)p Fu(struct-t)m(yp)s(e)p Fe(i)986 4289 y Ff(:map)85
+b Fu(\(\()p Fe(h)p Fu(Non)m(terminal)p Fe(i)30 b Fu(.)43
+b Fe(h)p Fu(Slot)p Fe(i)o Fu(\)*\)\))266 4554 y(where)50
+b Fe(h)p Fu(struct-t)m(yp)s(e)p Fe(i)e Fu(is)g(a)g(sym)m(b)s(ol)f(that)
+4518 y Fn(8)3693 4554 y Fu(.)120 4674 y(Instead)37 b(of)f(ha)m(ving)g
+(form,)g(w)m(e)h(just)g(ha)m(v)m(e)120 4795 y(to)k(sp)s(ecify)i(the)f
+(as)e(in)f(the)i(follo)m(wing)120 4915 y(example)470
+4879 y Fn(9)509 4915 y Fu(:)p 120 5017 1440 4 v 232 5078
+a Fl(7)269 5108 y Fk(These)79 b(seman)n(tic)g(actions)f(\()p
+Fc(cons-1-3)41 b(cons-2-3)f(empty-seq)g(empty-set)g(k-2-1)i(k-2-2)f
+(k-3-2)120 5208 y(k-4-3)h(identity*)d(seq-cons)i(set-cons)p
+Fk(\))24 b(are)j(describ)r(ed)g(in)h(the)g(\014le)g
+("zebu-actions.lisp".)232 5277 y Fl(8)269 5308 y Fk(a)g(t)n(yp)r(e)f
+(de\014ned)h(b)n(y)g Fc(defstruct)c Fk(or)i Fc(defclass)p
+Fk(.)232 5377 y Fl(9)269 5407 y Fk(\(tak)n(en)i(from)f(the)h(grammar)e
+(test)g(directory\))1896 5656 y Fu(7)p eop
+%%Page: 8 8
+8 7 bop 120 407 a Ff(\(defrule)53 b(Boolean-Expr)581
+527 y(:=)f(\(Formula.1)i("and")f(Formula.2\))581 648
+y(:build)g(\(:type)g(Boolean-And)992 768 y(:map)f(\(\(Formula.1)i(.)103
+b(:-rand1\))1299 888 y(\(Formula.2)54 b(.)103 b(:-rand2\)\)\))581
+1129 y(:=)52 b(\(Formula.1)i("or")e(Formula.2\))581 1249
+y(:build)h(\(:type)g(Boolean-Or)992 1370 y(:map)f(\(\(Formula.1)i(.)103
+b(:-rand1\))1299 1490 y(\(Formula.2)54 b(.)103 b(:-rand2\)\)\))581
+1611 y(\))266 2122 y Fu(The)41 b(map)e(indicates)g(that)g(the)h(slot)f
+Ff(-rand1)i Fu(is)e(to)g(b)s(e)h(\014lled)f(b)m(y)h(the)g(v)-5
+b(alue)39 b(of)g(the)h(non-)120 2243 y(terminal)30 b
+Ff(Formula.1)p Fu(,)35 b(etc.)266 2410 y(This)f(example)e(also)h(mak)m
+(es)h(use)g(of)f(the)g Ff(".n")h Fu(notation:)44 b(If)33
+b(on)g(the)h(righ)m(t-hand)e(side)h(of)g(a)120 2531 y(pro)s(duction)e
+(a)h(non)m(terminal)e(o)s(ccurs)i(rep)s(eatedly)-8 b(,)33
+b(w)m(e)g(distinguish)d(it)h(b)m(y)i(app)s(ending)e Ff(".")i
+Fu(and)120 2651 y(a)f(digit,)f(to)h(the)h(non)m(terminal)e(\(e.g.)i
+Ff(Formula.1)p Fu(\).)266 2819 y(The)45 b(function)f
+Ff(print-actions)k Fu(applied)43 b(to)h(the)g(name)g(of)g(a)g(grammar)d
+(ma)m(y)j(b)s(e)h(used)120 2939 y(to)d(\014nd)i(out)f(what)g(the)g
+(lik)m(e,)j(e.g.)e(after)120 3060 y(compiling)29 b(the)k(sample)f
+(grammar)e Ff(``pc1.zb'')p Fu(:)120 3571 y Ff(\(print-actions)55
+b("pc1"\))120 3812 y(...)120 3932 y(Rule:)e(BOOLEAN-EXPR)120
+4053 y(\(LAMBDA)g(\(FORMULA.1)h(DUMMY)f(FORMULA.2\))530
+4173 y(\(DECLARE)h(\(IGNORE)f(DUMMY\)\))530 4294 y(\(MAKE-BOOLEAN-AND)j
+(:-RAND1)d(FORMULA.1)h(:-RAND2)f(FORMULA.2\)\))120 4414
+y(\(LAMBDA)g(\(FORMULA.1)h(DUMMY)f(FORMULA.2\))530 4534
+y(\(DECLARE)h(\(IGNORE)f(DUMMY\)\))530 4655 y(\(MAKE-BOOLEAN-OR)j
+(:-RAND1)d(FORMULA.1)g(:-RAND2)h(FORMULA.2\)\))120 4775
+y(...)266 5287 y Fu(These)30 b(seman)m(tic)e(actions)g(ha)m(v)m(e)i(b)s
+(een)f(generated)g(from)e(the)i Ff(:build)h Fu(clauses)f(of)e(the)i(ab)
+s(o)m(v)m(e)120 5407 y(rule)j(for)g Ff(Boolean-Expr)p
+Fu(.)1896 5656 y(8)p eop
+%%Page: 9 9
+9 8 bop 120 407 a Ft(3)161 b(Grammar)53 b(Options)120
+1372 y Fg(3.1)135 b(Keyw)l(ord)46 b(Argumen)l(ts)f(to)h(Grammar)f
+(Construction)120 2274 y Fu(Some)40 b(global)e(information)f(to)j(con)m
+2394 y(generation)e(of)h(seman)m(tic)g(actions)f(is)h(declared)g(in)f
+2358 y Fn(10)3554 2394 y Fu(.)66 b(A)120 2515 y(grammar)41
+m(eyw)m(ords)46 b(and)e(argumen)m(ts.)76 b(The)120 2635
+y(follo)m(wing)30 b(k)m(eyw)m(ords)35 b(are)e(v)-5 b(alid:)p
+120 5316 1440 4 v 199 5377 a Fl(10)269 5407 y Fk(A)28
+5656 y Fu(9)p eop
+%%Page: 10 10
+10 9 bop 316 391 a Fm(:name)839 b Fu(a)32 b(string,)g(the)h(name)f(of)g
+(the)h(grammar)d(to)j(b)s(e)f(de\014ned.)316 512 y Fm(:pac)m(k)-5
+b(age)745 b Fu(a)22 b(string,)h(the)g(name)f(of)g(the)g(pac)m(k)-5
+b(age)23 b(where)h(the)e(non-terminal)1392 632 y(sym)m(b)s(ols)33
+1392 753 y(tions)e(reside.)316 873 y Fm(:iden)m(ti\014er-start-c)m
+(hars)246 b Fu(a)41 b(string.)69 b(During)40 b(lexical)f(analysis)i(an)
+m(y)h(c)m(haracter)g(in)f(this)1392 993 y(string)36 b(can)i(start)f(an)
+h Ff(identifier)i Fu(non-terminal.)55 b(The)39 b(de-)1392
+1114 y(fault)31 b(is)h Ff(*identifier-start-chars*)p
+Fu(.)316 1234 y Fm(:iden)m(ti\014er-con)m(tin)m(ue-c)m(hars)100
+b Fu(a)41 b(string.)69 b(During)40 b(lexical)f(analysis)i(an)m(y)h(c)m
+(haracter)g(in)f(this)1392 1355 y(string)34 b(can)i(con)m(tin)m(ue)g
+(an)f Ff(identifier)j Fu(\(i.e.)51 b(c)m(haracters)37
+b(not)1392 1475 y(in)45 b(this)h(string)f(terminate)g
+Ff(identifier)p Fu(\).)87 b(The)47 b(default)e(is)1392
+1595 y Ff(*identifier-continue-chars*)q Fu(.)316 1716
+y Fm(:in)m(tern-iden)m(ti\014er)432 b Fd(true)p Fu(,)47
+b(if)42 b(the)j(iden)m(ti\014er)e(is)g(to)h(b)s(e)g(returned)h(as)e(an)
+h(in)m(terned)1392 1836 y(Lisp)38 b(sym)m(b)s(ol,)i(or)f
+Fd(false)g Fu(if)f(the)h(iden)m(ti\014er)g(is)g(to)f(b)s(e)i(returned)
+1392 1956 y(as)32 b(a)h(string)f(\(default)f Fd(true)p
+Fu(\).)316 2077 y Fm(:string-delimiter)436 b Fu(a)40
+(to)g(b)s(e)1392 2197 y(represen)m(ted)35 b(as)d(a)h
+Fq(Common)f(Lisp)h Fu(string.)43 b(\(default)32 b Ff(#\\")p
+Fu(\))316 2318 y Fm(:sym)m(b)s(ol-delimiter)383 b Fu(a)40
+(to)g(b)s(e)1392 2438 y(represen)m(ted)35 b(as)d(a)h
+Fq(Common)f(Lisp)h Fu(sym)m(b)s(ol.\(default)e Ff(#\\')p
+Fu(\))316 2558 y Fm(:domain)757 b Fu(a)45 b(list,)i(represen)m(ting)g
+2679 y(See)33 b(section)g(3.2)f(b)s(elo)m(w.)316 2799
+y Fm(:domain-\014le)610 b Fu(a)57 b(string)h(naming)e(the)j(\014le)f
+(where)h(the)g(generated)g(Com-)1392 2919 y(mon)33 b(Lisp)h(program)f
+3040 y(stored.)42 b(De\014nitions)26 b(of)g(functions)h(for)g(seman)m
+(tic)g(actions)g(and)1392 3160 y(regular)i(expression)j(for)e(lexical)f
+(categories)h(are)g(k)m(ept)i(here)f(as)1392 3281 y(w)m(ell.)73
+b(This)43 b(string)g(defaults)f(to)h(the)g(concatenation)g(of)f(the)
+1392 3401 y(grammar's)30 b(:name)j(and)f(\\-domain".)316
+3521 y Fm(:grammar)692 b Fu(a)21 b(string,)i(b)m(y)g(default:)37
+b Ff("null-grammar")p Fu(,)28 b(naming)20 b(the)i(gram-)1392
+3642 y(mar)j(to)i(b)s(e)f(used)i(to)f(parse)g(the)g(grammar)e
+(de\014ned)j(in)e(this)g(\014le.)1392 3762 y(If)h(the)g(grammar)e
+Ff("zebu-mg")30 b Fu(is)d(used,)i(an)e(unparser)i(will)c(also)1392
+3883 y(b)s(e)32 b(generated.)316 4003 y Fm(:lex-cats)751
+b Fu(an)35 b(asso)s(ciation)e(list)h(of)h(terminal)e(category)i(names)h
+(and)f(reg-)1392 4123 y(ular)c(expressions)j(\(see)g(section)f(6.2\).)
+316 4244 y Fm(:white-space)591 b Fu(a)33 b(list)f(of)h(c)m(haracters)i
+4364 y(a)f(tok)m(en,)h(\(default)f Ff(\(#\\Space)54 b(#\\Newline)105
+b(#\\Tab\))p Fu(\))316 4484 y Fm(:case-sensitiv)m(e)525
+b Fd(true)27 b Fu(if)e(the)i(case)h(of)e(k)m(eyw)m(ords)k(is)c
+(signi\014can)m(t,)h Fd(false)f Fu(otherwise)1392 4605
+y(\(default)31 b Fd(false\).)120 4932 y Fg(3.2)135 b(De\014ning)45
+b(a)h(Domain)120 5166 y Fu(The)g Ff(:domain)h Fu(k)m(eyw)m(ord)g(is)d
+b(.)82 b(This)45 b(sp)s(eci\014cation)f(will)120 5287
+y(expand)e(in)m(to)d Ff(defstruct)k Fu(forms)d(that)g(implemen)m(t)f
+(this)h(hierarc)m(h)m(y)-8 b(.)68 b(It)41 b(is)f(also)f(p)s(ossible)h
+(to)120 5407 y(write)33 b(suc)m(h)j(structure)f(de\014nitions)e
+(directly)g(in)m(to)g(the)h(grammar)d(\014le.)47 b(The)35
+b(argumen)m(t)e(to)h(the)1871 5656 y(10)p eop
+%%Page: 11 11
+11 10 bop 120 407 a Ff(:domain)34 b Fu(k)m(eyw)m(ord)h(argumen)m(t)d(m)
+677 y(\()p Fe(h)p Fu(Ro)s(ot)h(Struct)p Fe(i)283 797
+y Ff(:subtype)j Fe(h)p Fu(Struct)f(Desc)p Fe(i)283 917
+y Ff(:subtype)h Fe(h)p Fu(Struct)f(Desc)p Fe(i)283 1038
+y Fu(...\))283 1279 y Fe(h)p Fu(Ro)s(ot)e(Struct)p Fe(i)i
+Fu(::=)f Fe(h)p Fu(Sym)m(b)s(ol)p Fe(i)283 1519 y(h)p
+Fu(Struct)g(Desc)p Fe(i)h Fu(::=)g Fe(h)p Fu(Sym)m(b)s(ol)p
+Fe(i)e(j)1053 1640 y Fu(\()h Fe(h)p Fu(Sym)m(b)s(ol)p
+Fe(i)f Ff(:slots)k Fu(\()p Fe(h)p Fu(Slot)p Fe(i)n Fu(*\))d(\))h
+Fe(j)1053 1760 y Fu(\()f Fe(h)p Fu(Sym)m(b)s(ol)p Fe(i)f
+Ff(:slots)k Fu(\()p Fe(h)p Fu(Slot)p Fe(i)n Fu(*\))1550
+1881 y Ff(:subtype)g Fe(h)p Fu(Struct)e(Desc)p Fe(i)1550
+2001 y Ff(:subtype)i Fe(h)p Fu(Struct)e(Desc)p Fe(i)1053
+2121 y Fu(...)44 b(\))283 2362 y Fe(h)p Fu(Slot)p Fe(i)31
+b Fu(::=)h Fe(h)p Fu(Sym)m(b)s(ol)p Fe(i)f(j)h Fu(\()h
+Fe(h)p Fu(Slot)e(Name)p Fe(i)h(h)p Fu(Filler)d(T)m(yp)s(e)p
+Fe(i)34 b Fu(\))283 2482 y Fe(h)p Fu(Filler)29 b(T)m(yp)s(e)p
+Fe(i)34 b Fu(::=)e Fe(h)p Fu(Sym)m(b)s(ol)g(naming)f(t)m(yp)s(e)p
+Fe(i)266 2752 y Fu(This)22 b(describ)s(es)h(the)f(syn)m(tax)i(for)d
+(de)h Fe(h)p Fu(Ro)s(ot)31 b(Struct)p Fe(i)p Fu(.)120
+2873 y(A)f(no)s(de)g(of)f(the)i(hierarc)m(h)m(y)f(tree)h(can)f(ha)m(v)m
+(e)h(c)m(hildren,)f(denoted)h(b)m(y)g Ff(:subtype)h Fu(follo)m(w)m(ed)d
+(b)m(y)i(the)120 2993 y(structure)j(description)e(of)g(the)h(c)m(hild)e
+(no)s(de.)44 b(Eac)m(h)34 b(no)s(de)e(can)h(ha)m(v)m(e)h(slots,)e
+(describ)s(ed)h(as)g(a)f(list)120 3113 y(follo)m(wing)g
+Ff(:slots)p Fu(.)53 b(A)36 b(c)m(hild)e(no)s(de)h(inherits)g(the)g
+(slots)g(of)g(its)g(paren)m(t)g(no)s(de.)52 b(The)36
+b(v)-5 b(alue)35 b(of)f(a)120 3234 y(slot)e(can)h(b)s(e)f(t)m(yp)s
+(e-restricted)i(to)e Fe(h)p Fu(Filler)e(T)m(yp)s(e)p
+Fe(i)q Fu(.)266 3401 y Fe(h)p Fu(Ro)s(ot)i(Struct)p Fe(i)k
+(directly)e(b)s(elo)m(w)h(the)g(prede-)120 3522 y(\014ned)42
+b(structure)h(t)m(yp)s(e)f Ff(kb-domain)p Fu(,)k(i.e.)41
+b(\()p Ff(kb-domain-p)j Fu(x\))d(is)g Fd(true)h Fu(for)f(an)m(y)h
+(instance)f(of)g(a)120 3642 y(subt)m(yp)s(e)34 b(of)e
+Fe(h)p Fu(Ro)s(ot)g(Struct)p Fe(i)p Fu(.)43 b(kb-domain)31
+b(.)266 3810 y(The)39 b(t)m(yp)s(e)g Ff(kb-sequence)i
+(kb-domain.)58 b(It)38 b(has)120 3930 y(the)33 b(slots)f
+Ff(first)i Fu(and)f Ff(rest)p Fu(.)266 4098 y(Similarly)-8
+b(,)35 b(t)m(yp)s(es)k Ff(number)p Fu(,)i Ff(string)p
+Fu(,)g(and)d Ff(identifier)i Fu(are)e(prede\014ned)h(as)f(subt)m(yp)s
+(es)i(of)120 4218 y(kb-domain.)266 4386 y(Tw)m(o)c(ob)5
+b(jects)37 b(of)d(t)m(yp)s(e)i(kb-domain)e(can)h(b)s(e)h(compared)e
+(for)h(equalit)m(y)g(with)f(the)i(functions)120 4506
+y Ff(kb-equal)f Fu(and)d Ff(kb-compare)p Fu(.)120 4776
+y Ff(kb-equal)j Fd(a)d(b)2682 b(function)266 5046 y(a)40
+b Fu(and)g Fd(b)g Fu(are)f(assumed)i(to)f(b)s(e)g(of)f(t)m(yp)s(e)i
+(kb-domain.)64 b(If)39 b(they)i(are)f Ff(equal)h Fu(they)g(are)f(also)
+120 5166 y Ff(kb-equal)p Fu(.)77 b(But)43 b(in)g(con)m(trast)g(to)g
+Ff(equal)h Fu(it)e(is)h(p)s(ossible)f(to)h(de\014ne)i(whic)m(h)e(slots)
+g(are)g(to)g(b)s(e)120 5287 y(examined)35 b(b)m(y)g Ff(kb-equal)i
+Fu(when)f(comparing)e(the)h(comp)s(onen)m(ts)g(of)g Fd(a)f
+Fu(and)h Fd(b)p Fu(.)50 b(These)37 b(relev)-5 b(an)m(t)120
+5407 y(slots)28 b(are)f(called)g Fd(tr)-5 b(e)g(e)31
+b(attributes)p Fu(,)e(and)f(the)g(macro)f Ff(def-tree-attributes)33
+b Fu(is)27 b(used)i(to)f(de\014ne)1871 5656 y(11)p eop
+%%Page: 12 12
+12 11 bop 120 407 a Fu(these)37 b(for)e(a)g(particular)f(t)m(yp)s(e.)54
+b(The)36 b(rationale)e(for)h(ha)m(ving)g(this)g(equalit)m(y)h(relation)
+d(is)j(that)f(it)120 527 y(is)29 b(often)h(useful)f(to)g(store)h
+(structures)120 648 y(pro)s(duced)j(b)m(y)h(parsing.)266
+815 y(In)i(feature)g(structures)i(the)e(v)-5 b(alue)35
+b(of)g(a)g(relev)-5 b(an)m(t)36 b(feature)g(\(or)f(slot\))g(ma)m(y)h(b)
+s(e)f(declared)h(to)120 936 y(b)s(e)j(a)f(set)h(\(using)f
+Ff(def-tree-attributes)p Fu(\).)66 b(If)39 b(a)f(slot)g(has)h(b)s(een)g
+(declared)g(set-v)-5 b(alued,)40 b(the)120 1056 y Ff(kb-equal)28
+b Fu(comparison)c(will)f(use)k(set)f(equalit)m(y)f(for)g(v)-5
+b(alues)26 b(of)f(that)g(slot)g(\(represen)m(ted)j(as)e(lists\).)120
+1324 y Ff(def-tree-attributes)38 b Fd(typ)-5 b(e)32 b(slot1)h(slot2)f
+Fu(..)1612 b Fd(macr)-5 b(o)266 1591 y Ff(def-tree-attributes)29
+b Fu(de\014nes)c Fd(slot1)e(slot2)g Fu(.)16 b(.)g(.)g(as)24
+1712 y Fd(typ)-5 b(e)p Fu(.)266 1879 y(If)32 b Fd(slot)f
+(a)g(tree)h(attribute.)43 b(Otherwise)32 b Fd(slot)f
+Fu(m)m(ust)120 2000 y(b)s(e)42 b(of)f(the)i(form)d(\()p
+Fd(symb)-5 b(ol)42 b Fu(:set\).)72 b(As)42 b(b)s(efore,)j(the)d
+Fd(symb)-5 b(ol)41 b Fu(b)s(ecomes)i(a)e(tree-attribute,)j(and)120
+2120 y(furthermore)32 b(it)g(is)g(declared)h(set-v)-5
+b(alued.)120 2426 y Fs(Example)38 b(domain)h(de\014nition)97
+b Fu(The)35 b(grammar)d(de\014ned)j(in)f(\\p)s(c1.zb")g(accepts)i(a)d
+(simple)120 2547 y(prop)s(ositional)d(calculus)i(language)f(with)h(sen)
+m(tences)k(suc)m(h)e(as)364 2791 y Ff(walks\(agent:)106
+b(John\))p Fu(,)120 3036 y(whic)m(h)30 b(yields)f(the)h(follo)m(wing)d
+Fq(Common)g(Lisp)g Fu(struc-)120 3157 y(ture)j(prin)m(ter\):)223
+3424 y Ff(#S\(ATOMIC-WFF)54 b(-PREDICATE)g(WALKS)940
+3665 y(-ROLE)52 b(AGENT)2171 3785 y(-ARGUMENT)h(JOHN\))g(\))266
+4053 y Fu(The)28 b(t)m(yp)s(es)h(|)e(suc)m(h)h(as)g Ff(ATOMIC-WFF)i
+Fu(and)d Ff(ROLE-ARGUMENT-PAIR)32 b Fu(|)27 b(are)g(de\014ned)h(b)m(y)h
+(the)120 4173 y(follo)m(wing)h(domain)h(declaration:)120
+4441 y Ff(:domain)53 b(\(PC)f(;;)g(PC)g(is)g(the)g(root)g(type)g(of)g
+(the)g(hierarchy)581 4562 y(:subtype)i(\(Formula)1094
+4682 y(:subtype)f(\(Propositional-variable)58 b(:slots)53
+b(\(-name\)\))1094 4802 y(:subtype)g(\(Boolean-Expr)1555
+4923 y(:slots)g(\(\(-rand1)h(Formula\))1966 5043 y(\(-rand2)f
+(Formula\)\))1555 5164 y(:subtype)h(Boolean-Or)1555 5284
+y(:subtype)g(Boolean-And\)\))581 5404 y(:subtype)g(\(Boolean-Op)g
+(:slots)f(\(-name\)\))1871 5656 y Fu(12)p eop
+%%Page: 13 13
+13 12 bop 581 407 a Ff(:subtype)54 b(\(Atomic-Wff)1094
+527 y(:slots)f(\(-predicate)1504 648 y(\(-Role-Argument-Pairs)k
+(KB-Sequence\)\)\))581 768 y(:subtype)d(\(Role-Argument-Pair)i(:slots)d
+(\(-Role)g(-Argument\)\))581 888 y(\))266 1220 y Fu(Note)33
+b(It)33 b(is)f(used)i(to)e(construct)i(the)f(list)120
+1340 y(of)f(Role-Argumen)m(t-P)m(airs)f(in)h(the)h(follo)m(wing)c
+(rule:)120 1672 y Ff(\(defrule)53 b(Role-Argument-Pairs)223
+1792 y(:=)e(\(\))223 2033 y(:=)g(\(Role-Argument-Pair)57
+b(Role-Argument-Pairs\))223 2154 y(:build)52 b(\(:type)h(KB-Sequence)
+633 2274 y(:map)103 b(\(\(Role-Argument-Pair)108 b(.)52
+b(:first\))992 2394 y(\(Role-Argument-Pairs)k(.)c(:rest\)\)\))223
+2515 y(\))120 3063 y Ft(4)161 b(The)53 b Fb(Zebu)i Ft(Meta)f(Grammar)
+120 3339 y Fu(Using)36 b("zebu-mg")g(as)h(the)g Ff(:grammar)i
+3460 y(the)44 b(follo)m(wing)e(grammar)f(is)j(to)f(b)s(e)h(prepro)s
+3580 y(compilation.)266 3748 y(The)23 b(adv)-5 b(an)m(tages)23
+b(of)e(the)i(meta-grammar)18 b(\(v)m(ersus)24 b(the)f(default)e(n)m
+(ull-grammar\))d(are)k(a)g(more)120 3868 y(concise)29
+(functions)g(that)g(implemen)m(t)120 3988 y(the)23 b(seman)m(tic)g
+(\(generation)h(of)g(prin)m(ting)g(functions)120 4109
+y({)32 b(the)h(unparser\).)266 4277 y(The)27 b(disadv)-5
+b(an)m(tage)26 b(of)g(using)g("zebu-mg")f(is)g(that)h(the)h(seman)m
+(tics)f(is)g(limited)d(to)i(construct-)120 4397 y(ing)i(t)m(yp)s(ed)j
+(feature)e(structures.)44 b(But)29 b(these)g(ha)m(v)m(e)h(great)e
+4517 y(could)21 b(subsequen)m(tly)k(b)s(e)d(transformed)g(in)m(to)f
+(some)h(other)g(program.)38 b(T)m(yp)s(ed)24 b(feature)e(structures)120
+4638 y(are)40 b(ideally)e(suited)i(to)g(presen)m(t)i(abstract)e(syn)m
+(tax.)68 b(The)41 b(fact)f(that)f(uni\014cation,)i(sp)s(ecializa-)120
+4758 y(tion)28 b(and)h(generalization)d(are)j(w)m(ell)f(de\014ned)i(op)
+4878 y(appropriate)37 b(for)g(further)h(transformations)d(\(b)m(y)k
+(e.g.)f Fq(Zebu-RR)p Fu(\).)e(F)-8 b(or)37 b(an)h(in)m(tro)s(duction)e
+(in)m(to)120 4999 y(feature)d(structures)h(see)g([5].)266
+5166 y(Since)d(there)h(is)e(a)g(restricted)i(w)m(a)m(y)g(of)e
+120 5287 y(t)m(yp)s(ed)h(feature)f(structure)h({)f(the)g(grammar)e
+120 5407 y(domain)g(hierarc)m(h)m(y)i(and)g(prin)m(t-functions)f(asso)s
+5656 y(13)p eop
+%%Page: 14 14
+14 13 bop 266 407 a Fu("zebu-mg")32 b(is)g(de\014ned)i(in)e(terms)g(of)
+h(the)g(n)m(ull-grammar)28 b(describ)s(ed)34 b(ab)s(o)m(v)m(e)3137
+371 y Fn(11)3212 407 y Fu(.)120 712 y Fs(BNF)j(description)f(of)i
+(\\zebu-mg":)364 952 y Fe(h)p Fu(Zebu-Grammar)p Fe(i)238
+b Fu(::=)33 b Fe(h)p Fu(Options)p Fe(i)f(h)p Fu(Domain-Defn)p
+Fe(i)l Fu(*)g Fe(h)p Fu(zb-rule)p Fe(i)364 1072 y(h)p
+Fu(Domain-Defn)p Fe(i)325 b Fu(::=)33 b Fe(h)p Fu(T)m(yp)s(e-name)p
+Fe(i)g Ff(":=")g Fe(h)p Fu(F)-8 b(eat-T)g(erm)p Fe(i)1502
+1193 y Fu([)33 b Ff("<<")g Fu("prin)m(t-function:")e(Iden)m(ti\014er)i
+Ff(">>")h Fu(])e Ff(";")364 1313 y Fe(h)p Fu(zb-rule)p
+Fe(i)604 b Fu(::=)33 b Fe(h)p Fu(Non-terminal)p Fe(i)c
+Ff("-->")34 b Fe(h)p Fu(Rhs)p Fe(i)f Ff(";")364 1433
+y Fe(h)p Fu(Rhs)p Fe(i)733 b Fu(::=)33 b Fe(h)p Fu(Rhs1)p
+Fe(i)f(h)p Fu(More-Rhs)p Fe(i)h(j)f(h)p Fu(Kleene-Rhs)p
+Fe(i)364 1554 y(h)p Fu(Rhs1)p Fe(i)684 b Fu(::=)33 b
+Fe(h)p Fu(Constituen)m(t)p Fe(i)p Fu(*)g([)f Ff(")p Fe(f)p
+Ff(")h Fe(h)p Fu(Seman)m(tics)p Fe(i)f Ff(")p Fe(g)p
+Ff(")h Fu(])364 1674 y Fe(h)p Fu(Constituen)m(t)p Fe(i)396
+b Fu(::=)33 b Fe(h)p Fu(Iden)m(ti\014er)p Fe(i)g(j)f(h)p
+Fu(String)p Fe(i)364 1795 y(h)p Fu(More-Rhs)p Fe(i)481
+b Fu(::=)33 b Fe(j)f(h)p Fu(Rhs1)p Fe(i)g(h)p Fu(More-Rhs)p
+Fe(i)364 1915 y(h)p Fu(Seman)m(tics)p Fe(i)471 b Fu(::=)33
+b Fe(h)p Fu(F)-8 b(eat-T)g(erm)p Fe(i)266 2275 y Fu(A)33
+b Fe(h)p Fu(F)-8 b(eat-T)g(erm)p Fe(i)31 b Fu(is)h(a)g(t)m(yp)s(ed)i
+(attribute)e(v)-5 b(alue)32 b(matrix.)364 2515 y Fe(h)p
+Fu(F)-8 b(eat-T)g(erm)p Fe(i)453 b Fu(::=)33 b([)p Fe(h)p
+Fu(T)m(yp)s(e-name)p Fe(i)g Fu(":"])f Fe(h)p Fu(Conj)p
+Fe(i)364 2635 y(h)p Fu(Conj)p Fe(i)694 b Fu(::=)33 b
+Ff("[")g Fe(h)p Fu(Lab)s(el-v)-5 b(alue-pair)p Fe(i)29
+b Fu(*)j Ff("]")364 2756 y Fe(h)p Fu(Lab)s(el-v)-5 b(alue-pair)p
+Fe(i)204 b Fu(::=)33 b Ff("\(")g Fe(h)p Fu(Iden)m(ti\014er)p
+Fe(i)g(h)p Fu(F)-8 b(eat-T)g(erm)p Fe(i)31 b Ff("\)")364
+2876 y Fe(h)p Fu(T)m(yp)s(e-name)p Fe(i)418 b Fu(::=)33
+b Fe(h)p Fu(Iden)m(ti\014er)p Fe(i)266 3116 y(h)p Fu(Options)p
+Fe(i)f Fu(is)g(describ)s(ed)h(in)f(section)h(3.)266 3284
+y(This)g(BNF-notation)e(mak)m(es)i(use)g(of)239 3524
+y(1.)49 b(star)33 b(\(*\))f(for)g(0)g(or)g(more)g(rep)s(etitions)g(of)g
+(the)h(preceding)g(constituen)m(t)239 3723 y(2.)49 b(bar)32
+b(\()p Fe(j)p Fu(\))g(for)g(alternation)239 3923 y(3.)49
+b(brac)m(k)m(ets)34 b(\([]\))f(for)f(marking)f(the)i(enclosed)g
+(constituen)m(ts)h(as)f(optional)239 4123 y(4.)49 b(a)32
+266 4363 y(The)38 b(ab)s(o)m(v)m(e)g(de\014nition)e(is)g(somewhat)h(o)m
+120 4483 y(".n")45 b(notation)e(for)h Fe(h)p Fu(Constituen)m(t)p
+Fe(i)q Fu(:)68 b(if)44 b(on)g(the)i(righ)m(t-hand)e(side)h(of)f(a)h
+(pro)s(duction)f(a)g(non-)120 4604 y(terminal)28 b(o)s(ccurs)k(rep)s
+(eatedly)-8 b(,)31 b(w)m(e)h(can)f(distinguish)f(the)h(o)s(ccurrences)h
+(b)m(y)g(app)s(ending)e(".")h(and)120 4724 y(a)25 b(digit)e(to)i(the)g
+(iden)m(ti\014er.)41 b(The)26 b(seman)m(tics)f(can)h(then)f(unam)m
+(biguously)f(refer)i(to)e(an)h(o)s(ccurrence)120 4844
+y(of)32 b(a)g(constituen)m(t.)266 5012 y(The)38 b(seman)m(tics)f(is)g
+b(Names)37 b(of)g(v)-5 b(ariables)36 b(o)s(c-)120 5132
+120 5216 1440 4 v 199 5277 a Fl(11)269 5308 y Fk(Y)-7
+b(ou)36 b(ma)n(y)f(study)h(the)g(de\014nition)g(of)f(the)h(meta)g
+120 5407 y("zebu-mg.zb".)1871 5656 y Fu(14)p eop
+%%Page: 15 15
+15 14 bop 120 407 a Fu(side)35 b(of)f(the)h(rule.)50
+b(The)36 b(e\013ect)f(of)g(applying)e(a)i(rule)f(is)g(to)h(instan)m
+(tiate)f(a)g(feature)h(structure)h(of)120 527 y(the)d(t)m(yp)s(e)g
+b(ariables)31 b(with)h(their)g(v)-5 b(alues.)266 695
+y(If)28 b(the)g(relation)e(b)s(et)m(w)m(een)j(seman)m(tics)f(and)g(syn)
+815 y(a)32 b(prin)m(ter,)h(can)g(b)s(e)f(generated.)120
+1150 y Fg(4.1)135 b(Domain)46 b(De\014nition)120 1382
+y Fu(Although)37 b(it)h(is)f(p)s(ossible)h(to)g(sp)s(ecify)g(the)h
+Ff(:domain)120 1502 y Fu(k)m(eyw)m(ord)45 b(as)e(in)f(section)h(3.2,)i
+(the)f(meta)f(ab)s(o)m(v)m(e)120 1623 y(grammar)30 b(rule)i
+Fe(h)p Fu(Domain-Defn)p Fe(i)m Fu(.)266 1790 y(The)i(t)m(yp)s(e)f
+(de\014nition)364 2034 y Fd(atyp)-5 b(e)33 b Fu(:=)f
+Fd(sup)-5 b(er)p Fu(:)43 b([\()p Fr(s)1155 2049 y Fn(1)1195
+2034 y Fu(\))32 b(...)44 b(\()p Fr(s)1474 2049 y Fa(n)1521
+2034 y Fu(\)];)120 2277 y(will)30 b(de\014ne)k(the)f(t)m(yp)s(e)h
+Fd(atyp)-5 b(e)32 b Fu(inheriting)f(from)g Fd(sup)-5
+b(er)p Fu(,)33 b(and)f(ha)m(ving)h(slots)f Fr(s)2956
+2292 y Fn(1)3028 2277 y Fu(through)g Fr(s)3442 2292 y
+Fa(n)3489 2277 y Fu(.)364 2543 y Fd(atyp)-5 b(e)33 b
+Fu(:=)f([\()p Fr(s)862 2558 y Fn(1)901 2543 y Fu(\))h(...)44
+b(\()p Fr(s)1181 2558 y Fa(n)1227 2543 y Fu(\)];)120
+2809 y(is)27 b(as)i(ab)s(o)m(v)m(e)f(but)g(de\014nes)i(the)e(t)m(yp)s
+(e)h Fd(atyp)-5 b(e)28 b Fu(as)g(a)g(subt)m(yp)s(e)i(of)d(the)h(top)g
+(t)m(yp)s(e)h(named)f Ff(kb-domain)p Fu(.)266 2977 y(A)33
+3220 y Fd(atyp)-5 b(e)33 b Fu(:=)f Fd(sup)-5 b(er)p Fu(:)43
+b([\()p Fr(s)1155 3235 y Fn(1)1227 3220 y Ff(KB-sequence)p
+Fu(\)];)120 3463 y(whic)m(h)g(restricts)g Fr(s)840 3478
+y Fn(1)921 3463 y Fu(to)f(b)s(e)h(of)e(t)m(yp)s(e)j Ff(KB-sequence)p
+Fu(.)75 b(An)43 b(optional)d Fd(print-function)i Fu(ma)m(y)g(b)s(e)120
+3584 y(sp)s(eci\014ed,)34 b(as)e(in)364 3850 y Fd(atyp)-5
+b(e)33 b Fu(:=)f Fd(sup)-5 b(er)p Fu(:)43 b([\()p Fr(s)1155
+3865 y Fn(1)1195 3850 y Fu(\)])32 b Ff(<<)h(print-function:)48
+b Fd(print-atyp)-5 b(e)32 b Ff(>>)p Fu(;)120 4115 y(Here)44
+b(w)m(e)g(supply)g(for)f Fd(atyp)-5 b(e)43 b Fu(its)f(o)m(wn)i(prin)m
+(ter)f(called)f Fd(print-atyp)-5 b(e)43 b Fu(and)h(no)f(prin)m(ter)g
+(will)e(b)s(e)120 4236 y(generated)30 b(for)g Fd(atyp)-5
+b(e)p Fu(.)42 b(Usually)29 b(it)g(is)g(not)g(necessary)j(to)e(pro)m
+(vide)g(a)f(prin)m(t-function,)g(but)h(if)f(the)120 4356
+(force)f(a)h(particular)e(canonical)g(unparser.)120 4691
+y Fg(4.2)135 b(Example)46 b(Grammars)120 4923 y Fs(Example)36
+b(Grammar)h(for)h(Arithmetic)c(Expressions)120 5166 y
+Ff(\(:name)53 b("arith-exp")h(:grammar)f("zebu-mg"\))120
+5407 y(;;)f(Domain)h(definition)1871 5656 y Fu(15)p eop
+%%Page: 16 16
+16 15 bop 120 527 a Ff(Arith-exp)54 b(:=)d(Kb-domain:)j([];)120
+648 y(Factor)207 b(:=)51 b(Arith-exp:)j([\(-value\)])g
+(<<print-function:)i(Print-factor>>;)120 768 y(Mult-op)156
+b(:=)51 b(Arith-exp:)j([\(-arg1\))g(\(-arg2\)];)120 888
+y(Plus-op)156 b(:=)51 b(Arith-exp:)j([\(-arg1\))g(\(-arg2\)];)120
+1129 y(;;)e(Productions)120 1370 y(EE)g(-->)103 b(EE)52
+1490 y(|)103 b(TT)52 b(;)120 1731 y(TT)g(-->)g(TT)g("*")g(F)154
+b({)51 b(Mult-op:)j([\(-arg1)f(TT\))f(\(-arg2)h(F\)])f(})479
+1851 y(|)f(F)h(;)120 2092 y(F)g(-->)103 b("\(")52 b(EE)g("\)")411
+b({)51 b(factor:)i([\(-value)h(EE\)])e(})479 2213 y(|)f(IDENTIFIER)311
+b({)51 b(factor:)i([\(-value)h(IDENTIFIER\)])g(})479
+2333 y(|)d(NUMBER)515 b({)51 b(factor:)i([\(-value)h(NUMBER\)])f(})f(;)
+266 2685 y Fu(The)32 b(seman)m(tics)e(of)g(the)h(\014rst)g(rule)f(sa)m
+(ys)h(that)f(an)h(ob)5 b(ject)31 b(of)f(t)m(yp)s(e)h
+Ff(+-op)g Fu(should)g(b)s(e)f(created)120 2806 y(with)i(slot)g
+Ff(-arg1)i Fu(\014lled)d(with)h(the)h(v)-5 b(alue)33
+b(of)f Ff(EE)h Fu(and)f Ff(-arg2)i Fu(\014lled)e(with)g(the)h(v)-5
+b(alue)32 b(of)g Ff(TT)p Fu(.)120 3110 y Fs(Example)59
+b(Grammar)h(for)g(Prop)s(ositional)e(Calculus)97 b Fu(This)52
+b(grammar)e(de\014nes)55 b(the)120 3230 y(same)32 b(domain)f(as)i(ab)s
+(o)m(v)m(e)g(\(3.2\).)43 b(Compiling)30 b(it)h(generates)j(a)e(parser)i
+(and)e(a)h(generator.)120 3601 y Ff(\(:name)53 b("pc2")171
+3722 y(:package)h("CL-USER")171 3842 y(:grammar)g("zebu-mg"\))120
+4083 y(;;)e(Domain)h(definition)120 4324 y(Formula)g(:=)f(kb-domain:)i
+([];)171 4565 y(Propositional-variable)j(:=)52 b(Formula:)i([\(-name\))
+f(];)171 4685 y(P-Formula)720 b(:=)52 b(Formula:)i([\(-content\))g(];)
+171 4805 y(Boolean-Expr)567 b(:=)52 b(Formula:)i([\(-rand1)f(Formula\))
+g(\(-rand2)g(Formula\)];)325 4926 y(Boolean-Or)515 b(:=)52
+b(Boolean-Expr:)j([];)325 5046 y(Boolean-And)464 b(:=)52
+b(Boolean-Expr:)j([];)171 5166 y(Atomic-Wff)669 b(:=)52
+b(Formula:)i([\(-predicate\))2017 5287 y(\(-Role-Argument-Pairs)j
+(kb-sequence\)];)1871 5656 y Fu(16)p eop
+%%Page: 17 17
+17 16 bop 120 407 a Ff(Role-Argument-Pair)56 b(:=)c(kb-domain:)i
+([\(-Role\))f(\(-Argument\)];)120 648 y(;;)f(Productions)120
+888 y(Formula)h(-->)f(Propositional-variable)735 1009
+y(|)g(Boolean-Expr)735 1129 y(|)g("\(")g(Formula)h("\)")f
+({P-Formula:[\(-content)57 b(Formula\)]})735 1249 y(|)52
+b(Atomic-Wff;)120 1490 y(Propositional-Variable)223 1611
+(Identifier\)]};)120 1851 y(Boolean-Expr)h(-->)f(Formula.1)g("and")g
+(Formula.2)992 1972 y({Boolean-And:)h([\(-rand1)g(Formula.1\))1761
+2092 y(\(-rand2)f(Formula.2\)]})940 2333 y(|)f(Formula.1)h("or")g
+(Formula.2)1043 2453 y({Boolean-Or:)h([\(-rand1)g(Formula.1\))1761
+2574 y(\(-rand2)f(Formula.2\)]};)120 2814 y(Atomic-Wff)h(-->)e
+(Identifier)i("\(")e(Role-Argument-Pairs)k("\)")889 2935
+y({)c(Atomic-Wff:)992 3055 y([\(-predicate)i(Identifier\))1043
+3176 y(\(-Role-Argument-Pairs)j(Role-Argument-Pairs\)]};)120
+3416 y(Role-Argument-Pairs)f(-->)428 3537 y(|)51 b(Role-Argument-Pair)
+56 b(Role-Argument-Pairs)530 3657 y({)c(RAP-list:)h([\(-first)h
+(Role-Argument-Pair\))1197 3778 y(\(-rest)104 b
+(Role-Argument-Pairs\)]};)120 4018 y(Role-Argument-Pair)56
+b(-->)428 4139 y(Identifier)e(":")e(Term)428 4259 y
+4379 y(\(-Argument)h(Term\)]};)120 4620 y(Term)e(-->)104
+b(Identifier)54 b(|)d(Number)i(;)1871 5656 y Fu(17)p
+%%Page: 18 18
+18 17 bop 120 407 a Fg(4.3)135 b(The)45 b(Kleene)h(*)f(Notation)120
+639 y Fu(The)33 b(meta-grammar)c(\\zebu-mg")i(pro)m(vides)i(an)f
+759 y(rences)h(of)e(a)h(non-terminal,)d(separated)j(b)m(y)h(a)e(k)m
+(eyw)m(ord.)46 b(The)33 b(syn)m(tax)h(for)e(this)h(is:)445
+1021 y Fe(h)p Fu(Kleene-Rhs)p Fe(i)170 b Fu(::=)32 b
+Fe(h)p Fu(Iden)m(ti\014er)p Fe(i)h Ff(*)g Fe(h)p Fu(String)p
+Fe(i)1115 b Fu(\(1\))445 1141 y Fe(h)p Fu(Kleene-Rhs)p
+Fe(i)170 b Fu(::=)32 b Fe(h)p Fu(Iden)m(ti\014er)p Fe(i)h
+Ff(+)g Fe(h)p Fu(String)p Fe(i)1115 b Fu(\(2\))266 1523
+y(The)42 b(meaning)d(of)h(\(1\))h(is)f(that)g(0)h(or)f(more)g(o)s
+1643 y Fe(h)p Fu(Iden)m(ti\014er)p Fe(i)45 b Fu(and)h(separated)g(b)m
+(y)g Fe(h)p Fu(String)p Fe(i)e Fu(will)f(b)s(e)i(accepted)i(b)m(y)f
+(this)f(rule,)j(and)d(that)h(the)120 1764 y(sequence)j(of)d(the)h
+e(the)h(seman)m(tics)f(of)120 1884 y Fe(h)p Fu(Kleene-Rhs)p
+Fe(i)p Fu(.)c(The)31 b(meaning)d(of)i(\(2\))f(is)h(the)g(same,)g
+2004 y(the)i(constituen)m(t)g(has)g(to)f(b)s(e)h(found.)266
+2172 y(The)h(seman)m(tics)f(of)g(a)f Fe(h)p Fu(Kleene-Rhs)p
+Fe(i)h Fu(pro)s(duction)f(is)h(an)f(implicit)d(kb-sequence)36
+b(construc-)120 2292 y(tion.)46 b(The)34 b(Kleene-constituen)m(t)h(\()p
+Fe(h)p Fu(Iden)m(ti\014er)p Fe(i)e Fu(concatenated)i(with)e
+Ff(*)h Fu(or)g Ff(+)p Fu(\))f(is)h(b)s(ound)g(in)f(the)120
+2413 y(seman)m(tics)g(of)f(the)h(pro)s(duction,)f(e.g.)120
+2674 y Ff(Disjunction)54 b(-->)e(Conjunction+)j("|")940
+2795 y({Disj:)e([\(-terms)h(Conjunction+\)]};)266 3177
+y Fu(builds)42 b(a)f(structure)j(of)d(t)m(yp)s(e)i Ff(Disj)h
+Fu(with)d(the)i Ff(-terms)g Fu(slot)f(\014lled)f(b)m(y)i(the)f(v)-5
+b(alue)42 b(of)g(the)120 3297 y(Kleene-constituen)m(t)33
+b Ff(Conjunction+)p Fu(.)120 3602 y Fs(Example)j(grammar)h(using)g
+(Kleene)g(*)h(Notation)120 3963 y Ff(\(:name)53 b("mini-la")h(:grammar)
+f("zebu-mg")h(\))120 4203 y(;;)e(Domain)h(definition)120
+4444 y(Program)g(:=)f([\(-stmts)h(kb-sequence\)];)120
+4565 y(Application)h(:=)e([\(-function\))i(\(-args)f(kb-sequence\)];)
+120 4805 y(;;)f(rules)120 5046 y(Program)h(-->)f("begin")h(Stmt+)g(";")
+f("end")786 5166 y({)g(Program:)h([\(-stmts)h(Stmt+\)])f(})e(;)120
+5407 y(Stmt)206 b(-->)52 b(Identifier)i(|)e(Appl)g(|)g(Program)h(;)1871
+5656 y Fu(18)p eop
+%%Page: 19 19
+19 18 bop 120 527 a Ff(Appl)206 b(-->)52 b(Identifier)i("\(")e(Arg*)h
+(")e(")h("\)")786 648 y({Application:)j([\(-function)f(Identifier\))h
+(\(-args)d(Arg*\)]};)120 888 y(Arg)257 b(-->)52 b(Identifier)i(|)e
+(Number)h(|)e(Appl)h(;)266 1261 y Fu(Compiling)38 b(this)j(grammar)e
+(routines)120 1381 y(are)33 b(generated)g(automatically\).)120
+1660 y Ff(\(zb:read-parser)55 b("begin)e(A;)f(B)f(;)h(C)g(end")940
+1780 y(:grammar)i(\(zb:find-grammar)h("mini-la"\)\))266
+2178 y Fu(returns)34 b(a)e(structure)i(of)e(t)m(yp)s(e)i
+Ff(PROGRAM)g Fu(whic)m(h)f(is)f(prin)m(ted)h(in)f(the)h(syn)m(tax)h(of)
+e(\\mini-la":)120 2457 y Ff(begin)53 b(A;B;C)f(end)120
+2577 y(>)g(\(describe)h(*\))120 2697 y(begin)g(A;B;C)f(end)g(is)g(a)g
+(structure)h(of)f(type)g(PROGRAM.)120 2818 y(It)g(has)g(1)f(slot,)i
+(with)f(the)g(following)i(values:)171 2938 y(-STMTS:)1130
+b(A;B;C)120 3179 y(\(describe)54 b(\(PROGRAM--STMTS)h(*\)\))120
+3299 y(A;B;C)e(is)e(a)h(structure)i(of)d(type)i(KB-SEQUENCE.)120
+3420 y(It)f(has)g(2)f(slots,)i(with)g(the)f(following)h(values:)171
+3540 y(FIRST:)1181 b(A)171 3660 y(REST:)1232 b(B)52 b(C)120
+4163 y Ft(5)161 b(Using)54 b(the)f(Compiler)120 4459
+y Fg(5.1)135 b(Compiling)46 b(a)g(grammar)120 4691 y
+Fu(The)36 b Fq(Zebu)p Fu(-compiler)924 4655 y Fn(12)1032
+4691 y Fu(can)f(b)s(e)h(called)e(using)h(an)m(y)h(of)f(the)g
+(functions:)49 b Ff(zebu-compile-file)p Fu(,)120 4811
+y Ff(compile-slr-grammar)p Fu(,)38 b Ff(compile-lalr1-grammar)p
+Fu(.)120 5090 y Ff(zebu-compile-file)2466 b Fd(function)770
+5210 y(gr)-5 b(ammar-\014le)31 b Ff(&key)j Fd(output-\014le)f(gr)-5
+b(ammar)31 b(verb)-5 b(ose)p 120 5316 1440 4 v 199 5377
+a Fl(12)269 5407 y Fk(F)e(or)27 b(installation)g(see)h(app)r(endix)f
+(A.)1871 5656 y Fu(19)p eop
+%%Page: 20 20
+20 19 bop 266 407 a Fu(This)25 b(compiles)f(the)h(LALR\(1\))f(grammar)e
+(in)i(a)h(\014le)f(named)h Fd(gr)-5 b(ammar-\014le)p
+Fu(.)39 b(The)26 b Fd(output-\014le)120 527 y Fu(defaults)31
+b(to)g(a)g(\014le)g(with)g(the)h(same)f(name)g(as)g Fd(gr)-5
+b(ammar-\014le)30 b Fu(but)h(t)m(yp)s(e)i(")p Ff(tab)p
+Fu(".)43 b(The)32 b(grammar)120 648 y(used)26 b(for)e(compilation)e
+(defaults)i(to)h(the)g(n)m(ull-grammar.)37 b(If)25 b
+Fd(verb)-5 b(ose)24 b Fu(is)g Fd(true)p Fu(,)j(con\015ict)e(w)m
+(arnings)120 768 y(will)30 b(b)s(e)j(prin)m(ted.)44 b
+Ff(zebu-compile-file)37 b Fu(returns)c(the)g(pathname)g(of)f
+Fd(output-\014le)p Fu(.)120 1074 y Fs(Example:)171 1320
+y Ff(\(let)53 b(\(\(*warn-conflicts*)j(t\))479 1441 y
+(\(*allow-conflicts*)g(t\)\))274 1561 y(\(zebu-compile-file)g
+("dangelse.zb")1248 1681 y(:output-file)e("/tmp/dangelse.tab"\)\))171
+1922 y(;)e(Zebu)g(Compiling)i(\(Version)f(2.0\))171 2042
+y(;)f("~/zebu/test/dangelse.zb")58 b(to)52 b("/tmp/dangelse.tab")171
+2283 y(Reading)h(grammar)h(from)e(dangelse.zb)171 2524
+y(Start)h(symbols)g(is:)f(S)171 2765 y(4)g(productions,)i(8)e(symbols)
+171 2885 y(.........9)i(item)f(sets)171 3006 y(.........)171
+3126 y(.........)171 3246 y(;;;)f(Warning:)i(ACTION)f(CONFLICT!!!--)h
+(state:)f(8)171 3367 y(;;;)514 b(old)52 b(entry:)h(\(6)e(:S)h(2\))103
+b(new)52 b(entry:)h(\(6)f(:R)g(2\))171 3487 y(;;;)171
+3607 y(;;;)g(Warning:)i(Continuing)g(to)d(build)i(tables)g(despite)g
+(conflicts...)171 3728 y(;;;)514 b(Will)52 b(prefer)h(old)f(entry:)h
+(\(6)f(:S)f(2\))171 3969 y(Dumping)i(parse)g(tables)g(to)f
+(/tmp/dangelse.tab)171 4089 y(#P"/tmp/dangelse.tab")120
+4358 y(*warn-conflicts*)2517 b Fd(variable)266 4628 y
+Fu(If)26 b Fd(true)g Fu(during)f(LALR-table)g(construction,)i
+b(By)120 4748 y(default,)32 b Ff(*warn-conflicts*)37
+b Fu(is)32 b Fd(false)p Fu(.)120 5017 y Ff(*allow-conflicts*)2466
+b Fd(variable)266 5287 y Fu(If)36 b Fd(true)g Fu(during)g(LALR-table)e
+(ed)h(in)120 5407 y(fa)m(v)m(or)c(of)f(the)h(old)f(en)m(try)-8
+b(.)44 b(By)33 b(default,)f Ff(*allow-conflicts*)37 b
+Fu(is)32 b Fd(true)p Fu(.)1871 5656 y(20)p eop
+%%Page: 21 21
+21 20 bop 120 407 a Ff(*check-actions*)2568 b Fd(variable)266
+624 y Fu(If)27 b Fd(true)h Fu(the)f(seman)m(tic)g(action)f(asso)s
+(gram-)120 745 y(mar)44 b(compilation)e(time)h(in)i(order)g(to)f
+b(By)46 b(default,)120 865 y Ff(*check-actions*)37 b
+Fu(is)32 b Fd(false)p Fu(.)120 1083 y Ff(compile-slr-grammar)38
+b Fd(gr)-5 b(ammar-\014le)31 b Ff(&key)i Fd(output-\014le)g(gr)-5
+b(ammar)673 b(function)266 1300 y Fu(This)33 b(is)f(lik)m(e)g
+Ff(zebu-compile-file)p Fu(,)37 b(but)c(an)f(SLR-table)g(will)e(b)s(e)j
+(made.)266 1468 y(Example:)171 1675 y Ff(\(compile-slr-grammar)57
+b("dangelse.zb")376 1796 y(:output-file)e("/tmp/dangelse.tab"\))171
+2036 y(Reading)e(grammar)h(from)e(dangelse.zb)171 2277
+y(Start)h(symbols)g(is:)f(S)171 2518 y(4)g(productions,)i(8)e(symbols)
+171 2638 y(.........9)i(item)f(sets)171 2879 y(Dumping)g(parse)g
+(tables)g(to)f(/tmp/dangelse.tab)171 3000 y(#P"/tmp/dangelse.tab")120
+3338 y(compile-lalr1-grammar)38 b Fd(gr)-5 b(ammar-\014le)31
+b Ff(&key)j Fd(output-\014le)f(gr)-5 b(ammar)570 b(function)266
+3555 y Fu(This)33 b(is)f(lik)m(e)g Ff(zebu-compile-file)p
+Fu(,)37 b(but)c(do)s(es)g(not)f(expand)i(logical)c(pathnames.)266
+3723 y(Example:)171 3940 y Ff(\(compile-lalr1-grammar)57
+b("dangelse.zb")1350 4061 y(:output-file)e("/tmp/dangelse.tab"\))171
+4302 y(Reading)e(grammar)h(from)e(dangelse.zb)171 4542
+y(Start)h(symbols)g(is:)f(S)171 4783 y(4)g(productions,)i(8)e(symbols)
+171 4904 y(.........9)i(item)f(sets)171 5024 y(.........)171
+5144 y(.........)171 5265 y(Dumping)g(parse)g(tables)g(to)f
+(/tmp/dangelse.tab)171 5385 y(#P"/tmp/dangelse.tab")1871
+5656 y Fu(21)p eop
+%%Page: 22 22
+22 21 bop 120 407 a Fg(5.2)135 b(Loading)46 b(a)f(grammar)120
+639 y Ff(zebu-load-file)36 b Fd(\014lename)31 b Ff(&key)j
+Fd(verb)-5 b(ose)1653 b(function)266 916 y(\014lename)31
+b Fu(should)g(b)s(e)h(the)g(name)f(of)h(a)f(compiled)f(grammar)f
+Ff(tab)p Fu(".)120 1036 y(If)38 b(suc)m(h)h(a)e(\014le)h(can)g(b)s(e)f
+5 b(ject)38 b(needed)120 1157 y(for)g(parsing.)59 b(In)38
+b(the)39 b(grammar,)e(it)g(will)120 1277 y(also)50 b(b)s(e)g(loaded.)97
+b(The)52 b(t)m(yp)s(e)f(of)f(the)h(domain-\014le)d(is)j(the)g(\014rst)g
+(for)f(whic)m(h)h(a)f(\014le)g(named)120 1397 y Fd(\014lename)p
+Ff(-domain)p Fu(.)p Fe(h)p Fu(t)m(yp)s(e)p Fe(i)34 b
+Fu(exists,)f(b)m(y)h(examining)c(the)j(lists)364 1649
+y Ff(*load-binary-pathname-typ)q(es*)39 b Fu(and)364
+1769 y Ff(*load-source-pathname-typ)q(es*)120 2021 y
+Fu(for)32 b(.)p Fe(h)p Fu(t)m(yp)s(e)p Fe(i)h Fu(in)f(turn.)266
+2188 y(The)i(k)m(eyw)m(ord)h(argumen)m(t)d Fd(verb)-5
+b(ose)32 b Fu(defaults)g(to)g Fd(true)p Fu(.)120 2496
+y Fs(Example:)171 2748 y Ff(\(zebu-load-file)56 b
+("/tmp/dangelse.tab"\))171 2868 y(<Zebu)d(Grammar:)g(dangelse>)266
+3120 y Fu(It)36 b(is)f(p)s(ossible)g(to)g(ha)m(v)m(e)i(man)m(y)f
+(grammars)d(loaded)i(concurren)m(tly)-8 b(.)54 b(Giv)m(en)35
+b(the)h(name)f(of)g(a)120 3240 y(grammar,)30 b(one)j(can)g(\014nd)g(a)f
+3517 y Ff(find-grammar)k Fd(name)2455 b(function)266
+3794 y(name)32 b Fu(m)m(ust)i(b)s(e)f(a)g(string.)44
+b(If)33 b(a)g(grammar)e(of)h(the)i(same)e(name)h(\(ignoring)e(case\))j
+(has)f(b)s(een)120 3914 y(loaded,)f(the)h(grammar)d(ob)5
+b(ject)34 b(is)e(returned,)h(else)g Fd(false)f Fu(is)g(returned.)120
+4222 y Fs(Example:)171 4474 y Ff(\(find-grammar)55 b("dangelse"\))171
+4594 y(<Zebu)e(Grammar:)g(dangelse>)120 5052 y Fg(5.3)135
+b(P)l(arsing)46 b(a)f(string)h(with)f(a)g(grammar)120
+5284 y Ff(read-parser)2772 b Fd(function)770 5404 y(string)33
+b Ff(&key)g Fd(gr)-5 b(ammar)32 b(junk-al)5 b(lowe)-5
+b(d)31 b(print-p)-5 b(arse-err)g(ors)31 b(err)-5 b(or-fn)32
+b(start)1871 5656 y Fu(22)p eop
+%%Page: 23 23
+23 22 bop 266 407 a Fu(The)29 b(argumen)m(t)e(of)g(the)h
+Ff(:grammar)i Fu(k)m(eyw)m(ord)g(defaults)d(to)g Ff(*current-grammar*)
+32 b Fu(\(initially)120 527 y(b)s(ound)h(to)f(the)h(n)m(ull-grammar\),)
+c(e.g.)283 795 y Ff(\(read-parser)54 b Fe(h)p Fd(string)p
+Fe(i)d Ff(:grammar)i(\(find-grammar)i Fe(h)p Fd(name)p
+Fe(i)n Ff(\)\))283 1036 y Fu(is)32 b(equiv)-5 b(alen)m(t)32
+b(to)283 1277 y Ff(\(setq)52 b(zebu:*current-grammar*)57
+b(\(find-grammar)e Fe(h)p Fd(name)p Fe(i)o Ff(\)\))283
+1397 y(\(read-parser)f Fe(h)p Fd(string)p Fe(i)o Ff(\))266
+1665 y(read-parser)38 b Fu(parses)f(the)f(string)e(starting)h(at)f(the)
+i(p)s(osition)e(indicated)g(b)m(y)i Ff(:start)h Fu(\(de-)120
+1786 y(fault)31 b(0\).)266 1953 y Ff(read-parser)38 b
+Fu(tak)m(es)e(the)f(k)m(eyw)m(ord)i(argumen)m(t)e Ff(:junk-allowed)p
+Fu(,)j(whic)m(h)e(if)d Fd(true)j Fu(will)c(re-)120 2074
+y(turn)d(as)h(second)h(v)-5 b(alue)28 b(an)h(index)h(to)f(the)h
+2194 y(en)m(tire)j(string)f(w)m(as)h(consumed)g(b)m(y)h(the)f(parse.)
+266 2362 y(The)g(k)m(eyw)m(ord)g Ff(:junk-allowed)i Fu(has)d(the)f
+(same)g(meaning)f(as)i(in)e(the)i Fq(Common)g(Lisp)f
+Fu(func-)120 2482 y(tion)h Ff(read-from-string)p Fu(.)266
+2650 y Ff(:print-parse-errors)k Fu(con)m(trols)30 b(the)g(prin)m(ting)f
+2770 y(to)i Fd(true)p Fu(.)266 2938 y Ff(:error-fn)46
+b Fu(is)d(a)h(function)f(used)i(to)e(rep)s(ort)g(errors,)k(it)c
+(defaults)g(to)g(the)h Fq(Common)g(Lisp)120 3058 y Ff(error)34
+b Fu(function.)120 3364 y Fs(Example:)171 3609 y Ff(\(read-parser)55
+3729 y(:grammar)h(\(find-grammar)i("dangelse"\)\))171
+3850 y(\("if")e(F)e("then")i(\("if")g(G)e("then")i(H)f("else")h(I\)\))
+171 4091 y(\(read-parser)i("1)d(+)f(a")h(:grammar)h(\(find-grammar)i
+("ex1"\)\))171 4211 y(\(+OP)e(\(EXPRESSION)h(\(TERM)e(\(FACTOR)i
+(1\)\)\))428 4331 y(\(TERM)e(\(FACTOR)h(A\)\)\))120 4666
+y Fg(5.4)135 b(P)l(arsing)46 b(from)f(a)g(\014le)h(with)f(a)g(grammar)
+120 4898 y Ff(file-parser)35 b Fd(\014le)d Ff(&key)i
+Fd(gr)-5 b(ammar)32 b(print-p)-5 b(arse-err)g(ors)31
+b(verb)-5 b(ose)839 b(function)266 5166 y Ff(file-parser)36
+b Fu(parses)d(expressions)i(using)d(the)h(grammar)d(sp)s(eci\014ed)j(b)
+m(y)h Ff(:grammar)p Fu(,)g(read-)120 5287 y(ing)d(from)g
+Fd(\014le)p Fu(.)42 b(It)33 b(returns)f(a)g(list)f(of)g(the)i
+(b)s(een)120 5407 y(returned)h(b)m(y)f Ff(read-parser)p
+Fu(.)1871 5656 y(23)p eop
+%%Page: 24 24
+24 23 bop 266 407 a Fu(The)24 b Ff(:grammar)g Fu(argumen)m(t)e
+(defaults)g(to)g Ff(*current-grammar*)27 b Fu({)22 b(whic)m(h)h
+(initially)18 b(is)k(b)s(ound)120 527 y(to)32 b(the)h(\\n)m
+(ull-grammar".)266 695 y Ff(:print-parse-errors)j Fu(con)m(trols)30
+120 815 y(to)i Fd(true)p Fu(.)266 983 y Ff(:verbose)j
+(ccurs,)g(and)g(defaults)f(to)h Fd(true)p Fu(.)266 1150
+y(The)j(pro)s(cessing)g(of)e(commen)m(ts)h(b)m(y)h Ff(file-parser)i
+1271 y(v)-5 b(ariables:)265 1608 y Fe(\017)49 b Ff(*comment-brackets*)k
+Fu(is)47 b(a)h(list)e(of)h(brac)m(k)m(et)j(pairs.)89
+b(Ev)m(erything)49 b(b)s(et)m(w)m(een)h(an)m(y)e(of)364
+1729 y(brac)m(k)m(et)34 b(pairs)e(is)g(ignored.)43 b(Initially)29
+b Ff(*comment-brackets*)38 b Fu(is)32 b(set)h(to:)364
+1916 y Ff(\(\("#\\|")53 b(.)f("|#"\)\))p Fu(.)265 2171
+y Fe(\017)d Ff(*comment-start*)i Fu(A)c(line)f(b)s(eginning)g(with)h
+(this)g(c)m(haracter)h(is)e(ignored.)87 b(Initially)364
+2291 y Ff(*comment-start*)36 b Fu(is)c(set)i(to)e(the)h(semicolon)e(c)m
+(haracter:)44 b Ff(#\\;)120 2652 y Fs(Example:)171 2943
+y Ff(\(file-parser)55 b("sample-ex1")f(:grammar)g(\(find-grammar)g
+("ex1"\)\))171 3064 y(...)120 3453 y Fg(5.5)135 b(P)l(arsing)46
+b(from)f(a)g(list)h(of)f(tok)l(ens)120 3696 y Ff(list-parser)35
+b Fd(token-list)e Ff(&key)g Fd(gr)-5 b(ammar)32 b(junk-al)5
+b(lowe)-5 b(d)1137 b(function)266 4033 y Ff(list-parser)39
+b Fu(is)c(lik)m(e)h Ff(read-parser)i Fu(except)g(that)d(the)i(tok)m
+(ens)g(that)f(are)f(passed)j(b)m(y)f(the)120 4153 y(scanner)c(to)e(the)
+Fd(token-list)p Fu(.)43 b(This)32 b(function)f(is)120
+4274 y(useful)26 b(if)g(the)h(options)e(for)h(con)m(trolling)e(lexical)
+120 4634 y Fs(Example:)171 4926 y Ff(\(let)53 b(\(\(*current-grammar*)j
+(\(find-grammar)f("ex1"\)\)\))325 5046 y(\(list-parser)g('\(1)d("+")g
+(x)f("*")h(y\)\)\))171 5166 y(\(+OP)h(\(EXPRESSION)h(\(TERM)e(\(FACTOR)
+i(1\)\)\))428 5287 y(\(*-OP)e(\(TERM)h(\(FACTOR)g(X\)\))f(\(FACTOR)h
+(Y\)\)\))1871 5656 y Fu(24)p eop
+%%Page: 25 25
+25 24 bop 120 407 a Fg(5.6)135 b(Debugging)46 b(a)f(grammar)120
+640 y Ff(debug-parser)36 b(&key)d Fd(gr)-5 b(ammar)32
+b(lexer)1833 b(function)120 923 y Ff(debug-parser)30
+b Fu(will)24 b(cause)k(a)e(trace)h(of)g(the)g(parser)g(to)g(b)s(e)f
+(displa)m(y)m(ed.)42 b(The)28 b Fd(gr)-5 b(ammar)26 b
+Fu(k)m(eyw)m(ord)120 1044 y(defaults)36 b(to)h Fd(true)g
+Fu(and)g Fd(lexer)f Fu(defaults)g(to)g Fd(false)p Fu(.)55
+b(If)37 b Fd(lexer)f Fu(is)g Fd(true)p Fu(,)i(more)e(information)d(ab)s
+(out)120 1164 y(lexical)e(analysis)h(\(see)h(section)g(6)f(b)s(elo)m
+(w\))h(will)d(b)s(e)j(displa)m(y)m(ed.)120 1550 y Ft(6)161
+b(Lexical)56 b(Analysis)120 1847 y Fg(6.1)135 b(Customization)47
+b(and)e(Regular)h(Expressions)120 2080 y Fu(It)32 b(should)g(only)g
+b(Before)33 b(y)m(ou)g(attempt)120 2201 y(to)38 b(in)m(tro)s(duce)g(y)m
+(follo)m(wing)d(v)-5 b(ariables)37 b(and)120 2321 y(k)m(eyw)m(ords)e(w)
+2604 y Ff(*comment-start*)325 2725 y(*comment-brackets*)325
+2845 y(*disallow-packages*)325 2965 y(*preserve-case*)325
+3086 y(*case-sensitive*)325 3206 y(:case-sensitive)325
+3327 y(:identifier-start-chars)325 3447 y(:identifier-continue-char)q
+(s)325 3567 y(:string-delimiter)325 3688 y(:symbol-delimiter)325
+3808 y(:white-space)325 3928 y(:lex-cats)266 4332 y Fu(The)i(lexical)d
+(ok-ahead)d(w)m(a)m(y)-8 b(.)45 b(It)32 b(tries)f(only)120
+4452 y(to)j(recognize)h(tok)m(ens)h(that)f(w)m(ould)f(b)s(e)h(legal)e
+b(In)120 4573 y(case)33 b(lexical)e(categories)i(o)m(v)m(erlap)f(this)h
+4915 y Fg(6.2)135 b(In)l(tro)t(ducing)45 b(new)g(Categories)i(b)l(y)e
+(Regular)h(Expressions)120 5149 y Fu(The)34 b(k)m(eyw)m(ord)g
+Ff(:lex-cats)h Fu(tak)m(es)f(as)f(argumen)m(t)f(an)h(asso)s(ciation)e
+(list)g(of)h(the)h(form:)325 5404 y Ff(\(\()p Fe(h)p
+Ff(Category)p Fe(i)53 b(h)p Ff(Regular)g(Expression)p
+Fe(i)s Ff(\))e(*\))1871 5656 y Fu(25)p eop
+%%Page: 26 26
+26 25 bop 266 407 a Fe(h)p Fu(Category)p Fe(i)37 b Fu(is)g(a)g(sym)m(b)
+s(ol)f(naming)g(a)g(lexical)g(category)h(and)g Fe(h)p
+Fu(Regular)31 b(Expression)p Fe(i)39 b Fu(is)d(a)120
+527 y(string)24 b(represen)m(ting)h(a)f(regular)f(expression)j(as)e
+648 y(The)k(regular)e(expression)j(will)c(b)s(e)i(compiled)f(in)m(to)g
+768 y Ff(read-parser)f Fu(b)s(efore)d(the)h(built-in)c(categories)j
+888 y(The)34 b(categories)e(can)h(b)s(e)f(used)i(in)e(grammar)e(rules)j
+1056 y(The)k(regular)d(expression)j(compiler)1632 1020
+y Fn(13)1738 1056 y Fu(handles)e(the)h(follo)m(wing)d(constructs:)120
+1324 y Fs(.)49 b Fu(P)m(erio)s(d)32 b(matc)m(hes)h(an)m(y)h(single)d(c)
+m(haracter)j(except)g(a)e(newline.)120 1525 y Fs(*)49
+b Fu(rep)s(eats)33 b(preceding)g(regular)f(expression)h(as)g(man)m(y)g
+(times)e(as)i(p)s(ossible.)120 1727 y Fs(+)49 b Fu(lik)m(e)32
+1928 y Fs(?)49 b Fu(lik)m(e)32 b(*)g(but)h(m)m(ust)f(matc)m(h)h(once)g
+(or)f(not)h(at)f(all.)120 2130 y Fs([.)19 b(.)g(.)g(])48
+b Fu('[')33 b(b)s(egins)g(a)f(c)m(haracter)h(set,)h(whic)m(h)f(is)f
+(terminated)f(b)m(y)j(']'.)364 2250 y(Character)f(ranges)g(can)g(b)s(e)
+g(indicated,)f(e.g.)g(a-z,)h(0-9.)120 2452 y Fs([)13
+b Fu(^)g Fs(.)19 b(.)f(.)h(])49 b Fu(forms)32 b(the)h(complemen)m(t)f
+(c)m(haracter)h(set.)120 2653 y Fs($)49 b Fu(matc)m(hes)33
+b(only)f(at)g(the)h(end)h(of)e(a)g(line.)120 2855 y Fe(n)p
+Fs(\(.)18 b(.)h(.)g Fe(n)p Fs(\))48 b Fu(is)32 b(a)g(grouping)g
+(construct.)120 3056 y Fe(n)37 b(h)p Fs(digit)p Fe(i)47
+b Fu(means:)59 b(accept)41 b(the)f(same)g(string)g(as)h(w)m(as)g(matc)m
+(hed)f(b)m(y)h(the)g(group)f(in)g(p)s(osition)364 3176
+y Fe(h)p Fu(digit)p Fe(i)m Fu(.)120 3483 y Fs(Example:)171
+3727 y Ff(:lex-cats)54 b(\(\(BibTeX-in-braces)i("{[^\\\\n}]*}"\)\))266
+4093 y Fu(de\014nes)33 b(a)f(new)g(category)g Ff(BibTeX-in-braces)j
+4213 y(\\)p Fe(f)p Fu(",)i(ending)g(in)g(\\)p Fe(g)p
+Fe(g)p Fu(".)171 4481 y Ff(:lex-cats)223 4601 y(\(\(Ratio_Number)55
+b("-?[0-9]+/[0-9]+"\))274 4722 y(\(Simple_Float)g
+("-?[0-9]*\\\\.[0-9]+"\)\))266 5110 y Fu(de\014nes)34
+(n)m(um)m(b)s(ers.)44 b(Note)32 b(that)f(the)h(p)s(erio)s(d)120
+5230 y(needs)f(to)e(b)s(e)g(escap)s(ed,)j(since)d(it)f(is)h(a)g(sp)s
+120 5316 1440 4 v 199 5377 a Fl(13)269 5407 y Fk(Thanks)c(to)h(La)n
+(wrence)e(E.)h(F)-7 b(reil)28 b(who)f(wrote)g(the)h(main)f(part)g(of)h
+(the)g(Regular)e(Expression)g(Compiler.)1871 5656 y Fu(26)p
+%%Page: 27 27
+27 26 bop 120 407 a Fg(6.3)135 b(The)45 b(functional)g(in)l(terface)i
+(to)e(the)g(parsing)h(engine)120 842 y Fu(In)f(case)h(the)f(ab)s(o)m(v)
+(insu\016cien)m(t)g(or)120 962 y(y)m(ou)37 b(w)m(an)m(t)f(to)g(use)h
+i(the)g(functional)120 1082 y(in)m(terface)c(to)f(the)h(parsing)f
+(engine)g(as)h(implemen)m(ted)e(b)m(y)j(the)f Ff(lr-parse)p
+Fu(.)120 2535 y Ff(lr-parse)2925 b Fd(function)283 2656
+y(next-sym-fn)31 b(err)-5 b(or-fn)32 b(gr)-5 b(ammar)32
+b Ff(&optional)j Fd(junk-al)5 b(lowe)-5 b(d)31 b(last-p)-5
+b(os-fn)266 4109 y Ff(lr-parse)32 b Fu(returns)f(the)f(result)g(of)f
+Fd(next-sym-fn)120 4229 y Fu(with)k Fd(gr)-5 b(ammar)35
+b Fu(b)m(y)h(the)g(LALR\(1\))f(metho)s(d.)52 b(In)35
+b(case)i Fd(junk-al)5 b(lowe)-5 b(d)44 b Fu(is)35 b Fd(true)44
+b Fu(it)34 b(pro)s(duces)j(as)120 4350 y(second)j(v)-5
+b(alue)38 b(a)h(handle)f(to)h(the)g(y)m(et)h(unconsumed)g(tok)m(en)g
+(stream)e(b)m(y)i(calling)c(the)j(function)120 4470 y
+Fd(last-p)-5 b(os-fn)p Fu(.)266 4638 y Fd(next-sym-fn)23
+b Fu(should)g(b)s(e)h(b)s(ound)g(to)f(a)g(generator)g(function)g(|)g(a)
+g(function)g(of)g(no)h(argumen)m(ts)120 4758 y(|)30 b(that)g(will)e(b)s
+b(It)31 b(should)f(return)h(t)m(w)m(o)f(v)-5 b(alues:)43
+b(\(1\))30 b(the)120 4878 y(tok)m(en)c(found)g(and)f(\(2\))g(the)h
+Ff(categorize)p Fu(\).)266 5166 y Fd(err)-5 b(or-fn)33
+b Fu(is)f(the)h(function)g(to)f(b)s(e)h(called)f(in)g(case)i(of)e(an)h
+(error.)44 b Fd(gr)-5 b(ammar)32 b Fu(is)g(the)h(grammar)120
+5287 y(ob)5 b(ject)49 b(that)e(con)m(tains)h(imp)s(ortan)m(t)e
+(information)e(for)j(lexical)f(analysis,)51 b(\(e.g.)d(the)g(table)f
+(of)120 5407 y(k)m(eyw)m(ords\).)1871 5656 y(27)p eop
+%%Page: 28 28
+28 27 bop 266 407 a Fu(T)-8 b(o)36 b(understand)i(the)e(in)m(terface)g
+(to)g Ff(lr-parse)p Fu(,)j(consider)d(ho)m(w)g Ff(list-parser)j
+Fu(\(describ)s(ed)120 527 y(ab)s(o)m(v)m(e\))33 b(migh)m(t)e(ha)m(v)m
+(e)j(b)s(een)g(de\014ned:)120 796 y Ff(\(defun)53 b(list-parser)h
+917 y(junk-allowed\))223 1037 y(\(let)f(\(\(last-position)j
+(token-list\))530 1157 y(token1\))325 1278 y(\(check-type)f(token-list)
+g(list\))325 1398 y(\(lr-parse)376 1519 y(;;)e(The)g(LEXER)h(supplied)g
+(to)f(the)g(parsing)h(engine:)376 1639 y(#'\(lambda)h(\(\))581
+1759 y(\(if)e(\(null)h(token-list\))786 1880 y
+(\(end-of-tokens-category)58 b(grammar\))684 2000 y(\(progn)786
+2120 y(\(setq)53 b(last-position)i(token-list)1094 2241
+y(token1)e(\(pop)f(token-list\)\))786 2361 y(\(categorize)j(token1)e
+(grammar\)\)\)\))376 2482 y(;;)f(The)g(error)h(function)g(supplied)h
+(to)d(the)h(parsing)i(engine:)376 2602 y(#'\(lambda)g(\(string\))581
+2722 y(\(error)f("~S~\045)g(Remaining)h(tokens:)f(~S~{)f(~S~}")940
+2843 y(string)h(token1)g(token-list\)\))376 2963 y(grammar)376
+3084 y(junk-allowed)376 3204 y(;;)f(Function)i(that)e(returns)h(the)f
+(remaining)i(unparsed)f(token-list)376 3324 y(#'\(lambda)h(\(\))e
+(last-position\)\)\)\))120 3714 y(end-of-tokens-category)38
+b Fd(gr)-5 b(ammar)1791 b(function)266 3983 y Ff
+(end-of-tokens-category)44 b Fu(returns)39 b(t)m(w)m(o)g(v)-5
+b(alues:)54 b(a)37 b(tok)m(en)i(signifying)d(the)i(end)h(of)f(the)120
+4103 y(tok)m(en)c(stream)e(and)h(the)g(appropriate)e(lexical)g
+(category)-8 b(.)120 4372 y Ff(categorize)35 b Fd(token)d(gr)-5
+b(ammar)2147 b(function)266 4641 y Ff(categorize)41 b
+Fu(returns)e(the)f Fd(token)75 b Fu(itself)36 b(and)i(its)g(category)-8
+b(,)39 b(a)f(n)m(um)m(b)s(er)g(that)f(represen)m(ts)120
+4762 y(one)c(of)f Ff(number)p Fu(,)i Ff(identifier)p
+Fu(,)h Ff(string)g Fu(or)d(a)g(terminal)e(tok)m(en)k(de\014ned)g(b)m(y)
+f Ff(:lex-cats)p Fu(.)120 5141 y Ft(7)161 b(F)-13 b(uture)53
+b(W)-13 b(ork)120 5407 y Fu(T)-8 b(ranslation)31 b(in)m(v)m(olv)m(es)i
+(three)h(pro)s(cesses:)1871 5656 y(28)p eop
+%%Page: 29 29
+29 28 bop 265 407 a Fe(\017)49 b Fu(parsing)265 609 y
+Fe(\017)g Fu(transformation)265 812 y Fe(\017)g Fu(generation)266
+1060 y Fq(Zebu)c Fu(is)e(a)h(to)s(ol)f(that)h(helps)g(in)g(1)f(and)i
+(3.)78 b(There)45 b(are)g(cases)g(where)h(2)e(reduces)i(to)e(the)120
+1180 y(iden)m(tit)m(y)32 b(function,)g(since)g(the)h(abstract)f(syn)m
+1301 y(language)h(of)g(translation.)46 b(Examples)33
+b(for)h(these)h(\\syn)m(tactic)f(v)-5 b(arian)m(ts")33
+b(are)h(in\014x)g(and)g(pre\014x)120 1421 y(notation)d(for)h
+(arithmetic)f(or)h(b)s(o)s(olean)f(expressions.)266 1589
+y(In)40 b(general,)g(the)f(situation)e(is)i(more)f(complicated.)61
+b(F)-8 b(or)38 b(languages)g(with)h(the)g(same)g(ex-)120
+1709 y(pressiv)m(e)31 b(p)s(o)m(w)m(er,)f(some)f(transformation)e(pro)s
+(cess)j(can)f(b)s(e)g(de\014ned.)44 b(Bet)m(w)m(een)31
+b(languages)d(with)120 1829 y(di\013eren)m(t)40 b(expressiv)m(e)i(p)s
+(p)s(ossible.)64 b(F)-8 b(or)39 b(a)g(lan-)120 1950 y(guage)24
+b(that)h(is)f(not)g(T)-8 b(uring)24 b(complete,)h(it)f(is)g(not)g(p)s
+2070 y(SQL)32 b(cannot)h(express)i(recursion,)d(and)h(hence)h(it)d(is)h
+2190 y(relation)i(\(whic)m(h)i(is)g(recursiv)m(ely)g(de\014ned\).)58
+b(A)37 b(tec)m(hnique)h(to)e(represen)m(t)j(transformation)c(are)120
+2311 y(\\rewrite)30 b(rule)g(systems".)44 b(The)31 b
+Fq(Re\014ne)g Fu(language)f([8])g(con)m(tains)g(a)h(rewrite-rule)e(mec)
+m(hanism)h(in)120 2431 y(whic)m(h)d(the)h(rules)e(are)h(in)f(terms)h
+b(W)-8 b(e)27 b(ha)m(v)m(e)h(implemen)m(ted)120 2552
+y(a)37 b(rewrite-rule)f(system)i(based)g(on)f(t)m(yp)s(ed)h(feature)f
+(structures,)j(called)c Fq(Zebu-RR)p Fu(,)g(whic)m(h)h(will)120
+2672 y(b)s(e)c(describ)s(ed)g(in)f(a)g(future)h(rep)s(ort.)120
+3052 y Ft(A)161 b(Installation)120 3318 y Fu(There)34
+b(are)e(t)m(w)m(o)i(w)m(a)m(ys)g(to)e(install)e Fq(Zebu)p
+Fu(:)265 3590 y Fe(\017)49 b Fu(Installation)30 b(using)i
+Ff(defsystem)364 3751 y Fu(This)40 b(mak)m(es)h(it)f(easier)g(to)g
+364 3872 y(to)j(remem)m(b)s(er)h(the)g(lo)s(cation)e(of)h(a)h(mo)s
+3992 y(ticular)38 b(compilation)e(and)k(loading)d(functions.)65
+b(T)-8 b(o)40 b(install,)f(follo)m(w)f(the)i(directions)f(in)364
+4112 y Ff(ZEBU-sys.lisp)p Fu(.)64 b(Y)-8 b(ou)39 b(need)g(the)g(p)s
+(ortable)e Ff(defsys)j Fu(for)e(that.)61 b(This)39 b(is)f(a)m(v)-5
+b(ailable)36 b(as)364 4233 y Ff(Defsys.tar.gz)g Fu(at)c(the)h(same)f
+(place)h(as)g Ff(zebu-???.tar.gz)p Fu(.)364 4394 y(The)28
+b(\014le)e Ff(ZEBU-sys.lisp)k Fu(is)c(used)i(to)f(load)e(or)i(compile)d
+Fq(Zebu)p Fu(,)29 b(whic)m(h)e(actually)e(consists)364
+4515 y(of)32 b(t)m(w)m(o)h(systems)h(\(de\014ned)g(b)m(y)g
+Ff(defsystem)p Fu(\))770 4780 y Fq(Zebu)1017 b Fu(the)33
+b(run)m(time)f(system)770 4901 y Fq(Zebu-compiler)643
+b Fu(the)33 b(compiler)265 5287 y Fe(\017)49 b Fu(Installation)30
+b(without)i Ff(defsystem)364 5407 y Fu(If)37 b(y)m(ou)i(don't)f(w)m(an)
+m(t)g(to)f(use)i Ff(defsystem)p Fu(,)i(load)c(the)h(\014le)f
+Ff(COMPILE-ZEBU.lisp)p Fu(,)43 b(whic)m(h)1871 5656 y(29)p
+%%Page: 30 30
+30 29 bop 364 407 a Fu(compiles)20 b(the)i Fq(Zebu)g
+Fu(\014les)g(in)f(the)h(righ)m(t)f(order.)80 b(After)22
+b(loading)d(the)j(\014le)g Ff(ZEBU-init.lisp)364 527
+y Fu(y)m(ou)33 b(can)g(call:)364 689 y Ff(\(zb:zebu\))i
+Fu(to)d(load)f(the)i(run)m(time)f(system)364 809 y(or)364
+930 y Ff(\(zb:zebu-compiler\))37 b Fu(to)32 b(load)g(the)h(grammar)d
+(compiler.)120 1310 y Ft(References)169 1570 y Fu([1])49
+b(A.V.)41 b(Aho)g(and)h(J.D.)f(Ullman.)67 b Fd(Principles)42
+b(of)g(Compiler)g(Design)p Fu(.)68 b(Addison)41 b(W)-8
+b(esley)g(,)321 1691 y(New)33 b(Y)-8 b(ork,)33 b(1979.)169
+1894 y([2])49 b(Charles)59 b(N.)g(Fisc)m(her)h(and)f(Ric)m(hard)f(J.)i
+(LeBlanc.)122 b Fd(Cr)-5 b(afting)59 b(a)g(Compiler)p
+Fu(.)121 b(Ben-)321 2015 y(jamin/Cummings,)29 b(Menlo)j(P)m(ark,)i(CA,)
+f(1988.)169 2218 y([3])49 b(Mic)m(hael)40 b(R.)g(Genesereth.)70
+b(An)41 b(agen)m(t-based)h(framew)m(ork)e(for)h(soft)m(w)m(are)h(in)m
+(terop)s(erabil-)321 2338 y(it)m(y)-8 b(.)53 b(T)-8 b(ec)m(hnical)36
+(Stanford)321 2459 y(Univ)m(ersit)m(y)-8 b(,)33 b(Stanford,)f(1992.)169
+2662 y([4])49 b(Mic)m(hael)44 b(R.)g(Genesereth,)49 b(Ric)m(hard)44
+b(Fik)m(es,)k(et)d(al.)77 b(Kno)m(wledge)45 b(in)m(terc)m(hange)g
+(format,)321 2783 y(v)m(ersion)23 b(3.0.)g(reference)i(man)m(ual.)i
+2903 y(Science)33 b(Departmen)m(t,)f(Stanford)h(Univ)m(ersit)m(y)-8
+b(,)33 b(Stanford,)f(June)i(1992.)169 3106 y([5])49 b(Mark)37
+b(Johnson.)58 b Fd(A)n(ttribute)40 b(V)-7 b(alue)38 b(L)-5
+b(o)g(gic)39 b(and)f(the)h(The)-5 b(ory)39 b(of)g(Gr)-5
+b(ammar)p Fu(.)56 b(Cen)m(ter)38 b(for)321 3227 y(the)33
+3430 y([6])49 b(Joac)m(him)41 b(Laubsc)m(h)i(and)g(Derek)g(Proudian.)72
+b(A)42 b(case)h(study)h(in)d(REFINE:)i(in)m(terfacing)321
+3550 y(mo)s(dules)31 b(via)h(languages.)43 b(Rep)s(ort)32
+b(HPL-STL-TM-88-11,)g(Hewlett)g(P)m(ac)m(k)-5 b(ard,)34
+b(1988.)169 3754 y([7])49 b(Bill)42 b(Lewis,)49 b(Dan)c(LaLib)s(erte,)j
+(and)e(the)g(GNU)f(Man)m(ual)g(Group.)81 b Fd(GNU)48
+b(Emacs)e(Lisp)321 3874 y(R)-5 b(efer)g(enc)g(e)38 b(Manual)p
+Fu(.)57 b(The)38 b(F)-8 b(ree)37 b(Soft)m(w)m(are)h(F)-8
+b(oundation,)37 b(Cam)m(bridge,)h(MA,)g(Decem)m(b)s(er)321
+3995 y(1990.)169 4198 y([8])49 b(Reasoning)43 b(Systems,)48
+b(P)m(alo)43 b(Alto,)i(3260)e(Hillview)f(Av)m(e.,)48
+b(CA)c(94304.)76 b Fd(R)-5 b(e\014ne)44 b(User's)321
+4318 y(Guide)p Fu(,)32 b(1989.)169 4522 y([9])49 b(Douglas)43
+b(estfold.)80 b(Researc)m(h)47 b(on)321 4642 y(kno)m(wledge-based)32
+b Fd(IEEE)33 b(T)-7 b(r)i(ansac-)321 4763 y(tions)34
+b(on)h(Softwar)-5 b(e)34 b(Engine)-5 b(ering)p Fu(,)31
+5656 y(30)p eop
+%%Page: 31 31
+31 30 bop 120 557 a Ft(Index)120 755 y Fu(*allo)m(w-con\015icts*,)31
+b(18)120 876 y(*case-sensitiv)m(e*,)i(5,)g(24)120 998
+y(*c)m(hec)m(k-actions*,)h(18)120 1119 y(*commen)m(t-brac)m(k)m(ets*,)f
+(23,)f(24)120 1240 y(*commen)m(t-start*,)f(23,)h(24)120
+1361 y(*disallo)m(w-pac)m(k)-5 b(ages*,)31 b(5,)h(24)120
+1482 y(*preserv)m(e-case*,)j(5,)d(24)120 1604 y(*w)m(arn-con\015icts*,)
+h(18)120 1725 y(:build)e(seman)m(tic)i(action,)e(6)120
+1846 y(:case-sensitiv)m(e,)j(9,)e(24)120 1967 y(:domain,)f(8)120
+2088 y(:domain-\014le,)f(8)120 2209 y(:grammar,)g(8)120
+2331 y(:iden)m(ti\014er-con)m(tin)m(ue-c)m(hars,)j(8,)f(24)120
+2452 y(:iden)m(ti\014er-start-c)m(hars,)g(8,)h(24)120
+2573 y(:in)m(tern-iden)m(ti\014er,)f(8)120 2694 y(:lex-cats,)h(8,)f(24)
+120 2815 y(:name,)g(8)120 2937 y(:pac)m(k)-5 b(age,)33
+b(8)120 3058 y(:prin)m(t-parse-errors,)g(22)120 3179
+y(:string-delimiter,)c(8,)j(24)120 3300 y(:sym)m(b)s(ol-delimiter,)d
+(8,)j(24)120 3421 y(:white-space,)h(9,)g(24)120 3639
+y(categorize,)f(27)120 3760 y(compile-lalr1-gramm)o(ar,)26
+b(20)120 3881 y(compile-slr-grammar,)h(20)120 4099 y(debug-parser,)34
+b(23)120 4220 y(def-tree-attributes,)e(11)120 4341 y(domain)286
+4462 y(de\014ning,)h(9,)f(13)286 4584 y(top)g(t)m(yp)s(e,)i(10)120
+4705 y(feature)f(structures,)h(12)120 4826 y(\014le-parser,)e(22)120
+4947 y(\014nd-grammar,)e(21)120 5165 y(grammar)286 5286
+y(name,)i(8)286 5407 y(options,)g(8)2065 755 y(kb-compare,)h(10)2065
+876 y(kb-domain,)e(10)2065 996 y(kb-domain-p,)g(10)2065
+1116 y(kb-equal,)i(10)2065 1237 y(kb-sequence,)j(10)2065
+1357 y(Kleene)d(*,)f(5,)h(16,)f(17)2065 1561 y(lexical)f(category)-8
+b(,)33 b(24)2065 1681 y(list-parser,)f(23,)g(26)2065
+1801 y(lr-parse,)g(25)2065 2005 y(meta)g(grammar,)f(4,)h(12)2065
+2208 y(non-terminal,)e(5)2231 2328 y(\\.n")j(notation,)e(8)2065
+2449 y(n)m(ull-grammar,)e(4)2065 2652 y(option)j(list,)f(8)2065
+2856 y(prin)m(t-actions,)h(8)2065 2976 y(prin)m(t-function,)g(12,)g(14)
+2065 3179 y(read-parser,)h(17,)g(21)2065 3300 y(regular)f(expression,)i
+(9,)e(23)2065 3503 y(seman)m(tic)h(actions,)f(6,)g(7)2065
+3624 y(start-sym)m(b)s(ol,)g(5)2065 3827 y(zebu,)i(28)2065
+3947 y(zebu-compile-\014le,)d(18)2065 4068 y(zebu-compiler,)h(28)2065
+4188 y(zebu-load-\014le,)g(20)2065 4309 y(zebu-mg,)h(12)1871
+5656 y(31)p eop
+userdict /end-hook known{end-hook}if

Added: vendor/zebu/doc/Zebu_intro.tex
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+++ vendor/zebu/doc/Zebu_intro.tex	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
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+% -*- mode:     LaTeX -*- ------------------------------------------------ %
+% File:         Zebu_intro.tex
+% Description:  Introduction to the reversible grammar formalism
+% Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+% Created:      27-May-92
+% Modified:     Fri Mar  8 11:24:31 1996 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+% Language:     LaTeX
+% RCS $Header: $
+% (c) Copyright 1992, Hewlett-Packard Company
+% Revisions:
+% RCS $Log: $
+\newcommand{\alt}[0]{$\dot{|}\: $}
+\newcommand{\metavm}[1]{\mbox{\em $\langle\/$#1$\/\rangle$}}
+\topmargin 0in
+\textheight 8.5in
+\oddsidemargin 0.2in
+\evensidemargin 0.2in
+\textwidth 6.0in
+\parskip 0.2cm   
+\title{{\sf Zebu}: A Tool for Specifying Reversible LALR(1) Parsers \\
+%{\small Revised \today}
+  }
+\author{Joachim Laubsch (laubsch at hplabs.hp.com)}    
+Application Engineering Department\\
+Software Technology Laboratory\\
+Hewlett-Packard Laboratories\\
+1501 Page Mill Road, Bldg. 1U-17\\
+P.O. Box 10490\\
+Palo Alto, Calif. 94304-1126
+laubsch at hpl.hp.com\\
+(415) 857-7695
+\tableofcontents\contentsline {paragraph}{Keywords}{1}
+\vspace*{0.5 in}
+{\sf Zebu}\footnote{``{\bf zebu}{\em n}., {\em pl}. {\bf -bus}, {\bf
+-bu}: 1. an oxlike domestic animal ({\em Bos indicus}) native to Asia
+and parts of Africa: it has a large hump over the shoulders, short,
+curving horns, pendulous ears, and a large dewlap and is resistant to
+heat and insect-born diseases.''  [Webster's New World Dictionary.]
+A zebu should not be confused with a yacc or a gnu although it bears
+similarity to each of them.} is part of a set of tools for the
+translation of formal languages.  {\sf Zebu} contains a LALR(1) parser
+generator like Yacc does.  Aside from generating a parser, {\sf Zebu}
+will also generate the inverse of a parser (unparser).  In contrast to
+Yacc, the semantics is not given in terms of ``routines'' but
+declaratively in terms of typed feature structures.
+The ability to declaratively define a reversible grammar, together with
+a rewrite-rule mechanism ({\sf Zebu-RR}) for transforming abstract syntax
+trees constitute the basic tools for specifying translators for formal
+\paragraph{Keywords} Formal language, LALR-grammar, parsing, translation,
+generation, interoperability, LEX, YACC.
+Our goal is to develop an environment for the design, analysis and
+manipulation of formal languages, such as programming languages,
+markup languages, data interchange formats or knowledge representation
+languages (such as the translation to and from KIF) \cite{cs:kif92}.
+Being able to design, analyze, and manipulate formal languages is
+crucial for achieving software interoperability
+\cite{cs:Genesereth92}, automatic code analysis, indexing, and
+retrieval for potential reuse.  Zebu has been applied to writing
+translators for formal languages \cite{ap:refine}.  The main idea of
+this work is that a module $m$ communicates by sending or receiving
+messages in some language $L(m)$, and that for various reasons
+different modules use different languages.  For communication to be
+successful, translators have to be used.  {\sf Zebu} provides tools to
+define translators at a high level of abstraction\footnote{The
+rewrite-rule mechanism (Zebu-RR) is implemented, and will be
+described in a future report.}.
+McCarthy introduced the notion of ``abstract'' and ``concrete''
+syntax.  The concrete syntax describes the surface form of a
+linguistic expression, while the abstract syntax describes a
+(composite) object. E.g. ``1+a'' is the surface string rendered by a
+particular concrete syntax for an object described by an abstract
+syntax: an addition operation with two operands, the first being the
+numeral ``1'', and the second being the variable named ``a''.
+Manipulation of linguistic expressions is much easier to express in
+the abstract syntax than in the concrete syntax.  
+If we were to design an algorithm for simplifying expressions of some
+language --- say ``arithmetic'' --- we would use as the front end the
+``arithmetic-parser'' to translate into abstract syntax, then express
+the simplification rules in terms of tree transformation rules that
+operate on the abstract syntax, and finally add as the back-end the
+More generally, if we were to design an algorithm for translating
+from language A to language B, we would define reversible grammars for
+languages A and B, and sets of rewrite rules to transform the abstract
+syntax trees from the domain of language A to the domain of language
+B.  The front end would be the ``A-parser'' and the back-end the
+The work described in this report owes a lot to the pioneering research
+at Kestrel \cite{ap:smith85} that resulted in the {\sf
+Refine}\footnote{{\sf Refine} is a trademark of Reasoning Systems,
+Palo Alto.} program transformation system \cite{refine}.  The basic
+ideas underlying {\sf Zebu} are already present in {\sf Refine}.  {\sf
+Zebu} is much more compact than {\sf Refine}\footnote{{\sf Zebu} runs
+on a MacIntosh in MacIntosh Common Lisp.}, and the semantics is
+expressed in typed feature structures.  {\sf Zebu} also offers the
+possibility of defining a meta-grammar\index{meta grammar}.  {\sf
+Zebu} lacks {\sf Refine}'s ability to declaratively specify
+transformations using a pattern language.\footnote{{\sf Zebu} can be
+obtained via anonymous ftp from ftp.cs.cmu.edu as a compressed tar
+file: /user/ai/lang/lisp/code/zebu/zebu-???.tar.gz.  It contains
+several example grammar definitions.}
+The LALR(1) parsing table generated by {\sf Zebu} follows algorithms
+described in \cite{aho:79} or \cite{compiler:88}. The current
+implementation was developed from the {\sf Scheme} program developed by
+William Wells and is written in {\sf Common Lisp}.
+The next section will explain how a grammar can be defined, and how
+semantics can be associated with a grammar rule. Section~\ref{Options}
+describes the definition of the semantic domain.  With this capability
+it is possible to state declaratively what the abstract syntax should
+look like. Section~\ref{meta-grammar} describes a simpler grammar
+notation that is very close to ordinary BNF\@.  Section~\ref{Compiler}
+summarizes the functional interface of Zebu and explains how a parser
+can be customized.  Section~\ref{lex} describes how lexical analysis
+can be extended using regular expressions and parameterization.
+\section{The Representations of Grammars in Files}
+\subsection{Grammar notation}
+We first describe the null-grammar\index{null-grammar}, which is a
+powerful but verbose way to specify a grammar.  Only a parser and
+optionally a domain will be generated but an unparser (printer) will
+not.  If this is desired, you must use the notation of the
+meta-grammar "zebu-mg" which is described in section
+Non-terminals\index{non-terminal} are represented by symbols,
+terminals (also referred to as keywords) by strings.  There are the
+following open classes of non-terminals\footnote{The Kleene *
+indicates 0 or more occurrences of the preceding constituent}:
+\index{Kleene *}
+  \> {\tt identifier}  \= ::= \metavar{lisp symbol} \\
+  \> {\tt number}      \> ::= \metavar{integer} \\
+  \> {\tt keyword}     \> ::= \metavar{string} \\
+  \>\metavar{integer}  \> ::= \metavar{digit}* \\
+  \>\metavar{string}   \> ::= " \metavar{character}* "
+A \metavar{lisp symbol} may be qualified by a package name, e.g. {\tt
+zb:cons-1-3} is a valid identifier.  In case packages should be
+disallowed during lexical analysis, the variable {\tt
+*disallow-packages*} \index{*disallow-packages*} should be bound to
+{\em true}.  (It defaults to {\em false}).  The alphabetic case of a
+keyword is not significant if the variable {\tt *case-sensitive*}
+is {\em false} (the default) when the grammar is
+loaded. \index{*case-sensitive*}
+If alphabetic case of identifiers is to be preserved, {\tt
+*preserve-case*} should be set to {\em true}.  Other
+categories can be defined as regular expressions (see~\ref{lex-cats}). 
+\subsubsection{Grammar Rules}
+\paragraph{Grammar Rule Syntax}
+A grammar file consists of a header (the ``options list'', see section
+~\ref{grammar-options}) followed by one or more domain definitions or
+grammar rules.  The non-terminal defined by the first grammar rule is
+also the {\em start-symbol} \/ of the grammar.  A parser will accept
+exactly the strings that rewrite to the {\em start-symbol}.
+This example shows how a BNF-like rule can be encoded as a {\sf Zebu}
+grammar rule (using the null-grammar):
+  \item BNF rule example
+        \begin{quote}
+          \metavar{A} ::= \metavar{B} $|$ \metavar{C} \metavar{number}
+          $|$ ``foo'' \metavar{A} $|$ ``c'' $|$ \metavar{the-empty-string} 
+        \end{quote}
+  \item {\sf Zebu} null-grammar example:
+        {\tt \begin{tabbing}
+        (defrule \>A                            \\
+         \> := B                        \>; (1)\\
+         \> := (C NUMBER)               \>; (2)\\
+         \> := ("foo" A)                \>; (3)\\
+         \> := "c"                      \>; (4)\\
+         \> := ()                       \>; (5)\\
+         \>)
+The rule describes 5 productions, all deriving the non-terminal {\tt
+A}.  Each of the productions has the left-hand side {\tt A}. The
+right-hand side of (1) consists of just one constituent, the
+non-terminal {\tt B}. (2) has a right-hand of length 2, and its second
+constituent is the non-terminal {\tt NUMBER} (which rewrites to any
+integer, real or rational). (3) is a recursive production.  (4)
+contains just the terminal (or keyword) {\tt "c"}. (5) derives the
+empty string.
+None of these productions has a semantic action attached.  By default,
+the semantic action is the {\tt identity} function if the right-hand
+side of the rule consists of a single constituent and the {\tt
+identity*} function otherwise.  ({\tt identity*} is defined as the
+function that returns all its arguments as a list.)
+\paragraph{Grammar Rule Semantic Actions}
+\index{semantic actions}
+If we want to attach other than these default semantic actions, we have to
+use a {\tt :build} clause after a production. 
+\index{:build semantic action}
+The build clause has the syntax:
+ \metavar{build clause} ::= \={\tt :build} (\metavar{lisp function} \metavar{argument list})\\
+ \metavar{build clause} ::= \>{\tt :build} \metavar{atomic lisp form}\\
+ \metavar{build clause} ::= \>{\tt :build} ({\tt :form} \metavar{lisp form})\\
+ \metavar{build clause} ::= \={\tt :build} (\={\tt :type} \= \metavar{struct-type}\\
+                            \>              \>{\tt :map}  \> ((\metavar{non-terminal} . \metavar{Slot})*))
+The first case 
+ {\tt :build} (\metavar{lisp function} \metavar{argument list})
+is like a function call.  It may contain free variable occurrences.
+These will be bound to the non-terminal constituents of the same name
+occurring in the right-hand side of the production at the time of
+applying the semantic action.
+In the second case
+        {\tt :build} \metavar{atomic lisp form}
+the \metavar{atomic lisp form} must be a function.  It will be applied to the
+constituents of the right-hand side.  This function should have the same
+number of arguments as the right-hand side of the corresponding
+production has constituents.
+Since it happens often, that only some of the constituents of the
+right-hand side are selected, or combined, a few useful semantic
+actions have been predefined in {\sf Zebu}.\footnote{These semantic
+  actions ({\tt cons-1-3 cons-2-3 empty-seq empty-set k-2-1 k-2-2
+    k-3-2 k-4-3 identity* seq-cons set-cons}) are described in the
+  file "zebu-actions.lisp".}
+An example for such a predefined action is the function {\tt cons-2-3}
+which takes 3 arguments and returns a {\em cons} of its second and
+third argument.
+The third form of the {\tt :build} clause is just a long way to write
+the first form, i.e.
+ {\tt :build} (\metavar{lisp function} \metavar{argument list})
+ is the same as
+ {\tt :build}  ({\tt :form} (\metavar{lisp function} \metavar{argument list}))
+ {\tt :build} (progn \metavar{atomic lisp form})
+ is the same as
+ {\tt :build} ({\tt :form} \metavar{atomic lisp form})
+The last {\tt :build} clause is more interesting:
+      \>{\tt :build}  (\={\tt :type} \= \metavar{struct-type}\\
+      \>               \>{\tt :map}  \>((\metavar{Nonterminal} . \metavar{Slot})*))
+where \metavar{struct-type} is a symbol that must be the name of a
+structure type\footnote{a type defined by {\tt defstruct} or {\tt
+defclass}.}.  Instead of having to write the semantic action as a
+constructing form, we just have to specify the type and the mapping of
+non-terminals to slots, as in the following example\footnote{(taken
+from the grammar named ``pc1''; see the file ``pc1.zb'' in the test
+{\tt \begin{tabbing}
+(defrule Boolean-Expr\\
+  \> :=     (Formula.1 "and" Formula.2)\\
+  \> :build (\=:type Boolean-And \\
+  \>         \>:map (\=(Formula.1 . :-rand1) \\
+  \>         \>      \>(Formula.2 . :-rand2))) \\
+  \> := (Formula.1 "or" Formula.2) \\
+  \> :build (:type Boolean-Or \\
+  \>         \>:map ((Formula.1 . :-rand1) \\
+  \>         \>      \>(Formula.2 . :-rand2))) \\
+  \>)
+     \end{tabbing}}
+The map indicates that the slot {\tt -rand1} is to be filled by the
+value of the non-terminal {\tt Formula.1}, etc.
+This example also makes use of the {\tt ".n"} notation: If on the
+right-hand side of a production a nonterminal occurs repeatedly, we
+distinguish it by appending {\tt "."} and a digit, to the
+nonterminal (e.g.\ {\tt Formula.1}).
+\index{non-terminal ``.n'' notation}
+The function {\tt print-actions} \index{print-actions} applied to the
+name of a grammar may be used to find out what the generated code for
+the semantic actions looks like, e.g.\ after compiling the sample
+grammar {\tt ``pc1.zb''}:
+{\tt \begin{verbatim}
+(print-actions "pc1")
+These semantic actions have been generated from the {\tt :build}
+clauses of the above rule for {\tt Boolean-Expr}.
+\section {Grammar Options} \label{Options}
+\index{grammar options} \index{option list}
+\subsection{Keyword Arguments to Grammar Construction}
+Some global information to control grammar compilation, lexical
+analysis, and the generation of semantic actions is declared in the
+beginning of a grammar file\footnote{A grammar file has the default
+type ".zb".}. A grammar file must begin with a list of alternating
+keywords and arguments.  The following keywords are valid:
+\index{grammar name} \index{:name} \index{:package}
+\index{:identifier-start-chars} \index{:identifier-continue-chars}
+\index{:string-delimiter} \index{:symbol-delimiter} \index{:domain}
+\index{:domain-file} \index{:grammar} \index{:lex-cats}
+{% table of option keywords
+\def\name {a string, the name of the grammar to be defined.}
+\def\package {a string, the name of the package where the
+  non-terminal symbols and the function symbols used in semantic
+  actions reside.}
+\def\identifierStartChars {a string.  {During lexical analysis any
+character in this string can start an {\tt identifier} non-terminal.
+The default is {\tt *identifier-start-chars*}.} }
+\def\identifierContinueChars {a string. During lexical analysis
+ any character in this string can continue an {\tt identifier}
+ (i.e. characters not in this string terminate {\tt identifier}). The
+ default is {\tt *identifier-continue-chars*}. }
+\def\intern-identifier {{\em true}, if the identifier is to be
+  returned as an interned Lisp symbol, or {\em false} if the
+  identifier is to be returned as a string (default {\em true}).}
+\def\stringDelimiter {a character, the character that delimits a
+ string to be represented as a {\sf Common Lisp} string. }
+\def\symbolDelimiter {a character, the character that delimits a
+ string to be represented as a {\sf Common Lisp} symbol.}
+\def\domain {a list, representing the type hierarchy of the domain.
+ See section~\ref{domain} below. }
+\def\domainFile {a string naming the file where the generated Common
+  Lisp program that implements the domain will be stored.  Definitions
+  of functions for semantic actions and regular expression for lexical
+  categories are kept here as well.  This string defaults to the
+  concatenation of the grammar's :name and ``-domain''. }
+\def\grammar {a string, by default: {\tt "null-grammar"}, naming the
+grammar to be used to parse the grammar defined in this file.  If the
+grammar {\tt "zebu-mg"} is used, an unparser will also be generated. }
+\def\lexCats {an association list of terminal category names and
+ regular expressions (see section~\ref{lex-cats}). }
+\def\whiteSpace {a list of characters each of which will be ignored
+ before a token, }
+\def\caseSensitive {{\em true} if the case of keywords is significant,
+ {\em false} otherwise (default \em{false}). }
+\begin{tabular}{lp{10cm}}  % \hline
+{\tt \small :name}    & \name  \\
+{\tt \small :package} & \package \\  
+{\tt \small :identifier-start-chars} & \identifierStartChars \\
+{\tt \small :identifier-continue-chars} & \identifierContinueChars \\
+{\tt \small :intern-identifier} & \intern-identifier \\
+{\tt \small :string-delimiter} & \stringDelimiter (default \verb+#\"+) \\
+{\tt \small :symbol-delimiter} & \symbolDelimiter (default \verb+#\'+) \\
+{\tt \small :domain}    & \domain \\
+{\tt \small :domain-file} & \domainFile \\
+{\tt \small :grammar} & \grammar \\
+{\tt \small :lex-cats} & \lexCats \\
+{\tt \small :white-space} & \whiteSpace (default \verb+(#\Space #\Newline
+ #\Tab)+) \\
+{\tt \small :case-sensitive} & \caseSensitive
+\index{regular expression} \index{:white-space} \index{:case-sensitive}
+\subsection{Defining a Domain} \label{domain} \index{domain, defining}
+The {\tt :domain} keyword is used to specify a type hierarchy. This
+specification will expand into {\tt defstruct} forms that implement
+this hierarchy.  It is also possible to write such structure
+definitions directly into the grammar file.  The argument to the {\tt
+:domain} keyword argument must be a list of the following form:
+  \>(\metavar{Root Struct} \\
+  \>\>{\tt :subtype} \metavar{Struct Desc} \\
+  \>\>{\tt :subtype} \metavar{Struct Desc} \\
+  \>\> ...) \\
+  \>\metavar{Root Struct} ::= \metavar{Symbol} \\
+  \>\metavar{Struct Desc} ::= \= \metavar{Symbol} $|$ \\
+  \> \>( \metavar{Symbol} {\tt :slots} (\metavar{Slot}*) ) $|$ \\
+  \> \>( \metavar{Symbol} \= {\tt :slots} (\metavar{Slot}*) \\
+  \> \>                   \> {\tt :subtype} \metavar{Struct Desc} \\
+  \> \>                   \> {\tt :subtype} \metavar{Struct Desc} \\
+  \> \> ... )\\
+  \> \metavar{Slot} ::= \metavar{Symbol} $|$ ( \metavar{Slot Name} 
+\metavar{Filler Type} ) \\
+  \> \metavar{Filler Type} ::= \metavar{Symbol naming type}
+This describes the syntax for declaring a type hierarchy with root
+node \metavar{Root Struct}.  A node of the hierarchy tree can have
+children, denoted by {\tt :subtype} followed by the structure
+description of the child node.  Each node can have slots, described as
+a list following {\tt :slots}.  A child node inherits the slots of its
+parent node.  The value of a slot can be type-restricted to
+\metavar{Filler Type}.
+\metavar{Root Struct} will be implemented as a structure type directly
+below the predefined structure type {\tt kb-domain}, i.e.\ ({\tt
+kb-domain-p} x) is {\em true} for any instance of a subtype of
+\metavar{Root Struct}.  kb-domain is the top of the domain
+hierarchy. \index{kb-domain} \index{kb-domain-p} \index{domain, top type}
+The type {\tt kb-sequence} is already predefined as a subtype of
+kb-domain.  It has the slots {\tt first} and {\tt rest}.
+Similarly, types {\tt number}, {\tt string}, and {\tt identifier} are
+predefined as subtypes of kb-domain.
+Two objects of type kb-domain can be compared for equality with the
+functions {\tt kb-equal} and {\tt kb-compare}.  \index{kb-equal}
+{\tt kb-equal} {\em a} {\em b} \>\>\>{\em function}
+{\em a} and {\em b} are assumed to be of type kb-domain.  If they are
+{\tt equal} they are also {\tt kb-equal}.  But in contrast to {\tt
+  equal} it is possible to define which slots are to be examined by
+{\tt kb-equal} when comparing the components of {\em a} and {\em b}.
+These relevant slots are called {\em tree attributes}, and the macro
+{\tt def-tree-attributes} is used to define these for a particular
+type.  The rationale for having this equality relation is that it is
+often useful to store comments or auxiliary information with the
+feature structures produced by parsing.
+In feature structures the value of a relevant feature (or slot) may be
+declared to be a set (using {\tt def-tree-attributes}).  If a slot has
+been declared set-valued, the {\tt kb-equal} comparison will use set
+equality for values of that slot (represented as lists).
+{\tt def-tree-attributes} {\em type} {\em slot1} {\em slot2} .. \>\>\>{\em macro}
+{\tt def-tree-attributes} defines {\em slot1} {\em slot2} \ldots as
+tree attributes for instances of type {\em type}.  
+If {\em slot} is a symbol, this symbol is defined as a tree attribute.
+Otherwise {\em slot} must be of the form ({\em symbol} :set). As
+before, the {\em symbol} becomes a tree-attribute, and furthermore it
+is declared set-valued. 
+\paragraph{Example domain definition}
+The grammar defined in ``pc1.zb'' accepts a simple propositional
+calculus language with sentences such as
+        {\tt walks(agent: John)},
+which yields the following abstract syntax (printed out using the
+{\sf Common Lisp} structure printer):
+{\samepage \tt \begin{tabbing}
+  \>               \>-ROLE-ARGUMENT-PAIRS \#S(\=ROLE-ARGUMENT-PAIR\\
+  \>               \>                         \>-ROLE AGENT\\
+  \>               \>                         \>-ARGUMENT JOHN) )
+     \end{tabbing}
+The types --- such as {\tt ATOMIC-WFF} and {\tt ROLE-ARGUMENT-PAIR}
+--- are defined by the following domain declaration:
+{\tt \begin{tabbing}
+ :domain (\=PC        ;; PC is the root type of the hierarchy\\
+          \>:subtype (\=Formula \\
+          \>          \>:subtype (Propositional-variable :slots (-name)) \\
+          \>          \>:subtype \=(Boolean-Expr \\
+          \>          \>         \> :slots (\=(-rand1    Formula) \\
+          \>          \>         \>         \>(-rand2    Formula)) \\
+          \>          \>         \>:subtype Boolean-Or \\
+          \>          \>         \>:subtype Boolean-And)) \\
+          \>:subtype (Boolean-Op :slots (-name)) \\
+          \>:subtype (\=Atomic-Wff \\
+          \>          \>:slots (\=-predicate\\
+          \>          \>        \>(-Role-Argument-Pairs KB-Sequence))) \\
+          \>:subtype (Role-Argument-Pair :slots (-Role -Argument)) \\
+          \>)
+Note the use of the predefined type KB-Sequence.  It is used to
+construct the list of Role-Argument-Pairs in the following rule:
+{\tt \begin{verbatim}
+(defrule Role-Argument-Pairs
+  := ()
+  := (Role-Argument-Pair Role-Argument-Pairs)
+  :build (:type KB-Sequence
+          :map  ((Role-Argument-Pair  . :first)
+                 (Role-Argument-Pairs . :rest)))
+  )
+     \end{verbatim}}
+\section{The {\sf Zebu} Meta Grammar\index{meta grammar}}
+Using "zebu-mg" as the {\tt :grammar} argument in the grammar
+options indicates that the following grammar is to be
+preprocessed with the grammar ``zebu-mg'' before compilation.
+The advantages of the meta-grammar (versus the default null-grammar)
+are a more concise representation of rules, automatic generation of
+the functions that implement the semantic actions and reversibility of
+the grammar (generation of printing functions -- the unparser).
+The disadvantage of using "zebu-mg" is that the semantics is limited
+to constructing typed feature structures. \index{feature structures}
+But these have great expressive power, and furthermore could
+subsequently be transformed into some other program.  Typed feature
+structures are ideally suited to present abstract syntax.  The fact
+that unification, specialization and generalization are well defined
+operations on feature structures, makes them appropriate for further
+transformations (by e.g.\ {\sf Zebu-RR}).  For an introduction into feature
+structures see \cite{johnson:88}.
+Since there is a restricted way of expressing the semantics of a rule
+-- namely as a typed feature structure -- the grammar compiler will be
+able to generate code for the domain hierarchy and print-functions
+associated with each type of that domain.
+"zebu-mg" is defined in terms of the null-grammar described
+above\footnote{You may study the definition of the meta grammar in
+terms of the null-grammar in the file "zebu-mg.zb".}.
+\paragraph {BNF description of ``zebu-mg'':}
+{\samepage \begin{tabbing}
+ \>\metavar{Zebu-Grammar}\> ::= \= \metavar{Options} \metavar{Domain-Defn}* \metavar{zb-rule} \\
+ \>\metavar{Domain-Defn} \> ::= \= \metavar{Type-name} \verb+":="+
+\metavar{Feat-Term} \\
+ \> \> \>[ \verb+"<<"+ "print-function:" Identifier \verb+">>"+ ] {\tt ";"}\\
+ \>\metavar{zb-rule}     \> ::= \metavar{Non-terminal} \verb+"-->"+
+\metavar{Rhs} {\tt ";"}\\
+ \>\metavar{Rhs}         \> ::= \metavar{Rhs1} \metavar{More-Rhs} $|$ \metavar{Kleene-Rhs}\\
+ \>\metavar{Rhs1}        \> ::= \metavar{Constituent}* [ {\tt "\{"}
+\metavar{Semantics} {\tt "\}"} ]\\
+ \>\metavar{Constituent} \> ::= \metavar{Identifier} $|$ \metavar{String}\\
+ \>\metavar{More-Rhs}    \> ::= $|$ \metavar{Rhs1} \metavar{More-Rhs}\\
+ \>\metavar{Semantics}   \> ::= \metavar{Feat-Term}\\
+A \metavar{Feat-Term} is a typed attribute value matrix.
+ \>\metavar{Feat-Term}      \> ::= [\metavar{Type-name} ":"] \metavar{Conj}\\
+ \>\metavar{Conj}           \> ::= {\tt "["} \metavar{Label-value-pair} * {\tt "]"}\\
+ \>\metavar{Label-value-pair} \> ::= {\tt "("} \metavar{Identifier}
+\metavar{Feat-Term} {\tt ")"} \\
+ \>\metavar{Type-name} \> ::= \metavar{Identifier}
+\metavar{Options} is described in section~\ref{Options}.
+This BNF-notation makes use of
+  \item star (*) for 0 or more repetitions of the preceding constituent
+  \item bar ($|$) for alternation
+  \item brackets ([]) for marking the enclosed constituents as optional
+  \item a quotation symbol (") for delimiting keywords        
+The above definition is somewhat oversimplified, since it does not
+deal with the ".n" notation for \metavar{Constituent}: if on the
+right-hand side of a production a non-terminal occurs repeatedly, we
+can distinguish the occurrences by appending "." and a digit to the
+identifier.  The semantics can then unambiguously refer to an
+occurrence of a constituent.
+The semantics is described as a typed feature structure.  Names of
+variables occurring in feature term position correspond to constituent
+names in the right-hand side of the rule.  The effect of applying a
+rule is to instantiate a feature structure of the type described in
+the rule semantics, substituting variables with their values.
+If the relation between semantics and syntax is one-to-one, the
+inverse of a parser, a printer, can be generated.
+\subsection {Domain Definition} \index{domain, defining}
+Although it is possible to specify the hierarchy of domain types using
+the {\tt :domain} keyword as in section~\ref{domain}, a more
+convenient syntax is offered by the meta above grammar rule
+The type definition
+{\it atype} := {\it super}: [({\it $s_1$}) ... ({\it $s_n$})];
+will define the type {\it atype} inheriting from {\it super}, and
+having slots {\it $s_1$} through {\it $s_n$}.
+{\it atype} := [({\it $s_1$}) ... ({\it $s_n$})];
+is as above but defines the type {\it atype} as a subtype of the
+top type named {\tt kb-domain}.
+A slot may be type restricted as in:
+{\it atype} := {\it super}: [({\it $s_1$} {\tt KB-sequence})];
+which restricts {\it $s_1$} to be of type {\tt KB-sequence}.  An
+optional {\it print-function} may be specified, as in
+{\it atype} := {\it super}: [({\it $s_1$})]
+ \verb+<<+ {\tt print-function:} {\it print-atype} \verb+>>+;
+Here we supply for {\it atype} its own printer called {\it
+print-atype} and no printer will be generated for {\it atype}.
+Usually it is not necessary to provide a print-function, but if the
+grammar is ambiguous, this is a way to force a particular canonical
+\subsection {Example Grammars}
+\paragraph {Example Grammar for Arithmetic Expressions}
+{\tt \begin{verbatim}
+(:name "arith-exp" :grammar "zebu-mg")
+;; Domain definition
+Arith-exp := Kb-domain: [];
+Factor    := Arith-exp: [(-value)] <<print-function: Print-factor>>;
+Mult-op   := Arith-exp: [(-arg1) (-arg2)];
+Plus-op   := Arith-exp: [(-arg1) (-arg2)];
+;; Productions
+EE -->  EE "+" TT { Plus-op: [(-arg1 EE) (-arg2 TT)] }
+        |  TT ;
+TT --> TT "*" F   { Mult-op: [(-arg1 TT) (-arg2 F)] }
+       | F ;
+F -->  "(" EE ")"        { factor: [(-value EE)] }
+       | IDENTIFIER      { factor: [(-value IDENTIFIER)] }
+       | NUMBER          { factor: [(-value NUMBER)] } ;
+The semantics of the first rule says that an object of type {\tt +-op}
+should be created with slot {\tt -arg1} filled with the value of {\tt
+EE} and {\tt -arg2} filled with the value of {\tt TT}.
+\paragraph {Example Grammar for Propositional Calculus}
+This grammar defines the same domain as above (\ref{pc1}).  Compiling
+it generates a parser and a generator. 
+{\tt \begin{verbatim}
+(:name "pc2"
+ :package "CL-USER"
+ :grammar "zebu-mg")
+;; Domain definition
+Formula := kb-domain: [];
+ Propositional-variable := Formula: [(-name) ];
+ P-Formula              := Formula: [(-content) ];
+ Boolean-Expr           := Formula: [(-rand1 Formula) (-rand2 Formula)];
+    Boolean-Or          := Boolean-Expr: [];
+    Boolean-And         := Boolean-Expr: [];
+ Atomic-Wff             := Formula: [(-predicate)
+                                     (-Role-Argument-Pairs kb-sequence)];
+Role-Argument-Pair := kb-domain: [(-Role) (-Argument)];
+;; Productions
+Formula --> Propositional-variable
+            | Boolean-Expr
+            | "(" Formula ")" {P-Formula:[(-content Formula)]}
+            | Atomic-Wff;  
+  --> Identifier {Propositional-variable: [(-name Identifier)]};
+Boolean-Expr --> Formula.1 "and" Formula.2
+                 {Boolean-And: [(-rand1 Formula.1)
+                                (-rand2 Formula.2)]}
+                | Formula.1 "or" Formula.2
+                  {Boolean-Or: [(-rand1 Formula.1)
+                                (-rand2 Formula.2)]};
+Atomic-Wff --> Identifier "(" Role-Argument-Pairs ")"
+               { Atomic-Wff:
+                 [(-predicate Identifier)
+                  (-Role-Argument-Pairs Role-Argument-Pairs)]};
+Role-Argument-Pairs -->
+      | Role-Argument-Pair Role-Argument-Pairs
+        { RAP-list: [(-first Role-Argument-Pair)
+                     (-rest  Role-Argument-Pairs)]};
+Role-Argument-Pair --> 
+      Identifier ":" Term
+      {Role-Argument-Pair: [(-Role Identifier)
+                            (-Argument Term)]};
+Term -->  Identifier | Number ;
+     \end{verbatim}
+\subsection {The Kleene * Notation} \index{Kleene *}
+The meta-grammar ``zebu-mg'' provides an abbreviated notation for
+repeated occurrences of a non-terminal, separated by a keyword.  The
+syntax for this is:
+ \>\metavar{Kleene-Rhs} \> ::= \metavar{Identifier} {\tt *} \metavar{String} \>(1)\\
+ \>\metavar{Kleene-Rhs} \> ::= \metavar{Identifier} {\tt +} \metavar{String} \>(2)\\
+The meaning of (1) is that 0 or more occurrences of the constituent
+named by \metavar{Identifier} and separated by \metavar{String} will
+be accepted by this rule, and that the sequence of the results of
+these constituents will be returned as the semantics of
+\metavar{Kleene-Rhs}.  The meaning of (2) is the same, except that at
+least one occurrence of the constituent has to be found.
+The semantics of a \metavar{Kleene-Rhs} production is an implicit
+kb-sequence construction. The Kleene-constituent (\metavar{Identifier}
+concatenated with {\tt *} or {\tt +}) is bound in the semantics of
+the production, e.g. 
+{\tt \begin{verbatim}
+Disjunction --> Conjunction+ "|" 
+                {Disj: [(-terms Conjunction+)]};
+     \end{verbatim}
+builds a structure of type {\tt Disj} with the {\tt -terms} slot
+filled by the value of the Kleene-constituent {\tt Conjunction+}.
+\paragraph {Example grammar using Kleene * Notation} \index{Kleene *}
+{\tt \begin{verbatim}
+(:name "mini-la" :grammar "zebu-mg" )
+;; Domain definition
+Program := [(-stmts kb-sequence)];
+Application := [(-function) (-args kb-sequence)];
+;; rules
+Program --> "begin" Stmt+ ";" "end"
+             { Program: [(-stmts Stmt+)] } ;
+Stmt    --> Identifier | Appl | Program ;
+Appl    --> Identifier "(" Arg* " " ")"
+             {Application: [(-function Identifier) (-args Arg*)]};
+Arg     --> Identifier | Number | Appl ;
+     \end{verbatim}
+Compiling this grammar generates a parser/unparser (i.e.\ the printing
+routines are generated automatically).
+{\tt \begin{verbatim}
+(zb:read-parser "begin A; B ; C end"
+                :grammar (zb:find-grammar "mini-la"))
+     \end{verbatim}
+returns a structure of type {\tt PROGRAM} which is printed in the
+syntax of ``mini-la'':
+{\tt \begin{verbatim}
+begin A;B;C end
+> (describe *)
+begin A;B;C end is a structure of type PROGRAM.
+It has 1 slot, with the following values:
+ -STMTS:                      A;B;C
+(describe (PROGRAM--STMTS *))
+A;B;C is a structure of type KB-SEQUENCE.
+It has 2 slots, with the following values:
+ FIRST:                       A
+ REST:                        B C
+     \end{verbatim}
+\section{Using the Compiler} \label{Compiler}
+\subsection{Compiling a grammar}
+The {\sf Zebu}-compiler\footnote{For installation see appendix
+\ref{installation}.} can be called using any of the functions: {\tt
+zebu-compile-file}, {\tt compile-slr-grammar}, {\tt
+\index{*warn-conflicts*} \index{*allow-conflicts*}
+{\tt zebu-compile-file}                        \>\>\>{\em function} \\
+    \>{\em grammar-file} {\tt \&key} {\em output-file} {\em grammar} {\em verbose}
+This compiles the LALR(1) grammar in a file named {\em grammar-file}.
+The {\em output-file} defaults to a file with the same name as {\em
+grammar-file} but type "{\tt tab}".  The grammar used for compilation
+defaults to the null-grammar. If {\em verbose} is {\em true}, conflict
+warnings will be printed.  {\tt zebu-compile-file} returns the
+pathname of {\em output-file}.
+\paragraph {Example:}
+{\tt \begin{verbatim}
+ (let ((*warn-conflicts* t)
+       (*allow-conflicts* t))
+   (zebu-compile-file "dangelse.zb" 
+                      :output-file "/tmp/dangelse.tab"))
+ ; Zebu Compiling (Version 2.0)
+ ; "~/zebu/test/dangelse.zb" to "/tmp/dangelse.tab"
+ Reading grammar from dangelse.zb
+ Start symbols is: S
+ 4 productions, 8 symbols
+ .........9 item sets
+ .........
+ .........
+ ;;; Warning: ACTION CONFLICT!!!-- state: 8
+ ;;;          old entry: (6 :S 2)  new entry: (6 :R 2)
+ ;;;          
+ ;;; Warning: Continuing to build tables despite conflicts...
+ ;;;          Will prefer old entry: (6 :S 2)
+ Dumping parse tables to /tmp/dangelse.tab
+ #P"/tmp/dangelse.tab"
+{\tt *warn-conflicts*}                        \>\>\>{\em variable} 
+If {\em true} during LALR-table construction, shift-reduce conflicts
+will be reported.  By default, {\tt *warn-conflicts*} is {\em false}.
+{\tt *allow-conflicts*}                        \>\>\>{\em variable} 
+If {\em true} during LALR-table construction, shift-reduce conflicts will be
+resolved in favor of the old entry.  By default, {\tt *allow-conflicts*}
+is {\em true}.
+{\tt *check-actions*}                        \>\>\>{\em variable} 
+If {\em true} the semantic action associated with a production will be
+compiled at grammar compilation time in order to display possible
+warning messages. By default, {\tt *check-actions*} is {\em false}.
+{\tt compile-slr-grammar} {\em grammar-file} {\tt \&key} {\em output-file} {\em grammar} \>\>\>{\em function} 
+This is like {\tt zebu-compile-file}, but an SLR-table will be made.  
+{\tt \begin{verbatim}
+ (compile-slr-grammar "dangelse.zb" 
+     :output-file "/tmp/dangelse.tab")
+ Reading grammar from dangelse.zb
+ Start symbols is: S
+ 4 productions, 8 symbols
+ .........9 item sets
+ Dumping parse tables to /tmp/dangelse.tab
+ #P"/tmp/dangelse.tab"
+     \end{verbatim}}
+{\tt compile-lalr1-grammar} {\em grammar-file} {\tt \&key} {\em output-file} {\em grammar} \>\>\>{\em function} 
+This is like {\tt zebu-compile-file}, but does not expand logical pathnames.
+{\tt \begin{verbatim}
+ (compile-lalr1-grammar "dangelse.zb"
+                        :output-file "/tmp/dangelse.tab")
+ Reading grammar from dangelse.zb
+ Start symbols is: S
+ 4 productions, 8 symbols
+ .........9 item sets
+ .........
+ .........
+ Dumping parse tables to /tmp/dangelse.tab
+ #P"/tmp/dangelse.tab"
+\subsection{Loading a grammar}
+{\tt zebu-load-file} {\em filename} {\tt \&key} {\em verbose} \>\>\>{\em function} 
+{\em filename} should be the name of a compiled grammar file, i.e.\ a
+file of type "{\tt tab}".  If such a file can be found, it will be
+loaded, returning the grammar object needed for parsing.  In case a
+domain-file was generated by compiling the grammar, it will also be
+loaded.  The type of the domain-file is the first for which a file
+named {\em filename}{\tt -domain}.\metavar{type} exists, by examining
+the lists
+{\tt *load-binary-pathname-types*} and\\
+{\tt *load-source-pathname-types*}
+for .\metavar{type} in turn.
+  The keyword argument {\em verbose} defaults to {\em true}.
+\paragraph {Example:}
+{\tt \begin{verbatim}
+ (zebu-load-file "/tmp/dangelse.tab")
+ <Zebu Grammar: dangelse>
+It is possible to have many grammars loaded concurrently.  Given the name
+of a grammar, one can find a grammar that has been loaded by:
+{\tt find-grammar} {\em name} \>\>\>{\em function} 
+{\em name} must be a string.  If a grammar of the same name (ignoring
+case) has been loaded, the grammar object is returned, else {\em
+false} is returned.
+\paragraph {Example:}
+{\tt \begin{verbatim}
+ (find-grammar "dangelse")
+ <Zebu Grammar: dangelse>
+     \end{verbatim}}
+\subsection{Parsing a string with a grammar}
+{\tt read-parser} \>\>\>{\em function} \\
+   \> {\em string} {\tt \&key} {\em grammar} {\em junk-allowed} {\em
+print-parse-errors} {\em error-fn}  {\em start}
+The argument of the {\tt :grammar} keyword defaults to {\tt
+*current-grammar*} (initially bound to the null-grammar),
+\> {\tt (read-parser \metavm{string} :grammar (find-grammar \metavm{name}))} \\
+\> is equivalent to\\
+\> {\tt (setq zebu:*current-grammar* (find-grammar \metavm{name}))} \\
+\> {\tt (read-parser \metavm{string})}
+{\tt read-parser} parses the string starting at the position indicated
+by {\tt :start} (default 0).
+{\tt read-parser} takes the keyword argument {\tt :junk-allowed},
+which if {\em true} will return as second value an index to the
+unparsed remainder of the string in case not the entire string was
+consumed by the parse.
+The keyword {\tt :junk-allowed} has the same meaning as in the {\sf
+Common Lisp} function {\tt read-from-string}.
+{\tt :print-parse-errors} controls the printing of errors during
+parsing and defaults to {\em true}.
+{\tt :error-fn} is a function used to report errors, it defaults to
+the {\sf Common Lisp} {\tt error} function.
+ (read-parser "if f then if g then h else i" 
+              :grammar (find-grammar "dangelse"))
+ ("if" F "then" ("if" G "then" H "else" I))
+ (read-parser "1 + a" :grammar (find-grammar "ex1"))
+      (TERM (FACTOR A)))
+\subsection{Parsing from a file with a grammar}
+{\tt file-parser} {\em file} {\tt \&key} {\em grammar} {\em print-parse-errors} {\em verbose} \>\>\>{\em function} 
+{\tt file-parser} parses expressions using the
+grammar specified by {\tt :grammar}, reading from {\em file}.  It
+returns a list of the parse-results, i.e.\ a list of what would have
+been returned by {\tt read-parser}.  }
+The {\tt :grammar} argument defaults to {\tt *current-grammar*} -- which
+initially is bound to the ``null-grammar''.
+{\tt :print-parse-errors} controls the printing of errors during parsing and
+defaults to {\em true}. 
+{\tt :verbose} controls whether printing of parse-results occurs, and
+defaults to {\em true}.
+The processing of comments by {\tt file-parser} can be influenced by
+the following variables: 
+\index{*comment-brackets*} \index{*comment-start*}
+  \item {\tt *comment-brackets*} is a list of bracket pairs. 
+   Everything between any of bracket pairs is ignored.
+   Initially {\tt *comment-brackets*} is set to:
+            \verb+(("#\|" . "|#"))+. 
+  \item {\tt *comment-start*}   A line beginning with this
+   character is ignored.  Initially {\tt *comment-start*} is set to
+   the semicolon character: \verb+#\;+ 
+{\tt \begin{verbatim}
+ (file-parser "sample-ex1" :grammar (find-grammar "ex1"))
+ ...
+\subsection{Parsing from a list of tokens}
+{\tt list-parser} {\em token-list} {\tt \&key} {\em grammar} {\em junk-allowed} \>\>\>{\em function} 
+{\tt list-parser} is like {\tt read-parser} except that the tokens
+that are passed by the scanner to the driver are already given as the
+elements of {\em token-list}.  This function is useful if the options for
+controlling lexical analysis given in section~\ref{grammar-options}
+are insufficient.
+\paragraph {Example:}
+{\tt \begin{verbatim}
+ (let ((*current-grammar* (find-grammar "ex1")))
+    (list-parser '(1 "+" x "*" y)))
+      (*-OP (TERM (FACTOR X)) (FACTOR Y)))
+     \end{verbatim}}
+\subsection{Debugging a grammar}
+{\tt debug-parser} {\tt \&key} {\em grammar} {\em lexer} \>\>\>{\em function} 
+{\tt debug-parser} will cause a trace of
+the parser to be displayed.  The {\em
+  grammar} keyword defaults to {\em true}
+and {\em lexer} defaults to {\em false}.
+If {\em lexer} is {\em true}, more information about lexical analysis
+(see section \ref{lex} below) will be displayed.
+\section {Lexical Analysis} \label{lex}
+\subsection{Customization and Regular Expressions}
+\index{regular expression}
+It should only seldomly be necessary to write a lexical analyzer.
+Before you attempt to introduce your own lexical categories, check
+whether the following variables and keywords would suffice to
+parameterize lexical analysis:
+{\tt \begin{tabbing}
+    \>*comment-start*\\
+    \>*comment-brackets*\\
+    \>*disallow-packages*\\
+    \>*preserve-case*\\
+    \>*case-sensitive*\\
+    \>:case-sensitive\\
+    \>:identifier-start-chars\\
+    \>:identifier-continue-chars\\
+    \>:string-delimiter\\
+    \>:symbol-delimiter\\
+    \>:white-space \\
+    \>:lex-cats \\
+The lexical analyzer works in a top-down one token look-ahead way.  It
+tries only to recognize tokens that would be legal continuations of
+the string parsed so far.  In case lexical categories overlap this
+will serve to disambiguate tokenization.
+\subsection{Introducing new Categories by Regular Expressions}
+\label{lex-cats} \index{lexical category}
+The keyword {\tt :lex-cats} takes as argument an association list of
+the form:
+{\tt \begin{tabbing}
+ \>((\metavar{Category} \metavar{Regular Expression}) *)
+     \end{tabbing}
+\metavar{Category} is a symbol naming a lexical category and
+\metavar{Regular Expression} is a string representing a regular
+expression as defined in the GNU Emacs Lisp Manual \cite{cs:GNULisp}.
+The regular expression will be compiled into a Common Lisp function
+and invoked by {\tt read-parser} before the built-in categories
+(Identifier, String, Number) are examined.  The categories can be used
+in grammar rules like any of the built-in categories.
+The regular expression compiler\footnote{Thanks to Lawrence E. Freil
+who wrote the main part of the Regular Expression Compiler.} handles the
+following constructs:
+\item[.] Period matches any single character except a newline.
+\item[*] repeats preceding regular expression as many times as possible.
+\item[+] like * but must match at least once.
+\item[?] like * but must match once or not at all.
+\item[{[\ldots]}] '[' begins a character set, which is terminated by ']'.\\
+              Character ranges can be indicated, e.g.\ a-z, 0-9.
+\item[{[ $\hat{}$ \ldots]}] forms the complement character set.
+\item[\$] matches only at the end of a line.
+\item[$\backslash$(\ldots $\backslash$)] is a grouping construct.
+\item[$\backslash$ \metavar{digit}] means: accept the same string as was matched
+        by the group in position \metavar{digit}.
+\paragraph {Example:}
+{\tt \begin{verbatim}
+ :lex-cats ((BibTeX-in-braces "{[^\\n}]*}"))
+ \end{verbatim}}
+defines a new category {\tt BibTeX-in-braces} which matches anything
+starting with ``\{'', ending in ``\}'', and not containing either a
+newline or ``\}''.
+{\tt \begin{verbatim}
+ :lex-cats
+  ((Ratio_Number "-?[0-9]+/[0-9]+")
+   (Simple_Float "-?[0-9]*\\.[0-9]+"))
+ \end{verbatim}}
+defines the syntax for rationals and floating point numbers.  Note
+that the period needs to be escaped, since it is a special character of
+the regular expression language.
+\subsection{The functional interface to the parsing engine}
+In case the above parameterization facilities for lexical analysis are
+insufficient or you want to use an existing lexical analyzer, you need
+to understand the functional interface to the parsing engine as
+implemented by the {\tt lr-parse}.
+{\tt lr-parse} \>\>\>{\em function} \\ 
+ \> {\em next-sym-fn} {\em error-fn} {\em grammar} {\tt \&optional} 
+{\em junk-allowed} {\em last-pos-fn}
+{\tt lr-parse} returns the result of parsing the token stream produced
+by {\em next-sym-fn} with {\em grammar} by the LALR(1) method.  In case
+{\em junk-allowed}\/ is {\em true}\/ it produces as second value a handle
+to the yet unconsumed token stream by calling the function {\em
+{\em next-sym-fn} should be bound to a generator function --- a
+function of no arguments --- that will be called to produce the next
+token.  It should return two values: (1) the token found and (2) the
+category of the token (obtained by the function {\tt categorize}). 
+{\em error-fn} is the function to be called in case of an error.  {\em
+grammar} is the grammar object that contains important information for
+lexical analysis, (e.g.\ the table of keywords).  
+To understand the interface to {\tt lr-parse}, consider how
+{\tt list-parser} (described above) might have been defined:
+{\tt \samepage \begin{verbatim}
+(defun list-parser (token-list &key (grammar *current-grammar*)
+                                    junk-allowed)
+  (let ((last-position token-list)
+        token1)
+    (check-type token-list list)
+    (lr-parse
+     ;; The LEXER supplied to the parsing engine:
+     #'(lambda ()
+         (if (null token-list)
+             (end-of-tokens-category grammar)
+           (progn
+             (setq last-position token-list
+                   token1 (pop token-list))
+             (categorize token1 grammar))))
+     ;; The error function supplied to the parsing engine:
+     #'(lambda (string)
+         (error "~S~% Remaining tokens: ~S~{ ~S~}"
+                string token1 token-list))
+     grammar
+     junk-allowed
+     ;; Function that returns the remaining unparsed token-list
+     #'(lambda () last-position))))
+     \end{verbatim}
+{\tt end-of-tokens-category} {\em grammar} \>\>\>{\em function} 
+{\tt end-of-tokens-category} returns two values: a token signifying
+the end of the token stream and the appropriate lexical category.
+{\tt categorize} {\em token} {\em grammar}  \>\>\>{\em function} 
+{\tt categorize} returns the {\em token} \/ itself and its category, a
+number that represents one of {\tt number}, {\tt identifier}, {\tt
+  string} or a terminal token defined by {\tt :lex-cats}.
+\section {Future Work}
+Translation involves three processes:
+  \item parsing
+  \item transformation
+  \item generation
+ {\sf Zebu} is a tool that helps in 1 and 3. There are cases where 2
+reduces to the identity function, since the abstract syntax is the
+same for the source and the target language of translation.  Examples
+for these ``syntactic variants'' are infix and prefix notation for
+arithmetic or boolean expressions.
+ In general, the situation is more complicated.  For languages with
+the same expressive power, some transformation process can be defined.
+Between languages with different expressive power such a
+transformation is not always possible.  For a language that is not
+Turing complete, it is not possible to express every computation, e.g.
+SQL cannot express recursion, and hence it is not possible to express
+the ``ancestor'' relation (which is recursively defined).  A technique
+to represent transformation are ``rewrite rule systems''.  The {\sf
+Refine} language \cite{refine} contains a rewrite-rule mechanism in
+which the rules are in terms of patterns of the concrete syntax.  We
+have implemented a rewrite-rule system based on typed feature
+structures, called {\sf Zebu-RR}, which will be described in a future
+%%                                  Appendix
+There are two ways to install {\sf Zebu}:
+  \item  Installation using {\tt defsystem}
+This makes it easier to load and compile grammars, since one does not
+need to remember the location of a module in a directory structure and
+the particular compilation and loading functions.  To install, follow
+the directions in {\tt ZEBU-sys.lisp}.  You need the portable {\tt
+defsys} for that.  This is available as {\tt Defsys.tar.gz} at the same
+place as {\tt zebu-???.tar.gz}.
+The file {\tt ZEBU-sys.lisp} is used to load or compile {\sf Zebu},
+which actually consists of two systems (defined by {\tt defsystem})
+     \>{\sf Zebu}           \>the runtime system\\
+     \>{\sf Zebu-compiler}  \>the compiler\\
+  \item  Installation without {\tt defsystem}\\
+If you don't want to use {\tt defsystem}, load the file {\tt
+COMPILE-ZEBU.lisp}, which compiles the {\sf Zebu} files in the right
+\index{zebu}  \index{zebu-compiler} 
+After loading the file {\tt ZEBU-init.lisp} you can call:
+       {\tt (zb:zebu)}                to load the runtime system\\
+       {\tt (zb:zebu-compiler)}       to load the grammar compiler.
+A.V. Aho and J.D. Ullman.
+\newblock {\em Principles of Compiler Design}.
+\newblock Addison Wesley, New York, 1979.
+Charles~N. Fischer and Richard~J. LeBlanc.
+\newblock {\em Crafting a Compiler}.
+\newblock Benjamin/Cummings, Menlo Park, CA, 1988.
+Michael~R. Genesereth.
+\newblock An agent-based framework for software interoperability.
+\newblock Technical Report Logic-92-02, Department Of Computer Science, Stanford
+  University, Stanford, 1992.
+Michael~R. Genesereth, Richard Fikes, et~al.
+\newblock Knowledge interchange format, version 3.0. reference manual.
+\newblock Report Logic-92-1, Logic Group Report, Computer Science Department,
+  Stanford University, Stanford, June 1992.
+Mark Johnson.
+\newblock {\em Attribute Value Logic and the Theory of Grammar}.
+\newblock Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford, 1988.
+Joachim Laubsch and Derek Proudian.
+\newblock A case study in {REFINE}: interfacing modules via languages.
+\newblock Report HPL-STL-TM-88-11, Hewlett Packard, 1988.
+Bill Lewis, Dan LaLiberte, and the GNU Manual~Group.
+\newblock {\em GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual}.
+\newblock The Free Software Foundation, Cambridge, MA, December 1990.
+Reasoning Systems, Palo Alto, 3260 Hillview Ave., CA 94304.
+\newblock {\em Refine User's Guide}, 1989.
+Douglas~R. Smith, Gordon~B. Kotik, and Stephen~J. Westfold.
+\newblock Research on knowledge-based software environments at {KESTREL}
+  institute.
+\newblock {\em IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering}, SE-11:1278--1295,
+  November 1985.
+  \item *allow-conflicts*, 18
+  \item *case-sensitive*, 5, 24
+  \item *check-actions*, 18
+  \item *comment-brackets*, 23, 24
+  \item *comment-start*, 23, 24
+  \item *disallow-packages*, 5, 24
+  \item *preserve-case*, 5, 24
+  \item *warn-conflicts*, 18
+  \item :build semantic action, 6
+  \item :case-sensitive, 9, 24
+  \item :domain, 8
+  \item :domain-file, 8
+  \item :grammar, 8
+  \item :identifier-continue-chars, 8, 24
+  \item :identifier-start-chars, 8, 24
+  \item :intern-identifier, 8
+  \item :lex-cats, 8, 24
+  \item :name, 8
+  \item :package, 8
+  \item :print-parse-errors, 22
+  \item :string-delimiter, 8, 24
+  \item :symbol-delimiter, 8, 24
+  \item :white-space, 9, 24
+  \indexspace
+  \item categorize, 27
+  \item compile-lalr1-grammar, 20
+  \item compile-slr-grammar, 20
+  \indexspace
+  \item debug-parser, 23
+  \item def-tree-attributes, 11
+  \item domain
+      \subitem defining, 9, 13
+      \subitem top type, 10
+  \item feature structures, 12
+  \item file-parser, 22
+  \item find-grammar, 21
+  \indexspace
+  \item grammar 
+    \subitem name, 8
+    \subitem options, 8
+  \indexspace
+  \item kb-compare, 10
+  \item kb-domain, 10
+  \item kb-domain-p, 10
+  \item kb-equal, 10
+  \item kb-sequence, 10
+  \item Kleene *, 5, 16, 17
+  \indexspace
+  \item lexical category, 24
+  \item list-parser, 23, 26
+  \item lr-parse, 25
+  \indexspace
+  \item meta grammar, 4, 12
+  \indexspace
+  \item non-terminal, 5
+    \subitem ``.n'' notation, 8
+  \item null-grammar, 4
+  \indexspace
+  \item option list, 8
+  \indexspace
+  \item print-actions, 8
+  \item print-function, 12, 14
+  \indexspace
+  \item read-parser, 17, 21
+  \item regular expression, 9, 23
+  \indexspace
+  \item semantic actions, 6, 7
+  \item start-symbol, 5
+  \indexspace
+  \item zebu, 28
+  \item zebu-compile-file, 18
+  \item zebu-compiler, 28
+  \item zebu-load-file, 20
+  \item zebu-mg, 12
+%%                            End of Zebu_intro.tex

Added: vendor/zebu/test/arith.zb
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/arith.zb	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         arith.zb
+; Description:  Grammar 4.19 from Dragon, p. 222
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:       8-Apr-92
+; Modified:     Thu Oct  2 13:02:08 1997 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     CL
+; Package:      CL-USER
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1992, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+(:name "arith"
+ :package "CL-USER"
+ :grammar "zebu-mg"
+ :identifier-continue-chars
+ "$-+*&_.abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890"
+ :domain-file "ar-dom")
+;; Domain definition
+Arith-exp := Kb-domain: [];
+Factor    := Arith-exp: [(-value)] <<print-function: Print-factor>>;
+Mult-op   := Arith-exp: [(-arg1) (-arg2)];
+Plus-op   := Arith-exp: [(-arg1) (-arg2)];
+;; Productions
+EE -->  EE "+" TT { Plus-op: [(-arg1 EE) (-arg2 TT)] }
+        |  TT ;
+TT --> TT "*" F   { Mult-op: [(-arg1 TT) (-arg2 F)] }
+       | F ;
+F -->  "(" EE ")"        { factor: [(-value EE)] }
+       | IDENTIFIER      { factor: [(-value IDENTIFIER)] }
+       | NUMBER          { factor: [(-value NUMBER)] } ;
+(read-parser "EE -->  EE \"+\" TT { Plus-op: [(-arg1 EE) (-arg2 TT)] }
+        |  TT ;" :grammar (find-grammar "zebu-mg"))
+(zb:compile-slr-grammar (merge-pathnames "arith.zb" *ZEBU-test-directory*)
+			:output-file (merge-pathnames
+				      "binary/arith.tab" *ZEBU-test-directory*)
+			:grammar (find-grammar "zebu-mg"))
+(zb:zebu-load-file (merge-pathnames "binary/arith.tab" *ZEBU-test-directory*))
+(zebu::print-actions "arith")
+(defun print-factor (item stream level)
+  (declare (ignore level))
+  (let ((v (factor--value item)))
+    (if (or (symbolp v) (numberp v))
+	(format stream "~a" v)
+      (format stream "(~a)" v))))
+(equalp (list-parser '(ned "+" jed) :grammar (zb:find-grammar "arith"))
+	(read-parser "ned + jed" :grammar (zb:find-grammar "arith")))
+(equalp (read-parser "(ned + jed) * 4" :grammar (zb:find-grammar "arith"))
+	'#S(Mult-op
+	    -ARG1 #S(FACTOR
+				       -ARG2 #S(FACTOR -VALUE JED)))
+	    -ARG2 #S(FACTOR -VALUE 4)))
+;;                                End of arith.zb
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/avm-p.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/avm-p.lisp	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         av-printers.l
+; Description:  
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:      13-Apr-92
+; Modified:     Thu Oct  2 12:49:53 1997 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     CL
+; Package:      CL-USER
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1992, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+(in-package "CL-USER")
+  (format STREAM
+	  "~@[type: ~S ~][~{~S~^ ~}]"
+	  (FEAT-TERM--type ITEM)
+	  (FEAT-TERM--slots ITEM)))
+(defun print-General-Var (ITEM STREAM LEVEL)
+  (format STREAM
+	  "%~S"
+	  (General-Var--name ITEM)))
+(defun print-Label-value-pair (ITEM STREAM LEVEL)
+  (format STREAM
+	  "(~S ~S)"
+	  (Label-value-pair--label ITEM)
+	  (Label-value-pair--value ITEM)))
+  (format STREAM
+	  "~S=~S"
+	  (Tagged-Term--tag ITEM)
+	  (Tagged-Term--term ITEM)))
+;;                            End of av-printers.l
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/avm.zb
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/avm.zb	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+; -*- mode:     Lisp -*- --------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         avm.zb
+; Description:  typed attribute-value language
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:      13-Apr-92
+; Modified:     Thu Oct  2 12:50:10 1997 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     Lisp
+; Package:      CL-USER
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1992, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+(:name "avm"
+ :grammar "null-grammar"
+ :package "CL-USER"
+ :identifier-continue-chars
+ "$-_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890"
+ )
+;; Domain definition
+(defstruct (avm (:include kb-domain)))
+(defstruct (Feat-Term (:include avm))
+  -type -slots)
+(defstruct (Label-value-pair (:include avm))
+  -label -value)
+(defstruct (general-var (:include avm))
+  -name)
+(defstruct (tagged-term (:include avm))
+  -term -tag)
+;; Productions
+(defrule Feat-Term
+  := General-Var
+  := Untagged-Term
+  := Tagged-Term
+  )
+(defrule Tagged-Term
+  := ( General-Var "=" Untagged-Term )
+  :build (:type Tagged-Term
+          :map ((General-Var   . :-tag)
+		(Untagged-Term . :-term))))
+(defrule Untagged-Term
+  := Pos-Untagged-Term
+  )
+(defrule Pos-Untagged-Term
+  :=     Identifier
+  :=     ( "type:" Identifier Conj )
+  :build (:type Feat-Term
+	  :map  ((Conj       . :-slots)
+		 (Identifier . :-type)))
+  :=     Conj
+  :build (:type Feat-Term
+	  :map  ((Conj       . :-slots)))
+  )
+(defrule Conj
+  :=     ( "[" Label-value-pairs "]" )
+  :build (:form Label-value-pairs))
+(defrule Label-value-pair
+  :=     ( "(" Identifier Feat-Term ")" )
+  :build (:type Label-value-pair
+          :map ((Identifier       . :-label)
+		(Feat-Term        . :-value))))
+(defrule Label-value-pairs
+  :=      ()
+  :=      ( Label-value-pair Label-value-pairs )
+  :build  cons
+  )
+(defrule General-Var
+  := ( "%" Number )
+  :build (:type General-Var
+	  :map  ((Number . :-name))) )
+(let ((*default-pathname-defaults* *ZEBU-TEST-DIRECTORY*))
+  (zb:zebu-compile-file "avm.zb"
+			:output-file (merge-pathnames
+				      "avm.tab" *ZEBU-TEST-BINARY-DIRECTORY*))
+  (load "avm-p"))
+;;                                End of avm.zb
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/avm1.zb
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/avm1.zb	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+; -*- mode:     Lisp -*- --------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         avm1.zb
+; Description:  typed attribute-value language
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:      13-Apr-92
+; Modified:     Thu Oct  2 12:50:29 1997 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     Lisp
+; Package:      CL-USER
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1992, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+(:name "avm1"
+ :package "CL-USER"
+ :grammar "zebu-mg"
+ :identifier-continue-chars
+ "$-_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890"
+ :domain-file "avm1-domain" 
+;; Domain definition
+Neg-Term          := [(-subterm)];
+Feat-Term         := [(-type) (-slots)] ;
+Label-value-pair  := [(-label) (-value)];
+General-Var       := [(-name)];
+Tagged-Term       := [(-term) (-tag)];
+Za-Avm            := [(-type)];
+;; Productions
+Feat-Term -->  General-Var |  Untagged-Term | Tagged-Term | Term ;
+Term -->
+        Number | 
+        Identifier 
+        {Za-Avm:[(-type Identifier)]} |
+        "(" Tagged-Term ")" ;
+Tagged-Term -->  General-Var "=" Untagged-Term 
+                 {Tagged-Term:
+		  [(-tag General-Var)
+		   (-term Untagged-Term)]} ;
+General-Var --> "%" Number
+                {General-Var: [(-name Number)]} ;
+Untagged-Term --> Pos-Untagged-Term | Neg-Untagged-Term;
+Neg-Untagged-Term --> "~" Pos-Untagged-Term
+                      {Neg-Term:[(-subterm Pos-Untagged-Term)]};
+Pos-Untagged-Term -->   Identifier
+                      | String
+                      | Identifier ":" "[" Label-value-pairs "]" 
+                        {Feat-Term:
+                         [(-type Identifier) (-slots Label-value-pairs)]}
+                      | "[" Label-value-pairs "]" 
+                        {Feat-Term: [(-slots Label-value-pairs)]} ;
+Label-value-pair --> "(" Identifier Feat-Term ")" 
+                     {Label-value-pair:
+                     [(-label Identifier) (-value Feat-Term)]} ;
+Label-value-pairs --> Label-value-pair * " " ;
+;;                                End of avm1.zb
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/bug-exp.zb
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/bug-exp.zb	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+(:name "bug-exp"
+ :package "CL-USER"
+ :grammar "zebu-mg"
+ :identifier-start-chars
+ "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
+ :identifier-continue-chars
+ "_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890"
+ :lex-cats ((SIMPLEID "[a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*"))
+ )
+Underlying_type -->  String_type      |
+                     "any junk" ;
+String_type  --> "STRING" "(" NUMBER ")" ;
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/bug-exp1.zb
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/bug-exp1.zb	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+(:name "bug-exp1"
+ :package "CL-USER"
+ :grammar "zebu-mg"
+ :identifier-start-chars
+ "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
+ :identifier-continue-chars
+ "_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890"
+ :lex-cats ((SIMPLEID "[a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*"))
+ )
+Underlying_type -->  String_type      |
+                     IDENTIFIER ;
+String_type  --> "STRING" "(" NUMBER ")" ;
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/bug-exp2.zb
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/bug-exp2.zb	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+(:name "bug-exp2"
+ :package "CL-USER"
+ :grammar "zebu-mg"
+ :identifier-start-chars
+ "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
+ :identifier-continue-chars
+ "_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890"
+ :intern-identifier t
+ :lex-cats ((SIMPLEID "[a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*"))
+ )
+Underlying_type -->  String_type      |
+                     SIMPLEID ;
+String_type  --> "STRING" "(" NUMBER ")" ;
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/bug-exp3.zb
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/bug-exp3.zb	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+(:name "bug-exp3"
+ :package "CL-USER"
+ :grammar "zebu-mg"
+ :identifier-start-chars
+ "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
+ :identifier-continue-chars
+ "_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890"
+ :intern-identifier nil
+ )
+Underlying_type -->  String_type      |
+		     Identifier ;
+String_type  --> "STRING" "(" NUMBER ")" ;
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/dYoung.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/dYoung.lisp	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+(cd "~/zebu")
+(load "ZEBU-init.lisp")
+(zb:zebu-compiler :compiled nil)
+(setq zb::*grammar-debug* t)
+(zb:read-parser "Program := KB-domain: [(-stmts KB-Sequence)];"
+  		:grammar (zb:find-grammar "zebu-mg"))
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/dangelse.zb
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/dangelse.zb	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+;;; The dangling else example of pp 228 of the old dragon book.
+(:name "dangelse" :grammar "null-grammar")
+;; Productions
+(defrule s
+	:= ("if" s "then" s "else" s)
+	:= ("if" s "then" s)
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/ex1.zb
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/ex1.zb	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         ex1.zb
+; Description:  Grammar 4.19 from Dragon, p. 222
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:       8-Apr-92
+; Modified:     Thu Oct  2 12:51:48 1997 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     CL
+; Package:      CL-USER
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1992, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+(:name "ex1" 
+ :domain-file "ex1-dom"
+ :package "CL-USER"
+ :grammar "null-grammar"
+ :lex-cats ((Ratio_Number "-?[0-9]+/[0-9]+")
+	    (Simple_Float "-?[0-9]*\\.[0-9]+"))
+ )
+(defrule EE
+ := ( EE "+" TT )
+ :build (:form (LIST '+op EE TT))
+ := TT
+ :build (:form (LIST 'expression TT)))
+(defrule  TT 
+  := (TT "*" F)
+  :build (:form (LIST '*-op TT F))
+  := F
+  :build (:form (LIST 'term F)) )
+(defrule F 
+  := ( "(" EE ")" )
+  :build (:form (LIST 'factor EE))
+  :build (:form (list 'factor IDENTIFIER)) 
+  := Numeric
+  :build (:form (list 'factor Numeric)) )
+(defrule Numeric
+    := NUMBER
+    := Ratio_Number
+    :build (:form (read-from-string Ratio_Number))
+    := Simple_Float
+    :build (:form (read-from-string Simple_Float)))
+(set-working-directory *ZEBU-test-directory*)
+(zb:compile-slr-grammar "ex1.zb" :output-file "binary/ex1.tab")
+(zb:zebu-load-file "binary/ex1.tab")
+(zb::print-collection nil)
+(zb::print-collection t)
+(zb:read-parser "b" :grammar (zb:find-grammar "ex1"))
+(zb:read-parser "1" :grammar (zb:find-grammar "ex1"))
+(zb:read-parser "1/2" :grammar (zb:find-grammar "ex1"))
+(zb:read-parser "1.2" :grammar (zb:find-grammar "ex1"))
+(zb:read-parser "(1)" :grammar (zb:find-grammar "ex1"))
+(zb:read-parser "-1.2" :grammar (zb:find-grammar "ex1"))
+(zb:read-parser "(b + a)" :grammar (zb:find-grammar "ex1"))
+(zb:read-parser "(1 + a)" :grammar (zb:find-grammar "ex1"))
+;;                                End of ex1.zb
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/ex1a.zb
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/ex1a.zb	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         ex1a.zb
+; Description:  Variation of ex1 which accepts empty string
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:       8-Apr-92
+; Modified:     Thu Oct  2 12:51:56 1997 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     CL
+; Package:      CL-USER
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1992, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+(:name "ex1a" :package "CL-USER" :grammar "null-grammar")
+(defrule EE
+ := ( EE "+" TT )
+ :build (:form (LIST '+op EE TT))
+ := TT
+ :build (:form (LIST 'expression TT)))
+(defrule  TT 
+  := (TT "*" F)
+  :build (:form (LIST '*-op TT F))
+  := F
+  :build (:form (LIST 'term F)) )
+(defrule F 
+  := ( "(" EE ")" )
+  :build (:form (LIST 'factor EE))
+  :build (:form (list 'factor IDENTIFIER)) 
+  := NUMBER
+  :build (:form (list 'factor NUMBER))
+  := ()
+  )
+(set-working-directory *ZEBU-test-directory*)
+ (merge-pathnames "ex1a.zb" *ZEBU-test-directory*)
+ :output-file (merge-pathnames "ex1a.tab" *ZEBU-test-binary-directory*))
+(zb:zebu-load-file (merge-pathnames "ex1a.tab" *ZEBU-test-binary-directory*))
+(zb:read-parser "" :grammar (find-grammar "ex1a"))
+(zb:read-parser "11" :grammar (find-grammar "ex1a"))
+(zb:read-parser "(b + a)" :grammar (find-grammar "ex1a"))
+;;                               End of ex1a.zb
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/ex2.zb
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/ex2.zb	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         ex2.zb
+; Description:  
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:      27-Mar-92
+; Modified:     Thu Oct  2 12:52:05 1997 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     ZEBU
+; Package:      CL-USER
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+(:name "ex2" :package "CL-USER" :grammar "null-grammar"
+ :domain-file "ex2-dom")
+(defrule EE 
+	:= (TT E-PRIME)
+	:build (:form (append TT E-PRIME)) )
+(defrule E-PRIME 
+	:= ("+" TT E-PRIME)
+	:build (:form (cons "+" (append TT E-PRIME)))
+	:= ())
+(defrule TT 
+	:= (FF T-PRIME)
+	:build (:form (cons FF T-PRIME)) )
+(defrule T-PRIME 
+	:= ("*" FF T-PRIME) 
+	:build (:form (list* "*" FF T-PRIME))
+	:= ())
+(defrule FF
+	:= ( "(" EE ")")
+	:build (:form EE)
+	)
+(set-working-directory *ZEBU-test-directory*)
+(compile-slr-grammar "ex2.zb")
+(zb:zebu-load-file "ex2.tab")
+(zebu::print-actions "ex2")
+(equal (zb:read-parser "x * y" :grammar (find-grammar "ex2"))
+       '(X "*" Y))
+(equal (zb:read-parser "(x * y) + (x * y)" :grammar (find-grammar "ex2"))
+       '((X "*" Y) "+" (X "*" Y)))
+;;                                End of ex2.zb
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/ex3.zb
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/ex3.zb	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         ex3.zb
+; Description:  
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:       7-Apr-92
+; Modified:     Thu Oct  2 12:52:13 1997 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     CL
+; Package:      USER
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1992, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+(:name "ex3" :grammar "null-grammar")
+(defrule a 
+	:= "b"
+	:= ())
+(defrule c 
+	:= "b"
+	:= ())
+(defrule d 
+	:= (a c a))
+(defrule e
+	:= (a "f" a))
+(set-working-directory *ZEBU-test-directory*)
+(compile-slr-grammar "ex3.zb")
+(zb:zebu-load-file "ex3.tab")
+(equal (zb:read-parser "b" :grammar (find-grammar "ex3"))
+       "b")
+(compile-lalr1-grammar "ex3.zb" "/tmp/ex3-lalr1.tab")
+(zb:zebu-load-file "/tmp/ex3-lalr1.tab")
+(equal (zb:read-parser "b" :grammar (find-grammar "ex3"))
+       "b")
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/ex4.40.zb
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/ex4.40.zb	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         ex4.40.zb
+; Description:  Variation on Example 3 (ex3.zb)
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:       7-Apr-92
+; Modified:     Thu Oct  2 12:52:23 1997 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     CL
+; Package:      USER
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1992, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+(:name "ex4.40" :grammar "null-grammar")
+(defrule a 
+	:= "b"
+	:= ())
+(defrule c 
+	:= "b"
+	:= ())
+(defrule d 
+	:= (a c a))
+(defrule e
+	:= (a "f" a))
+(compile-slr-grammar (merge-pathnames "ex4.40.zb" *ZEBU-test-directory*))
+(zb:zebu-load-file (merge-pathnames "ex4.40.tab" *ZEBU-test-directory*))
+(zb:read-parser "b xx" :grammar (find-grammar "ex4.40")
+		:junk-allowed t)
+(list-parser '("b") :grammar (find-grammar "ex4.40"))
+(list-parser '("b"  "xx") :grammar (find-grammar "ex4.40") :junk-allowed t)
+(equal (zb:read-parser "b" :grammar (find-grammar "ex4.40"))
+       "b")
+;;                              End of ex4.40.zb
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/ex4.41.zb
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/ex4.41.zb	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         ex4.41.zb
+; Description:  p. 231 (Dragon)
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:       7-Apr-92
+; Modified:     Thu Oct  2 12:52:33 1997 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     CL
+; Package:      USER
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1992, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+(:name "ex4.41")
+(defrule S := ( B B ) )
+(defrule B := ( "a" B )
+           := "b" )
+(set-working-directory *ZEBU-test-directory*)
+(compile-slr-grammar "ex4.41.zb")
+;;                            End of ex4.41.zb
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/ex4.42.zb
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/ex4.42.zb	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         ex4.42.zb
+; Description:  p. 231 (Dragon)
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:       7-Apr-92
+; Modified:     Thu Oct  2 12:52:46 1997 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     CL
+; Package:      USER
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1992, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+(:name "ex4.42")
+(defrule S := ( C C ) )
+(defrule C := ( "c" C )
+           := "d" )
+(set-working-directory *ZEBU-test-directory*)
+(compile-slr-grammar "ex4.42.zb")
+(zb::load-grammar "ex4.42.zb")
+(zb::print-collection nil)
+(zb::print-collection t)
+(zb::lalr1-tables-from-grammar "ex4.42.zb")
+(zb::print-collection t)
+Start state index: 0
+------------------ 0 -------------------
+S -> . C C { THE-END-G-SYMBOL }
+C -> . c C { c d }
+C -> . d { c d }
+gotos: S -> 1  C -> 2  c -> 4  d -> 6  
+------------------ 1 -------------------
+------------------ 2 -------------------
+S -> C . C { THE-END-G-SYMBOL }
+C -> . c C { THE-END-G-SYMBOL }
+C -> . d { THE-END-G-SYMBOL }
+gotos: C -> 3  c -> 4  d -> 6  
+------------------ 3 -------------------
+S -> C C . { THE-END-G-SYMBOL }
+------------------ 4 -------------------
+C -> . c C { THE-END-G-SYMBOL c d }
+C -> c . C { THE-END-G-SYMBOL c d }
+C -> . d { THE-END-G-SYMBOL c d }
+gotos: C -> 5  c -> 4  d -> 6  
+------------------ 5 -------------------
+C -> c C . { THE-END-G-SYMBOL c d }
+------------------ 6 -------------------
+C -> d . { THE-END-G-SYMBOL c d }
+;;                            End of ex4.42.zb
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/ex5.zb
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/ex5.zb	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+(:grammar "zebu-mg")
+;; Domain definition
+Program     := [(-stmts kb-sequence)];
+Combination := [(-function) (-args kb-sequence)];
+Tuple       := [(-members kb-sequence)];
+;; Rules
+Program --> "begin" Stmt+ "." "end"
+             { Program: [(-stmts Stmt+)] } ;
+Stmt    --> Identifier | Appl | Program ;
+Appl    --> Identifier "(" Arg* "," ")"
+             {Combination: [(-function Identifier) (-args Arg*)]};
+Arg     --> Identifier | Number | Appl | Tuple ;
+Tuple   --> "<" Arg+ " " ">" 
+            { Tuple: [(-members Arg+)] };
+;;                             End of ex5.zb
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/ex6_2.zb
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/ex6_2.zb	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ;
+(:name "ex6_2"
+ :domain-file "ex6-dom"
+ :grammar "zebu-mg"
+ :identifier-start-chars
+    "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
+ :identifier-continue-chars
+    "_-=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
+ )
+;; Domain definition
+ assignment := [(-lhs) (-rhs)];
+ locative   := [(-path)]; 
+;; Productions
+ S -->  L "=" R 		{assignment: [(-lhs L) (-rhs R)]}
+	| R ;
+ L -->  "*" R               	{locative: [(-path R)]}
+	| Identifier;
+ R -->  NUMBER
+	| L;
+(ds:compile-module "ex6_2")
+(ds:load-module "ex6_2")
+(read-parser "foo = 0" :grammar (find-grammar "ex6_2"))
+(type-of (read-parser "**foo = ***x" :grammar (find-grammar "ex6_2")))
+(equalp (ASSIGNMENT--lhs
+	 (read-parser "**foo = ***x" :grammar (find-grammar "ex6_2")))
+	(read-parser "**foo" :grammar (find-grammar "ex6_2")))
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/ex7.zb
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/ex7.zb	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+(:name "ex5"
+  :package "CL-USER"
+  :grammar "zebu-mg"
+  :lex-cats ((BEGIN "begin")
+	     (END "end")
+	     (Id2 "[-a-zA-Z][-$_a-zA-Z0-9]*")
+ ))
+;; Domain definition
+   Program     := [(-stmts kb-sequence)];
+   Combination := [(-function) (-args kb-sequence)];
+   Tuple       := [(-members kb-sequence)];
+;; Rules
+   Program --> BEGIN Stmt+ ";" END
+               { Program: [(-stmts Stmt+)] } ;
+   Stmt    --> Id2 | Appl | Program ;
+   Appl    --> Identifier "(" Arg* "," ")"
+               {Combination: [(-function Identifier) (-args Arg*)]};
+   Arg     --> Identifier | Number | Appl | Tuple ;
+   Tuple   --> "<" Arg+ " " ">" 
+               { Tuple: [(-members Arg+)] };
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/ex8.zb
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/ex8.zb	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+(:name "ex8" :package "USER" :grammar "zebu-mg")
+_root := [(ids kb-sequence)];
+starttoken --> IDENTIFIER+ " " {_root:[(ids IDENTIFIER+)]};
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/exercise.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/exercise.lisp	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,918 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         exercise.lisp
+; Description:  
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:      26-Mar-92
+; Modified:     Wed Jan 13 13:41:01 1999 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     CL
+; Package:      CL-USER
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1992, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+(in-package "CL-USER")
+;;                                  pathnames
+(unless (boundp '*ZEBU-directory*)
+  (setq *ZEBU-directory*
+	(make-pathname :directory (butlast (pathname-directory *LOAD-TRUENAME*)))
+	))
+(setq *ZEBU-binary-directory*
+  (make-pathname :directory (append (pathname-directory *ZEBU-directory*)
+				    (list "binary"))))
+(defparameter *ZEBU-test-directory*
+  (make-pathname :directory (append (pathname-directory *ZEBU-directory*)
+				    (list "test"))))
+(defparameter *ZEBU-test-binary-directory*
+  (make-pathname :directory (append (pathname-directory *ZEBU-test-directory*)
+				    (list "binary"))))
+(defparameter *ZEBU-compile-domain*
+(let ((*default-pathname-defaults* *ZEBU-directory*))
+  (require "ZEBU-sys")
+  (ds:compile-system 'Zebu-compiler)
+  (ds:load-system 'Zebu-compiler)
+  (ds:load-system 'Zebu-rr)
+  (use-package (find-package "ZEBU")
+               (find-package "CL-USER"))
+(let ((*default-pathname-defaults* *ZEBU-directory*))
+  (load (make-pathname :name "ZEBU-init" :type "lisp"))
+  (zb:zebu-compiler :compiled *ZEBU-compile-domain*)
+  (zb:zebu-rr :compiled *ZEBU-compile-domain*)
+;;                                     ex1
+(progn (ds:compile-module "ex1") (ds:load-module "ex1"))
+  (zebu-compile-file (merge-pathnames
+                      (make-pathname :name "ex1" :type "zb") *ZEBU-test-directory*)
+                     :output-file
+                     (merge-pathnames
+                      (make-pathname :name "ex1" :type "tab")
+                      *ZEBU-test-binary-directory*)
+		     :compile-domain *ZEBU-compile-domain*)
+  (zb:zebu-load-file (merge-pathnames
+                      (make-pathname :name "ex1" :type "tab")
+                      *ZEBU-test-binary-directory*)))
+(setq zebu:*current-grammar* (find-grammar "ex1"))
+(format t "Grammar: ~S" zebu:*current-grammar*)
+(let ((l '(1 "+" a foo bar)))
+  (multiple-value-bind (v rest)
+      (list-parser l :junk-allowed t)
+    (unless (and (equal v '(+OP (EXPRESSION (TERM (FACTOR 1)))
+			    (TERM (FACTOR A))))
+		 (eq rest (nthcdr 3 l)))
+      (warn "list-parser broken"))))
+(handler-case (equal (list-parser '(1  "+" a ) )
+		     (read-parser "1 + a"))
+	      (error () 'ok)
+	      (:no-error (&rest args) args))
+(if (and 
+     (equal (read-parser "1 + a")
+	      (TERM (FACTOR A))))
+     (equal (read-parser "1 + a") (read-parser "1 + a  dd" :junk-allowed t))
+     (equal (list-parser '(1 "+" a foo bar)  :junk-allowed t)
+	    (read-parser "1 + a  foo bar" :junk-allowed t))
+     (equal (read-parser ".1 + 1/3") (read-parser "0.1 + 1/3"))
+     (equal (read-parser "1 + a") (list-parser '(1 "+" a)))
+     (equal (read-parser "1 + 1") (list-parser '(1 "+" 1)))
+     (equal (read-parser "1 + x * y") (list-parser '(1 "+" x "*" y)))
+     (equal (read-parser "(1 + x) * y") (list-parser '("(" 1 "+" x ")" "*" y))))
+    (print 'ok)
+  (warn "error parsing with grammar ex1")) 
+(zb:FILE-PARSER (merge-pathnames "sample-ex1" *ZEBU-test-directory*) 
+                :grammar (zb:find-grammar "ex1"))
+ (merge-pathnames "ex1a.zb" *ZEBU-test-directory*)
+ :output-file (merge-pathnames "ex1a.tab" *ZEBU-test-binary-directory*))
+(zb:zebu-load-file (merge-pathnames "ex1a.tab" *ZEBU-test-binary-directory*))
+(unless (zb:read-parser "" :grammar (find-grammar "ex1a"))
+  (warn "error with grammar ex1a, given an empty string"))
+;;                              meta-grammar test
+(unless (equal (zb::grammar-identifier-start-chars (zb:find-grammar "zebu-mg"))
+	       "$-_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")
+  (warn "zebu-mg"))
+(zb:read-parser "Program := KB-domain: [(-stmts KB-Sequence)];"
+		:grammar (zb:find-grammar "zebu-mg"))
+(zb:read-parser "Program := [(-stmts KB-Sequence)];"
+		:grammar (zb:find-grammar "zebu-mg"))
+(zb:read-parser "Arith-exp := Kb-domain : [];"
+		:grammar (zb:find-grammar "zebu-mg"))
+(zb:read-parser "Factor    := Arith-exp : [(-value)];"
+		:grammar (zb:find-grammar "zebu-mg"))
+(zb:read-parser "Program --> \"begin\" Stmts \"end\"
+                 { Program: [(-stmts Stmts)
+                             (-label \"bar\")] } ;"
+		:grammar (zb:find-grammar "zebu-mg"))
+(unless (equalp
+	 (zb:read-parser "Program --> \"begin\" Stmts \"end\"
+                          { Program: [(-stmts Stmts)] } ;"
+			 :grammar (zb:find-grammar "zebu-mg"))
+			      -SYNTAX ("begin" STMTS "end")
+					    -TYPE PROGRAM
+						       -LABEL -STMTS
+						       -VALUE STMTS)))
+			      -BUILD-FN NIL))))
+  (warn "zebu-mg 1"))
+(with-open-file (s (merge-pathnames "arith.zb" *ZEBU-test-directory*))
+  (read s)
+  (zb::file-parser-aux s #'error t (zb:find-grammar "zebu-mg") t))
+#+DEFSYS (ds:compile-module "arith")
+(zebu-compile-file (merge-pathnames "arith" *ZEBU-test-directory*)
+                   :output-file (merge-pathnames
+                                 "arith" *ZEBU-test-binary-directory*)
+		   :compile-domain *ZEBU-compile-domain*)
+ (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :name "ar-dom"
+				 :type (car *load-source-pathname-types*))
+		  *ZEBU-test-directory*)
+ :output-file (merge-pathnames
+	       "ar-dom" *ZEBU-test-binary-directory*))
+  (FORMAT STREAM "~a" (factor--value item)))
+(ds:load-module "arith")
+(zebu-load-file (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :name "arith" :type "tab")
+                                 *ZEBU-test-binary-directory*))
+(zebu::print-actions "arith")
+(unless (and (equalp (list-parser '(ned "+" jed)
+				  :grammar (zb:find-grammar "arith"))
+		     (read-parser "ned + jed"
+				  :grammar (zb:find-grammar "arith")))
+	     (equalp (read-parser "(ned + jed) * 4"
+				  :grammar (zb:find-grammar "arith"))
+		     '#S(Mult-OP
+			 -ARG1 #S(FACTOR
+						    -ARG2 #S(FACTOR -VALUE JED)))
+			 -ARG2 #S(FACTOR -VALUE 4))))
+  (warn "arith did not compile correctly"))
+(defun print-factor (item stream level)
+  (declare (ignore level))
+  (let ((v (factor--value item)))
+    (if (or (symbolp v) (numberp v))
+	(format stream "~a" v)
+      (format stream "(~a)" v))))
+(unless (string= (with-output-to-string (s)
+		   (prin1
+		    (read-parser "(ned + jed) * 4"
+				 :grammar (zb:find-grammar "arith"))
+		    s))
+		 "(NED + JED) * 4")
+  (warn "printing for arith failed"))
+;; mini-la
+(let ((zebu:*allow-conflicts* t)
+      (*generate-domain* t))
+  (compile-slr-grammar 
+   (merge-pathnames "mini-la.zb" *ZEBU-TEST-DIRECTORY*)
+   :output-file (merge-pathnames "mini-la.tab" *ZEBU-TEST-BINARY-DIRECTORY*))
+  )
+(setq zebu:*current-grammar*
+      (zebu-load-file (merge-pathnames "mini-la.tab" *ZEBU-TEST-BINARY-DIRECTORY*)))
+(unless (typep (zb::read-parser "begin a end" :grammar (zb:find-grammar "mini-la"))
+	       'program)
+  (warn "failed to parse with mini-la: 1"))
+(unless (typep (zb::read-parser "begin A; B ; C end"
+				:grammar (zb:find-grammar "mini-la"))
+	       'program)
+  (warn "failed to parse with mini-la: 2"))
+(unless (typep (zb::read-parser "begin A; begin B1; B2 end ; C end"
+				:grammar (zb:find-grammar "mini-la"))
+	       'program)
+  (warn "failed to parse with mini-la: 3"))
+(let ((s " begin F({1,2,4}) end"))
+  (equal (format nil "~s" (zb::read-parser s))
+	 s)
+  )
+;;                                    ex6_2
+(let ((*default-pathname-defaults* *ZEBU-TEST-DIRECTORY*))
+  (zebu-compile-file "ex6_2.zb"
+   :output-file (merge-pathnames "ex6_2.tab" *ZEBU-TEST-BINARY-DIRECTORY*)
+   :compile-domain *ZEBU-compile-domain*)
+  (setq zebu:*current-grammar*
+      (zebu-load-file (merge-pathnames "ex6_2.tab" *ZEBU-TEST-BINARY-DIRECTORY*)))
+  )
+(unless (and (let ((zb:*preserve-case* t))
+	       (string= (format nil "~s" (read-parser "foo = 0"))
+			"foo = 0"))
+	     (eq (type-of (read-parser "**foo = ***x")) 'ASSIGNMENT)
+	     (equalp (ASSIGNMENT--lhs
+		      (read-parser "**foo = ***x"))
+		     (read-parser "**foo")))
+  (warn "Grammar ex6_2 did not compile correctly"))
+;;                                     ex2
+(progn (compile-module "ex2") (load-module "ex2"))
+  (zebu-compile-file (merge-pathnames
+                      (make-pathname :name "ex2" :type "zb") *ZEBU-test-directory*)
+                     :output-file
+                     (merge-pathnames
+                      (make-pathname :name "ex2" :type "tab")
+                      *ZEBU-test-binary-directory*)
+		     :compile-domain *ZEBU-compile-domain*
+		     :verbose t)
+  (zb:zebu-load-file (merge-pathnames
+                      (make-pathname :name "ex2" :type "tab")
+                      *ZEBU-test-binary-directory*)))
+(setq zebu:*current-grammar* (find-grammar "ex2"))
+(format t "Grammar: ~S" zebu:*current-grammar*)
+(zebu::print-actions (zebu::grammar-name zebu:*current-grammar*))
+ (equal (read-parser "G") (list-parser '(G)))
+ (equal (read-parser "(G)") (list-parser '( "(" G ")" )))
+ (equal (read-parser "(((P)))") '((((P)))))
+ (equal (read-parser "(F + 3 + 1)") '((F "+" 3 "+" 1)))
+ (equal (read-parser "(F + 3 * (2 + 1))") '((F "+" 3 "*" (2 "+" 1))))
+ (equal (read-parser "(F + 3) * (2 + 1)") '((F "+" 3) "*" (2 "+" 1)))
+ (equal (read-parser "((F + 3) * 2) + 1") '(((F "+" 3) "*" 2) "+" 1))
+ (equal (list-parser '(ned "+" "(" jed "*" fred ")"))
+	'(NED "+" (JED "*" FRED)))
+ (print 1))
+ (let (zebu:*current-grammar*)
+   (equal (read-parser "ned + jed"     :grammar (find-grammar "ex2"))
+	  (list-parser '(ned "+" jed ) :grammar (find-grammar "ex2"))))
+ (equal (read-parser "ned + jed"     :grammar (find-grammar "ex2"))
+	(list-parser '(ned "+" jed ) :grammar (find-grammar "ex2")))
+ (print 2))
+(progn (compile-module "ex3") (load-module "ex3"))
+  (zebu-compile-file (merge-pathnames
+                      (make-pathname :name "ex3" :type "zb") *ZEBU-test-directory*)
+                     :output-file
+                     (merge-pathnames
+                      (make-pathname :name "ex3" :type "tab")
+                      *ZEBU-test-binary-directory*)
+		     :compile-domain *ZEBU-compile-domain*)
+  (zb:zebu-load-file (merge-pathnames
+                      (make-pathname :name "ex3" :type "tab")
+                      *ZEBU-test-binary-directory*)))
+ (equal (read-parser "b"     :grammar (find-grammar "ex3")) "b")
+ (null  (read-parser ""     :grammar (find-grammar "ex3")))
+ (print 3))
+  (compile-module "useless")
+  (load-module "useless")
+  (setq zebu:*current-grammar* (zb:find-grammar "useless"))
+  )
+(progn (compile-module "lr4-21") (load-module "lr4-21"))
+  (zebu-compile-file (merge-pathnames
+                      (make-pathname :name "lr4-21" :type "zb") *ZEBU-test-directory*)
+                     :output-file
+                     (merge-pathnames
+                      (make-pathname :name "lr4-21" :type "tab")
+                      *ZEBU-test-binary-directory*)
+		     :compile-domain *ZEBU-compile-domain*)
+  (zb:zebu-load-file (merge-pathnames
+                      (make-pathname :name "lr4-21" :type "tab")
+                      *ZEBU-test-binary-directory*)))
+(setq zebu:*current-grammar* (zb:find-grammar "lr4-21"))
+(read-parser "foo = 0")
+(read-parser "foo = x")
+(read-parser "*foo = x")
+(read-parser "*0 = x")
+(read-parser "**foo = ***x")
+ (compile-slr-grammar (merge-pathnames "ex4.40.zb" *ZEBU-TEST-DIRECTORY*)
+		      :output-file (merge-pathnames
+				    "ex4.40.tab" *ZEBU-TEST-BINARY-DIRECTORY*)))
+; this should print warnings
+;    The following non-terminals where defined but not used: D E 
+(equal (zb:read-parser "b" :grammar (find-grammar "ex4.40"))
+       "b")
+;;                           Propositional Calculus
+(let ((zebu:*allow-conflicts* t)
+      (*generate-domain* t))
+  (compile-lalr1-grammar 
+   (merge-pathnames "pc1.zb" *ZEBU-TEST-DIRECTORY*)
+   :output-file (merge-pathnames "pc1.tab" *ZEBU-TEST-BINARY-DIRECTORY*)
+   :verbose t)
+  (load (merge-pathnames "pc1-dom.lisp" *ZEBU-TEST-DIRECTORY*))
+  (load (merge-pathnames "pc1-p.lisp" *ZEBU-TEST-DIRECTORY*))
+  (zebu-load-file (merge-pathnames "pc1.tab" *ZEBU-TEST-BINARY-DIRECTORY*))
+  (setq zebu:*current-grammar* (zb:find-grammar "pc1"))
+  )
+(unless (and
+	 (eq (type-of (read-parser "P")) 'PROPOSITIONAL-VARIABLE)
+	 (type-of (read-parser "P and Q"))
+	 (string= (format nil "~s" (read-parser "P and Q"))
+		  "P and Q"))
+  (warn "pc1 didn't compile correctly"))
+(read-parser "P and Q and R")
+(read-parser "P and Q or R and S")
+(read-parser "(P and Q) or R and S")
+(read-parser "P and (Q or R) and S")
+(string= (format nil "~s" (read-parser "P(a: 1 b:S)"))
+	 "P(A: 1 B: S)")
+(let ((zb:*preserve-case* t))
+  (unless (string= (format nil "~s" (read-parser "P(a: 1 b:S)"))
+		   "P(a: 1 b: S)")
+    (warn "Printing with grammar pc1 failed")))
+(let ((zb:*preserve-case* nil))
+  (unless (string= (format nil "~s" (read-parser "walks(agent: John)"))
+    (warn "Printing with grammar pc1 failed")))
+(zebu::print-actions "pc1")
+;;                                dangling else
+(let ((zebu:*allow-conflicts* t) (zebu:*warn-conflicts* t))
+  (zebu-load-file
+   (compile-lalr1-grammar 
+    (merge-pathnames "dangelse.zb" *ZEBU-TEST-DIRECTORY*)
+    :output-file (merge-pathnames "dangelse.tab"
+(unless (equal (read-parser "if f then if g then h else i" 
+			    :grammar (find-grammar "dangelse"))
+	       '("if" F "then" ("if" G "then" H "else" I)))
+  (warn "error in dangelse grammar"))
+(defpackage "ZEBU-TEST"
+    #-LUCID (:use "COMMON-LISP")
+    )
+(progn (compile-module "pc2") (load-module "pc2")
+       )
+ (compile-lalr1-grammar 
+  (merge-pathnames "pc2.zb" *ZEBU-TEST-DIRECTORY*)
+  :output-file (merge-pathnames "pc2.tab"
+(def-tree-attributes Atomic-Wff
+    Atomic-Wff--predicate
+  )
+(def-tree-attributes Role-Argument-Pair
+    Role-Argument-Pair--Role
+    Role-Argument-Pair--Argument)
+(def-tree-attributes Boolean-And
+    Boolean-Expr--rand1
+    Boolean-Expr--rand2)
+ (merge-pathnames "pc1.tab"
+(or (kb-equal (zb:read-parser "walks(agent: John)" 
+			      :grammar (zb:find-grammar "pc1"))
+	      (zb:read-parser "walks(agent: John)" 
+			      :grammar (zb:find-grammar "pc2")))
+    (warn "error in grammar pc2: 1"))
+(def-tree-attributes Atomic-Wff
+    Atomic-Wff--Role-Argument-Pairs
+  )
+(and (kb-equal (zb:read-parser "walks(agent: John)" :grammar (zb:find-grammar "pc1"))
+	       (zb:read-parser "walks(agent: Joe)" :grammar (zb:find-grammar "pc2")))
+     (warn "error in grammar pc2: 2"))
+(or (kb-equal (zb:read-parser "walks(agent: John) and talks(agent: John)"
+			      :grammar (zb:find-grammar "pc1"))
+	      (zb:read-parser "walks(agent: John) and talks(agent: John)"
+			      :grammar (zb:find-grammar "pc2")))
+    (warn "error in grammar pc2: 3"))
+(unless (typep (zb:read-parser "walks(agent: John) and talks(agent: John) and Q"
+			       :grammar (zb:find-grammar "pc2"))
+	       'BOOLEAN-AND)
+  (warn "error in grammar pc2: 4"))
+;;                            recompile NLL grammar
+#+(and DEFSYS (not (or MCL cmu)))
+(let ((nll-sys (probe-file (merge-pathnames
+                            "NLL-sys.l"
+                            (make-pathname :directory
+                                           (append (butlast (pathname-directory
+                                                             *ZEBU-directory*))
+                                                   (list "nll")))))))
+  (when nll-sys
+    (load nll-sys)
+    (let (zebu:*warn-conflicts* (zebu:*allow-conflicts* t))
+      (compile-module "nll-grammar"))
+    (load-system 'NLL-test) )
+  (load-module "test-nll-syntax-1")
+  (load-module "test-nll-syntax-2")
+  (load-module "nll-simplify-test-1")
+  (load-module "nll-simplify-test-2")
+  (load-module "drt-to-lgq-test"))
+;;                                 avm grammar
+(let ((*default-pathname-defaults* *ZEBU-TEST-DIRECTORY*))
+  (zb:zebu-compile-file "avm.zb"
+			:output-file (merge-pathnames
+				      "avm.tab" *ZEBU-TEST-BINARY-DIRECTORY*)
+			:compile-domain *ZEBU-compile-domain*)
+  (load (merge-pathnames 
+	 (make-pathname :name "avm-p"
+			:type (car *load-source-pathname-types*)))))
+ (merge-pathnames "avm.tab" *ZEBU-TEST-BINARY-DIRECTORY*))
+(unless (and
+	 (equalp (zb:read-parser "[(s1 v1) (s2 v2)]" :grammar (find-grammar "avm"))
+		     -TYPE NIL
+			       #S(LABEL-VALUE-PAIR -LABEL S2 -VALUE V2))))
+	 (equalp (zb:read-parser "[(s1 v1) (s2 %1= v2) (s3 %1)]"
+				 :grammar (find-grammar "avm"))
+		     -TYPE NIL
+			       #S(LABEL-VALUE-PAIR
+				  -LABEL S2
+					    -TERM V2
+					    -TAG #S(GENERAL-VAR -NAME 1)))
+			       #S(LABEL-VALUE-PAIR
+				  -LABEL S3
+				  -VALUE #S(GENERAL-VAR -NAME 1)))))
+	 (equalp (zb:read-parser "type: foo [(s1 v1) (s2 %1= v2) (s3 %1)]"
+				 :grammar (find-grammar "avm"))
+                     #S(LABEL-VALUE-PAIR -LABEL S2
+                        -VALUE #S(TAGGED-TERM -TERM V2
+                                  -TAG #S(GENERAL-VAR -NAME 1)))
+                     #S(LABEL-VALUE-PAIR -LABEL S3
+                        -VALUE #S(GENERAL-VAR -NAME 1)))))
+	 (equalp (zb:read-parser "%0 = type: foo [(s1 %0) (s2 %1= v2) (s3 %1)]"
+				 :grammar (find-grammar "avm"))
+		     -TERM #S(FEAT-TERM
+			      -TYPE FOO
+					 -LABEL S1
+					   -LABEL S2
+						     -TERM V2
+						     -TAG #S(GENERAL-VAR -NAME 1)))
+					   -LABEL S3
+					   -VALUE #S(GENERAL-VAR -NAME 1))))
+		     -TAG #S(GENERAL-VAR -NAME 0))))
+  (warn "avm grammar did not compile correctly"))
+(let ((*load-verbose* t))
+  (zb:zebu-compile-file 
+   (merge-pathnames "avm1.zb" *ZEBU-TEST-DIRECTORY*)
+   :output-file (merge-pathnames "avm1.tab" *ZEBU-TEST-BINARY-DIRECTORY*)
+   :compile-domain *ZEBU-compile-domain*))
+;;(zebu::print-actions "avm1")
+ (merge-pathnames "avm1.tab" *ZEBU-TEST-BINARY-DIRECTORY*))
+(zb:read-parser "[(s1 v1) (s2 v2)]" :grammar (find-grammar "avm1"))
+(zb:read-parser "foo: [(s1 v1) (s2 %1= v2) (s3 %1)]"
+		:grammar (find-grammar "avm1"))
+(zb:read-parser "foo: [(s1 v1) (s2 %1= v2) (s3 %1)]"
+		:grammar (find-grammar "avm1"))
+(zb:read-parser "foo: []"
+		:grammar (find-grammar "avm1"))
+(zb:read-parser " []"
+		:grammar (find-grammar "avm1"))
+(zb:read-parser " [( s1 \"foo\" )]"
+		:grammar (find-grammar "avm1"))
+(zb:read-parser " [( s1 \"foo\\\"bar\" )]"
+		:grammar (find-grammar "avm1"))
+(zb:read-parser "foo : [(s1 [(s1 v1)]) (s2 %1= v2) (s3 %1)]"
+		:grammar (find-grammar "avm1"))
+(let ((*default-pathname-defaults* *ZEBU-TEST-DIRECTORY*))
+  (zb:file-parser "sample-avm1" :grammar (find-grammar "avm1")))
+;;                                 fs-grammar
+(zebu-compile-file (merge-pathnames
+                      (make-pathname :name "fsg" :type "zb") *ZEBU-test-directory*)
+                     :output-file
+                     (merge-pathnames
+                      (make-pathname :name "fsg" :type "tab")
+                      *ZEBU-test-binary-directory*)
+		     :compile-domain *ZEBU-compile-domain*)
+ (merge-pathnames "fsg.tab" *ZEBU-TEST-BINARY-DIRECTORY*))
+(read-parser " (:type ATOMIC-WFF) [(PRED walk) (AGENT peter)] "
+	     :grammar (find-grammar "tfs-g2"))
+;;                                 tdl grammar
+(zebu-compile-file (merge-pathnames
+                      (make-pathname :name "hh-tdl" :type "zb") *ZEBU-test-directory*)
+                     :output-file
+                     (merge-pathnames
+                      (make-pathname :name "hh-tdl" :type "tab")
+                      *ZEBU-test-binary-directory*)
+		     :compile-domain *ZEBU-compile-domain*)
+ (merge-pathnames "hh-tdl.tab" *ZEBU-TEST-BINARY-DIRECTORY*))
+(file-parser (merge-pathnames
+	      (make-pathname :name "hh-test" :type "tdl") *ZEBU-test-directory*)
+	     :grammar (find-grammar "hh-tdl"))
+ "index := *avm* &
+	 [ PERSON  person,
+	   NUMBER  number,
+	   GENDER  gender]."
+ :grammar (find-grammar "hh-tdl"))
+;;                         Regular Expression Compiler
+(let ((*load-verbose* t))
+  (load (merge-pathnames "regextst.lisp" *ZEBU-TEST-DIRECTORY*))
+  (zb:zebu-compile-file 
+   (merge-pathnames "pb.zb" *ZEBU-TEST-DIRECTORY*)
+   :output-file (merge-pathnames
+		 "pb.tab"
+   :compile-domain *ZEBU-compile-domain*))
+ (merge-pathnames "pb.tab" *ZEBU-TEST-BINARY-DIRECTORY*))
+(unless (equal (zb:read-parser "FOO : bar."
+			       :grammar (find-grammar "pb"))
+	       '("FOO" BAR))
+  (warn "Didn't parse pb grammar expression."))
+;;                              Phone-and-E-Mail
+(let ((*default-pathname-defaults* *ZEBU-TEST-DIRECTORY*)
+      (*load-verbose* t))
+  (zb:zebu-compile-file "lieber.zb"
+			:output-file (merge-pathnames
+				      "lieber.tab"
+			:compile-domain *ZEBU-compile-domain*))
+(defclass e-mail-address ()
+  ((person :initarg :person :accessor person) (host :initarg :host :accessor host)))
+(defclass host () ((domain-path :initarg :domain-path :accessor domain-path)))
+(defclass phone-number ()
+  ((area-code :initarg :area-code :accessor area-code) (exchange :initarg :exchange :accessor exchange)
+   (extension :initarg :extension :accessor extension)))
+ (merge-pathnames "lieber.tab" *ZEBU-TEST-BINARY-DIRECTORY*))
+(find-grammar "Phone-and-E-Mail")
+;; This doesn't work...
+ "My name is Henry, my address is lieber at media.mit.edu and you can call me at (617) 253-0315" 
+ :grammar (find-grammar "Phone-and-E-Mail"))
+;;                                   BibTeX
+(let ((*default-pathname-defaults* *ZEBU-TEST-DIRECTORY*)
+      (*load-verbose* t))
+  (zb:zebu-compile-file "bibtex.zb"
+			:output-file (merge-pathnames
+				      "bibtex.tab" *ZEBU-TEST-BINARY-DIRECTORY*)
+			:compile-domain *ZEBU-compile-domain*))
+(let ((*default-pathname-defaults* *ZEBU-TEST-BINARY-DIRECTORY*))
+  (zb:zebu-load-file "bibtex.tab"))
+(read-parser "@TechReport{allen81a,
+author \"ALLEN, J.F.\",
+title \"Maintaining Knowledge About Temporal Intervals, TR 86\",
+institution \"University of Rochester, Department of Computer Science\",
+year \"1981\"}" :grammar (find-grammar "bibtex"))
+  (file-parser "~/notes/lit/bib/time.bib" :grammar (find-grammar "bibtex")
+               :print-parse-errors t :verbose nil)
+  (file-parser "~/notes/lit/bib/functional-lang.bib" :grammar (find-grammar "bibtex")
+               :print-parse-errors t :verbose nil)
+  (file-parser "~/notes/lit/bib/cs.bib" :grammar (find-grammar "bibtex")
+               :print-parse-errors t :verbose nil)
+  (file-parser "~/notes/lit/bib/planning.bib" :grammar (find-grammar "bibtex")
+               :print-parse-errors t :verbose nil))
+;;                              zebra-grammar.zb
+  (let ((d (pathname-directory *ZEBU-TEST-DIRECTORY*)))
+    (make-pathname :directory (append (subseq d 0 (- (length d) 2))
+				      (list "zebra" "zebra-release")))))
+  (let ((d (pathname-directory *ZEBU-TEST-DIRECTORY*)))
+    (make-pathname :directory (list "zebra" "zebra-release"))))
+#+(OR :HP300 :HP700)
+(when (and (boundp '*ZEBRA-DIRECTORY*) (probe-file *ZEBRA-DIRECTORY*))
+  (let ((*default-pathname-defaults* *ZEBRA-DIRECTORY*)
+        (*load-verbose* t))
+    (load "ZEBRA-system"))
+  )
+#+(OR :HP300 :HP700)
+(compile-system "ZEBRA")
+(load-system "ZEBRA")
+(let ((*default-pathname-defaults* *ZEBU-TEST-DIRECTORY*)
+      (*load-verbose* t))
+  (zb:zebu-compile-file "zebra-grammar.zb"
+			:output-file (merge-pathnames
+				      "zebra-grammar.tab"
+			:compile-domain *ZEBU-compile-domain*))
+(let ((*default-pathname-defaults* *ZEBU-TEST-DIRECTORY*)
+      (*load-verbose* t))
+  (zb:zebu-load-file (merge-pathnames "zebra-grammar.tab"
+(zb:read-parser "Rule string2terminal :=
+                        #1 stringp(#1) --> terminal:[(-string #1)];"
+		:grammar (zb:find-grammar "zebra-grammar"))
+(defun zebra-read-string (s)
+  (zb:read-parser s :grammar (zb:find-grammar "zebra-grammar")))
+(zebra-read-string "Rule string2terminal :=
+                        #1 stringp(#1) --> terminal:[(-string #1)];")
+(zebra-read-string "Rule R1 := bar:[(-slot {...})] --> baz:[(-slot {a,b})]; ")
+(zebra-read-string "rule t1 := a:[] --> test:[];")
+(zebra-read-string "rule t1 := a --> test:[];")
+(zebra-read-string "rule t1 := a --> [test];")
+(zebra-read-string "rule t1 := a --> b;")
+(setq zebu:*current-grammar* (zb:find-grammar "zebra-grammar"))
+;;(zebu::print-collection nil)
+(let ((zb:*preserve-case* t))
+  (zebra-read-string "Rule t1:=a --> test;"))
+(let ((zb:*preserve-case* t)
+      (s " Rule t1:=a --> test;"))
+  (string= s (format nil "~a" (zebra-read-string s))))
+;;(zb:file-parser (merge-pathnames "zebra-parser.za" *ZEBU-TEST-DIRECTORY*))
+;;                                    time
+#+(and LUCID HP300)
+(let ((*default-pathname-defaults* *ZEBU-TEST-DIRECTORY*))
+  (zb:zebu-load-file
+   (zb:zebu-compile-file "time.zb"
+			 :output-file (merge-pathnames
+				       "time.tab" *ZEBU-TEST-BINARY-DIRECTORY*)
+			 :compile-domain *ZEBU-compile-domain*))
+  )
+#+(and LUCID HP300)
+  (zebu::print-actions "time")
+  (zebu::print-productions))
+;;                                   Kleene+
+(let ((zebu:*allow-conflicts* t)
+      (*generate-domain* t))
+  (compile-slr-grammar (merge-pathnames "ex5.zb" *ZEBU-TEST-DIRECTORY*)
+   :output-file (merge-pathnames "ex5.tab" *ZEBU-TEST-BINARY-DIRECTORY*))
+  )
+(setq zebu:*current-grammar*
+      (zebu-load-file (merge-pathnames "ex5.tab" *ZEBU-TEST-BINARY-DIRECTORY*)))
+;;                               circular print
+(let ((zebu:*allow-conflicts* t)
+      (*generate-domain* t))
+  (compile-slr-grammar (merge-pathnames "ex7.zb" *ZEBU-TEST-DIRECTORY*)
+   :output-file (merge-pathnames "ex7.tab" *ZEBU-TEST-BINARY-DIRECTORY*))
+  )
+(setq zebu:*current-grammar*
+      (zebu-load-file (merge-pathnames "ex7.tab" *ZEBU-TEST-BINARY-DIRECTORY*)))
+;;                               Kleene +
+(let ((*generate-domain* t))
+  (compile-slr-grammar (merge-pathnames "ex8.zb" *ZEBU-TEST-DIRECTORY*)
+   :output-file (merge-pathnames "ex8.tab" *ZEBU-TEST-BINARY-DIRECTORY*))
+  )
+(setq zebu:*current-grammar*
+      (zebu-load-file (merge-pathnames "ex8.tab" *ZEBU-TEST-BINARY-DIRECTORY*)))
+;;                                   bug-exp
+(defun compile-load-test-file (file)
+  (let ((*default-pathname-defaults* *ZEBU-TEST-DIRECTORY*))
+     (zb:zebu-load-file
+      (zb:zebu-compile-file (format nil "~a.zb" file)
+			    :output-file (merge-pathnames
+					   (format nil "~a.tab" file)
+			    :compile-domain *ZEBU-compile-domain*))
+     ))
+(let ()
+  (compile-load-test-file "bug-exp")
+  (compile-load-test-file "bug-exp1")
+  (compile-load-test-file "bug-exp2")
+  (compile-load-test-file "bug-exp3")
+  )
+(equal (read-parser "STRING (30)"
+		    :grammar (zb:find-grammar "bug-exp"))
+       (read-parser "STRING (30)"
+		    :grammar (zb:find-grammar "bug-exp1")))
+(equal (read-parser "STRING (30)"
+		    :grammar (zb:find-grammar "bug-exp2"))
+       (read-parser "STRING (30)"
+		    :grammar (zb:find-grammar "bug-exp3")))
+(equal (let ((*preserve-case* t))
+	 (read-parser "fooBar"
+		      :grammar (zb:find-grammar "bug-exp3")))
+       "fooBar")
+;;                  Monitoring the Zebu compiler (in Lucid CL)
+;; in fresh CL:
+(set-working-directory *ZEBU-directory*)
+(load "ZEBU-sys.lisp")
+(compile-system 'Zebu-compiler)
+(with-monitored-definitions (load-system 'Zebu-compiler))
+(set-working-directory "../nll/")
+(load "NLL-sys.lisp")
+(time (compile-module "nll-grammar"))
+(summarize-monitors :number-of-calls t)
+(time (compile-module "ex1"))
+;;                            End of exercise.lisp
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/fsg.zb
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/fsg.zb	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+;;; -*- Mode: Fundamental; Syntax: ZEBU; Package: NLL -*-
+;;;        file: fsg.zb
+;;;      module: TFS-2  
+;;;     version: 2.0, Zebu 3.2.8. with Meta Grammar
+;;;  written by: Karsten Konrad (konrad at dfki.uni-sb.de)
+;;; last update: 7-Sep-1994
+;;;  updated by: KaKo
+;;; author            | date        | modification
+;;; ------------------|-------------|------------------------------------------
+;;;                   |             |
+;;; Grammar for Typed Feature Structures (TFS) using MetaGrammar of Zebu.
+;;; The grammar's syntax is according to UDiNe (Backofen).
+(:name "tfs-g2"
+ :grammar "zebu-mg"
+ :identifier-continue-chars
+ ":$+-_*.abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890"
+ :identifier-start-chars
+ "$+-_*.abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890"
+ :domain-file "tfs-d2" 
+ )
+;;; Domain Definition
+fs-object := kb-domain:[(-extras)];
+feat-term := fs-object:[];
+;; type expressions for typed terms
+fs-type-expr := fs-object:[];
+fs-type := fs-type-expr:[(-type)(-sort-p)];
+fs-atomar := fs-type-expr:[(-value)];
+fs-type-conj := fs-type-expr:[(-types)];
+fs-type-disj := fs-type-expr:[(-types)];
+fs-type-neg  := fs-type-expr:[(-type)];
+;; other objects
+label-value-pair := fs-object:[(-label)(-value)]
+        << print-function: print-label-value-pair >>;
+neg-var := fs-object:[(-number)];
+neg-vars := fs-object:[(-members)];
+fs-var := feat-term:[(-number)(-var-bound)(-neg-vars)];
+tagged-term := feat-term:[(-tag)(-term)];
+typed-fs-term := feat-term:[(-type)(-conj)];
+fs-atom := feat-term:[(-value)]
+        << print-function: print-fs-atom >>;
+negative-atoms := feat-term:[(-atoms)];
+fs-conj-term := feat-term:[(-lvps)]
+        << print-function: print-fs-conj-term >>;
+fs-disj-term := feat-term:[(-members)]
+        << print-function: print-fs-disj-term >>;
+fs-list := feat-term:[(-first)(-rest)];
+empty-fs-list := feat-term:[];
+;;; Syntax Rules
+Feature-Term -->
+        Untagged-Term |
+        Tagged-Term |
+        FS-Var;
+Tagged-Term -->
+        FS-Var "=" Untagged-Term
+        {Tagged-Term:[(-tag FS-VAR)(-term Untagged-Term)]};
+Untagged-Term -->
+        Pos-Untagged-Term |
+        Negative-Atoms;
+Negative-Atoms -->
+        "-(" FS-Atom + " " ")"
+        {Negative-Atoms:[(-atoms FS-Atom+)]};
+Pos-Untagged-Term -->
+        Typed-Fs-Term |
+        FS-Conj-Term |
+        FS-Disj-Term |
+        FS-List |
+        FS-Atom;
+Typed-Fs-Term -->
+        Type-Expr Fs-Conj-Term
+        {Typed-Fs-Term:[(-type Type-Expr)
+                        (-conj Fs-Conj-Term)]};
+;;; Lists
+FS-List -->
+        "nil"
+        {empty-fs-list:[]} |
+        "<" ">"
+        {empty-FS-List:[]} |
+        "<" Feature-Term ">"
+        {FS-List:[(-first Feature-Term)
+                  (-rest empty-FS-List)]} |
+        "<" Feature-Term FS-List-Rest ">"
+        {FS-List:[(-first Feature-Term)
+                  (-rest FS-List-Rest)]};
+FS-List-Rest -->
+        Feature-Term.1 "." Feature-Term.2
+        {FS-List:[(-first Feature-Term.1)
+                  (-rest  Feature-Term.2)]} |
+        Feature-Term FS-List-Rest
+        {FS-List:[(-first Feature-Term)
+                  (-rest FS-List-Rest)]} |
+        Feature-Term
+        {FS-List:[(-first Feature-Term)
+                  (-rest Empty-FS-List)]};
+;;; Conj Terms
+FS-Conj-Term -->
+        "[" Label-Value-Pair * " " "]"
+        {FS-Conj-Term:[(-lvps Label-Value-Pair*)]};
+FS-Disj-Term -->
+        "{" Feature-Term + "," "}"
+        {FS-Disj-Term:[(-members Feature-Term+)]};
+FS-Atom -->
+        {FS-Atom:[(-value IDENTIFIER)]} | 
+        NUMBER
+        {FS-Atom:[(-value NUMBER)]} | 
+        STRING
+        {FS-Atom:[(-value STRING)]};
+Label-Value-Pair -->
+        "(" IDENTIFIER Feature-Term ")"
+        {Label-Value-Pair:[(-label IDENTIFIER)
+                           (-value Feature-Term)]};
+FS-Var -->
+        "%" Number 
+        {Fs-Var:[(-number Number)]} |
+        "%" Number Neg-Vars
+        {Fs-Var:[(-number Number)
+                 (-neg-vars Neg-Vars)]};
+Neg-Vars -->
+        "(" Neg-Var + " " ")"
+        {Neg-Vars:[(-members Neg-Var+)]};
+Neg-Var -->
+        "-" "%" Number
+        {Neg-Var:[(-number Number)]}; 
+;;; TDL Types
+Atomar -->
+        "(" ":atom" Identifier ")"
+        {FS-Atomar:[(-value Identifier)]} |
+         "(" ":atom" Number ")"
+        {FS-Atomar:[(-value Number)]} |
+         "(" ":atom" String ")"
+        {FS-Atomar:[(-value String)]};
+Conjunction -->
+        "(" ":and" TYPE + " " ")"
+        {FS-Type-Conj:[(-types TYPE+)]};
+Disjunction -->
+        "(" ":or" TYPE + " " ")"
+        {FS-Type-Disj:[(-types TYPE+)]};
+Negation -->
+        "(" ":not" TYPE ")"
+        {FS-Type-Neg:[(-type TYPE)]};
+;; Type can be printed with (:type <type>) or <type>
+;; ugly syntax convention, but no problem on this side.
+;; (replaced by syntax transformation)
+Type-Expr -->
+        "(" ":type" Type ")"
+        {FS-Type:[(-type Type)]} |
+        "(" ":type" Type ":sort-p" Identifier ")"
+        {FS-Type:[(-type Type)(-sort-p Identifier)]} |
+        Type;
+Type -->
+        Identifier |
+        Conjunction |
+        Disjunction |
+        Negation |
+        Atomar;
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/g0.zb
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/g0.zb	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         g0.zb
+; Description:  Zebu Grammar: Simple Expressions
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Language:     CL
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+(:name "G0")
+(defrule Program := ( "begin" Stmts "end" ) )
+(defrule Stmts   := ( SimpleStmt ";" Stmts) 
+	         := ( "begin" Stmts "end" ";" Stmts )
+		 := () )
+(defrule SimpleStmt := Identifier)
+(set-working-directory *ZEBU-test-directory*)
+(let ((*load-verbose* t))
+  (compile-slr-grammar "g0.zb"))
+(setq zebu:*current-grammar*
+      (zebu-load-file "g0.tab"))
+(progn (format t "symbols: ") (terpri) (zebu::cruise-symbols-2))
+(zebu::print-collection t)
+(zb::read-parser "begin A; B; end")
+;;                                End of g0.zb
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/g1.zb
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/g1.zb	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         g1.zb
+; Description:  Grammar Example g1 from Fischer&LeBlanc
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Language:     Zebu
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+(:name "g1")
+(defrule S := E)
+(defrule E := (E "+" Term)
+	   := Term)
+(defrule Term  := Identifier
+	       := ( "(" E ")" ) )
+(setf (SYSTEM::environment-variable "zebutest") "~/hpnlrw/zebu/test")
+(let ((*load-verbose* t))
+  (compile-slr-grammar
+   (merge-pathnames "g1.zb" *ZEBU-test-directory*)))
+(setq zebu:*current-grammar*
+      (zebu-load-file (merge-pathnames "g1.tab" *ZEBU-test-directory*)))
+(progn (format t "symbols: ") (terpri) (zebu::cruise-symbols-2))
+(zebu::print-collection t)
+(setq $i (third (zb::oset-item-list zb::f-i-set)))
+;;                                End of g1.zb
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/g2.zb
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/g2.zb	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         g1.zb
+; Description:  Zebu Grammar Example with useless nonterminals
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Language:     CL
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+(:name "g1")
+(defrule S := A
+	   := B)
+(defrule A := "a")
+(defrule B := (B "b") )
+(defrule C := "c")
+(setf (SYSTEM::environment-variable "zebutest") "~/hpnlrw/zebu/test")
+(let ((*load-verbose* t))
+  (compile-slr-grammar
+   (merge-pathnames "g1.zb" *ZEBU-test-directory*)))
+;;; Warning: The following non-terminals where defined but not used: C 
+(setq zebu:*current-grammar*
+      (zebu-load-file (merge-pathnames "g1.tab" *ZEBU-test-directory*)))
+(progn (format t "symbols: ") (terpri) (zebu::cruise-symbols-2))
+(zebu::print-collection t)
+;;                                End of g1.zb
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/hh-tdl.zb
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/hh-tdl.zb	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+(:name "hh-tdl"
+ :grammar "zebu-mg"
+ :package "CL-USER"
+ :identifier-continue-chars
+ "$*-_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890"
+ :identifier-start-chars
+ "$*-_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890"
+;; ENRICH 'lex-cats' !!! (to handle '*avm*'...)
+;; :lex-cats ((Identifier "[A-z]+"))
+;; Domain definition
+;; skip 'options,' optional expressions to begin
+;; CREATE GLOBAL HIERARCHY??? (how to break down?)
+Type-Feat := kb-domain: [];
+Type-Def := Type-Feat: [(-type Identifier) (-def)];     
+;; 1st restricted, 2nd generic ?!!
+;; return what, where?					
+;; are these things nested??
+AVM-Def := Type-Feat: [(-body)]; 
+;; unique labels?  case sensitivity??
+Disjunction := Type-Feat: [(-terms)];  
+	Disj-Inc := Disjunction: [];	
+	Disj-Exc := Disjunction: [];	
+;; (dis)advantages of specificity?
+Conjunction := Type-Feat: [(-terms)];
+Feature-Term := Type-Feat: [(-terms)];
+Attr-Val := Type-Feat: [(-attr-path) (-val)];
+;; Productions 
+Type-Def 	--> 	Type AVM-Def "."
+			{Type-Def: [(-type Type)
+				    (-def AVM-Def)]};
+;;		      |	Type Subtype-Def "."
+;;			{Type-Def: [(-type Type)
+;;				    (-def Subtype-Def)]};
+AVM-Def 	--> 	":=" Body
+			{AVM-Def: [(-body Body)]};
+Body		-->	Disjunction;
+;;currently transparent, soon to include the following...
+;;			{Body: [(-disj Disjunction)
+;;				(-const Constraint+)]}
+Disjunction	--> 	Conjunction+ "|"
+			{Disj-Inc: [(-terms Conjunction+)]} | 
+			Conjunction+ "^"	              
+			{Disj-Exc: [(-terms Conjunction+)]};
+;; "+" vs. "*" ?
+;; tricky tricky!
+Conjunction	-->	Term+ "&"
+			{Conjunction: [(-terms Term+)]};			
+Term		-->	Type |
+			Feature-Term;
+Feature-Term	-->	"[" Attr-Val* "," "]" 
+			{Feature-Term: [(-terms Attr-Val*)]};   
+;; "*" vs. "+" ?		       					
+;; tricky tricky!
+Attr-Val 	-->	Attribute+ "." 
+			{Attr-Val: [(-attr-path Attribute+)
+				    (-val NIL)]}
+		      |	Attribute+ "." Disjunction 
+			{Attr-Val: [(-attr-path Attribute+)
+				    (-val Disjunction)]};
+;; what about paths -- sufficiently general??
+Type		--> 	Identifier;
+Attribute	-->	Identifier;
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/hh-test.tdl
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/hh-test.tdl	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+index := *avm* &
+	 [ PERSON  person,
+	   NUMBER  number,
+	   GENDER  gender].
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/lex1.zb
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/lex1.zb	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         lex1.zb
+; Description:  Zebu Grammar: Simple Expressions
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Language:     CL
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+(:name "lex1"
+ :package "CL-USER"
+ :grammar "zebu-mg"
+ :identifier-start-chars
+ "-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
+ :identifier-continue-chars
+ "$-_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890"
+ )
+;; Domain definition
+Program :=     [(-stmts kb-sequence)];
+Combination := [(-function) (-arg)];
+Quantity :=    [(-dim) (-val)];
+Dimension :=   [(-val)];
+;; rules
+Program  --> "begin" Stmt+ " " "end"
+             { Program: [(-stmts Stmt+)] } ;
+Stmt     --> Identifier | Quantity | Appl | Program ;
+Appl     --> Identifier "(" Arg* " " ")"
+              {Combination: [(-function Identifier) (-arg Arg*)]};
+Arg      --> Identifier | Number | Appl | Quantity ;
+Quantity --> "<" Dimension "." Number ">"
+             {Quantity: [(-dim Dimension) (-val Number)]};
+Dimension --> "#" Identifier
+              {Dimension: [(-val Identifier)]} ;
+(set-working-directory *ZEBU-test-directory*)
+(let ((*load-verbose* t))
+  (zb:compile-slr-grammar "lex1.zb"
+		       :output-file (merge-pathnames
+				     "binary/lex1.tab"
+				     *ZEBU-test-directory*)
+		       :verbose t))
+(setq zebu:*current-grammar*
+      (zebu-load-file (merge-pathnames
+		       "binary/lex1.tab" *ZEBU-test-directory*)
+		      :verbose t))
+(zb::read-parser "begin <#k . 1> end")
+(zb::read-parser "begin <#k . .1> end")
+(zb::read-parser "begin <#K . 2.1> end")
+(zebu::print-collection t)
+(zebu::print-actions "lex1")
+(zb::read-parser "begin A end")
+(zb::read-parser "begin A B C end")
+(zb::read-parser "begin A begin B1 B2 end C end")
+(zb::read-parser "begin f() end")
+(zb::read-parser "begin f(a) end")
+(zb::read-parser "begin f(1) end")
+(zb::read-parser "begin A f(1) end")
+(zb::read-parser "begin f(1 2) end")
+(zb::read-parser "begin f(1) A end")
+(zb::read-parser "begin f(g(a)) A end")
+;;                             End of lex1.zb
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/lieber.zb
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/lieber.zb	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+;; This is a Zebu grammmar that recognizes phone numbers and e-mail addresses in free text.
+;; Henry Lieberman 2 February 1995
+(:name "Phone-and-E-Mail"
+       :identifier-start-chars "$-_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!#%*^&:;,?/|\\~`+='"
+       :identifier-continue-chars "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")
+(defrule Words 
+  := () 
+  := (Word) 
+  :build (:form (list Word))
+  := (Word Words)
+  :build (:form (cons Word Words))
+  )
+(defrule Word
+  := Identifier 
+  := Number
+  := Phone-Number
+  := E-Mail-Address)
+(defrule Phone-Number 
+  ;; Example: 253-0315
+  := (Number.1 "-" Number.2) 
+  :build (:form (make-instance 'phone-number :exchange Number.1 :extension Number.2))
+  ;; Example: (617) 253-0315
+  := ("(" Number ")" Phone-Number)
+  :build (:form (make-instance 'phone-number
+                   :area-code Number 
+                   :exchange (exchange Phone-Number)
+                   :extension (extension Phone-Number))))
+;; I didn't put anything about restricting to seven digits, etc. 
+(defrule Host 
+  ;; Example: media.mit.edu
+  := (Identifier)
+  :build (:form (make-instance 'host :domain-path (list Identifier)))
+  := (Identifier "." Host)
+  :build (:form (make-instance 'host :domain-path (cons Identifier (domain-path Host)))))
+(defrule E-Mail-Address
+  ;; Example: lieber at media.mit.edu
+  := (Identifier "@" Host)
+  :build (:form (make-instance 'e-mail-address :person Identifier :host Host)))
+(defclass e-mail-address ()
+  ((person :initarg :person :accessor person) (host :initarg :host :accessor host)))
+(defclass host () ((domain-path :initarg :domain-path :accessor domain-path)))
+(defclass phone-number ()
+  ((area-code :initarg :area-code :accessor area-code) (exchange :initarg :exchange :accessor exchange)
+   (extension :initarg :extension :accessor extension)))
+(compile-and-load-grammar "Phone-and-E-Mail") ;; in file Phone-and-E-Mail.zb
+;; This doesn't work...
+ "My name is Henry, my address is lieber at media.mit.edu and you can call me at (617) 253-0315" 
+ :grammar (find-grammar "Phone-and-E-Mail"))
+;;  Having trouble with . and @ characters ...
+;; But this does...
+ "My name is Henry, my address is lieber @ media . mit . edu and you can call me at (617) 253-0315" 
+ :grammar (find-grammar "Phone-and-E-Mail"))
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/lr4-21.zb
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/lr4-21.zb	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         lr4-21.zb
+; Description:  grammar (4.21) on page 231 of Dragon
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:      20-Mar-91
+; Modified:     Thu Oct  2 12:57:09 1997 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     CL
+; Package:      CL-USER
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1991, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+(:name "lr4-21"
+ :domain-file "lr4-dom"
+ :package "CL-USER"
+ :grammar "null-grammar"
+ :identifier-start-chars "$-?abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
+ :identifier-continue-chars "$-_?.abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890")
+(defrule S 
+    := (L "=" R) 
+    :build (list 'S L "=" R)
+    := R
+    :build (list 'S R))
+(defrule L
+    := ("*" R)
+    :build (list 'L "*" R)
+(defrule R
+    := NUMBER
+    :build (list 'R NUMBER)
+    := L
+    :build (list 'R L))
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/mini-la.zb
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/mini-la.zb	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         mini-la.zb
+; Description:  Zebu Grammar: Simple Expressions
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Language:     CL
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+(:name "mini-la"
+ :domain-file "minl-dom"
+ :package "CL-USER"
+ :grammar "zebu-mg"
+ :identifier-start-chars
+ "-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
+ :identifier-continue-chars
+ "$-_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890"
+ )
+;; Domain definition
+Program     := [(-stmts kb-sequence)];
+Combination := [(-function) (-args kb-sequence)];
+Tuple       := [(-members kb-sequence)];
+Za-Set      := [(-members Za-Set-Part)];
+Za-Set-Part := Za-List:[(-arg)(-nextargs)];
+;; Rules
+Program --> "begin" Stmt+ ";" "end"
+             { Program: [(-stmts Stmt+)] } ;
+Stmt    --> Identifier | Appl | Program ;
+Appl    --> Identifier "(" Arg* "," ")"
+             {Combination: [(-function Identifier) (-args Arg*)]};
+Arg     --> Identifier | Number | Appl | Tuple | Set ;
+Tuple   --> "<" Arg+ " " ">" 
+            { Tuple: [(-members Arg+)] };
+Set     --> "{" Set-Arg-Seq "}" { Za-Set: [(-members Set-Arg-Seq)]};  
+Set-Arg-Seq -->
+        List-Arg "," Set-Arg-Seq
+        {Za-Set-Part:[(-arg List-Arg)
+                      (-nextargs Set-Arg-Seq)]} |
+        List-Arg
+        {Za-Set-Part:[(-arg List-Arg)]};     
+List-Arg --> Arg;
+(set-working-directory *ZEBU-test-directory*)
+(let ((*load-verbose* t))
+  (zb:compile-slr-grammar "mini-la.zb"
+		       :output-file (merge-pathnames
+				     "binary/mini-la.tab"
+				     *ZEBU-test-directory*)))
+(setq zebu:*current-grammar*
+      (zebu-load-file (merge-pathnames
+		       "binary/mini-la.tab" *ZEBU-test-directory*)))
+(zebu::print-collection t)
+(zebu::print-actions  "mini-la")
+(zb::read-parser "begin A; B ; C end")
+(zb::read-parser "begin A; begin B1; B2 end ; C end")
+(zb::read-parser "begin f() end")
+(zb::read-parser "begin f(a) end")
+(zb::read-parser "begin f(1) end")
+(zb::read-parser "begin A; f(1) end")
+(zb::read-parser "begin f(1,2) end")
+(zb::read-parser "begin f(1,2,g(3,4,5)) end")
+(zb::read-parser "begin f(1); A end")
+(zb::read-parser "begin f(g(a)); A end")
+(zb::read-parser "begin f(g(a));  A; f(1,2,g(3,4,5)) end")
+(zb::read-parser "begin end(begin) end")
+(zb::read-parser "begin end() end")
+(zb::read-parser "begin a(&&) end; ")
+;;                             End of mini-la.zb
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/mini.zb
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/mini.zb	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         mini.zb
+; Description:  Zebu Grammar: Simple Expressions
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Language:     CL
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+(:name "mini"
+ :package "CL-USER"
+ :grammar "zebu-mg"
+ :identifier-start-chars
+ "-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
+ :identifier-continue-chars
+ "$-_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890"
+ )
+;; Domain definition
+Program := [(-stmts kb-sequence)];
+Combination := [(-function) (-arg)];
+;; rules
+Program --> "begin" Stmt+ " " "end"
+             { Program: [(-stmts Stmt+)] } ;
+Stmt    --> Identifier | Appl | Program ;
+Appl    --> Identifier "(" Arg* " " ")"
+             {Combination: [(-function Identifier) (-arg Arg*)]};
+Arg     --> Identifier | Number | Appl ;
+(set-working-directory *ZEBU-test-directory*)
+(let ((*load-verbose* t))
+  (compile-slr-grammar "mini.zb"
+		       :output-file (merge-pathnames
+				     "binary/mini.tab"
+				     *ZEBU-test-directory*)))
+(setq zebu:*current-grammar*
+      (zebu-load-file (merge-pathnames
+		       "binary/mini.tab" *ZEBU-test-directory*)))
+(zebu::print-collection t)
+(zebu::print-actions "mini")
+(zb::read-parser "begin A end")
+(zb::read-parser "begin A B C end")
+(zb::read-parser "begin A begin B1 B2 end C end")
+(zb::read-parser "begin f() end")
+(zb::read-parser "begin f(a) end")
+(zb::read-parser "begin f(1) end")
+(zb::read-parser "begin A f(1) end")
+(zb::read-parser "begin f(1 2) end")
+(zb::read-parser "begin f(1) A end")
+(zb::read-parser "begin f(g(a)) A end")
+;;                             End of mini.zb
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/pb.zb
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/pb.zb	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+(:grammar "null-grammar"
+ :identifier-continue-chars
+ "$-_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890"
+ :lex-cats (
+            (node-name "[A-Z]+")
+            ))
+(defrule datr-theorem
+  := (node-name ":" identifier ".")
+  :build(:form 
+         (list node-name identifier)))
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/pc.zb
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/pc.zb	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+; -*- mode:     Lisp -*- --------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         pc.zb
+; Description:  propositional calculus
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:      15-Aug-91
+; Modified:     Thu Oct  2 12:57:16 1997 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     Lisp
+; Package:      USER
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1991, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+(:name "pc"
+ :domain-file "pc-dom"
+ :identifier-continue-chars
+ "$-_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890")
+(defrule Formula
+  := Propositional-variable
+  := Boolean-Expr
+  := ( "(" Formula ")" )
+  :build (progn Formula)
+  )
+(defrule Propositional-Variable
+  := Identifier)
+(defrule Boolean-Expr
+  := (Formula.1 Boolean-Op Formula.2)
+  :build (list Boolean-Op Formula.1 Formula.2)
+  )
+(defrule Boolean-Op
+  := "and"
+  := "or"
+  )
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/pc1-p.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/pc1-p.lisp	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         pc1-p.lisp
+; Description:  
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:      13-Apr-92
+; Modified:     Thu Oct  2 12:57:16 1997 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     CL
+; Package:      CL-USER
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1992, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+(in-package "CL-USER")
+  (format STREAM
+	  "~S"
+  (format STREAM
+	  "~S or ~S"
+  (format STREAM
+	  "~S and ~S"
+(defun print-atomic-wff (item stream level)
+  (declare (ignore level))
+  (format stream
+	  "~a(~a)"
+	  (atomic-wff--predicate item)
+	  (atomic-wff--role-argument-pairs item)))
+(defun print-role-argument-pair (item stream level)
+  (declare (ignore level))
+  (format stream
+	  "~a: ~a"
+	  (role-argument-pair--role item)
+	  (role-argument-pair--argument item)))
+;;                         end of pc1-p.lisp
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/pc1.zb
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/pc1.zb	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+; -*- mode:     Lisp -*- --------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         pc1.zb
+; Description:  propositional calculus
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:      15-Aug-91
+; Modified:     Thu Oct  2 12:57:17 1997 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     Lisp
+; Package:      CL-USER
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1991, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+(:name "pc1"
+ :domain-file "pc1-dom" 
+ :grammar "null-grammar"
+ :package "CL-USER"
+ :identifier-continue-chars
+ "$-_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890"
+ :domain 
+ (kb-domain
+  :subtype (Formula
+	    :subtype (Propositional-variable 
+		      :slots (-name))
+	    :subtype (P-Formula :slots   (-content))
+	    :subtype (Boolean-Expr
+		      :slots ((-rand1    Formula)
+			      (-rand2    Formula))
+		      :subtype Boolean-Or
+		      :subtype Boolean-And)
+	    :subtype (Atomic-Wff :slots 
+				 (-predicate
+				  (-Role-Argument-Pairs KB-sequence))))
+  :subtype (Role-Argument-Pair :slots (-Role -Argument)))
+ )
+;; productions
+(defrule formula
+  := Propositional-variable
+  := Boolean-Expr
+  := ( "(" Formula ")" )
+  :build (:form (progn Formula))
+  := Atomic-Wff
+  )
+(defrule Propositional-Variable
+  := Identifier
+  :build (:type Propositional-variable
+          :map ((Identifier . :-name)))
+  )
+(defrule Boolean-Expr
+  :=     (Formula.1 "and" Formula.2)
+  :build (:type Boolean-And
+	  :map ((Formula.1 . :-rand1)
+		(Formula.2 . :-rand2)))
+  :=     (Formula.1 "or" Formula.2)
+  :build (:type Boolean-Or
+	  :map ((Formula.1 . :-rand1)
+		(Formula.2 . :-rand2)))
+  )
+(defrule Atomic-Wff
+  :=     (Identifier "(" Role-Argument-Pairs ")")
+  :build (:type Atomic-Wff
+	  :map ((Identifier          . :-predicate)
+		(Role-Argument-Pairs . :-Role-Argument-Pairs))
+	  ))
+(defrule Role-Argument-Pairs
+  := ()
+  := (Role-Argument-Pair Role-Argument-Pairs)
+  :build (:type KB-Sequence
+	  :map  ((Role-Argument-Pair  . :first)
+		 (Role-Argument-Pairs . :rest)))
+  )
+(defrule Role-Argument-Pair
+  := (Identifier ":" Term)
+  :build (:type Role-Argument-Pair
+	  :map ((Identifier . :-Role)
+		(Term       . :-Argument)))
+  )
+(defrule Term
+  := Identifier
+  := Number)
+(set-working-directory *ZEBU-test-directory*)
+(zebu-compile-file "pc1.zb" :output-file "binary/pc1.tab")
+(zebu-load-file "binary/pc1.tab")
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/pc2.zb
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/pc2.zb	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- --------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         pc2.zb
+; Description:  Propositional Calculus Grammar with AVM Semantics
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:      15-Aug-91
+; Modified:     Thu Oct  2 12:57:21 1997 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     CL
+; Package:      CL-USER
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1991, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+(:name "pc2"
+ :domain-file "pc2-dom"
+ :package "CL-USER"
+ :grammar "zebu-mg"
+ :identifier-continue-chars
+ "$-_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890"
+ :domain-file "pc2-domain"
+ )
+;; Domain definition
+Formula := kb-domain: [];
+  Propositional-variable := Formula: [ (-name) ];
+  P-Formula              := Formula: [ (-content) ];
+  Boolean-Expr           := Formula: [ (-rand1 Formula) (-rand2 Formula)];
+    Boolean-Or           := Boolean-Expr: [];
+    Boolean-And          := Boolean-Expr: [];
+  Atomic-Wff             := Formula: [ (-predicate)
+         			       (-Role-Argument-Pairs
+					 kb-sequence) ];
+Role-Argument-Pair := kb-domain: [(-Role) (-Argument)];
+;; Productions
+Formula --> Propositional-variable
+	    | Boolean-Expr
+	    | "(" Formula ")" 	     { P-Formula:[(-content Formula)] }
+	    | Atomic-Wff ;  
+  --> Identifier	{Propositional-variable: [(-name Identifier)]} ;
+Boolean-Expr --> Formula.1 "and" Formula.2
+                        {Boolean-And:
+			  [(-rand1 Formula.1)
+			   (-rand2 Formula.2)]}
+		| Formula.1 "or" Formula.2
+			{Boolean-Or:
+			  [(-rand1 Formula.1)
+			   (-rand2 Formula.2)]};
+Atomic-Wff --> Identifier "(" Role-Argument-Pairs ")"
+		{ Atomic-Wff:
+		  [(-predicate Identifier)
+		   (-Role-Argument-Pairs Role-Argument-Pairs)] };
+Role-Argument-Pairs -->
+      | Role-Argument-Pair Role-Argument-Pairs
+	{ KB-sequence:
+	  [(first Role-Argument-Pair)
+	   (rest  Role-Argument-Pairs)] } ;
+Role-Argument-Pair --> Identifier ":" Term
+			{Role-Argument-Pair:
+			  [(-Role Identifier)
+			   (-Argument Term)]};
+Term -->  Identifier | Number ;
+(set-working-directory *ZEBU-test-directory*)
+(zb:compile-slr-grammar "pc2.zb" 
+			:output-file (merge-pathnames
+				      "binary/pc2.tab"
+				      *ZEBU-test-directory*))
+(zb:zebu-load-file (merge-pathnames "binary/pc2.tab" *ZEBU-test-directory*))
+(zebu::print-actions "pc2")
+(zb:read-parser "walks(agent: John)" :grammar (zb:find-grammar "pc2"))
+(zb:read-parser "walks(agent: John time: 12)" :grammar (zb:find-grammar "pc2"))
+(zb:read-parser "(walks(agent: John))" :grammar (zb:find-grammar "pc2"))
+(zb:read-parser "walks(agent: John) and talks(agent: John)" :grammar (zb:find-grammar "pc2"))
+(zb:read-parser "walks(agent: John) and talks(agent: John) and Q" :grammar (zb:find-grammar "pc2"))
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/pc3.zb
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/pc3.zb	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- --------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         pc3.zb
+; Description:  Propositional Calculus Grammar with AVM Semantics
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:      15-Aug-91
+; Modified:     Thu Oct  2 12:57:22 1997 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     CL
+; Package:      CL-USER
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1991, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+(:name "pc3"
+ :package "CL-USER"
+ :grammar "zebu-mg"
+ :identifier-continue-chars
+ "$-_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890"
+ :domain-file "pc3-domain"
+ :domain 
+ (kb-domain
+  :subtype (Formula
+	    :subtype (Propositional-variable 
+		      :slots (-name))
+	    :subtype (P-Formula :slots   (-content))
+	    :subtype (Boolean-Expr
+		      :slots ((-rand1    Formula)
+			      (-rand2    Formula))
+		      :subtype Boolean-Or
+		      :subtype Boolean-And))
+  :subtype (Atomic-Wff :slots (-predicate
+			       (-Role-Argument-Pairs KB-Sequence)))
+  :subtype (Role-Argument-Pair :slots (-Role -Argument))
+  )
+ )
+Formula --> Propositional-variable
+	    | Boolean-Expr
+	    | "(" Formula ")" 		{ type: P-Formula 
+						[(-content Formula)] }
+	    | Atomic-Wff ;  
+  --> Identifier	{ type: Propositional-variable 
+			  [(-name Identifier)] } ;
+Boolean-Expr --> Formula.1 "and" Formula.2
+                        { type: Boolean-And
+			  [(-rand1 Formula.1)
+			   (-rand2 Formula.2)] }
+		| Formula.1 "or" Formula.2
+			{ type: Boolean-Or
+			  [(-rand1 Formula.1)
+			   (-rand2 Formula.2)] } ;
+Atomic-Wff --> Identifier "(" Role-Argument-Pairs ")"
+		{ type: Atomic-Wff
+		  [(-predicate Identifier)
+		   (-Role-Argument-Pairs Role-Argument-Pairs)] } ;
+Role-Argument-Pairs -->  Role-Argument-Pair * " " ;
+Role-Argument-Pair --> Identifier ":" Term
+			{ type: Role-Argument-Pair
+			  [(-Role Identifier)
+			   (-Argument Term)] } ;
+Term -->  Identifier | Number ;
+(set-working-directory *ZEBU-test-directory*)
+(zb:compile-lalr1-grammar "pc3.zb" 
+			  :output-file (merge-pathnames
+					"binary/pc3.tab"
+					*ZEBU-test-directory*))
+(zb:zebu-load-file (merge-pathnames "binary/pc3.tab"
+				    *ZEBU-test-directory*))
+(zebu::print-actions "pc3")
+(zb:read-parser "walks()"
+		:grammar (zb:find-grammar "pc3"))
+(zb:read-parser "walks(agent: John)" :grammar (zb:find-grammar "pc3"))
+(zb:read-parser "(walks(agent: John))" :grammar (zb:find-grammar "pc3"))
+(zb:read-parser "walks(agent: John) and talks(agent: John)"
+		:grammar (zb:find-grammar "pc3"))
+(zb:read-parser "walks( time: 12 agent: John)"
+		:grammar (zb:find-grammar "pc3"))
+(zb:read-parser "walks(agent: John time: 12) and talks(agent: John  time: 13) and Q"
+		:grammar (zb:find-grammar "pc3"))
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/regextst.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/regextst.lisp	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         regextst.lisp
+; Description:  some tests for the regular expression compiler
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:       9-Feb-93
+; Modified:     Thu Oct  2 12:57:23 1997 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     CL
+; Package:      ZEBU
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1993, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+(in-package "ZEBU")
+(setq *regex-debug* nil)
+(defun match-beginning (n)
+  (first (AREF *REGEX-GROUPS* n)))
+(defun match-end (n)
+  (second (AREF *REGEX-GROUPS* n)))
+(defun regex-test (n pat string result &key invert)
+  (let ((form (regex-compile pat))
+	*print-circle*)
+    (princ ".")
+    (if (eval `(let ((START 0) (END ,(LENGTH STRING)) (STRING ,string))
+		. ,form))
+	(let ((matched-string (subseq string 0 (match-end 0))))
+	  (if (string= matched-string result)
+	      (if invert
+		  (warn "In ~S ~A did not match correctly" n pat)
+		t)
+	    (if invert
+		t
+	      (warn "In ~S ~A did not match correctly~%Only ~S was matched!"
+		    n pat matched-string))))
+      (if invert
+	  t
+	(warn "In ~S ~A did not compile correctly" n pat)))))
+(regex-test 1 "\\(na\\)x+\\1" "naxna" "naxna")
+(regex-test 2 "\\(na\\)x+\\1" "naxna123" "naxna")
+(regex-test 3 "\\(na\\)x+" "naxxos" "naxx")
+(regex-test 4 "\\(na\\)x+" "naxos" "nax")
+(regex-test 5 "\\(na\\)x+" "naos" "na" :invert t)
+(regex-test 6 "\\(na\\)x*" "naxxos" "naxx")
+(regex-test 7 "\\(na\\)x*" "naxos" "nax")
+(regex-test 8 "\\(na\\)x*" "naos" "na")
+(regex-test 9 "[0-9]+" "123ab" "123")
+(regex-test 10 "[a-zA-Z]+" "aAbb123" "aAbb")
+(regex-test 11 "[0-9a-z]+" "1234&&*" "1234")
+(regex-test 12 "[0-9a-z]+" "1234a&&*" "1234a")
+(regex-test 13 "[0-9a-zA-Z]+" "a1234a" "a1234a")
+(regex-test 14 "[0-9a-zA-Z&]+" "aAbb123&&*" "aAbb123&&")
+(regex-test 15 "[0-9]+\\.[0-9]*" "0.123cm" "0.123")
+(regex-test 16 "{[^}\\n]*}"
+	    "{M.D. Harrison and A. Monk (Ed.)} \n\t foo: 2"
+	    "{M.D. Harrison and A. Monk (Ed.)}")
+(regex-test 17 "{[^}\\n]*}"
+	    "{M.D. Harrison and
+A. Monk (Ed.)} \n\t foo: 2"
+	    "{M.D. Harrison and A. Monk (Ed.)}" :invert t)
+(regex-test 18 "{[^}\\n]*}"
+	    "{M.D. Harrison and {A. Monk} (Ed.)} \n\t foo: 2"
+	    "{M.D. Harrison and {A. Monk} (Ed.)}" :invert t)
+(regex-test 19 "ca?r" "car" "car")
+(regex-test 20 "ca?r" "cr" "cr")
+(regex-test 21 "c[ad]+r" "caaar" "caaar")
+(regex-test 22 "c[ad]+r" "caaar aa1" "caaar")
+(regex-test 23 "c[ad]+r$" "caaar" "caaar")
+(regex-test 24 ".*" "" "")
+(regex-test 25 ".*" "aa" "aa")
+(regex-test 26 ".*" "aa" "aa")
+(regex-test 27 "c[ad]?r" "cr" "cr")
+(regex-test 28 "c[ad]?r" "car" "car")
+(regex-test 29 "c[ad]?r" "cdr" "cdr")
+(regex-test 30 "c[0-9]?r" "cr" "cr")
+(regex-test 31 "c[0-9]?r" "c9rxx" "c9r")
+(regex-test 32 "c[0-9]?r" "crxx" "cr")
+;;(regex-test 27 "a\\|b" "a" "a")
+(regex-test 33 "ab.yz" "ab yz" "ab yz")
+(regex-test 34 "ab.yz" "ab
+yz" "ab" :invert t)
+(regex-test 35 "\\(abc\\)\\1" "abcabc" "abcabc")
+(regex-test 36 "\\(abc\\)\\1x*\\(def\\)y*\\2" "abcabcxxxxdefyyyyyyydef$%%%%%"
+	    "abcabcxxxxdefyyyyyyydef")
+;;(regex-test 37 "a|bc*" "a" "a")
+(let ((fn (def-regex-parser 'Natural_Number "[0-9]+")))
+  (pprint fn)
+  (compile (eval fn)))
+(defun regex-test1 (number fn input output &optional invert)
+  (let* ((match (funcall fn input))
+	 (result (subseq input (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))
+	 (test (and match
+		    (> match 0)
+		    (= (parse-integer result) output))))
+    (if (if invert (not test) test) 
+	(princ ".")
+      (warn "wrong match in ~d: ~a found" number result))
+    (values)))
+(regex-test1 40 'Natural_Number "111" 111)
+(regex-test1 41 'Natural_Number "111 af" 111)
+(regex-test1 42 'Natural_Number "a111z" 0 t)
+(let ((fn (def-regex-parser 'Natural_Number* "[0-9]*")))
+  ;; (pprint fn)
+  (eval fn))
+(regex-test1 43 'Natural_Number* "111" 111)
+(regex-test1 44 'Natural_Number* "111 af" 111)
+(regex-test1 45 'Natural_Number* "a111z" 0 t)
+(unless (equal (Natural_Number "11aab" 0 4) 2)
+  (warn "No match"))
+(unless (equal (Natural_Number "11aab" 1 4) 2)
+  (warn "No match"))
+(when (equal (Natural_Number "1aab" 1 4) 2)
+  (warn "wrong match"))
+(let ((fn (def-regex-parser 'd_seq "d+")))
+  (eval fn))
+(let ((fn (def-regex-parser 'd_seq* "d*")))
+  (eval fn))
+(eval (def-regex-parser 'Rest_of_line ".+\$"))
+(let* ((s "abcdef") (n (length s)))
+  (unless (equal (REST_OF_LINE s 1 n) n)
+    (warn "Rest_of_line did not compile correctly")))
+(eval (def-regex-parser 'Quotation-Rx "'[^']+'"))
+(Quotation-Rx "'System 0x40147bb8 [sys_specs_Mfake]' provides no alternatives for allocating resource 'max_cpu_Rspu'")
+(eval (def-regex-parser 'NatNumber "-?[0-9]+[^a-zA-Z/$+_.:]"))
+(eval (def-regex-parser 'NatNumber "-?[0-9]+[^a-zA-Z]"))
+(NATNUMBER "32mb_mem_array")
+(regex-test 50 "[A-Z]+" "ABCY" "ABCY")
+(regex-test 51 "[0-9]+\\.[0-9]*\\(e[+-]?[0-9]+\\)" "12.3e4  k" "12.3e4")
+(regex-test 52 "[0-9]+\\.[0-9]*\\(e[+-]?[0-9]+\\)" "12.3e-4  k" "12.3e-4")
+;;(regex-test 53 "[0-9]+\\.[0-9]*\\(e[+-]?[0-9]+\\)?" "12.3  k" "12.3")
+(let ((fn (def-regex-parser 'foo "\\(a\\)\\1")))
+  (pprint fn)
+  (eval fn))
+;;                           End of regextst.lisp
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/sample-avm1
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/sample-avm1	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+[(s1 v1) (s2 v2)]
+foo: [(s1 v1) (s2 %1= v2) (s3 %1)]
+[( s1 "foo" )]
+foo: [(s1 "foo")
+      (s2 %1= "bar")
+      (s3 %1)]
+foo: [(s1 "foo")
+      (s2 %1= "bar")
+      (s3 "baz\"2")]
+[( s1 "foo
+bar" )]
+[( s1 "foo
+" )]
+[( s1  "h\"atten Sie gerne Umlaute?")]
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/sample-ex1
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/sample-ex1	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+1 + a
+1/3 1.333
+.1 + 1/3
+1 + x * y
+(1 + 
+   x) * y
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/sb-tr.zb
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/sb-tr.zb	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         sb-tr.zb
+; Description:  simple test of sb trace subgrammar
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:       3-Sep-93
+; Modified:     Thu Oct  2 12:57:28 1997 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     CL
+; Package:      USER
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1993, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+(:name "sb-tr"
+ :package "CL-USER"
+ :string-delimiter #\"
+ :identifier-start-chars
+ "_-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890"
+ :identifier-continue-chars
+ "/$-+_.:abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890"
+ :intern-identifier nil
+ :case-sensitive t
+ :lex-cats ((Hex "0x[0-9a-f]+")
+	    (Int "-?[0-9]+")
+	    (Quotation-Rx "'[^']+'")
+	    (Resource-attr "([0-9]+,[0-9]+,[0-9]+)")
+	    ))
+;; rules
+(defrule Mapping_trace
+   := ("Compute" Identifier.0 "mapping for" Identifier.1 List PCM-Component "...")
+   := ("Seed instance:" PCM-Class_Component)
+   := PCM-Class_Component 
+   := (PCM-Class_Component List) 
+   := Option_instance
+   )
+(defrule Option_instance
+    := ("Instance" Hex "of Option [required]")
+    := ("Instance" Hex "of Option" "[" Identifier "]")
+    )
+(defrule Product_Id
+	:= (Token-Seq Hex)
+	:= Identifier)
+(defrule PCM-Component
+ 	:= ( "[" Identifier Hex "]")
+	)
+(defrule PCM-Class_Component
+ 	:= (Product_Id "[" Identifier "]")
+ 	:= (Product_Id "{" Token-Seq "}")
+	:= Product_Id
+	)
+(defrule List
+    := ( "(" Token-Seq ")" )
+    )
+(defrule Token-Seq
+    := Token
+    := (Token Token-Seq)
+    )
+(defrule Token
+    := Int
+    := Identifier)
+(set-working-directory *ZEBU-test-directory*)
+(let ((*warn-conflicts* t))
+  (compile-slr-grammar "sb-tr.zb"))
+(zb:zebu-load-file "sb-tr.tab")
+(zb:read-parser "dummy_os 0x41167300" :grammar (find-grammar "sb-tr"))
+(zb:read-parser "dummy_os 0x41167300 [Dummy_OS]"
+		:grammar (find-grammar "sb-tr"))
+(zb:read-parser "dummy_os 0x41167300 {Dummy OS}"
+		:grammar (find-grammar "sb-tr"))
+(zb:read-parser "999.0 HP-UX 0x41167398 {HP-UX 9.0} (reference)"
+		:grammar (find-grammar "sb-tr"))
+(let ((*warn-conflicts* t))
+  (compile-lalr1-grammar "sb-tr.zb" :output-file "/tmp/sb-tr-lalr1.tab"))
+(zb:zebu-load-file "/tmp/sb-tr-lalr1.tab")
+;;                               End of sb-tr.zb
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/simple.zb
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/simple.zb	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         simple.zb
+; Description:  Zebu Grammar: Simple Expressions
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Language:     CL
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+(:name "simple")
+(defrule E := ( Prefix "(" E ")" )
+	   := ( "V" Tail ) )
+(defrule Prefix := "F" 
+	        := ())
+(defrule Tail   := ( "+" E) 
+	        := ())
+(set-working-directory *ZEBU-test-directory*)
+(let ((*load-verbose* t))
+  (compile-slr-grammar "simple.zb"))
+(setq zebu:*current-grammar*
+      (zebu-load-file "simple.tab"))
+(progn (format t "symbols: ") (terpri) (zebu::cruise-symbols-2))
+(zebu::print-collection t)
+;;                                End of simple.zb
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/tl1.zb
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/tl1.zb	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+; -*- mode: Lisp -*-
+; Zebu grammar describing TL1 syntactic structure.
+(:name "tl1" :grammar "zebu-mg")
+;; Domain description...
+command := [(opcode) (param-blocks kb-sequence)];
+parameter-block := [(contents kb-sequence)];
+name-value-pair := [(name) (value)];
+command --> opcode parameter-block* ":" ";"
+            { command: [(opcode opcode)
+                        (param-blocks parameter-block*)] };
+;;opcode --> identifier "-" identifier;
+opcode --> identifier;
+parameter-block --> parameter-list
+                     { parameter-block: [(contents parameter-list)] };
+parameter-list -->  parameter { kb-sequence: [(first parameter)] }
+                  | parameter "," parameter-list
+                    { kb-sequence: [(first parameter) (rest parameter-list)] };
+parameter -->   name { name-value-pair: [(name name)] }
+              | name "=" value { name-value-pair: [(name name) (value value)]};
+name --> identifier;
+value --> identifier | number | string;
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/test/useless.zb
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/test/useless.zb	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         useless.zb
+; Description:  Zebu Grammar Example with useless nonterminals
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Language:     CL
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+(:name "useless")
+(defrule S := A
+	   := B)
+(defrule A := "a")
+(defrule B := (B "b") )
+(defrule C := "c")
+(setf (SYSTEM::environment-variable "zebutest") "~/hpnlrw/zebu/test")
+(let ((*load-verbose* t))
+  (compile-slr-grammar
+   (merge-pathnames "useless.zb" *ZEBU-test-directory*)))
+;;; Warning: The following non-terminals where defined but not used: C 
+(setq zebu:*current-grammar*
+      (zebu-load-file (merge-pathnames "useless.tab"
+				       *ZEBU-test-directory*)))
+(progn (format t "symbols: ") (terpri) (zebu::cruise-symbols-2))
+(zebu::print-collection t)
+;;                            End of useless.zb
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/zebra-debug.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/zebra-debug.lisp	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         zebra-debug.lisp
+; Description:  Translating KB-Objects into readable lists 
+; Author:       Karsten Konrad
+; Created:       6-Apr-93
+; Modified:     Wed Aug  3 12:48:51 1994 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     CL
+; Package:      ZEBU
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1993, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+(in-package "ZEBU")
+;;                      PostScript Graph of the Kb-domain
+;; psgraph (from CMU) and Ghostview from FSF are needed
+(defun show-kb-hierarchy (&optional (file "/tmp/kb-classes.ps"))
+  (let ((start 'kb-domain))
+    (with-open-file (*standard-output* file :direction :output)
+      (psgraph start 
+	       #'zb:KB-subtypes
+	       #'(lambda (x) (list (string x)))
+	       t nil #'eq))
+    (shell (format
+	    nil
+	    "ghostview -display ~a -notitle -nolabels -nolocator ~a &"
+	    (environment-variable "DISPLAY") file))))
+; Als Zugabe eine Funktion, die ein Kb-Objekt in eine vollstaendige
+; Liste uebersetzt; man sieht dann mal, was alles in der Struktur
+; steht. Vor allem zum Debuggen von Transformationen ist das
+; sehr hilfreich.
+(require "zebu-kb-domain")
+(require "zebu-tree-attributes")
+;;; Translating KB-Objects into readable lists 
+(defun kb-tree2list (kb-object)
+  "translates a kb-object to a list which should contain
+   all relevant information."
+  (cond ((kb-domain-p kb-object)
+         (cons (type-of kb-object) (kb-kids2list kb-object)))
+        ((consp kb-object)
+         (mapcar #'kb-tree2list kb-object))
+        (t kb-object)))
+(defun kb-kids2list (kb-object)
+  "conses reader-fn and childs into a description list"
+  (let ((childs nil)
+        (ta (KB-tree-attributes (type-of kb-object))))
+    (when ta
+      (dolist (reader (the list (first ta)))
+        (push (list reader
+                    (kb-tree2list (funcall reader kb-object))) childs))
+    (nreverse childs))))
+(defun print-readform (kb-object)
+  "prints a kb-object in a readable form"
+  (pprint (kb-tree2list kb-object)))
+;;                      End of zebra-debug.lisp

Added: vendor/zebu/zebu-actions.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/zebu-actions.lisp	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         zebu-actions.l
+; Description:  Functions used in ZEBU grammar actions
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:      11-Jul-91
+; Modified:     Thu Mar  7 09:13:39 1996 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     CL
+; Package:      ZEBU
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1991, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+(in-package "ZEBU")
+(provide "zebu-actions")
+;;                   Functions used in ZEBU grammar actions
+(declaim (inline EMPTY-SEQ SEQ-CONS EMPTY-SET SET-CONS K-4-3))
+(defun identity* (&rest x) x)
+(defun EMPTY-SEQ () ())
+(defun SEQ-CONS (a seq) (cons a seq))	
+(defun EMPTY-SET () ())
+(defun SET-CONS (a set) (adjoin a set))
+(defun K-4-3 (ignore dummy1 result dummy2)
+  ;; a K (constant) function of 4 arguments that returns the third
+  (declare (ignore ignore dummy1 dummy2))
+  result)
+(defun K-2-1 (result dummy)
+  ;; a K (constant) function of 2 arguments that returns the first
+  (declare (ignore dummy))
+  result)
+(defun K-2-2 (dummy result)
+  ;; a K (constant) function of 2 arguments that returns the 2nd
+  (declare (ignore dummy))
+  result)
+(defun K-3-2 (dummy1 result dummy2)
+  ;; a K (constant) function of 3 arguments that returns the 2nd
+  (declare (ignore dummy1 dummy2))
+  result)
+(defun CONS-1-3 (a ignore b)
+  (declare (ignore ignore))
+  (cons a b))
+(defun CONS-2-3 (ignore a b)
+  (declare (ignore ignore))
+  (cons a b))
+;;                        End of zebu-actions.l

Added: vendor/zebu/zebu-asdf-setup.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/zebu-asdf-setup.lisp	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+(in-package :asdf)
+(defclass zebu-source-file (source-file) ())
+(defmethod source-file-type ((c zebu-source-file) (s module)) "zb")
+(defmethod perform ((operation compile-op) (c zebu-source-file))
+  (zebu:zebu-compile-file (component-pathname c)))
+(defmethod perform ((o load-op) (c zebu-source-file))
+  (let* ((co (make-sub-operation o 'compile-op))
+         (output-files (output-files co c)))
+    (setf (component-property c 'last-loaded)
+          (file-write-date (car output-files)))
+  (zb:zebu-load-file (car output-files))))
+(defmethod output-files ((operation compile-op) (c zebu-source-file))
+  (list (merge-pathnames (component-pathname c)
+                         (make-pathname :type "tab"))
+        ;; FIXME: The following is not always right: the name of the
+        ;; domain file can be given as an option to the grammar.  Look
+        ;; at the function zebu::dump-domain-file to find out how the
+        ;; name is constructed in the general case.
+        (merge-pathnames (make-pathname
+                          :name (concatenate 'string (pathname-name
+                                                      (component-pathname c))
+                                             "-domain"))
+                         (make-pathname
+                          :type (car zebu::*load-binary-pathname-types*)))
+        ))

Added: vendor/zebu/zebu-aux.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/zebu-aux.lisp	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         zebu-aux.lisp
+; Description:  Functions and structures common to compiler and driver
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:      11-Oct-90
+; Modified:     Wed Dec  9 12:22:24 1998 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     CL
+; Package:      ZEBU
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1990, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+;  7-Apr-92 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  many efficiency improvements throughout based on using Lucid's monitor
+;  facility.
+(in-package "ZEBU")
+(provide "zebu-aux")
+#-LUCID (declaim (special *load-source-pathname-types* 
+                          *load-binary-pathname-types*))
+#+(or MCL Allegro CLISP)
+(setq *load-source-pathname-types* '("lisp" NIL)
+      *load-binary-pathname-types* '("fasl"))
+#+(and :SUN :LUCID)
+(setq *load-binary-pathname-types* '("sbin"))
+;;          Global Variables (shared by runtime system and compiler)
+(defvar *KEYWORD-PACKAGE* (find-package "KEYWORD"))
+(defvar *generate-domain* t
+  "If true while Zebu compiling a grammar, generate the hierarchy
+otherwise the domain-hierarchy is written by the user.")
+(defvar *ZEBU-PACKAGE* (find-package "ZEBU"))
+(defvar *open-categories* '("IDENTIFIER" "NUMBER" "STRING"))
+(declaim (special *NULL-Grammar*))
+;;                  Functions common to runtime and compiler
+(defun list->vector (l)
+  (let* ((len (length l))
+	 (v (make-sequence 'vector len)))
+    (declare (vector v))
+    (dotimes (i len v)
+      (setf (svref v i) (pop l)))))
+(deftype IDENTIFIER  () '(and symbol (not null)))
+(defun identifierp (x)
+  (typep x 'IDENTIFIER))
+;;          Lexical analysis (regex) Run/Compile time data structures
+;;; Declare the global variables for storing the paren index list.
+(defvar *regex-groups* (make-array 10))
+(defvar *regex-groupings* 0)
+;;                     External representation
+(defvar *zb-rules*)                     ; alist of rule-names and zb-rule structs
+(defstruct zb-rule
+  -name
+  -productions)
+;;                   Internal Representation of Productions
+;;; About the internal representation of productions:
+;;;  production-index:  (0 .. Number of productions - 1)
+;;;  lhs:               a g-symbol
+;;;  rhs:               a list of g-symbols
+;;;  production-length: the length of rhs
+(defstruct (production (:conc-name nil))
+  lhs
+  rhs
+  production-index
+  production-length)
+;;                   check the first form of a grammar file
+;; this applies to a .zb as well as a .tab file
+(declaim (special *compiler-grammar* *identifier-continue-chars*
+	          *identifier-start-chars*))
+(defun check-grammar-options (options filename compiling
+				      &aux g-name compiler?)
+  ;; FILENAME is of type path
+  ;; check the list of options for plausibility
+  ;; on package conflict, Nil is returned to catch point: read-grammar-options
+  ;; we must then read the options again with *package* set correctly
+  (unless (and (listp options) (not (null options)))
+    (error "~S is not a valid Options List for a Zebu grammar!" options))
+  (flet ((wrng-make-grammar-arglist (key)
+	   (error "~S is not a defined keyword for make-grammar." key)))
+    (do ((gg options (cddr gg))) ((null gg))
+      (let ((key (car gg)) (val (cadr gg)))
+	(if (keywordp key)
+	    (case key
+	      (:NAME    (setq g-name val))
+	      (:PACKAGE
+	       (let ((p (find-package val)))
+		 (if p
+		     (progn
+		       (use-package "ZEBU" p)
+		       (unless (eq *package* p)
+			 (setq *package* p)
+			 (throw 'read-grammar-options nil)))
+		   (error
+		    "Package ~s should be defined before ~:[loading~;compiling~] ~S"
+		    val compiling filename))))
+	      (:GRAMMAR (let ((g (find-grammar val)))
+			  (setq compiler? t)
+			  (if g
+			      (setq *compiler-grammar* g)
+			    (warn "Grammar ~S is not loaded" val))))
+	       (setf *identifier-continue-chars* val))
+	       (setf *identifier-start-chars* val))
+	      (t (wrng-make-grammar-arglist key)))
+	  (wrng-make-grammar-arglist key))))
+    (unless g-name
+      (setq g-name (pathname-name filename)
+	    options (list* ':NAME g-name options)))
+    (when (and compiling (not compiler?))
+      (warn "Compiling with :GRAMMAR \"null-grammar\".
+To use the meta grammar use: :GRAMMAR \"zebu-mg\" in options list!")
+      (setq *compiler-grammar* *NULL-Grammar*))
+    (when compiling
+      (setq options (list* ':FILE (namestring filename) options)))
+    options))
+;;                      The Root of the Domain Hierarchy
+(defstruct (kb-domain (:constructor nil)))
+;;          Internal representation of the domain hierarchy as a tree
+(defstruct (type-tree-node
+	     (:print-function
+		  (lambda (item stream level)
+		    (declare (ignore level))
+		    (format stream "[[~s]]"
+			    (type-tree-node--label item)))))
+  -label
+  -subtypes
+  -supertype				; back link
+  -slots
+  )
+(defvar *domain-type-hierarchy*)	; a backlinked tree
+(defvar *domain-HT* (make-hash-table))	; a dictionary label --> node
+;;                        Map Domain def into Hashtable
+(declaim (special *domain-HT* *open-categories*))
+(defvar *lex-cats* nil)
+; prepare-domain
+; convert a domain D (as read from a grammar file) into the tree representation
+(defun prepare-domain (domain)
+  (clrhash *domain-HT*)
+  (let* ((top (new-domain-node ':TOP nil nil)))
+    (setf *domain-type-hierarchy* top
+	  (type-tree-node--subtypes top)
+	  (list*
+	   (new-domain-node 'kb-sequence top '(first rest))
+	   (new-domain-node 'kb-domain top '())
+	   (nconc (mapcar #'(lambda (s)
+			      (new-domain-node (intern s) top nil))
+			  *open-categories*)
+		  (mapcar #'(lambda (c) (new-domain-node (car c) top nil))
+			  *lex-cats*))))
+    (when domain
+      (add-to-domain domain top)
+      domain)))
+(defun add-to-domain (node point)
+  (if (consp node)
+      (let* ((label (car node))
+	     (slots (cadr (member ':slots node)))
+	     (new-point (new-domain-node label point slots)))
+	(push new-point (type-tree-node--subtypes point))
+	(do ((args (cdr node) (cddr args)))
+	    ((null args))
+	  (when (eq (car args) ':subtype)
+	    (add-to-domain (cadr args) new-point))))
+    (let ((new-point (new-domain-node node point nil)))
+      (push new-point (type-tree-node--subtypes point)))))
+(defun new-domain-node (label supertype slots)
+  (let ((new (make-type-tree-node
+	      :-label label :-supertype supertype :-slots slots)))
+    (setf (gethash label *domain-HT*) new)))
+(prepare-domain '(cl-user::arith-exp
+		  :subtype (cl-user::factor :slots (-value))
+		  :subtype (cl-user::*-op   :slots (-arg1 -arg2))
+		  :subtype (cl-user::+-op   :slots (-arg1 -arg2))
+		  :subtype (cl-user::expression :slots (-value))))
+(defun def-kb-domain-type (type super slots)
+  (let*  ((super-nd (or (gethash super *domain-HT*)
+			(new-domain-node
+			 super (gethash ':top *domain-HT*) '())))	
+	  (type-nd (or (gethash type *domain-HT*)
+		       (new-domain-node type super-nd slots))))
+    (pushnew type-nd (type-tree-node--subtypes super-nd))
+    type-nd))
+;;                           End of zebu-aux.lisp

Added: vendor/zebu/zebu-closure.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/zebu-closure.lisp	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         zebu-closure.lisp
+; Description:  Conversion to CL of the original Scheme program by (W M Wells)
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:      31-Oct-90
+; Modified:     Tue Aug  2 16:11:09 1994 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     CL
+; Package:      ZEBU
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1990, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+;;;             Copyright (C) 1989, by William M. Wells III
+;;;                         All Rights Reserved
+;;;     Permission is granted for unrestricted non-commercial use.
+(in-package "ZEBU")
+;;               Calculate the closure of an lr(0) set of items
+(defun closure (I)
+  (declare (type oset I))
+  (let ((eset 
+	 (make-oset :order-fn #'item-order-function)
+	  ))
+    ;; I is an oset of items.
+    ;; This is non-destructive.
+    ;; See Fig. 4.33 of Dragon
+    (labels ((closure-insert-item! (item)
+	       ;; Add an item to an oset of items. Add his pals too if he wasn't
+	       ;; there already.
+	       (when (oset-insert! item eset)
+		 (unless (dot-at-right-end? item)
+		   (dolist (production 
+			     (the list 
+				  (g-symbol-own-productions
+				   (symbol-after-dot item)))
+			    nil)
+		     (let ((new (new-item production)))
+		       (closure-insert-item! new)))
+		   ))))
+      (dolist (x (oset-item-list I)) (closure-insert-item! x))
+      eset)))
+(defun closure (I)
+  (declare (type oset I))
+  (let ((eset (make-oset :order-fn #'item-order-function)))
+    ;; I is an oset of items.
+    ;; This is non-destructive.
+    ;; See Fig. 4.33 of Dragon
+    (labels ((closure-insert-item! (item)
+	       ;; Add an item to an oset of items. Add his pals too if he wasn't
+	       ;; there already.
+	       (when (oset-insert! item eset)
+		 (unless (dot-at-right-end? item)
+		   (dolist (production (g-symbol-own-productions
+					(symbol-after-dot item)))
+		     (closure-insert-item! 
+		      (the item (new-item production))))))))
+      (dolist (x (oset-item-list I)) (closure-insert-item! x))
+      eset)))
+;;; Calculate the lr(1) closure of a set of lr(1) items.
+;;; Currently, find the closure of a set of one lr(1) item.
+;;; An lr(1) item data structure with a set of lookaheads
+;;; actually stands for a set of lr(1) items which are the
+;;; same except for each having one lookahead from the set.
+(defun single-item-closure-1 (lr0-item look-ahead)
+  (let ((eset (make-oset :order-fn #'item-order-function)))
+    (closure-1-insert-item! lr0-item look-ahead eset)
+    eset))
+;;; Destructively take the lr(1) closure of an item set
+;;; (actually an oset of items... not an item-set structure).
+;;; Empty out the set and re-insert the contents with closures.
+(defun closure-1! (item-set)
+  (let ((item-list (oset-item-list item-set)))
+    (setf (oset-item-list item-set) nil)
+    (dolist (item item-list)
+      (let ((the-look-aheads (item-look-aheads item)))
+	(setf (item-look-aheads item) 
+	      (make-oset :order-fn #'g-symbol-order-function))
+	(dolist (look-ahead (oset-item-list the-look-aheads))
+	  (closure-1-insert-item! item look-ahead item-set))))))
+; closure-1-insert-item!
+; See Dragon Fig. 4.38
+(defun closure-1-insert-item! (lr0-item look-ahead item-set)
+  (declare (type item lr0-item))
+  (labels ((closure-1-insert-item-aux (lr0-item look-ahead)
+	     (multiple-value-bind (item-not-there-already the-item)
+		 (oset-insert-2! lr0-item item-set)
+	       (when (or (oset-insert! look-ahead (item-look-aheads the-item))
+			 item-not-there-already)
+		 ;; Item wasn't already there with that lookahead
+		 ;; so insert his buddies too.
+		 (unless (dot-at-right-end? lr0-item)
+		   (let* ((prod (item-production lr0-item))
+			  (rhs  (rhs prod))
+			  (after-dot-rhs
+			   (nthcdr (the fixnum (item-after-dot lr0-item))
+				   (the cons rhs)))
+			  (gs-list (oset-item-list
+				    (first-seq-1
+				      ;; This gets the list corresponding to the
+				      ;; part of the item beyond the symbol after
+				      ;; the dot.
+				      (cdr (the cons after-dot-rhs))
+				      look-ahead))))
+		     (dolist (prod (g-symbol-own-productions
+				    (car (the cons after-dot-rhs))))
+		       (dolist (gs gs-list)
+			 (let ((new (new-item prod)))
+			   (closure-1-insert-item-aux new gs))))))))))
+    (closure-1-insert-item-aux lr0-item look-ahead)))
+(defun closure-1-insert-item! (lr0-item look-ahead item-set)
+  (declare (type item lr0-item))
+  (labels ((closure-1-insert-item-aux (lr0-item look-ahead)
+	     (multiple-value-bind (item-not-there-already the-item)
+		 (oset-insert-2! lr0-item item-set)
+	       (when (or (oset-insert! look-ahead (item-look-aheads the-item))
+			 item-not-there-already)
+		 ;; Item wasn't already there with that lookahead
+		 ;; so insert his buddies too.
+		 (unless (dot-at-right-end? lr0-item)
+		   (let* ((prod (item-production lr0-item))
+			  (rhs  (rhs prod))
+			  (after-dot-rhs
+			   (nthcdr (the fixnum (item-after-dot lr0-item))
+				   (the cons rhs)))
+			  (gs-list (oset-item-list
+				    (first-seq-1
+				      ;; This gets the list corresponding to the
+				      ;; part of the item beyond the symbol after
+				      ;; the dot.
+				      (cdr (the cons after-dot-rhs))
+				      look-ahead))))
+		     (dolist (prod (g-symbol-own-productions
+				    (car (the cons after-dot-rhs))))
+		       (dolist (gs gs-list)
+			 (closure-1-insert-item-aux
+			  (new-item prod) gs)))))))))
+    (closure-1-insert-item-aux lr0-item look-ahead)))
+;;; test:
+(set-working-directory *ZEBU-test-directory*)
+(zb::load-grammar "ex1.zb")
+(zb::compile-slr-grammar "ex1.zb")
+(zebu-load-file "ex1.tab")
+(setq f-item (new-item (car (reverse *productions*))))
+(setq f-i-set (single-item-closure-1
+	       f-item *the-end-g-symbol*))
+(item-list-print (oset-item-list f-i-set))
+;;                              End of closure1.l

Added: vendor/zebu/zebu-compile-mg.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/zebu-compile-mg.lisp	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+; -*- mode:     Lisp -*- --------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         zebu-compile-mg.lisp
+; Description:  Compile and load the metagrammar during load process
+; Author:       Rudi Schlatte
+; Created:      2000-03-26
+; Time-stamp: <00/03/26 15:14:11 rschlatt>
+; Language:     CL
+; Package:      ZEBU
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; This is only needed for mk:defsystem (or until I figure out
+; how to compile arbitrary file types with custom compilers
+; in defsystem, which is all that happens here)
+(in-package #:ZEBU)
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
+  (ignore-errors
+    (delete-file (merge-pathnames "zebu-mg.tab" *compile-file-truename*))
+    (delete-file (merge-pathnames "zmg-dom.lisp" *compile-file-truename*)))
+  (zebu-compile-file
+   (merge-pathnames "zebu-mg.zb" *compile-file-truename*)))
+(eval-when (:load-toplevel)
+  (zebu-load-file
+   (merge-pathnames "zebu-mg.tab" *load-truename*)))

Added: vendor/zebu/zebu-compile.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/zebu-compile.lisp	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         zebu-compile.lisp
+; Description:  apply the grammar-compiler
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:       6-Nov-90
+; Modified:     Tue Aug  2 16:20:04 1994 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     CL
+; Package:      ZEBU
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1990, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+; 25-Apr-91 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  introduced *WARN-CONFLICTS* to shut up warnings
+(in-package "ZEBU")
+;; whether warnings about action-conflicts are printed at compile time
+(defvar *warn-conflicts* nil)
+(defvar *compiler-grammar* *null-grammar*
+  "The grammar that the Zebu Compiler uses when reading a grammar.
+By default this is the Null-Grammar.")
+(defun zebu-compile-file (grammar-file
+			  &key (grammar *null-grammar*)
+			  output-file
+			  verbose
+			  (compile-domain t))
+  "Compiles the LALR(1) grammar in file GRAMMAR-FILE."
+  (assert (probe-file (setq grammar-file
+                        (merge-pathnames grammar-file
+                                         (merge-pathnames
+					  (make-pathname :type "zb")))))
+	  (grammar-file)
+	  "Cannot find grammar file: ~A" grammar-file)
+  (setq output-file
+	(let ((tab (make-pathname :type "tab")))
+          (if output-file    
+	      (merge-pathnames (pathname output-file) tab)
+            (merge-pathnames tab grammar-file))))
+  (when (probe-file output-file) (delete-file output-file))
+  (format t "~%; Zebu Compiling (Version ~A)~%; ~S to ~S~%"
+	  *zebu-version* grammar-file output-file)
+  (let ((*warn-conflicts* verbose))
+    (compile-lalr1-grammar grammar-file
+			   :output-file output-file
+			   :grammar grammar
+			   :verbose verbose
+			   :compile-domain compile-domain)))
+; compile-from-command-line
+; call zebu-compile-file with a command-line-argument
+(defun compile-from-command-line ()
+  (let ((*default-pathname-defaults*
+	 (make-pathname :directory
+			(pathname-directory (working-directory))
+			:type "zb"))
+	(ifile (command-line-argument 1))
+	ofile
+	verbose
+	compile-domain)
+    (if (null ifile)
+	(Warn "No input file specified!")
+      (progn
+	(do* ((a 2 (1+ a))
+	      (arg (command-line-argument a) (command-line-argument a)))
+	     ((null arg))
+	  (cond ((equalp arg "-v") (setq verbose t))
+		((equalp arg "-d") (setq compile-domain t))
+		((equalp arg "-r") (load (command-line-argument (incf a))))
+		((= a 2) (setq ofile arg))))
+	(apply #'zebu-compile-file ifile
+	       :verbose verbose
+	       :compile-domain compile-domain
+	       (when ofile
+		 `(:output-file ,ofile)))))
+    (terpri)
+    (quit)))
+; zebu-top
+; interactive compiler invocation
+(defun zebu-compile-top ()
+  (format t "~&Enter the name of a Zebu Grammar file to compile: ")
+  (let ((ifile (read-line t)))
+    (zebu-compile-file ifile)))
+;;                            End of zebu-compile.l

Added: vendor/zebu/zebu-compiler.asd
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/zebu-compiler.asd	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+;;; -*- Lisp -*-
+;;;(in-package "CL-USER")
+(asdf:defsystem #:zebu-compiler
+    ;; Compile time system for LALR(1) parser: Converts a grammar to a
+    ;; parse table
+    :depends-on ("zebu")
+    :components
+    ((:file "zebu-regex")
+     (:file "zebu-oset")
+     (:file "zebu-kb-domain")        ; not explicitly in ZEBU-sys.lisp
+     (:file "zebu-g-symbol"
+            :in-order-to ((compile-op (load-op "zebu-oset"))))
+     (:file "zebu-loadgram"
+            :in-order-to ((compile-op (load-op "zebu-g-symbol")
+                                      (load-op "zebu-oset"))))
+     (:file "zebu-generator"
+            :in-order-to ((compile-op (load-op "zebu-loadgram")
+                                      (load-op "zebu-kb-domain"))))
+     (:file "zebu-lr0-sets"
+            :in-order-to ((compile-op (load-op "zebu-g-symbol")
+                                      (load-op "zebu-loadgram"))))
+     (:file "zebu-empty-st"
+            :in-order-to ((compile-op (load-op "zebu-loadgram"))))
+     (:file "zebu-first"
+            :in-order-to ((compile-op (load-op "zebu-loadgram")
+                                      (load-op "zebu-oset")))
+            ;; :recompile-on "zebu-oset"
+            )
+     (:file "zebu-follow"
+            :in-order-to ((compile-op (load-op "zebu-loadgram")
+                                      (load-op "zebu-first"))))
+     (:file "zebu-tables"
+            :in-order-to ((compile-op (load-op "zebu-g-symbol")
+                                      (load-op "zebu-loadgram")
+                                      (load-op "zebu-lr0-sets"))))
+     (:file "zebu-printers"
+            :in-order-to ((compile-op (load-op "zebu-loadgram")
+                                      (load-op "zebu-lr0-sets")
+                                      (load-op "zebu-tables"))))
+     (:file "zebu-slr")
+     (:file "zebu-closure"
+            :in-order-to ((compile-op (load-op "zebu-oset")
+                                      (load-op "zebu-g-symbol")
+                                      (load-op "zebu-first"))))
+     (:file "zebu-lalr1"
+            :in-order-to ((compile-op (load-op "zebu-oset")
+                                      (load-op "zebu-lr0-sets")
+                                      (load-op "zebu-follow"))))
+     (:file "zebu-dump"
+            :in-order-to ((compile-op (load-op "zebu-loadgram")
+                                      (load-op "zebu-slr")
+                                      (load-op "zebu-lalr1"))))
+     (:file "zebu-compile"
+            :in-order-to ((compile-op (load-op "zebu-dump"))))
+     (:file "zebu-compile-mg"
+            :in-order-to ((compile-op (load-op "zebu-compile")
+                                      (load-op "zebu-dump")
+                                      (load-op "zebu-empty-st")
+                                      (load-op "zebu-closure")
+                                      (load-op "zebu-tables")
+                                      (load-op "zebu-generator"))
+                          ((load-op (compile-op "zebu-compile-mg")
+                                    (load-op "zebu-compile")
+                                    (load-op "zebu-dump")
+                                    (load-op "zebu-empty-st")
+                                    (load-op "zebu-closure")
+                                    (load-op "zebu-tables")
+                                    (load-op "zebu-generator")))))
+     (:file "zmg-dom"
+            :in-order-to ((compile-op (load-op "zebu-compile-mg"))))
+     (:file "zebu-kb-domain"
+            :in-order-to ((compile-op (load-op "zmg-dom"))))
+     ;;; Hook it into asdf
+     (:file "zebu-asdf-setup"
+            :in-order-to ((compile-op (load-op "zebu-kb-domain"))))))

Added: vendor/zebu/zebu-compiler.system
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/zebu-compiler.system	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+;;; -*- Lisp -*-
+;;;(in-package "CL-USER")
+(mk:defsystem "zebu-compiler"
+  :source-pathname "/users/students/rschlatt/lisp/zebu-3.5.5/"
+  :binary-pathname "/users/students/rschlatt/lisp/zebu-3.5.5/binary/"
+  ;;:package "ZEBU"
+  :depends-on ("zebu")
+  :components
+  ((:file "zebu-regex")
+   (:file "zebu-oset")
+   (:file "zebu-kb-domain")   ; not explicitly in ZEBU-sys.lisp
+   (:file "zebu-g-symbol"
+          :depends-on ("zebu-oset"))
+   (:file "zebu-loadgram"
+          :depends-on ("zebu-g-symbol" "zebu-oset"))
+   (:file "zebu-generator"
+          :depends-on ("zebu-loadgram" "zebu-kb-domain"))
+   (:file "zebu-lr0-sets"
+          :depends-on ("zebu-g-symbol" "zebu-loadgram"))
+   (:file "zebu-empty-st"
+          :depends-on ("zebu-loadgram"))
+   (:file "zebu-first"
+          :depends-on ("zebu-loadgram" "zebu-oset"))
+   (:file "zebu-follow"
+          :depends-on ("zebu-loadgram" "zebu-first"))
+   (:file "zebu-tables"
+          :depends-on ("zebu-g-symbol" "zebu-loadgram"
+                       "zebu-lr0-sets"))
+   (:file "zebu-printers"
+          :depends-on ("zebu-loadgram" "zebu-lr0-sets"
+                       "zebu-tables"))
+   (:file "zebu-slr")
+   (:file "zebu-closure"
+          :depends-on ("zebu-oset" "zebu-g-symbol" "zebu-first"))
+   (:file "zebu-lalr1"
+          :depends-on ("zebu-oset" "zebu-lr0-sets" "zebu-follow"))
+   (:file "zebu-dump"
+          :depends-on ("zebu-loadgram" "zebu-slr" "zebu-lalr1"))
+   (:file "zebu-compile"
+          :depends-on ("zebu-dump"))
+   (:file "zebu-compile-mg"
+          :depends-on ("zebu-compile"))
+   (:file "zmg-dom"
+          :depends-on ("zebu-compile-mg"))
+   (:file "zebu-kb-domain"
+          :depends-on ("zmg-dom"))))

Added: vendor/zebu/zebu-driver.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/zebu-driver.lisp	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,1081 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         zebu-driver.lisp
+; Description:  Conversion to CL of the original Scheme program (by W. M Wells)
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:      10-Oct-90
+; Modified:     Thu Oct  2 09:58:20 1997 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     CL
+; Package:      ZEBU
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1990, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+; 26-Jul-95 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  a user defined category, that can also be read as a keyword is
+;  only identified if it is longer than a keyword
+; 25-Apr-94 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  implemented state-sensitive token look-ahead
+; 17-Aug-93 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  read-parser recognizes numbers: integer, ratio and float
+;    <digit>* [ "." <digit>+ ]
+;    <digit>+ "/" <digit>+
+; the boolean id-allows-start-digit determines for a grammar whether an
+; identifier may start with a digit.
+; 22-Feb-93 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  if the grammar's intern-identifier attribute is true (default), an
+;  Identifier will be represented as a symbol, otherwise a string
+;  2-Feb-93 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  introduce the variable *case-sensitive* to deal with grammars whith
+;  case-sensitive keywords
+; 13-Jan-93 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  rewrote recognize-token so that (in ALL cases) keys that could start an
+;  identifier will not be recognized as keys, but as identifiers.
+; 27-Nov-92 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  Added Variable *preserve-case*
+;  "If true, the case of an identifier will be preserved (default false)."
+; 29-Sep-92 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  a one-character keyword is considered a token iff it is not
+;  in identifier-start-chars or if the next character is not in
+;  identifier-continue-chars
+; 21-Jul-92 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  improved handling of NUMBER and IDENTIFIER in next-token
+; 27-Apr-92 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  introduce *COMMENT-START*, a character that causes everything following
+;      until the end-of-line to be ignored
+;  introduce *COMMENT-BRACKETS*, a list of pairs of strings that designate
+;      everything between them as to be ignored
+; 22-Apr-92 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  define FILE-PARSER, a function like READ-PARSER that takes input
+;  from a file instead of from a string
+;  introduced :junk-allowed as argument to READ-PARSER with same meaning
+;  as that keyword in READ-FROM-STRING
+;  analogously in LIST-PARSER
+; 15-Apr-92 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; 30-Oct-91 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  improved error checking in case a grammar does not use NUMBER, but the
+;  parser will be given strings containing NUMBERs
+; 16-Jul-91 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  Added a facility to deal with multiple grammars
+;  lr-parse takes a third argument, a grammar
+;  READ-PARSER and LIST-PARSER take a :grammar keyword argument, defaulting to
+;  *current-grammar*
+; 26-Jun-91 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  Added a proposal to distinguish String and Symbol-tokens in lexical analysis
+;  of read-parser.  See comments with section
+;         *string-delimiter*, *symbol-delimiter*
+; 25-Apr-91 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  fixed bug in read-parser which caused scanner to break if a number was the
+;  last constituent of a string
+; 26-Mar-91 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  in the case where a keyword is found, but no action defined, we
+;  assume it must be an identifier.  If there is an action entry for
+;  an identifier, that identifier is interned from the keyword string read
+; 26-Mar-91 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  make read-parser read these types of numbers: integer, float, rational
+;  1-Mar-91 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  made various simple changes, based on monitoring results to speed up
+;  READ-PARSER by a factor of 10
+; 30-Jan-91 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  introduce variable: *string-delimiter*
+; 17-Jan-91 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  introduced String syntax:  "Fred Jones" is a nll-constant
+; 11-Dec-90 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  introduced the ZEBU package, and imported its exported symbols into USER
+;  7-Dec-90 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  if a keyword ending in a symbol-continue-char is followed by a 
+;  symbol-continue-char a keyword token is NOT recognized (but an identifier)
+;  except if there would have been a single character keyword recognizing the 
+;  same initial substring. E.g. ?u?foo1 is tokenized as ?u?, foo1, because
+;  there is the shorter keyword alternative: ?, u?foo1
+;  The principle is to give priority to the longest possible keyword.
+;  (Note that agt007 or agt?x are recognized as identifiers)
+; 27-Nov-90 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  Lexical Analysis (recognize-token) will recognize any keyword of the
+;  language.  If lr-parse is given a token that is a keyword, it may not have
+;  an action for it, but if this same token were regarded as an identifier,
+;  there would be one.  Instead of reporting an error, lr-parse will now look 
+;  first for the identifier-action.  
+;    It would be best, if lr-parse could predict, whether an identifier is legal
+;  in the current state and then direct recognize-token appropriately.  I should
+;  come back to this, and implement that.  It would also save time.
+;;; Written by William M. Wells.  This is an example lr parser driver
+;;; which uses parse table files generated by Zebu.  
+(in-package "ZEBU")
+(provide "zebu-driver")
+(require "zebu-loader")
+;;; A rudimentary lr parser driver.
+;;; It has provisions for applying client supplied procedures which are
+;;; associated with productions in the grammar.
+;;; This code is independent of the parse table generating system,
+;;; and basically stand alone,  although
+;;; it needs some macros defined in other files.
+(defvar *CURRENT-GRAMMAR* *NULL-Grammar*)
+(defvar *terminal-alist-SEQ*)
+(defvar *lexer-debug* nil)
+(eval-when (compile)
+  (setq *lexer-debug* nil))
+(setq *lexer-debug* t)
+(defmacro if-debugging-lexer (then &optional else)
+  `,(if *lexer-debug* then else))
+ (defmacro say-looking-at ()
+   '(format t "~%Looking-at: ~S . ~a {~s}"
+     input-symbol-instantiation
+     (let ((a (svref (grammar-lexicon grammar) input-symbol-index)))
+       (if (symbolp a) (format nil "<~a>" (symbol-name a)) a))
+     input-symbol-index)))
+;;                                  utilities
+;; (upcased-subseq string from to) == (string-upcase (subseq string from to))
+;; but avoids a copy
+(defun upcased-subseq (string beg end)
+  (declare (simple-string string) (fixnum beg end))
+  (let* ((size (- end beg))
+	 (R (make-sequence 'simple-string size))
+	 (stringi beg))
+    (declare (simple-string R) (fixnum stringi))
+    (dotimes (index size)
+      (setf (schar R index) (char-upcase (the character (schar string stringi))))
+      (incf stringi))
+    R))
+;;                             The LR parser itself
+;;; symbol-stack and state-stack are the standard things for an lr parser.
+;;; the client lambdas and stack are used in the following fashion:
+;;;   When a shift action occurs, the instantiation of the input symbol
+;;;   is pushed onto the client stack.
+;;;   When a reduce action occurs, as many items as are on the lhs
+;;;   of the associated production are popped from the client stack
+;;;   and the corresponding client lambda is applied to the popped
+;;;   items.  The result of the application is then pushed onto the 
+;;;   client stack.  One may of course do whatever one wishes by side
+;;;   effect.
+;;; when junk-allowed, 2 values are returned:
+;;;         the object found so far
+;;;         the value returned by last-pos-fn
+;;; last-pos-fn should be defined as a function that returns the place
+;;;         before the token just returned by next-token-fn
+;;; when more-allowed, no "<end of string>" error is issued but
+;;; more-fn is called to extend the token-stream that next-token-fn is
+;;; using.
+(defun lr-parse (next-token-fn error-fn grammar
+			       &optional junk-allowed last-pos-fn
+			       &aux symbol-stack client-stack state-stack
+			       action-table-top state-stack-top)
+  (declare #+(or :MCL :ANSI-COMMON-LISP)
+	   (dynamic-extent symbol-stack client-stack state-stack)
+	   (type (or cons null) symbol-stack client-stack state-stack)
+	   (type grammar grammar)
+	   (type (function (simple-vector) (values t fixnum)) next-token-fn)
+	   (type (function (string) error) error-fn))
+  (let ((start-state (grammar-lr-parser-start-state-index grammar))
+	(production-info (grammar-production-info grammar))
+	(action-table (grammar-action-table grammar))
+	(goto-table (grammar-goto-table grammar))
+	(client-lambdas (grammar-client-lambdas grammar))
+	(end-symbol-index (grammar-end-symbol-index grammar))
+	action-entry)
+    (declare (fixnum end-symbol-index)
+	     (simple-vector action-table goto-table))
+    (push start-state state-stack)
+    (setf state-stack-top start-state
+	  action-table-top (svref action-table start-state))
+    (multiple-value-bind (input-symbol-instantiation input-symbol-index)
+	(funcall next-token-fn action-table-top)
+      (if-debugging (say-looking-at))
+      (setf action-entry (vec-bs-assoc (the fixnum input-symbol-index)
+				       action-table-top))
+      (loop
+       (when (null action-entry)
+	 (if (eq input-symbol-index end-symbol-index)
+	     (funcall error-fn
+		      (undef-action-error input-symbol-instantiation
+					  input-symbol-index
+					  action-table-top
+					  grammar))
+	   (unless (and junk-allowed
+			;; assume that EOF was seen
+			(setq action-entry 
+			      (vec-bs-assoc
+			       end-symbol-index action-table-top)))
+	     (or (let ((idx (grammar-identifier-index grammar)))
+		   (and (setf action-entry (vec-bs-assoc idx action-table-top))
+			(stringp input-symbol-instantiation)
+			(not (string=
+			      (the string input-symbol-instantiation) ""))
+			(identifier-start-char-p
+			 (schar input-symbol-instantiation 0))
+			(not (find-if-not #'identifier-continue-char-p
+					  input-symbol-instantiation
+					  :start 1))
+			(setq input-symbol-instantiation
+			      (if (grammar-intern-identifier grammar)
+				  (intern
+				   (if *preserve-case*
+				       (the string input-symbol-instantiation)
+				     (string-upcase
+				      (the string input-symbol-instantiation))))
+				input-symbol-instantiation)
+			      input-symbol-index idx)))
+		 (funcall error-fn
+			  (undef-action-error input-symbol-instantiation
+					      input-symbol-index
+					      action-table-top
+					      grammar))))))	   
+       ;; there should always be a non null action-entry !!
+       (let ((ae-cdr (cdr (the cons action-entry))))
+	 (case (car (the cons ae-cdr))
+	   (:S				; Shift.
+	    (setf state-stack-top (cadr ae-cdr) ; new-state
+		  action-table-top (svref action-table state-stack-top))
+	    (push state-stack-top state-stack)
+	    (if-debugging (format t "~%Shift to ~S" state-stack-top))
+	    (push input-symbol-index symbol-stack)
+	    (push input-symbol-instantiation client-stack)
+	    (multiple-value-setq
+		(input-symbol-instantiation input-symbol-index)
+	      (funcall next-token-fn action-table-top))
+	    (if-debugging (say-looking-at))
+	    (setf action-entry (vec-bs-assoc (the fixnum input-symbol-index)
+					     action-table-top)))
+	   (:R				; Reduce.
+	    (let* ((prod-index (cadr ae-cdr))
+		   (p (svref production-info prod-index))
+		   ;; p = <lhs-symbol-index> . <production-length>
+		   (prod-lhs (car (the cons p)))
+		   (prod-ln (cdr (the cons p)))
+		   (client-lambda (svref client-lambdas prod-index)))
+	      (if-debugging (format t "~%Reduce ~S" prod-index))
+	      ;; optimize simple cases
+	      (case prod-ln
+		(0			; Apply the client lambda and store the result.
+		 (if-debugging (format t "~%; Calling ~S" client-lambda))
+		 (push (funcall client-lambda) client-stack)
+		 (if-debugging 
+		  (let ((R (car client-stack)))
+		    (format t "~%; -> ~S : ~S" R (type-of R)))))
+		(1			; Apply the client lambda and store the result.
+		 (when client-lambda
+		   (if-debugging (format t "~%; Applying ~S to ~S"
+					 client-lambda (car client-stack)))
+		   (setf (car client-stack)
+			 (funcall client-lambda (car client-stack)))
+		   (if-debugging 
+		    (let ((R (car client-stack)))
+		      (format t "~%; -> ~S : ~S" R (type-of R)))))
+		 (setq symbol-stack (cdr symbol-stack)
+		       state-stack  (cdr state-stack)
+		       ))
+		(2			; Apply the client lambda and store the result.
+		 (if-debugging (format t "~%; Applying ~S to ~{ ~s~}"
+				       client-lambda (subseq client-stack 0 2)))
+		 (when client-lambda
+		   (let* ((arg2 (pop client-stack))
+			  (R (funcall client-lambda
+				      (car client-stack)
+				      arg2)))
+		     (setf (car client-stack) R)))
+		 (setq symbol-stack (cddr symbol-stack)
+		       state-stack  (cddr state-stack))
+		 (if-debugging 
+		  (let ((R (car client-stack)))
+		    (format t "~%; -> ~S : ~S" R (type-of R)))))
+		(t (let (constituents)
+		     (dotimes (i prod-ln) 
+		       (setq symbol-stack (cdr symbol-stack)
+			     state-stack  (cdr state-stack))
+		       (push (pop client-stack) constituents))
+		     ;; Apply the client lambda and store the result.
+		     (if-debugging (format t "~%; Applying ~S to ~S"
+					   client-lambda constituents))
+		     (push (apply client-lambda ; action
+				  constituents)
+			   client-stack)
+		     (if-debugging 
+		      (let ((R (car client-stack)))
+			(format t "~%; -> ~S : ~S" R (type-of R)))))))
+	      (push prod-lhs symbol-stack) ; Push lhs of production.
+	      (let ((goto (cdr (the cons
+				    (vec-bs-assoc
+				     prod-lhs
+				     (svref goto-table (car state-stack)))))))
+		(if (null goto) 
+		    (funcall error-fn "table error? goto not defined!"))
+		(push goto state-stack)
+		(setf state-stack-top goto ; new-state
+		      action-table-top (svref action-table state-stack-top)
+		      action-entry (vec-bs-assoc
+				    (the fixnum input-symbol-index)
+				    action-table-top))
+		)))
+	   (:A
+	    ;; Accept on END symbol.
+	    (if-debugging (format t "~%Accepting"))
+	    ;; (break "Accept ~s" input-symbol-index)
+	    (if junk-allowed
+		(return
+		  (values (car client-stack)
+			  (when last-pos-fn (funcall last-pos-fn))))
+	      (if (= input-symbol-index end-symbol-index)
+		  (return
+		    (values (car client-stack)
+			    (when last-pos-fn (funcall last-pos-fn))))
+		(if (eq input-symbol-instantiation T)
+		    (funcall error-fn "Unexpected token")
+		  (funcall error-fn "extra input?")))))
+	   (T (funcall error-fn
+		       (format nil
+			       "Bogus action: ~S" (car ae-cdr))))))))))
+;;                                   Errors
+(defun possible-tokens (expected lexicon)
+  (if expected
+      (let ((tokenL (map 'list
+			 #'(lambda (action) 
+			     (let ((a (svref lexicon (car action))))
+			       (if (symbolp a)
+				   (format nil "<~a>" (symbol-name a))
+				 (format nil "~s" a))))
+			 expected)))
+	(format
+	 nil "~%Expected~:[ one of~;~]:~{ ~a~}~%"
+	 (= 1 (length tokenL)) tokenL))
+    ""))
+(defun unrecognized-token-error (string pos expected grammar)
+  (let ((lexicon (grammar-lexicon grammar)))
+    (concatenate 'string
+		 (format nil "Unrecognized Token at: ~s"
+			 (subseq string pos))
+		 (possible-tokens expected lexicon))))
+(defun undef-action-error (token index expected grammar)
+  (let* ((lexicon (grammar-lexicon grammar))
+	 (type (if index
+		   (let ((e (svref lexicon index)))
+		     (if (symbolp e)
+			 (format nil "<~a>" (symbol-name e))
+		       "KEY")))))
+    (format
+     nil "Syntax error (action not defined for token: ~S~@[ a ~a~])~a"
+     token type (possible-tokens expected lexicon))))
+;;; A function for looking up table entries using binary search
+;;; the vector elements are the assoc key and should be in increasing order.
+(defun vec-bs-assoc (num vec)
+  (declare (type fixnum num) (type vector vec))
+  (labels ((vec-bs-assoc-aux (start end)
+	     (declare (type fixnum start end))
+	     (let ((start-entry (svref vec start)))
+	       (declare (type cons start-entry))
+	       (cond ((= num (the fixnum (car start-entry))) start-entry)
+		     ((= start end) nil)
+		     (T (let ((mid (floor (+ start end) 2)))
+			  (declare (type fixnum mid))
+			  (if (> num (the fixnum (car (svref vec mid))))
+			      (vec-bs-assoc-aux (1+ mid) end)
+			    (vec-bs-assoc-aux start mid))))))))
+    (let ((last (1- (length (the vector vec)))))
+      (declare (type fixnum last))
+      (if (or (< num (the fixnum (car (svref vec 0))))
+	      (> num (the fixnum (car (svref vec last)))))
+	  nil
+	(vec-bs-assoc-aux 0 last)))))
+(defun vec-bs-assoc (num vec)
+  (declare (type fixnum num) (type simple-vector vec))
+  (labels ((vec-bs-assoc-aux (start end)
+	     (declare (type fixnum start end))
+	     (let ((start-entry (svref vec start)))
+	       (declare (type cons start-entry))
+	       (cond ((= num (the fixnum (car start-entry))) start-entry)
+		     ((= start end) nil)
+		     (T (let ((mid (floor (+ start end) 2)))
+			  (declare (type fixnum mid))
+			  (if (> num (the fixnum (car (svref vec mid))))
+			      (vec-bs-assoc-aux (1+ mid) end)
+			    (vec-bs-assoc-aux start mid))))))))
+    (let ((vln (length vec)))
+      (declare (type fixnum vln))
+      (if (zerop vln)
+	  nil
+	(let ((last (1- vln)))
+	  (declare (type fixnum last))
+	  (if (zerop last)
+	      (let ((entry (svref vec last)))
+		(declare (cons entry))
+		(when (= num (the fixnum (car entry)))
+		  entry))
+	    (vec-bs-assoc-aux 0 last)))))))
+; konrad at dfki.uni-sb.de writes:
+; man kann den Speicherbedarf von Zebu muehelos um mehr als 40%
+; reduzieren, wenn man in zebu-driver die Definition von vec-bs-aux in
+; folgendes veraendert:
+  (defparameter *bs-vec* nil)
+  (defparameter *bs-num* nil)
+  (defun vec-bs-assoc-aux (start end)
+    (declare (type fixnum start end))
+    (let ((start-entry (svref *bs-vec* start)))
+      (declare (type cons start-entry))
+      (cond ((= *bs-num* (the fixnum (car start-entry))) start-entry)
+	    ((= start end) nil)
+	    (T (let ((mid (floor (+ start end) 2)))
+		 (declare (type fixnum mid))
+		 (if (> *bs-num* (the fixnum (car (svref *bs-vec* mid))))
+		     (vec-bs-assoc-aux (1+ mid) end)
+		   (vec-bs-assoc-aux start mid)))))))
+  (defun vec-bs-assoc (num vec)
+    (declare (type fixnum num) (type simple-vector vec))
+    (setq *bs-vec* vec *bs-num* num)
+    (vec-bs-assoc-aux 0 (1- (length vec))))
+  )
+;;; Figure out to which element of the lexicon a token corresponds.
+;;; This gets a little complicated for terminal symbols which can
+;;; vary at parsing time, for example, identifiers and numbers.  The way
+;;; these "preterminals" are handled in this driver is as follows:
+;;; If a token passes the CL test PARSE-NUMBER, and the argument number-index
+;;; isn't false, then number-index is treated as representing its category.
+;;; Otherwise, if the token appears exactly in the lexicon, then it is
+;;; given the category of the lexicon item.  Otherwise it is assumed
+;;; to be an instance of the terminal IDENTIFIER, whose presence in the
+;;; lexicon is indicated by a non false value for the id-index argument.
+;;; If the token isn't explicitly in the lexicon, and id-index is false,
+;;; then an error is signalled.
+;;; number-index should be the index of the grammar symbol which stands
+;;; for numbers, otherwise it should be false if numbers don't appear
+;;; in the grammar.
+;;; id-index should be the index of the grammar symbol which stands
+;;; for identifiers, otherwise it should be false if identifiers don't
+;;; appear in the grammar.
+(defun categorize (token grammar)
+  (let ((category 
+	 (if (numberp token)
+	     (progn (if-debugging
+		     (assert (grammar-number-index grammar) ()
+			     "A number was seen in the token stream"))
+		    (grammar-number-index grammar))
+           (let ((terminal-associations
+		  (elt (grammar-terminal-alist-SEQ grammar)
+		       (char-code (let ((c (schar (string token) 0)))
+				    (declare (character c))
+				    (if (grammar-case-sensitive grammar)
+					c
+				      (char-downcase c)))))))
+             (if terminal-associations
+		 (let ((terminal-association (assoc token terminal-associations
+						    :test #'equal)))
+		   (if terminal-association
+		       (cdr terminal-association)
+		     (grammar-identifier-index grammar)))
+	       (grammar-identifier-index grammar))))))
+    (values token category)))
+(declaim (inline end-of-tokens-category))
+(defun end-of-tokens-category (grammar)
+  (values Nil (grammar-end-symbol-index grammar)))
+(declaim (inline unrecognized-token-category))
+(defun unrecognized-token-category (grammar)
+  (values T (grammar-end-symbol-index grammar)))
+;;; This implements a parser which gets its tokens from the supplied list.
+;;; It uses the parsing engine lr-parse which is defined above.  It also
+;;; uses the function categorize to classify tokens according to the 
+;;; lexicon.
+(defun list-parser (token-list &key (grammar *current-grammar*) junk-allowed)
+  (let ((last-position token-list)
+        token1 category)
+    (flet ((list-parser-error (string)
+	     (error "~a~% Remaining tokens: ~S~{ ~S~}"
+		    string token1 token-list)))
+      (check-type token-list list)
+      (lr-parse
+       ;; This lambda is the tokenizer supplied to the parsing engine:
+       #'(lambda (&optional ignore)
+	   (declare (ignore ignore))
+	   (if (null token-list)
+	       (end-of-tokens-category grammar)
+	     (progn
+	       (setq last-position token-list)
+	       (multiple-value-setq (token1 category)
+		 (categorize (pop token-list) grammar))
+	       (if (null category)
+		   (if junk-allowed
+		       (unrecognized-token-category grammar)
+		     (list-parser-error 
+			(format nil "Unrecognized Token ~s" token1)))
+		 (values token1 category)))))
+       ;; This is the error function supplied to the parsing engine:
+       #'list-parser-error
+       grammar
+       junk-allowed
+       ;; Function that returns the remaining unparsed token-list
+       #'(lambda () last-position)))))
+;;                                 read-parser
+;;; This implements a parser which gets its tokens from the Lisp function
+;;; read.
+;;; It uses the parsing engine lr-parse which is defined above.  It also
+;;; uses the function categorize to classify tokens according to the 
+;;; lexicon.  It will signal the end of input to the parser when it
+;;; if it reads the end of file.
+(defun read-parser (string &key
+			   (error-fn #'(lambda (msg) (error "~a" msg)))
+			   (print-parse-errors t)
+			   (grammar *current-grammar*)
+			   (start 0)
+			   junk-allowed
+			   more-allowed
+			   more-fn)
+  (declare (string string))
+  (check-type string string)
+  (check-type grammar grammar)
+  (let ((number-index (grammar-number-index grammar))
+	(identifier-index (grammar-identifier-index grammar))
+	(string-index (grammar-string-index grammar))
+	(string-ln (length (the string string)))
+	(last-pos 0)
+	(pos start)
+	(end-symbol-index (grammar-end-symbol-index grammar))
+	(*identifier-start-chars-V* (grammar-identifier-start-chars-V grammar))
+	(id-allows-start-digit (grammar-id-allows-start-digit grammar))
+	(*identifier-continue-chars-V* (grammar-identifier-continue-chars-V grammar))
+	(*terminal-alist-SEQ* (grammar-terminal-alist-SEQ grammar))
+	(intern-identifier (grammar-intern-identifier grammar))
+	(white-space      (grammar-white-space grammar))
+	(string-delimiter (grammar-string-delimiter grammar))
+	(symbol-delimiter (grammar-symbol-delimiter grammar))
+	(lex-cat-map (grammar-lex-cat-map grammar))
+	(*case-sensitive* (grammar-case-sensitive grammar))
+	token find-id? find-string?)
+    (declare (fixnum string-ln pos last-pos)
+	     (special *identifier-continue-chars-V*
+		      *identifier-start-chars-V*))
+    (flet ((white-space-p (char)
+	     (member (the character char) white-space
+		     :test #'char=))
+	   (digit-seq? (dec end)
+	     (and dec
+		  (or (>= end string-ln)
+		      (and (not id-allows-start-digit)
+			   (not (identifier-continue-char-p
+				 (schar string end)))))))
+	   (new-fraction (num den places)
+	     (values (float (+ num (/ den (expt 10 places))))
+		     number-index))
+	   )
+      ;; The tokenizer supplied to the parsing engine:	   
+      (flet
+	  ((next-token (actionv)
+	     (block next-token
+	       (if-debugging
+		(format t "~%~a"
+			(possible-tokens actionv (grammar-lexicon grammar))))
+	       (loop 
+		;; skip initial blanks
+		(setq last-pos pos
+		      pos (or (position-if-not #'white-space-p string 
+					       :start pos)
+			      string-ln))
+		;; end of string?
+		(when (< pos string-ln) (return nil))
+		(unless (and more-allowed more-fn) (return nil))
+		(setq string
+		      (funcall 
+		       more-fn
+		       #'(lambda ()
+			   (if (find end-symbol-index actionv
+				     :key #'car)
+			       (return-from next-token
+				 (values nil end-symbol-index))
+			     (return-from read-parser
+			       (funcall
+				error-fn
+				(unrecognized-token-error
+				 "<end of string>" 0 actionv grammar))))))
+		      string-ln (length string)
+		      pos       0
+		      last-pos  0))
+	       (when (>= pos string-ln)
+		 (if (find end-symbol-index actionv
+			   :key #'car)
+		     (return-from next-token
+		       (values nil end-symbol-index))
+		   (return-from read-parser
+		     (funcall
+		      error-fn
+		      (unrecognized-token-error
+		       "<end of string>" 0 actionv grammar)))))
+	       ;; is an IDENTIFIER also expected
+	       (setf find-id? (and identifier-index
+				   (find identifier-index actionv
+					 :key #'car)))
+	       ;; scan lexical categories (regular expressions) first
+	       (dolist (lex-cat-pair lex-cat-map)
+		 (let ((lex-cat (car lex-cat-pair)))
+		   (when (find lex-cat actionv :key #'car)
+		     (let ((new-pos (funcall (the function (cdr lex-cat-pair))
+					     string pos string-ln)))
+		       (if-debugging-lexer
+			(format t "~% calling ~s" (cdr lex-cat-pair)))
+		       (when
+			   (and
+			    new-pos
+			    ;; a match is found,
+			    ;; and it could NOT be a possibly longer identifier
+			    ;; and not possibly a longer keyword
+			    (or 
+			     (not find-id?)
+			     (not
+			      (and (< new-pos string-ln)
+				   ;; if a identifier-continue-char doesn't
+				   ;; follow, we also accept
+				   (identifier-continue-char-p
+				    (schar string new-pos))
+				   ;; the token starts with
+				   ;; an identifier-start-char
+				   (identifier-start-char-p
+				    (schar string pos))
+				   ;; all of the remaining chars 
+				   ;; continue an identifier
+				   (let ((p1 (1+ pos)))
+				     (declare (fixnum p1))
+				     (or (= p1 new-pos)
+					 (not (find-if-not
+					       #'identifier-continue-char-p
+					       string
+					       :start p1 :end new-pos)))))))
+			    ;; no possibly longer grammar keyword
+			    (multiple-value-bind (token-association token-length)
+				(recognize-kwd string pos string-ln actionv find-id?)
+			      (if (and token-association
+				       (>= new-pos (+ pos token-length)))
+				  (progn
+				    ;; token recognized
+				    (setq pos (+ pos token-length)
+					  token (car token-association))
+				    (return-from next-token
+				      (values token (cdr token-association)))
+				    )
+				t)))
+			 (let ((instance (subseq string pos new-pos)))
+			   (setq pos new-pos)
+			   (if-debugging
+			    (format t "~%LexToken: ~s : ~s ~s < ~s" instance (car lex-cat-pair) new-pos string-ln)) 
+			   (return-from next-token
+			     (values instance lex-cat))))))))
+	       ;; read symbol, string, or number
+	       ;; foo : symbol, 'foo' : symbol, "foo" : string, 3/4 : number
+	       ;; recognize a number: <digit>* [ "." <digit>+ ]
+	       ;;                     <digit>+ "/" <digit>+
+	       (when (and number-index (find number-index actionv :key #'car))
+		 (multiple-value-bind (number end)
+		     (parse-integer string :start pos :junk-allowed t)
+		   (if (not number)
+		       ;; the case .<integer>
+		       (when (and (eql (schar string pos) '#\.)
+				  (DIGIT-CHAR-P (schar string (1+ pos))))
+			 (multiple-value-bind (dec end)
+			     (parse-integer string
+					    :start (1+ pos) :junk-allowed t)
+			   (when (digit-seq? dec end)
+			     (let ((places (- end (1+ pos))))
+			       (setq pos end)
+			       (return-from next-token
+				 (new-fraction 0 dec places))))))
+		     (progn
+		       (when (>= end string-ln)
+			 (setq pos end)
+			 (return-from next-token (values number number-index)))
+		       (let ((c (schar string end)) (p (1+ end)))
+			 (case c
+			   (#\/ (multiple-value-bind (denom end)
+				    (parse-integer string
+						   :start p :junk-allowed t)
+				  (when denom
+				    (setq pos end)
+				    (return-from next-token
+				      (values (/ number denom) number-index))))
+				(setq pos end)
+				(return-from next-token
+				  (values number number-index)))
+			   (#\. (multiple-value-bind (dec end)
+				    (parse-integer string
+						   :start p :junk-allowed t)
+				  (when dec
+				    (let ((places (- end p)))
+				      (setq pos end)
+				      (return-from next-token
+					(new-fraction number dec places)))))
+				(setq pos p)
+				(return-from next-token
+				  (values number number-index)))
+			   (t (when (or (not id-allows-start-digit)
+					(not (identifier-continue-char-p c)))
+				(setq pos end)
+				(return-from next-token
+				  (values number number-index))))))))))
+	       ;; recognize a grammar keyword
+	       (multiple-value-bind (token-association token-length)
+		   (recognize-kwd string pos string-ln actionv find-id?)
+		 (when token-association
+		   ;; token recognized
+		   (setq pos (+ pos token-length)
+			 token (car token-association))
+		   (return-from next-token
+		     (values token (cdr token-association)))))
+	       ;; recognize an identifier or string
+	       (setf find-string? (and string-index
+				       (find string-index actionv
+					     :key #'car)))
+	       (when (or find-id? find-string?)
+		 (let ((char (schar string pos)) (c #\space))
+		   (declare (character char c))
+		   (flet 
+		       ((parse-delimited-id (delimiter symb?)
+			  (block parse-delimited-id
+			    ;; when successful set token and pos!!
+			    (flet ((eof-error ()
+				     (return-from read-parser
+				       (funcall
+					error-fn
+					(format
+					 nil "Closing ~:[String~;Symbol~] delimiter ~S expected"
+					 symb? delimiter)))))
+			      (when (char= char delimiter)
+				(do ((p (incf pos) (1+ p))
+				     (escaped? nil (char= c #\\)))
+				    (nil)
+				  (declare (fixnum p))
+				  (when (= p string-ln)
+				    (if more-fn
+					(setq string
+					      (concatenate
+					       'string
+					       string (string #\Newline)
+					       (funcall more-fn #'eof-error))
+					      string-ln (length string))
+				      (eof-error)))
+				  (setq c (schar string p))
+				  (when (and (char= c delimiter)
+					     (not escaped?))
+				    (setq token (subseq string pos p)
+					  pos (1+ p))
+				    (return-from parse-delimited-id t))))))))
+		     (and find-id?
+			  (parse-delimited-id symbol-delimiter t)
+			  (return-from next-token
+			    (values (intern token) identifier-index)))
+		     (and find-string?
+			  (parse-delimited-id string-delimiter nil)
+			  (return-from next-token
+			    (values token string-index))))
+		   ;; Does char start an identifier?
+		   (unless find-id? (funcall error-fn (unrecognized-token-error
+						       string pos actionv grammar)))
+		   (flet ((parse-id ()
+			    ;; Any char not in *identifier-continue-chars* terminates
+			    (do ((p (1+ pos) (1+ p))) 
+				((or (= p string-ln)
+				     (not (identifier-continue-char-p (schar string p))))
+				 (prog1 (if *preserve-case*
+					    (subseq string pos p)
+					  (upcased-subseq string pos p))
+				   (setq pos p)))
+			      (declare (fixnum p)))))
+		     (let ((Id-String
+			    (block Identifier
+			      (when (identifier-start-char-p char)
+				(let ((id1 (parse-id)))
+				  (when (or (= pos string-ln)
+					    (char/= (schar string pos) #\:)
+					    *disallow-packages*)
+				    (return-from Identifier id1))
+				  ;; more chars follow the ":" ?
+				  (let ((package (find-package id1)))
+				    (unless package
+				      (return-from Identifier id1))
+				    ;; <package-symbol>: ...
+				    (let* ((p (1+ pos))
+					   (next (schar string p)))
+				      (when (char= next #\:)
+					(setq next (schar string (incf p))))
+				      (unless (identifier-start-char-p next)
+					(return-from Identifier id1))
+				      (setq pos p)
+				      (return-from next-token
+					(values
+					 (intern (the simple-string (parse-id)) package)
+					 identifier-index)
+					)))))
+			      ;; Symbol in keyword package ?
+			      (when (and (char= char #\:)
+					 (identifier-start-char-p
+					  (schar string (incf pos))))
+				(return-from next-token
+				  (values (intern (the simple-string
+						       (parse-id))
+						  *keyword-package*)
+					  identifier-index))))))
+		       (when Id-String
+			 (return-from next-token
+			   (values (if intern-identifier
+				       (intern Id-String) Id-String)
+				   identifier-index)))))))
+	       (if (and junk-allowed
+			(find end-symbol-index actionv :key #'car))
+		   (return-from next-token (values nil end-symbol-index))
+		 ;; none of the symbols that we are looking for found
+		 (funcall error-fn (unrecognized-token-error
+				    string pos actionv grammar))))))
+	(lr-parse
+	 (if-debugging-lexer		;  for testing
+	  #'(lambda (a)
+	      (multiple-value-bind (token id)
+		  (next-token a)
+		(format t "~%New Token: ~S . ~S Pos: ~S"
+			token id pos)
+		(values token id)))
+	  #'next-token)
+	 ;; This is the error function supplied to the parsing engine:
+	 #'(lambda (msg)
+	     (when print-parse-errors
+	       (format t "~%Last token read: ~S~%Remaining: ~A~@[~A ...~]~%"
+		       token
+		       (subseq string pos)
+		       (when more-allowed (funcall more-fn))))
+	     (funcall error-fn msg))
+	 grammar
+	 junk-allowed
+	 #'(lambda () last-pos))))))
+; recognize-kwd
+(defun recognize-kwd (string pos string-length actionv find-id?)
+  ;; Does any of the terminal symbols of the grammar start STRING at POS?
+  ;; In case it does, it must be the longest one
+  ;; the ordering of terminal-alist makes sure we find the longest keyword
+  ;; first
+  (declare (string string) (fixnum string-length))
+  (let ((max-token-length (- string-length (the integer pos))))
+    (declare (fixnum max-token-length))
+    (flet ((recognize-kwd-aux (ta)
+	     (do ((ta-rest ta (cdr (the cons ta-rest))))
+		 ((null ta-rest) nil)
+	       ;; (break "recognize-kwd: ~s ~%~s" actionv ta-rest)
+	       (let ((token-association (car (the cons ta-rest))))
+		 (when (find (cdr token-association) actionv :key #'car)
+		   ;; search only for a legitimite keyword
+		   (let* ((terminal-token (car token-association))
+			  (token-length (length (the string terminal-token))))
+		     (declare (fixnum token-length) (string terminal-token))
+		     (and (>= max-token-length token-length)
+			  (let ((string-end (+ pos token-length)))
+			    (declare (fixnum string-end))
+			    ;; (break "recognize-kwd 2: ~s ~%~s" terminal-token string)
+			    (and (if *case-sensitive*
+				     (string= terminal-token string
+					      :start2 pos :end2 string-end)
+				   (string-equal terminal-token string
+						 :start2 pos :end2 string-end))
+				 ;; 
+				 ;; If we recognize a keyword, that could start
+				 ;; an identifier, the following char must
+				 ;; not also be a symbol-continue-char.
+				 ;; If it is (e.g. "agent1") and there exists
+				 ;; no shorter key that would accept this,
+				 ;; then we will not recognize the key ("agent")
+				 ;; but this leads us to recognize in "?u?x" the
+				 ;; token "?u?" instead of "?"
+				 ;; if we are at the end of the string,
+				 ;; we accept
+				 (or (not find-id?)
+				     (not (< string-end string-length))
+				     ;; if a identifier-continue-char doesn't
+				     ;; follow, we also accept
+				     (not (identifier-continue-char-p
+					   (schar string string-end)))
+				     ;; if the key does not start with
+				     ;; an identifier-start-char we accept
+				     (not (identifier-start-char-p
+					   (schar terminal-token 0)))
+				     ;; if any of the remaining chars of the key
+				     ;; is not a identifier-continue-char,
+				     ;; we also accept
+				     (find-if-not #'identifier-continue-char-p
+						  terminal-token
+						  :start 1))))
+			  (return (values token-association token-length)))))))))
+      (recognize-kwd-aux
+       (svref *terminal-alist-SEQ*
+	      (char-code
+	       (if *case-sensitive*
+		   (the character (schar string pos))
+		 (char-downcase (the character (schar string pos))))))))))
+;;                                file-parser 
+;; parse expressions in GRAMMAR reading from FILE
+;; returns: a list of the parse-results, i.e. what would have been 
+;;          returned by read-parser
+(defvar *comment-brackets* '(("#|" . "|#")) )
+(defvar *comment-start* #\; )
+(defun file-parser (file &key 
+			 (error-fn #'error)
+			 (print-parse-errors t)
+			 (grammar *current-grammar*)
+			 (verbose *load-verbose*))
+  (with-open-file (s (merge-pathnames file) :direction :input)
+    (file-parser-aux s error-fn print-parse-errors grammar verbose)))
+(defun file-parser-aux (stream error-fn print-parse-errors grammar verbose
+			 &aux R (eof (cons nil nil)))
+  (labels ((skip-lines (stream end)
+	     ;; ignore lines until end is found
+	     (let ((l (read-line stream nil eof)))
+	       (if (stringp l)
+		   (let ((p (search end l)))
+		     (if p
+			 (let ((l-rest (string-left-trim
+					'(#\Space #\Tab)
+					(subseq l (+ p (length end))))))
+			   (if (string= l-rest "")
+			       (next-line stream)
+			     l-rest))
+		       (skip-lines stream end)))
+		 l)))
+	   (next-line (stream)		; ignore comments
+	     (let ((l (read-line stream nil eof)))
+	       (when verbose (terpri) (princ l))
+	       (if (stringp l)
+		   (let ((l-length (length (setq l (string-left-trim
+						    '(#\Space #\Tab) l)))))
+		     (if (zerop l-length)
+			 (next-line stream)
+		       (if (char= *comment-start* (schar l 0))
+			   (next-line stream)
+			 ;; does this line start a comment
+			 (dolist (comment *comment-brackets* l)
+			   (let* ((start (car comment))
+				  (start-length (length start)))
+			     (when (and
+				    (>= l-length start-length)
+				    (string= l start :end1 start-length))
+			       ;; a comment found
+			       (return
+				 (setq l (skip-lines
+					  stream
+					  (cdr comment))))))))))
+		 l))))
+    (do ((line (next-line stream)))
+	((eq line eof) (nreverse R))
+      (multiple-value-bind (expr rest)
+	  (read-parser line
+		       :error-fn error-fn
+		       :print-parse-errors print-parse-errors
+		       :grammar grammar
+		       :junk-allowed t
+		       :more-allowed t
+		       :more-fn #'(lambda (&optional error-fn)
+				    (setq line (next-line stream))
+				    (if (eq line eof)
+					(if error-fn
+					    (funcall error-fn)
+					  (error "Reached end of file ~S while parsing"
+					       stream))
+				      line)))
+	;; (when verbose (let ((*print-structure* t)) (print expr)))
+	(push expr R)
+	(when (eq line eof) (return (nreverse R)))
+	(setq line (if rest
+		       (subseq line rest)
+		     (next-line stream)))))))
+; debug-parser
+(defun debug-parser (&key (grammar t) (lexer nil))
+  (setq *grammar-debug* grammar
+	*lexer-debug* lexer)
+  (let ((*default-pathname-defaults*
+	 (if (or grammar lexer)
+	     (merge-pathnames
+	      *ZEBU-directory*
+	      (make-pathname :type (first *load-source-pathname-types*)))
+	   (merge-pathnames
+	    (make-pathname
+	     :type (first *load-binary-pathname-types*))
+	    *ZEBU-binary-directory*))))
+    ;; "zebu-loader" needs only to be loaded if the compiler
+    ;; in-line codes slot accessors and does not keep the function
+    ;; definitions
+    #+ALLEGRO (load "zebu-loader")
+    (load "zebu-driver")))
+;;                             End of zebu-driver.lisp

Added: vendor/zebu/zebu-dump.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/zebu-dump.lisp	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         dump.l
+; Description:  Conversion to CL of the original Scheme program by (W M Wells)
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:      31-Oct-90
+; Modified:     Fri Mar  8 14:46:38 1996 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     CL
+; Package:      ZEBU
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1990, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+; 16-Jul-91 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  to deal with multiple-grammars, begin a ".tab" file with *GRAMMAR-OPTIONS*
+;  a keyworded arglist that can be passed to MAKE-GRAMMAR
+;;;             Copyright (C) 1989, by William M. Wells III
+;;;                         All Rights Reserved
+;;;     Permission is granted for unrestricted non-commercial use.
+;;; Dump parsing tables and associated stuff into a file.
+;;; The follwing stuff is dumped in parenthesized lists which a lisp reader
+;;; should be able to read:
+;;; A keyword argument list for the MAKE-GRAMMAR function.
+;;; An ordered (by grammar symbol index) lexicon.
+;;; A list of the indices of terminal grammar symbols.
+;;; A list of production info, ordered by production index, of lists
+;;;    containing the index of the lhs grammar symbol and the length
+;;;    of the rhs of the production.
+;;; A sparse list of lists representation of the action function
+;;;    (eyball one and you'll get the idea...).
+;;; A similar representation of the goto function.
+;;; The index of the start state.
+;;; The index of the end symbol.
+;;; A list of the client lambda forms.
+(in-package "ZEBU")
+(defun dump-tables (grammar-file output-file)
+  (macrolet ((delete! (item sequence)
+	       `(delete ,item ,sequence :test #'equal)))
+    (let ((*print-structure* t)
+	  *print-pretty* *print-length* *print-level* *print-circle*
+	  (filename (if output-file
+			(pathname output-file)
+		      (merge-pathnames
+		       (make-pathname :type "tab")
+		       grammar-file))))
+      (format t "~%Dumping parse tables to ~A~%" filename)
+      (with-open-file (port filename :if-does-not-exist :create
+			    :if-exists :supersede
+			    :direction :output)
+	;; 1: Dump options
+	(format port "~%~S" *grammar-options*)
+	;; 2: Dump out an ordered lexicon.
+	(let ((ln (length *g-symbol-alist*)))
+	  (format port "~%#~S(" ln)
+	  (dolist (pair (reverse *g-symbol-alist*))
+	    (format port "~S " (car pair)))
+	  (format port ")~%~%"))
+	;; 3: Dump a list of the indices of terminal grammar symbols
+	;; deal with some special cases... .
+	(let ((gs-list (delete
+			'()
+			(delete!
+			 *empty-string-g-symbol*
+			 (delete!
+			  *augmented-start-g-symbol*
+			  (delete!
+			   *the-end-g-symbol*
+			   (mapcar #'(lambda (gs)
+				       (unless (g-symbol-non-terminal? gs) gs))
+				   (reverse *symbols*))))))))
+	  (format port "~%#~S(" (length gs-list))
+	  (dolist (gs gs-list)
+	    (format port "~S " (g-symbol-index gs)))
+	  (format port ")~%~%"))
+	;; 4: productions
+	;; For the lr parser, dump a list of info on the productions.
+	;; The order of the list follows the productions indices in
+	;; the parse tables.  Each element is a list of the index of
+	;; the lhs grammar symbol and the length of the rhs of the production.
+	(format port "#~S(" (length *productions*))
+	(dolist (prod (reverse *productions*))
+	  (format port "(~S . ~S)"
+		  (g-symbol-index (lhs prod))
+		  (production-length prod)))
+	(format port ")~%")
+	;; 5: Dump out a representation of the action function.
+	(let ((aa-len (length (the vector *action-array*))))
+	  (format port "~%#~S(" aa-len)
+	  (dotimes (i aa-len)
+	    (format port "~%~S" (oset-item-list (svref *action-array* i))))
+	  (format port ")~%"))
+	;; 6: Dump out a representation of the goto function for non-terminals
+	(let ((ga-len (length (the vector *action-array*))))
+	  (format port "~%#~S(" ga-len)
+	  (dotimes (i (length *goto-array*))
+	    (format port "~%(")
+	    (dolist (item (oset-item-list (svref *goto-array* i)))
+	      (format port "~S" item))
+	    (format port ")"))
+	  (format  port ")"))
+	;; 7: Dump the index of the start state.
+	(print *lr0-start-state-index* port)
+	(terpri port) 
+	;; 8: Dump the index of the end symbol.
+	(print (g-symbol-index *the-end-g-symbol*) port)
+	(terpri port)
+	;; 9: Dump out a vector of the client lambdas
+	(let (*print-pretty*)
+          (format port "~%#~S(~{~S~%~})" 
+                  (length *zb-rules*)
+		  (setq *zb-rules* (nreverse *zb-rules*))))
+	)
+      filename)))
+;; Set up some convenient ways to process grammars.
+(defun compile-slr-grammar (grammar-file &rest args)
+  (apply #'compile-zebu-grammar-aux
+	 grammar-file
+	 #'slr-tables-from-grammar
+	 args))
+(defun compile-lalr1-grammar (grammar-file &rest args)
+  (apply #'compile-zebu-grammar-aux
+	 grammar-file
+	 #'lalr1-tables-from-grammar
+	 args))
+(declaim (special *compiler-grammar*))
+(defun compile-zebu-grammar-aux
+    (grammar-file compiler
+		  &key
+		  (output-file (merge-pathnames
+				(make-pathname :type "tab")
+				grammar-file))
+		  (grammar *null-grammar*)
+		  verbose
+		  (compile-domain t))
+  (let ((*compiler-grammar* grammar)
+	(*package* *package*))
+    (setq grammar-file (funcall compiler grammar-file :verbose verbose))
+    (when (get-grammar-options-key ':PACKAGE)
+      (setq *package* (find-package (get-grammar-options-key ':PACKAGE))))
+    (let ((domain-file (dump-domain-file grammar-file verbose)))
+      (when (and compile-domain domain-file)
+	(compile-file
+	 domain-file
+	 :output-file (merge-pathnames
+		       (make-pathname
+                        :host	   (pathname-host domain-file) ;; Added by Henry
+			:name      (pathname-name domain-file)
+			:directory (pathname-directory output-file)
+			:type      (car *load-binary-pathname-types*)))
+	 )))
+    (dump-tables grammar-file output-file)))
+;;; test:
+(set-working-directory *ZEBU-test-directory*)
+(compile-slr-grammar "ex1.zb")
+(compile-slr-grammar "ex2.zb")
+;; fails : not slr
+(compile-slr-grammar "ex3.zb") 
+;;(compile-slr-grammar "ex4.zb")
+;; fails : not slr
+(compile-slr-grammar "ex6-2.zb") 
+(compile-lalr1-grammar "ex1.zb")
+(compile-lalr1-grammar "ex2.zb")
+(compile-lalr1-grammar "ex3.zb")
+(compile-lalr1-grammar "ex4.zb")
+(compile-lalr1-grammar "ex6-2.zb")
+;;                                End of dump.l

Added: vendor/zebu/zebu-empty-st.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/zebu-empty-st.lisp	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         empty-st.l
+; Description:  Conversion to CL of the original Scheme program by (W M Wells)
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:      31-Oct-90
+; Modified:     Tue Jan 26 09:20:23 1993 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     CL
+; Package:      ZEBU
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1990, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+;;;             Copyright (C) 1989, by William M. Wells III
+;;;                         All Rights Reserved
+;;;     Permission is granted for unrestricted non-commercial use.
+(in-package "ZEBU")
+;;; Cruise the productions and figure out which ones derive the empty string.
+(defun calculate-empty-string-derivers ()
+  (labels ((string-vanishes (gslist)
+	     (cond ((null gslist) t)
+		   ((not (g-symbol-derives-empty-string (car gslist))) nil)
+		   (T (string-vanishes (cdr gslist)))))
+	   (process-symbol-which-derives-empty-string (gs)
+	     (unless (g-symbol-derives-empty-string gs)
+	       (let (*print-circle*)
+		 (format t "~S derives the empty string~%" gs))
+	       (setf (g-symbol-derives-empty-string gs) t)
+	       (dolist (prod (g-symbol-rhs-productions gs))
+		 (if (string-vanishes (rhs prod))
+		     (process-symbol-which-derives-empty-string (lhs prod)))))))
+    (dolist (prod *productions*)
+      (unless (rhs prod)
+	(process-symbol-which-derives-empty-string (lhs prod))))))
+;;; test:
+(load-grammar (merge-pathnames "ex3.zb" *ZEBU-test-directory*))
+;;                              End of empty-st.l

Added: vendor/zebu/zebu-first.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/zebu-first.lisp	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         zebu-first.l
+; Description:  Conversion to CL of the original Scheme program by (W M Wells)
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:      31-Oct-90
+; Modified:     Thu Apr 29 10:42:53 1993 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     CL
+; Package:      ZEBU
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1990, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+; 27-Mar-92 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  modified empty string handling to not propagate to dependers
+;  see Fischer LeBlanc, pp 104-106, Grammar G0
+; 25-Mar-92 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  included warning for non-terminals that do not derive a terminal string
+;;;             Copyright (C) 1989, by William M. Wells III
+;;;                         All Rights Reserved
+;;;     Permission is granted for unrestricted non-commercial use.
+(in-package "ZEBU")
+;;; Calculate the first sets of the grammar symbols.
+;;; Basic design from John Bear :
+;;;    University of Texas at Austin Tech Report GRG 220
+;;;    "A Breadth-First Syntactic Component"
+;;; I added empty string handling: Sandy Wells.
+(defun calculate-first-sets ()
+  (labels ((calculate-first-sets-aux (prod-lhs prod-rhs)
+	     (declare (cons prod-rhs))
+	     (let ((rhs-first (car prod-rhs)))
+	       (if (g-symbol-non-terminal? rhs-first)
+		   ;; must be non terminal
+		   ;; X -> Y1 Y2 ... Yn
+		   ;; place a in first-sets(X) if for some i a is in first-sets(Yi)
+		   ;; and for all j<i empty is in first-sets(Yj)
+		   (progn (first-set-add-depender! prod-lhs rhs-first)
+			  (if (g-symbol-derives-empty-string rhs-first)
+			      (let ((rhs-rest (cdr prod-rhs)))
+				(when rhs-rest
+				  (calculate-first-sets-aux prod-lhs rhs-rest)))))
+		 ;; check for terminal symbol
+		 (first-set-insert! rhs-first prod-lhs)))))
+    ;; The start set of a terminal symbol is the symbol itself.
+    (dolist (gs *symbols*)
+      (if (g-symbol-non-terminal? gs)
+	  (when (g-symbol-derives-empty-string gs)
+	    ;; insert without any propagation to dependers
+	    (oset-insert! *empty-string-g-symbol* (g-symbol-first-set gs)))
+	(oset-insert! gs (g-symbol-first-set gs))))
+    (dolist (prod *productions*)
+      (let ((rhs (rhs prod)))
+	(if rhs
+	    (calculate-first-sets-aux (lhs prod) rhs))))
+    (dolist (gs *symbols*)
+      (when (g-symbol-non-terminal? gs)
+	(let ((x (g-symbol-first-set gs)))
+	  (unless (oset-item-list x)
+	    (warn "The non-terminal ~A derives no terminal string."
+		  (g-symbol-name gs))))))))
+;;; Add a symbol to the first set of another symbol.
+;;; If it isn't the empty string, and wasn't there already,
+;;; add it to the first sets of the guys who's first sets contain this guys.
+;;; (the dependers)
+(defun first-set-insert! (to-insert insertee)
+  (labels ((first-set-insert-aux! (insertee)
+	     (when (oset-insert! to-insert (g-symbol-first-set insertee))
+	       (dolist (depender (oset-item-list 
+				  (g-symbol-first-set-dependers insertee)))
+		 (first-set-insert-aux! depender)))))
+    (first-set-insert-aux! insertee)))
+(defun first-set-add-depender! (new-depender gs)
+  (if (oset-insert! new-depender (g-symbol-first-set-dependers gs))
+      (dolist (sym (oset-item-list (g-symbol-first-set gs)))
+	(unless (eq *empty-string-g-symbol* sym)
+	  (first-set-insert! sym new-depender)))))
+(defun cruise-first-sets ()
+  (dolist (sym *symbols*)
+    (format t "~%~A : ~A~%--------------------"
+	    (g-symbol-name sym)
+	    (with-output-to-string (names)
+	      (oset-for-each
+	       #'(lambda (ee)
+		   (format names "~A  " (g-symbol-name ee)))
+	       (g-symbol-first-set sym))))))
+;;; first-seq (sequence of symbols) returns {s | seq =*=> s...}
+(defun first-seq (seq)
+  (declare (type list seq))
+  (if (null seq) 
+      (make-oset :order-fn #'g-symbol-order-function)
+    (let* ((seq1 (car (the cons seq)))
+	   (firsts (g-symbol-first-set seq1)))
+      (declare (type g-symbol seq1))
+      (if (g-symbol-derives-empty-string seq1)
+	  (oset-union
+	   (oset-delete *empty-string-g-symbol* firsts)
+	   (first-seq (cdr seq)))
+	firsts))))
+;; a specialization to a sequence SEQ, followed by an element SEQ1
+(defun first-seq-1 (seq seq1)
+  (declare (type list seq) (type g-symbol seq1))
+  (labels ((first-seq-aux (seq)
+	     (if (null seq)
+		 (let ((firsts (g-symbol-first-set seq1)))
+		   (if (g-symbol-derives-empty-string seq1)
+		       (oset-delete *empty-string-g-symbol* firsts)
+		     firsts))
+	       (let* ((seq1 (car (the cons seq)))
+		      (firsts (g-symbol-first-set seq1)))
+		 (declare (type g-symbol seq1))
+		 (if (g-symbol-derives-empty-string seq1)
+		     (oset-union
+		      (oset-delete *empty-string-g-symbol* firsts)
+		      (first-seq-aux (cdr seq)))
+		   firsts)))))
+    (first-seq-aux seq)))
+;;; test
+(set-working-directory *ZEBU-test-directory*)
+(load-grammar "ex2.zb")
+;;                               End of zebu-first.l

Added: vendor/zebu/zebu-follow.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/zebu-follow.lisp	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         zebu-follow.l
+; Description:  Conversion to CL of the original Scheme program by (W M Wells)
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:      31-Oct-90
+; Modified:     Tue Jan 26 09:21:04 1993 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     CL
+; Package:      ZEBU
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1990, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+; 20-Mar-91 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  Improved grammar debugging
+;;;             Copyright (C) 1989, by William M. Wells III
+;;;                         All Rights Reserved
+;;;     Permission is granted for unrestricted non-commercial use.
+(in-package "ZEBU")
+;;; Compute follow on a grammar symbol.
+(defun calculate-follow-sets ()
+  (compute-follow-dependers)
+  (follow-insert-first-sets))
+;;; Called initially on a production with prod being the production and
+;;; prod-rhs being the rhs of the production.
+;;; Returns true only if the prod-rhs derives the empty string, or is the
+;;; empty string.  Fills in follow set dependencies by side effect.
+(defun compute-follow-dependers (&aux prod)
+  (labels ((compute-follow-dependers-aux (prod-rhs)
+	     (if prod-rhs
+		 (let ((rhs-first (car prod-rhs)))
+		   (when (compute-follow-dependers-aux (cdr prod-rhs))
+		     (oset-insert! rhs-first
+				   (g-symbol-follow-dependers (lhs prod)))
+		     ;; Return indication of whether tail derives empty string.
+		     (g-symbol-derives-empty-string rhs-first)))
+	       t)))
+    (do ((prods *productions* (cdr prods)))
+	((null prods))
+      (setq prod (car (the cons prods)))
+      (compute-follow-dependers-aux (rhs prod)))))
+(defun follow-insert-first-sets ()
+  (labels ((follow-insert-symbol (symbol-to-insert whose-follow-set)
+	     ;; Both arguments are g-symbols.
+	     (if (oset-insert! symbol-to-insert
+			       (g-symbol-follow-set whose-follow-set))
+		 ;; Do it to his dependers too..
+		 (dolist (depender (oset-item-list (g-symbol-follow-dependers
+						    whose-follow-set)))
+		   (follow-insert-symbol symbol-to-insert depender))))
+	   (follow-insert-first-sets-aux (prod-rest)
+	     ;; Called on successive tails of the rhs of each production.
+	     (when prod-rest
+	       (let ((prod-rest2 (cdr prod-rest)))
+		 (when prod-rest2
+		   ;; prod-rest has at least two items
+		   (dolist (symbol (oset-item-list (first-seq prod-rest2)))
+		     (unless (eq symbol *empty-string-g-symbol*)
+		       (follow-insert-symbol symbol (car prod-rest))))
+		   (follow-insert-first-sets-aux prod-rest2))))))
+    (follow-insert-symbol *the-end-g-symbol* *start-symbol*)
+    (dolist (prod *productions*)
+      (follow-insert-first-sets-aux (rhs prod)))))
+;;; test:
+(set-working-directory *ZEBU-test-directory*)
+(load-grammar "ex2.zb")
+(compile-slr-grammar "ex2.zb")
+(ZEBU-LOAD-FILE "ex2.tab")
+;;                               End of zebu-follow.l

Added: vendor/zebu/zebu-g-symbol.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/zebu-g-symbol.lisp	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         zebu-g-symbol.l
+; Description:  Conversion to CL of the original Scheme program by (W M Wells)
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:      10-Oct-90
+; Modified:     Thu Apr 29 10:49:59 1993 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     CL
+; Package:      ZEBU
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1990, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+;;;             Copyright (C) 1989, by William M. Wells III
+;;;                         All Rights Reserved
+;;;     Permission is granted for unrestricted non-commercial use.
+(in-package "ZEBU")
+;;; Grammar symbols are represented by g-symbol structs.
+;;; print-name is a string.  
+;;; index is a unique integer associated with the symbol.
+;;; own-productions is a list of the productions that the symbol
+;;;                 appears on the left side of.
+;;; rhs-productions is a list of the productions the symbol appears
+;;;                 on the right side of.
+;;; first-set is the set of terminal grammar symbols which can
+;;;                 legally start a string derived from the symbol.
+;;; first-set-dependers is used in the computation of the first-set.
+;;; derives-empty-string is a quick way of telling if the empty
+;;;                 string is in the first-set of the symbol.
+;;; follow-set is the set of terminal symbols which may appear after
+;;;                 the symbol in strings of the language.
+;;; follow-dependers is the set of grammar symbols whose follow sets
+;;;                 must contain this guys follow set.
+;;; sets will be represented by o-sets.
+;;; A hack -- a g-symbol is non-terminal if its own-productions is NOT '().
+(defstruct (g-symbol (:print-function
+		      (lambda (g-symbol stream depth)
+			(declare (ignore depth))
+			(let ((name (g-symbol-name g-symbol)))
+			  (if (g-symbol-non-terminal? g-symbol)
+			      (format stream "[<~A>]" name)
+			    (format stream "<~A>" name))))))
+  name
+  index
+  (own-productions     '())
+  (rhs-productions     '())
+  (first-set           (make-oset :order-fn #'g-symbol-order-function))
+  (first-set-dependers (make-oset :order-fn #'g-symbol-order-function))
+  (derives-empty-string '())
+  (follow-set          (make-oset :order-fn #'g-symbol-order-function))
+  (follow-dependers    (make-oset :order-fn #'g-symbol-order-function)))
+(declaim (inline g-symbol-non-terminal?))
+(defun g-symbol-non-terminal? (sym)
+  (not (null (g-symbol-own-productions sym))))
+(defmacro new-g-symbol (name index)
+  `(make-g-symbol :name       ,name
+                  :index      ,index))
+(declaim (inline g-symbol-order-function))
+(defun g-symbol-order-function (sa sb)
+  (declare (type g-symbol sa sb))
+  (let ((sai (g-symbol-index sa)) (sbi (g-symbol-index sb)))
+    (declare (fixnum sai sbi))
+    (if (<= sai sbi)
+	(if (< sai sbi)
+	    'correct-order
+	  'equal)
+      'wrong-order)))
+(declaim (inline g-symbol-add-production))
+(defun g-symbol-add-production (g-symbol production)
+  (setf (g-symbol-own-productions g-symbol)
+	(cons production (g-symbol-own-productions g-symbol))))
+;;; test
+(load "g-symbol")
+(defvar g1 (new-g-symbol "foo" 3))
+(defvar g2 (new-g-symbol "goo" 5))
+(g-symbol-order-function g1 g2)
+(g-symbol-non-terminal? g1)
+(print g1)
+;;                              End of zebu-g-symbol.l

Added: vendor/zebu/zebu-generator.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/zebu-generator.lisp	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,1053 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         zebu-generator.lisp
+; Description:  Generate Domain and Print-Functions for the grammar
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:      25-Feb-92
+; Modified:     Wed Jan 13 10:16:30 1999 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     CL
+; Package:      ZEBU
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1992, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+(declaim (special
+          *identifier-continue-chars*
+          *identifier-start-chars*
+          *domain-structs*
+          *domain-types*
+          *grammar-options*
+          *lex-cats*
+          ))
+; generate-domain-file
+; Generate the DEFSTRUCT calls to define the domain & dump to FILE
+; When using the meta-grammar, printers will be compiled too.
+; file is open when generate-domain-file is called.
+; return true if anything was written.
+; If DEFSTRUCT is used in the grammar file  -- *domain-structs*  is not
+; () -- the domain does not need to be generated.
+(defun generate-domain-file (file port &aux domain printers)
+  (unless *domain-structs*
+    (when (setq domain
+		(prepare-domain
+		 (or (get-grammar-options-key ':DOMAIN)
+		     ;; set the domain keyword, s.t. at load time
+		     ;; the domain definition is present
+		     (let ((d (process-domain-definition)))
+		       (when d
+			 (nconc *grammar-options*
+				(list ':DOMAIN d)))
+		       d))))		; sets *domain-type-hierarchy*
+      (when (string= (grammar-name *compiler-grammar*)
+		     "zebu-mg")
+	(format t "~%Generating Print-functions ..")
+	(setq printers (gen-printers)))))
+  (format t "~%Writing domain to ~a~%" file)
+  ;; Dump out hierarchy
+  (let* ((structs (or (reverse *domain-structs*)
+		      (generate-domain domain printers)))
+	 (CL-pkg  #-LUCID (find-package "COMMON-LISP")
+		  #+LUCID (find-package "LUCID-COMMON-LISP"))
+	 (Lisp-pkgs
+	  (cons CL-pkg (package-use-list CL-pkg))))
+    (dolist (f structs)
+      (let ((struct-name (defstruct-name f)))
+	(when (member (symbol-package struct-name)
+		      Lisp-pkgs)
+	  (warn "~s was chosen as the name of domain type, ~%but the symbol is already defined in the ~s"
+		struct-name (symbol-package struct-name)))	    
+	(pprint f port)
+	(terpri port)
+	;; build the kb-hierarchy even if defstructs are used
+	(when *domain-structs*
+	  (format port "(ZB::DEF-KB-DOMAIN-TYPE '~s '~s '~s)~%"
+		  struct-name
+		  (defstruct-super f)
+		  (defstruct-slots f)))
+	))
+    structs))
+(defun defstruct-name (x)
+  (let ((n (cadr x)))
+    (if (listp n) (car n) n)))
+(defun defstruct-super (x)
+  (let ((n (cadr x)))
+    (when (listp n)
+      (let ((include (assoc ':include (cdr n))))
+	(when include (second include))))))
+(defun defstruct-slots (x)
+  (mapcar #'(lambda (sd) (if (listp sd) (car sd) sd))
+	  (cddr x)))
+; generate-domain
+; Given domain D and an alist PRINTERS with pairs (<type> . <print-function>)
+; return a list of DEFSTRUCT calls
+(defun generate-domain (d printers &aux code)
+  (flet ((parse-slots (l)
+	   (mapcar #'(lambda (s)
+		       (if (atom s)
+			   s
+			 `(,(car s) nil :type (or null ,(cadr s)))))
+		   l)))
+    (flet ((slots (x)
+	     (do ((xrest x (cddr xrest)))
+		 ((null xrest) nil)
+	       (if (eq (car xrest) ':slots)
+		   (return (parse-slots (cadr xrest))))))
+	   (make-struct (name include slots constructor?)
+	     `(defstruct (,name
+			  (:include ,include)
+			  ,@(let ((fn (assoc name printers)))
+			      (when fn
+				`((:print-function ,(cdr fn)))))
+			  ,@(unless constructor?
+			      (list '(:constructor nil)))
+			  )
+	       , at slots)))
+      (labels ((generate-domain-aux (sub super args constructor?)
+		 (unless (eq sub super)
+		   (push (make-struct sub super (slots args) constructor?)
+			 code))
+		 (do ((xrest args (cddr xrest))) ((null xrest))
+		   (when (eq (car xrest) ':subtype)
+		     (let ((newsub (cadr xrest)))
+		       (if (atom newsub)
+			   (push (make-struct newsub sub nil t) code)
+			 (generate-domain-aux
+			  (car newsub) sub (cdr newsub) t)))))))
+	(when d
+	  (generate-domain-aux (car d) 'kb-domain (rest d) nil)
+	  (nreverse code))))))
+; process-domain-definition
+; Transform the list of DOMAIN-TYPEs into the hierarchical structure
+; with root KB-DOMAIN, and :SUBTYPE, :SLOTS arcs
+(defun process-domain-definition (&aux (R (list 'KB-domain)))
+  (labels ((find-super (node supertype)
+	     ;; node is the list form of the domain def
+	     (if (null node)
+		 'Nil
+	       (if (eq (car node) supertype)
+		   node
+		 (do ((n (cdr node) (cddr n)))
+		     ((null n) nil)
+		   (when (eq (car n) ':subtype)
+		     (let ((r (find-super (cadr n) supertype)))
+		       (when r (return r)))))))))
+    (when (null *domain-types*)
+      (return-from process-domain-definition nil))
+    ;; if there is a supertype in *domain-types* that is 
+    ;; undefined, define it as a subtype of KB-domain
+    (dolist (node *domain-types*)
+      (let ((supertype (domain-type--supertype node)))
+	(unless (or (eq supertype 'KB-domain)
+		    (find supertype *domain-types*
+			  :key #'domain-type--type))
+	  (push (make-domain-type
+		 :-supertype 'KB-domain
+		 :-type supertype)
+		*domain-types*))))
+    ;; transform the sorted list to the external :DOMAIN notation
+    (let ((domain-types (copy-list *domain-types*)))
+      (loop (or domain-types (return R))
+	    (do ((nodes domain-types (cdr nodes)))
+		((null nodes))
+	      (let* ((node (first nodes))
+		     (supertype (domain-type--supertype node))
+		     (type (domain-type--type node))
+		     (slots (domain-type--slots node))
+		     (super (find-super R supertype)))
+		(when super
+		  (nconc super `(:subtype
+				 (,type
+				  ,@(if slots `(:slots ,slots)))))
+		  (setq domain-types (delete node domain-types)))))))
+    ;; (pprint R)
+    R))
+;;                        Generate the print-functions
+; Non-terminal-p
+(defun Non-terminal-p (constituent)
+  (and (symbolp constituent) (not (assoc constituent *lex-cats*))))
+; 1-constituent-production-p
+(defun 1-constituent-production-p (syntax)
+  (= 1 (count-if #'Non-terminal-p syntax))
+  )
+(defun first-nt-constituent (syntax)
+  (find-if #'Non-terminal-p syntax)
+  )
+;; collect for each type the lhs and production-rhs in the alist
+;; type-prod-AL ( (<type> . %1=( %2=(<lhs> . <production-rhs>) .. )) ..)
+;; type-print-fn-AL ( (<type> . (lambda ..)) ..)
+;; Return type-print-fn-AL
+(defun gen-printers (&aux type-prod-AL type-print-fn-AL user-def-types
+			  KB-sequence-print-fn-AL KB-sequence-prods
+			  (print-fn-argl (mapcar #'intern 
+						 '("ITEM" "STREAM" "LEVEL"))))
+  (flet ((memo (type val)
+	   (let ((bdg  (assoc type type-prod-AL)))
+	     (if (null bdg)
+		 (push (cons type (list val)) type-prod-AL)
+	       (push val (cdr bdg))))))	   
+    (maphash #'(lambda (key val) (declare (ignore val))
+		       (unless (or (member key '(:TOP KB-DOMAIN KB-SEQUENCE))
+				   (member (symbol-name key)
+					   *open-categories*
+					   :test #'string=)
+				   (assoc key *lex-cats*))
+			 (push key user-def-types)))
+	     *domain-ht*)
+    ;; for each type, gather a set of productions that produce it
+    ;; also check that the type and its slots are defined
+    (dolist (zb-rule *zb-rules*)
+      (let ((lhs (car zb-rule)))
+	(dolist (prod (zb-rule--productions (cdr zb-rule)))
+	  (let ((semantics (production-rhs--semantics prod)))
+	    (if (null semantics)
+		(let ((syntax (production-rhs--syntax prod)))
+		  (when (1-constituent-production-p syntax)
+		    (let ((nt (first-nt-constituent syntax)))
+		      (when (eq (car (infer-type-disj-of-expr nt))
+				'kb-sequence)
+			(memo 'kb-sequence (cons lhs nt))))))		  
+	      (when (and semantics (feat-term-p semantics))
+		(let* ((type (feat-term--type semantics))
+		       (type-node (gethash type *domain-HT*))
+		       (slots (feat-term--slots semantics)))
+		  ;; warn about inconsistent use of the types	
+		  (if (null type-node)
+		      (warn "Type: ~S is not defined in this domain" type)
+		    (dolist (slot slots)
+		      (let ((slot-label (label-value-pair--label slot))
+			    (slot-value (label-value-pair--value slot)))
+			(if (KB-legal-slot-p type slot-label)
+			    (let ((slot-type (KB-slot-type
+					      type slot-label)))
+			      (unless (eq slot-type ':TOP)
+				(unless (every
+					 #'(lambda (sub)
+					     (is-subtype-of sub slot-type))
+					 (infer-type-disj-of-expr slot-value))
+				  (warn "~S type restriction of ~S violated by ~S"
+					slot-type slot-label slot-value)
+				  ;;(break "~%> ~S" prod)
+				  )))
+			  (warn "Slot: ~S is not defined for ~S"
+				slot-label type)))))
+		  (memo type (cons lhs prod))
+		  (for-each-supertype
+		   #'(lambda (node)
+		       (setq user-def-types
+			     (delete (type-tree-node--label node)
+				     user-def-types)))
+		   type)))))))))
+  (when user-def-types
+    (warn "Types:~{ ~S~}~% were defined but not used." user-def-types))
+  ;; generate print-function for nonterminals which produce a kb-sequence
+  (when (setf KB-sequence-prods (assoc 'KB-sequence type-prod-AL))
+    (setf type-prod-AL (delete KB-sequence-prods type-prod-AL)
+	  KB-sequence-print-fn-AL
+	  (gen-KB-sequence-printers (cdr KB-sequence-prods))))
+  ;; (break "KB-sequence-print-fn-AL ~%~S:" KB-sequence-print-fn-AL)
+  ;; now generate the print-function for each type
+  ;; unless one has been predefined (via the << foo >> Syntax)
+  (dolist (e type-prod-AL type-print-fn-AL)
+    (let* ((type (car e))
+	   (domain-type (find type *domain-types*
+			      :key #'domain-type--type))
+	   (fun (when domain-type
+		  (domain-type-print-function domain-type))))
+      ;; (break "domain-type: ~s" domain-type)
+      (when (and domain-type (not fun))
+	(let ((%1   (cdr e))		; ((<lhs> . <prod-rhs>)..)
+	      clauses good-bdgs unused-bdgs)
+	  (dolist (%2 %1)		; (<lhs> . <prod-rhs>)
+	    (push (gen-print-case %2) clauses))
+	  ;; <clause> = (short-lambda-list syntax binding-list)
+	  (multiple-value-bind (cond-clauses bindings)
+	      (gen-clauses clauses KB-sequence-print-fn-AL)
+	    ;; split bindings in good ones and unused ones
+	    (dolist (b bindings)
+	      (if (null (cdr b))
+		  (pushnew b unused-bdgs)
+		(pushnew b good-bdgs)))
+	    (setf fun `(lambda (, at print-fn-argl 
+				,@(when good-bdgs `(&aux .,good-bdgs)))
+			  (declare (ignore 
+				  , at unused-bdgs
+				  .,(if (not good-bdgs)
+					print-fn-argl
+				      (cddr print-fn-argl))))
+			,(if (cdr cond-clauses)
+			     (progn
+			       ;; last cond-clause has antecedent T
+			       (setf (caar (last cond-clauses)) t)
+			       `(cond ,@(simplify-cond-clauses cond-clauses)))
+			   ;; the condition must be true
+			   (cadar cond-clauses)))))))
+      (push (cons type fun) type-print-fn-AL))))
+;; gen-KB-sequence-printers
+;; generate in-line format forms for KB-sequence first:
+;; KB-sequence-print-fn-AL: ((Constituent . <form(lhs)>)..); 
+(defun gen-KB-sequence-printers (prods &aux Alist separator)
+  (dolist (prod prods Alist)
+    ;; prod = (<lhs> . <prod-rhs>)  |  (<lhs> . <symbol>)
+    (let ((lhs (car prod)) (rhs (cdr prod)))
+      ;; (format t "~%~%Prod: ~s ::= ~s" lhs (if (symbolp rhs) rhs (production-rhs--syntax rhs)))
+      (setq separator (decode-separator (if (symbolp rhs) rhs lhs))
+	    Alist (add-print-fn
+		   lhs
+		   (if separator
+		       `(let ((*kb-sequence-separator* ,separator))
+			 (declare (special *kb-sequence-separator*))
+			 (KB-SEQUENCE-print ,lhs nil nil))
+		     `(KB-SEQUENCE-print ,lhs nil nil))
+		   Alist))
+      ;; (format t "~%Separator: ~s" separator)
+      )))
+(defun decode-separator (name)
+  ;; return NIL for the default separator
+  (let* ((s (symbol-name name))
+	 (s-length (length s))
+	 (last-char-pos (1- s-length)))
+    (when (char= (schar s last-char-pos) #\$)
+      (let ((sep-ln-char (schar s (1- last-char-pos))))
+	(when (digit-char-p sep-ln-char)
+	  (let ((sep-length (- (char-int sep-ln-char) (char-int #\0))))
+	    (subseq s 
+		    (- s-length sep-length 2)
+		    (- last-char-pos 1))))))))
+; add-print-fn
+; add the print-function FN for the non-terminal CONSTITUENT to ALIST
+(defun add-print-fn (CONSTITUENT FN ALIST)
+  (let ((bdg (assoc CONSTITUENT ALIST)))
+    (if (null bdg)
+      (progn (setf (cdr bdg)
+		   `(if (null ,CONSTITUENT)
+		     ""
+		     ,(if (equal FN "")
+			  (cdr bdg)
+			FN)))
+	     ALIST))))
+; clause
+; <lambda-list syntax binding-list semantics>
+(defstruct (clause)
+  ll syntax bl semantics
+  )
+; gen-print-case
+; given: (<lhs> . <prod-rhs>)
+; return: lambda-list of constituents in lhs
+;         syntax of rhs
+;         for each var in the lambda-list a path of accessors
+(defun gen-print-case (lhs-rhs-pair)
+  (let* ((prod (cdr lhs-rhs-pair))
+	 (syntax (production-rhs--syntax prod))
+	 (semantics (production-rhs--semantics prod))
+	 (ll (mapcan #'(lambda (constituent)
+			 (unless (stringp constituent) (list constituent)))
+		     syntax))
+	 (binding-list
+	  (mapcar
+	   #'(lambda (var)
+	       (let ((p (find-path var semantics)))
+		 (if (null p)
+		     (progn
+		       (warn "~:[Lexical Category~; Non-Terminal~] ~S not used in semantics ~% of ~S."
+			     (Non-terminal-p var) var (car lhs-rhs-pair))
+		       (list var)
+		       )
+		   (cons var p))))
+		  ll)))
+    (make-clause
+     :ll ll :syntax syntax :bl binding-list :semantics semantics)))
+; gen-clauses
+; Given clauses of the form:
+;  <clause> = <short-lambda-list syntax binding-list semantics>
+; where binding-list = ((<non-terminal-symbol> . <path to access from ITEM>) ..)
+; return: (1) ((<test for print-case> <format stmt derived from syntax>) ..)
+;         (2) a lambda-list binding the %u .. variables used to accessors
+;             derived from the paths.
+(defconstant *vars-to-use* '("%R" "%S" "%T" "%U" "%V" "%W" "%X" "%Y" "%Z"))
+(defun gen-clauses (clauses KB-sequence-print-fn-AL
+			    &aux (vars-to-use (mapcar #'intern *vars-to-use*))
+			    ;; a set of sets with the same print syntax
+			    (partitioning (partition-set #'same-print-syntax clauses))
+			    alist cond-clauses)
+  (labels ((memo-path (path)
+	     (let ((bdg (assoc path alist :test #'equal)))
+	       (if bdg
+		   (cdr bdg)
+		 (let ((R (pop vars-to-use)))
+		   (push (cons path R) alist)
+		   R))))
+	   (make-format (syntax bdgs)
+	     (when syntax
+	       (let ((R `(format ,(intern "STREAM")
+			  ,(apply #'concatenate 'string
+				  (make-format-string-list syntax))
+			  ,@(mapcan
+			     #'(lambda (const) 
+				 (unless (stringp const) 
+				   (let ((seq-fn-bdg
+					  (assoc
+					   const
+					   KB-sequence-print-fn-AL))
+					 (var (let ((bdg (cdr (assoc const bdgs))))
+						(when bdg (memo-path bdg)))))
+				     (list
+				      (if seq-fn-bdg
+					  `(let ((,const ,var))
+					    ,(cdr seq-fn-bdg))
+					(or var
+					    (warn "Can't unparse ~s~%~s is unbound in semantics"
+						  syntax const)))))))
+			     syntax))))
+		 ;; (format t "~%format: ~s ~a -->~% " syntax bdgs) (pprint R) (break "gen-clauses")
+		 R))))
+    (dolist (eq-print-set partitioning)
+      (let (ante (proto  (first eq-print-set)))
+	(dolist (eq-print eq-print-set)
+	  (let ((ll     (clause-ll eq-print))
+		(bdgs   (clause-bl eq-print)))
+	    (pushnew
+	     (if (null ll)
+		 (progn 
+		   ;; (break  "sem: ~s" (clause-semantics eq-print))
+		   `(equal ,(intern "ITEM") ,(cons-avm
+					      (clause-semantics eq-print))))
+	       (let* (type-list		; type-preds that have to hold
+		      (ll-map		; ((<lvar> . <%var>) ..)
+		       (mapcar #'(lambda (var)
+				   (push (infer-type-predicate var)
+					 type-list)
+				   (cons var
+					 (memo-path
+					  (cdr (assoc var bdgs)))))
+			       ll))
+		      (conjuncts
+		       (mapcan #'(lambda (lvar type)
+				   (if (consp type)
+				       `((typep ,(cdr lvar) ',type))
+				     (if (eq type 'T)
+					 ;; delete the variables for which
+					 ;; we could not infer a type
+					 ()
+				       `((,type ,(cdr lvar))))))
+			       ll-map (nreverse type-list))))
+		 (if (cdr conjuncts)
+		     `(AND . ,conjuncts)
+		   (car conjuncts))))
+	     ante :test #'equal)))
+	(setq ante (if (cdr ante) (cons 'OR ante) (car ante)))
+	(setq cond-clauses
+	      (insert-clause `(,ante
+			       ,(make-format (clause-syntax proto)
+					     (clause-bl proto)))
+			     cond-clauses))))
+    (values cond-clauses
+	    (mapcar #'(lambda (pair)	; (<path> .  <%var>)
+			(list (cdr pair)
+			      (path-to-form (car pair) (intern "ITEM"))))
+		    alist))))
+(defun path-to-form (path target)
+  (reduce #'(lambda (a b) (list b a))
+	  path
+	  :initial-value target))
+; insert-clause
+; insert stronger clause at front
+(defun insert-clause (clause clauses)
+  (flet ((conjunction? (x) (and (consp x) (eq (car x) 'AND)))
+	 (conjuncts (x) (rest x))
+	 (typed-var? (x) (and (consp x) (eq (car x) 'TYPEP)))
+	 (typed-var-nm (x) (cadr x))
+	 (typed-var-type (x) (cadr (caddr x)))
+	 (ante (x) (car x)))
+    (flet ((weaker-typed? (ante1 ante2)
+	     (and (typed-var? ante1)
+		  (typed-var? ante2)
+		  (eq (typed-var-nm ante1) (typed-var-nm ante2))
+		  (kb-subtypep (typed-var-type ante2)
+			       (typed-var-type ante1)))))
+      (if (null clauses)
+	  (list clause)
+        (let ((ante1 (ante clause)))
+	  ;; (format t "~%a1: ~S~%a2s: ~{~A~%~}" (ante clause) (mapcar #'ante clauses))
+	  (if (member ante1 clauses :test #'equal :key #'ante)
+	      ;; the antecedent is already in the clauses
+	      ;; this indicate a many-to-one surface-to-abstract syntax
+	      clauses
+	    (let* ((clause2 (first clauses)) (ante2 (ante clause2)))
+	      (if (conjunction? ante2)
+		  (if (conjunction? ante1)
+		      (if (subsetp ante1 ante2 :test #'weaker-typed?)
+			  (cons clause2 (insert-clause clause (rest clauses)))
+			(cons clause clauses))
+		    (if (typed-var? ante1)
+			(if (find-if #'(lambda (a) (weaker-typed? ante1 a))
+				     (conjuncts ante2))
+			    (cons clause2 (insert-clause clause (rest clauses)))
+			  (cons clause clauses))
+		      (cons clause2 (insert-clause clause (rest clauses)))))
+	        (if (conjunction? ante1)
+		    ;; ((and p q) ..) : p  --> ((and p q) p ..) 
+		    (if (typed-var? ante2)
+			(if (find-if #'(lambda (a) (weaker-typed? a ante2))
+				     (conjuncts ante1))
+			    (cons clause clauses)
+			  (cons clause2 (insert-clause clause (rest clauses))))
+		      ;; ante2 is not typed, eg. (IDENTIFIERP %U)
+		      (if (member ante2 (conjuncts ante1) :test #'equal)
+			  (cons clause clauses)
+			(cons clause2 (insert-clause clause (rest clauses)))))
+		  ;; both are simple
+		  (if (weaker-typed? ante1 ante2)
+		      (cons clause2 (insert-clause clause (rest clauses)))
+		    (cons clause clauses)))))))))))
+; same-print-syntax
+; Given clauses rhs A and B
+; where  <clause> = short-lambda-list syntax binding-list
+; return true iff
+; the syntax's constants are the same and its variables have the same bdg
+(defun same-print-syntax (a b)
+  (let ((a-syntax (clause-syntax a)) (b-syntax (clause-syntax b)))
+    (and (equal (length a-syntax) (length b-syntax))
+	 (every #'(lambda (constituent1 constituent2)
+		    (or (and (symbolp constituent1) (symbolp constituent2))
+			(and (stringp constituent1)
+			     (stringp constituent2)
+			     (string= constituent1 constituent2))))
+		a-syntax b-syntax)			
+	 ;; syntax is the same
+	 (let ((a-bdgs (clause-bl a)) (b-bdgs (clause-bl b)))
+	   ;; do all variables of the lambda-list have the same path?
+	   (every #'(lambda (u v)
+		      (equal (cdr (assoc u a-bdgs))
+			     (cdr (assoc v b-bdgs))))
+		  (clause-ll a)
+		  (clause-ll b))))))
+; make-format-string-list
+; This converts a rhs of a grammar rule (SYNTAX) to a format string. 
+; It tries to infer when spaces should be inserted based on the
+; parameter *identifier-continue-chars*
+; As a "rule of style" if a token has a space to its left (right) it should
+; also have one to its right (left), unless the token is the last in syntax.
+(defun make-format-string-list (syntax)
+  (let ((sep-sq (insert-seperator? syntax))
+	(a-tok "~a")
+	(s-tok "~s")
+	(blank " ")
+	pre-sep?)
+    ;; const1 const2 ... constn
+    ;; sep1   sep1   ... sep1
+    ;; enforce the rule of style that a grammar keyword has
+    ;; blanks on both sides if it has one on either
+    ;; this algorithm is too cautious, since it does not hurt to
+    ;; introduce a blank!
+    (do ((syn-tl syntax (cdr syn-tl))
+	 (sep-tl sep-sq (cdr sep-tl))
+	 Acc				; accumulated result
+	 )
+	((null syn-tl) (nreverse Acc))
+      (let ((const (car syn-tl))
+	    (sep?  (car sep-tl))
+	    (preceding-blank? (and Acc (eql (first Acc) blank))))
+	(if (stringp const)
+	    (progn
+	      ;;(break "constituent= ~s" const)
+	      (when (and pre-sep?
+			 (not preceding-blank?)
+			 (insert-seperator-before? const))
+		(setq preceding-blank? t) (push blank Acc))
+	      (push (escape-tilde const) Acc)
+	      (when (or sep?
+			;; there is a preceding blank, and not at end
+			(and (cdr syn-tl) 
+			     preceding-blank?
+			     (parse-id/number? (second syn-tl))))
+		(push blank Acc)))
+	  (let ((firsts (first-terminal (constituent-name const))))
+	    (if (and (null (rest firsts))
+		     (string= "STRING" (first firsts)))
+		(push s-tok Acc)
+	      (push a-tok Acc))
+	    (when (or sep?
+		      ;; there is a preceding blank, and not at end
+		      (and (cdr syn-tl) 
+			   preceding-blank?
+			   (parse-id/number? (second syn-tl))))
+	      (push blank Acc))))
+	(setq pre-sep? sep?)
+	;; (format t "~%Acc: |~{~a~}|" (reverse Acc))
+	))))
+(defun escape-tilde (string)
+  ;; precede each ~ by ~
+  (declare (string string))
+  (let* ((R "")
+	 (tilde #\~)
+	 (p0 0)
+	 (p1 (position tilde string :test #'eql)))
+    (declare (fixnum p0))
+    (if p1
+	(loop (setq R (concatenate
+		       'string R (subseq string p0 p1) "~~"))
+	      (setq p0 (1+ p1))
+	      (unless (setq p1 (position tilde string
+					 :start p0 :test #'eql))
+		(return-from escape-tilde
+		  (concatenate 'string R (subseq string p0)))))
+      string)))
+(defun parse-id/number? (const)
+  (when (stringp const)
+    (let* ((s const) (n (length s)) state)
+      (declare (string s))
+      (or				; number
+       (dotimes (i n t)
+	 (let ((c (schar s i)))
+	   (if (null state)
+	       (if (digit-char-p c)
+		   nil
+		 (if (eql c #\.)
+		     (setq state t)
+		   (return nil)))
+	     (if (digit-char-p c)
+		 nil
+	       (return nil)))))
+					; id
+       (setq state nil)
+       (dotimes (i n t)
+	 (let ((c (schar s i)))
+	   (if (null state)
+	       (if (find c *identifier-start-chars*)
+		   (setq state t)
+		 (return nil))
+	     (if (find c *identifier-continue-chars*)
+		 nil
+	       (return nil)))))))))
+(defun continues-token? (e)
+  (declare (string e))
+  (or (zerop (length e))
+      (let ((c (schar e 0)))
+	(declare (character c))
+	(if (find c *identifier-continue-chars*)
+	    t
+	  (or (digit-char-p c)
+	      (eql c #\.))))))
+(defun insert-seperator? (s)
+  ;; -> seq of T/Nil depending on whether the element in s should
+  ;; be followed by a seperator
+  (declare (list s))
+  (maplist #'(lambda (s-tl)
+	       (let ((e1 (first s-tl)))
+		 (if (null (rest s-tl))
+		     ;; e1 is the last element
+		     ;; by default no seperator after the last const
+		     nil
+		   ;; compare e1 to next element, e2
+		   (let ((e2 (second s-tl)))
+		     (if (symbolp e1)
+			 (if (symbolp e2)
+			     t
+			   ;; the following string e2 could continue
+			   ;; the id e1
+			   (continues-token? (the string e2)))
+		       (let ((ln1 (length e1)))
+			 (if (= 0 ln1)
+			     nil
+			   (if (symbolp e2)
+			       ;; e1 is a string
+			       ;; follow it by space if
+			       ;; it ends neither in white-space
+			       ;; nor in a char not in *identifier-continue-chars*
+			       ;; nor a digit
+			       (insert-seperator-after? e1)
+			     ;; both e1 and e2 are strings
+			     ;; could they parse as a number or an id?
+			     (and (parse-id/number? e1)
+				  (continues-token? (the string e2)))))))))))
+	   s))
+(defun white-space-p (char)
+  (let ((w (or (get-grammar-options-key ':white-space)
+	       '(#\Space #\Newline #\Tab))))  
+    (member (the character char) w :test #'char=)))
+(defun insert-seperator-before? (const)
+  (or (symbolp const)
+      (let ((ln (length const)))
+	(or (zerop ln)
+	    (let ((c0 (schar const 0)))
+	      (if (find c0 *identifier-continue-chars*)
+		  T
+		(or (digit-char-p c0)
+		    (white-space-p c0))))))))
+(defun insert-seperator-after? (const)
+  (or (symbolp const)
+      (let ((ln (length const)))
+	(or (zerop ln)
+	    (let ((last-char (schar const (1- ln))))
+	      (if (white-space-p last-char)
+		  nil
+		(if (find last-char *identifier-continue-chars*)
+		    T
+		  (digit-char-p last-char))))))))
+; simplify-cond-clauses
+;  ((and a1 b1) c1)
+;  ((and a1 b2) c2 ..) ..
+; (cond (a1 (cond (b1 c1) (b2 c2))) ..
+(defun simplify-cond-clauses (clauses)
+  (flet ((conj1 (cl) (second cl))
+	 (conj2 (cl) (third cl))
+	 (and? (cl) (and (consp cl) (eq (car cl) 'AND))))
+    (let* ((cl1 (first clauses))
+	   (ante1 (car cl1))
+	   (rest1 (cdr cl1)))
+      (if (and (and? ante1) (rest clauses))
+	  (let* ((cl2 (second clauses))
+		 (ante2 (car cl2))
+		 (rest2 (cdr cl2)))
+	    (if (and (and? ante2) (equal (conj1 ante1) (conj1 ante2)))
+		`((,(conj1 ante1) (cond (,(conj2 ante1) .,rest1)
+					(,(conj2 ante2) .,rest2)))
+		  .,(cddr clauses))
+	      clauses))
+	clauses))))
+;;                      Type Inference for Non-Terminals
+(defun type->predicate (type)
+  (case type
+    (NUMBER     'numberp)
+    (IDENTIFIER 'identifierp)
+    (STRING     'stringp)
+    (t (intern (concatenate 'string (symbol-name type) "-P")
+	       (symbol-package type)))))
+(defun infer-type-predicate (var &aux (v (constituent-name var)))
+  (case v
+    (NUMBER     'numberp)
+    (IDENTIFIER 'identifierp)
+    (STRING     'stringp)
+    (t (let ((type (infer-type v)))
+	 (if (eq type ':TOP)
+	     (let ((domain-top (car (type-tree-node--subtypes
+				     *domain-type-hierarchy*))))
+	       `(OR
+		 ,(type-tree-node--label domain-top)
+	   (if (consp type)
+	       (if (null (rest type))
+		   (type->predicate (first type))
+		 (cons 'OR type))
+	     (if (null type)
+		 'T
+	       (type->predicate type))))))))
+(defun infer-type (v)
+  (if (member v '(NUMBER IDENTIFIER STRING))
+      v
+    (let ((disj (infer-type-disj v)))
+      (if (null disj)
+	  (warn "Could not infer type for ~S" v)
+	disj))))
+; is-subtype-of
+(defun is-subtype-of (a b)
+  (or (eq a b)
+      (let ((type-nd (gethash a *domain-HT*)))
+	(when type-nd
+	  (let ((sup (type-tree-node--supertype type-nd)))
+	    (and sup
+		 (is-subtype-of (type-tree-node--label sup) b)))))))
+; kb-subtypep
+; disjunctive and conjunctive types are allowed
+(defun kb-subtypep (a b)
+  (if (consp a)
+      (case (first a)
+	(OR (every #'(lambda (junct) (kb-subtypep junct b))
+		   (rest a)))
+	(AND (some #'(lambda (junct) (kb-subtypep junct b))
+		   (rest a)))
+	(T nil))
+      (if (consp b)
+	  (case (first b)
+	    (OR (some #'(lambda (junct) (kb-subtypep junct a))
+		      (rest b)))
+	    (AND (every #'(lambda (junct) (kb-subtypep junct a))
+			(rest b)))
+	    (T nil))
+	(is-subtype-of a b))))
+(defun check-domain-type (type node)
+  (unless type
+    (error "~S is not a defined domain type." node)))
+(defun infer-type-disj (v &aux (nts (list v)))
+  ;; return a list of the possible types for a non-terminal V
+  (labels ((infer-type-aux (v disjuncts)
+	     (if (or (member v '(NUMBER IDENTIFIER STRING))
+		     (assoc v *lex-cats*))
+		 (adjoin v disjuncts) 
+	       (let ((zb-rule (assoc v *zb-rules*))
+		     (types disjuncts))
+		 (unless zb-rule
+		   (error "No Rule/Non-terminal named ~s found" v))
+		 (dolist (prod (zb-rule--productions (cdr zb-rule)) types)
+		   (let ((s (production-rhs--semantics prod)))
+		     (if s
+			 (if (feat-term-p s)
+			     (setq types (adjoin-type-disj
+					  (feat-term--type s) types))
+			   (dolist (type (infer-type s))
+			     (setq types (adjoin-type-disj type types))))
+		       (let ((nt (find-if #'symbolp
+					  (production-rhs--syntax prod))))
+			 (unless (or (null nt) (member nt nts))
+			   (push nt nts)
+			   (setq types
+				 (infer-type-aux nt types)))))))))))
+    (infer-type-aux v nil)))
+(defun adjoin-type-disj (type disj)
+  (if (find type disj :test #'is-subtype-of)
+      disj
+    (cons type (delete-if #'(lambda (a) (is-subtype-of a type))
+			  disj))))
+(defun infer-type-disj-of-expr (x)
+  (typecase x
+    (number '(number))
+    (string '(string))
+    (symbol (infer-type-disj (constituent-name x)))))
+; find-path
+; Given a typed feature-structure feat-term, and a variable V occuring
+; somewhere as a value of a slot, return a path to it
+; return: (1) if you are there ()
+;         (2) if there is no path to v: :FAIL
+;         (3) if there is some path: the first one found
+(defun find-path (v feat-term)
+  (labels ((find-path-aux (avl)
+	     (if (atom avl)
+		 (if (feat-term-p avl)
+		     (find-path-list (feat-term--slots avl)
+				     (feat-term--type avl))
+		   (if (eq v avl)
+		       t
+		     :FAIL))
+	       :FAIL))
+	   (find-path-list (avl type)
+	     (dolist (lv-pair avl)
+	       (let ((p (find-path-aux (label-value-pair--value lv-pair))))
+		 (unless (eq p :FAIL)
+		   (return
+		     (cons (intern
+			    (concatenate
+			     'string
+			     (symbol-name type) "-"
+			     (symbol-name (label-value-pair--label lv-pair)))
+			    (symbol-package type))
+			   (if (eq p 't) nil p))))))))
+    (find-path-aux feat-term)))
+; partition-set
+; partition SET according to EQUIV-FN
+; for equiv-fn holds (equiv-fn x y) = (equiv-fn y x)
+(defun partition-set (equiv-fn set &aux alist)
+  (do ((x-set set (cdr x-set))) ((null x-set))
+    (let ((x (car x-set)))
+      (push (list x) alist)
+      (do ((y-set (cdr x-set) (cdr y-set))) ((null y-set))
+	(let ((y (car y-set)))
+	  (if (funcall equiv-fn x y)
+	      (let ((found-association (assoc x alist)))
+		(push y (cdr found-association))))))))
+  (labels ((partition-set-aux (alist)
+	     (if (null alist)
+		 '()
+	       (let* ((pair1 (car alist))
+		      (set1 (reduce #'union
+				    (mapcar
+				     #'(lambda (p)
+					 (let ((found (find-if
+						       #'(lambda (p1)
+							   (member p1 p))
+						       pair1)))
+					   (when found
+					     (setf alist (delete p alist))
+					     p)))
+				     (cdr alist)) 
+				    :initial-value pair1)))
+		 (cons set1
+		       (partition-set-aux (cdr alist)))))))
+    (partition-set-aux alist)))
+;;                                    tests
+(GEN-PRINTERS (find-grammar "ex1a"))
+(infer-type 'cl-user::ee)
+(infer-type 'cl-user::f)
+(infer-type 'cl-user::tt)
+(infer-type-predicate 'IDENTIFIER)
+(infer-type-predicate 'cl-user::ee)
+(PARTITION-SET #'(lambda (x y)
+		   (eql (schar (string x) 0)
+			(schar (string y) 0)))
+	       '(a aa aaa b bbb bb c cccc))
+(PARTITION-SET #'(lambda (x y)
+			    (eql (schar (string x) 0)
+				 (schar (string y) 0)))
+	       '(a b c))
+; partition-set-by-selection-fn
+;;; partition set according to selection-fn
+(defun partition-set-by-selection-fn (selection-fn set &aux alist)
+  (dolist (item set)
+    (let* ((key (funcall selection-fn item))
+	   (found-association (assoc key alist :test #'eql)))
+      (if found-association 
+	  (nconc (cdr found-association) (list item))
+	(push (cons key (list item)) alist))))
+  (dolist (pair alist)
+    (setf (car pair) (cadr pair)
+	  (cdr pair) (cddr pair)))
+  alist)
+(partition-set-by-selection-fn #'evenp '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))
+ ==> ((2 4 6 8) (1 3 5 7))
+; follow-terminal
+; given the name of a grammar-symbol, return the
+; list of possibly following strings
+(defun follow-terminal (name)
+  (mapcar #'g-symbol-name
+	  (oset-item-list (g-symbol-follow-set (g-symbol-intern name))))
+  )
+(defun first-terminal (name)
+  (mapcan #'(lambda (item)
+	      (unless (eq item *empty-string-g-symbol*)
+		(list (g-symbol-name item))))
+	  (oset-item-list (g-symbol-first-set (g-symbol-intern name)))))
+(follow-terminal 'user::ARG)
+(first-terminal 'user::ARG*448)
+(follow-terminal 'user::ARG*)
+(first-terminal 'user::Name)
+(first-terminal 'Identifier)
+(intersection (follow-terminal 'user::ARG) (first-terminal 'user::ARG*438))
+(intersection (follow-terminal 'user::stmt) (first-terminal 'user::stmt+))
+;;                        End of zebu-generator.lisp

Added: vendor/zebu/zebu-kb-domain.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/zebu-kb-domain.lisp	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         zebu-kb-domain.lisp
+; Description:  
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:      19-Mar-93
+; Modified:     Wed Aug  4 20:43:54 1993 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     CL
+; Package:      ZEBU
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1993, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+(require "zebu-aux")
+(provide "zebu-kb-domain")
+; for-each-supertype
+; Iterate fn over all supertypes of type. Type is the label of a
+; type-tree-node in *domain-HT*
+; Note that every type is its own supertype.
+(defun for-each-supertype (fn type &optional errorp)
+  (let ((node (gethash type *domain-HT*)))
+    (labels ((doit (node)
+	       (when (type-tree-node-p node)
+		 (funcall fn node)
+		 (doit (type-tree-node--supertype node)))))
+      (if node
+	  (doit node)
+	(when errorp
+	  (KB-type-error type))))))
+; KB-legal-slot-p
+; Is slot-label a legal name of a slot of a type named TYPE?
+(defun KB-legal-slot-p (type slot-label)
+  (for-each-supertype #'(lambda (node)
+			  (dolist (slot (type-tree-node--slots node))
+			    (when (eq (if (consp slot)
+					  (car slot)
+					slot)
+				      slot-label)
+			      (return-from KB-legal-slot-p t))))
+		      type
+		      t))
+; KB-slot-type
+; slot-label is a KB-legal-slot-p type
+; if slot-label has a type restriction (<slot-label> <type-restriction>)
+;    this restriction will be returned
+; else :TOP wil be returned
+(defun KB-slot-type (type slot-label)
+  (for-each-supertype
+   #'(lambda (node)
+       (dolist (slot (type-tree-node--slots node))
+	 (if (consp slot)
+	     (when (eq (car slot) slot-label)
+	       (return-from KB-slot-type (cadr slot)))
+	   (when (eq slot slot-label)
+	     (return-from KB-slot-type :TOP)))))
+   type
+   t)
+  (error "~a is not a slot of ~a" slot-label type)
+  )
+; kb-slots
+; given a type name, return its slots
+; a slot may be a list (<slot-name> <type-name>)
+(defun kb-slots (type &aux slots)
+  (for-each-supertype
+   #'(lambda (n)
+       (setq slots (append (type-tree-node--slots n) slots)))
+   type
+   t)
+  slots)
+; kb-supertype
+; given a type name, return its supertype
+; the top type is named :TOP and its supertype is :TOP
+(defun kb-supertype (type)
+  (let ((node (gethash type *domain-HT*)))
+    (if node
+	(if (eq *domain-type-hierarchy* node)
+	    ':TOP
+	  (type-tree-node--label
+	   (type-tree-node--supertype node)))
+      (KB-type-error type))))
+; kb-subtypes
+; given a type name, return a list of its subtypes
+(defun kb-subtypes (type)
+  (let ((node (gethash type *domain-HT*)))
+    (if node
+	(mapcar #'type-tree-node--label
+		(type-tree-node--subtypes node))
+       (KB-type-error type))))
+(defun KB-type-error (type)
+  (error "~a is not a KB-type" type))
+(defun KB-type-name-p (item)
+  ;; if ITEM is the name of a subtype of KB-domain
+  (not (null (gethash item *domain-HT*))))
+#|| test
+(zb:compile-slr-grammar (merge-pathnames "arith-exp.zb"
+					 user::*ZEBU-test-directory*)
+			:output-file (merge-pathnames
+				      "binary/arith-exp.tab"
+				      user::*ZEBU-test-directory*)
+			:grammar (find-grammar "zebu-mg"))
+(zb:zebu-load-file (merge-pathnames "binary/arith-exp.tab"
+				    user::*ZEBU-test-directory*))
+(ds:load-system 'user::Zebu-rr)
+(KB-slot-type 'user::Mult-op 'user::-arg1)
+(kb-slots 'user::Plus-op)
+(kb-slots 'user::Factor)
+(kb-supertype 'user::Factor)
+(kb-supertype 'user::ARITH-EXP)
+(kb-supertype 'KB-DOMAIN)
+(kb-supertype 'KB-SEQUENCE)
+(kb-supertype ':TOP)
+(kb-subtypes ':TOP)
+(KB-type-name-p 'IDENTIFIER)
+(KB-type-name-p 'KB-DOMAIN)
+(KB-subtypes 'KB-DOMAIN)
+(kb-subtypes 'user::ARITH-EXP)
+(kb-subtypes 'user::+-OP)
+(kb-slots    'user::+-OP)
+;;                         End of zebu-kb-domain.lisp

Added: vendor/zebu/zebu-lalr1.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/zebu-lalr1.lisp	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         zebu-lalr1.l
+; Description:  Calculation of LALR(1) sets
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:      31-Oct-90
+; Modified:     Fri Mar  8 14:48:03 1996 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     CL
+; Package:      ZEBU
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1990, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+;;;             Copyright (C) 1989, by William M. Wells III
+;;;                         All Rights Reserved
+;;;     Permission is granted for unrestricted non-commercial use.
+(in-package "ZEBU")
+;;                             Propagate lookaheads
+;;; This is used when we discover that lookaheads propagate from one
+;;; lr(0) item set to another during the calculation of lalr(1) sets
+;;; of items.  Add a link to the dependency digraph and propagate the
+;;; lookaheads we already know about.
+(declaim (inline lalr1-add-depender lalr1-add-lookahead))
+;;; This is used when we discover a lookhead for an lr(0) item set during
+;;; the calculation of lalr(1) sets.  If the lookahead wasn't already there,
+;;; add it, and also add it to the "dependers": those item sets to whom
+;;; lookaheads propagate from the item in question.
+(defun lalr1-add-lookahead (symbol item)
+  (declare (type item item))
+  (labels ((lalr1-add-lookahead-aux (item)
+	     (when (oset-insert! symbol (item-look-aheads item))
+	       ;; Wasn't already there.
+	       (dolist (depender
+			 (the list (oset-item-list
+				    (the oset
+					 (item-look-ahead-dependers item)))))
+		 (lalr1-add-lookahead-aux depender)))))
+    (lalr1-add-lookahead-aux item)))
+(defun lalr1-add-depender (propagate-to propagate-from)
+  (if (oset-insert! propagate-to (item-look-ahead-dependers propagate-from))
+      (dolist (gs (the list (oset-item-list
+			     (the oset (item-look-aheads propagate-from)))))
+	(lalr1-add-lookahead gs propagate-to))))
+;;; Discover and propagate lalr(1) look-aheads among members of lr(0)
+;;; collection.
+;;; This algorithm for propagating lalr(1) lookaheads is a straightforward
+;;; recursive version of the algorithm sketched in section 6.9 of the (older)
+;;; dragon book "Principles of Compiler Design" by A.V. Aho and J.D Ullman.
+;;; The major drawback of this algorithm is that it may be somewhat wasteful
+;;; of space.  With modern address spaces who cares?
+;;; Basically, it crawls around on the lr(0) item sets and as it goes,
+;;; it discovers both lookaheads which are "spontaneously" generated for
+;;; an item set, and item sets to whom lookaheads propagate.  The doubly
+;;; recursive way of implementing this is similar to the method used
+;;; in calculating first sets in first.l
+;;; (New) the names are getting a bit confusing here.  This function transforms
+;;; the data structure *lr0-item-sets* from being the lr(0) collection to
+;;; the lalr(1) collection.
+;; the following is heavily optimized in the inner loop, and therefore hardly 
+;; intelligible.  For reference look at the original Scheme program at the
+;; end of this file.
+(declaim (special *LR0-START-STATE-INDEX*))
+(defun lalr1-do-lookaheads ()
+  ;; Introduce a "dummy" terminal symbol which is used as a hack in
+  ;; lookahead calculations.
+  (let ((dummy-g-symbol (new-g-symbol "dummy" -1))
+	(lr0-item-sets-item-list (oset-item-list (the oset *lr0-item-sets*)))
+	(sad-list (list nil)))		; efficiency hack
+    ;; The dummy symbol is terminal and must be in its own first set.
+    (oset-insert! dummy-g-symbol (g-symbol-first-set dummy-g-symbol))
+    ;; Map over all the kernel items.
+    (dolist (item-set lr0-item-sets-item-list)
+      (declare (type item-set item-set))
+      (let* ((kernel (item-set-kernel item-set))
+	     (index (item-set-index item-set))
+	     (item-set-goto-map (item-set-goto-map item-set))
+	     (goto-map-odf (oset-order-fn item-set-goto-map))
+	     (goto-map-item-list (oset-item-list item-set-goto-map)))
+	(declare (fixnum index))
+	(dolist (kernel-item (the list (oset-item-list (the oset kernel))))
+	  ;; Special case: the end symbol is a lookahead for the start
+	  ;; production.
+	  (if (= *lr0-start-state-index* index)
+	      ;; There had better only be one item in this set!
+	      (lalr1-add-lookahead *the-end-g-symbol* kernel-item))
+	  ;; Here we use the hack in dragon 6.9 (fig 6.20) of using lr(1)
+	  ;; closure with a dummy grammar symbol to discover propagated
+	  ;; and spontaneous lookaheads for a lr(0) kernel item.  The
+	  ;; funny-closure-items are in J' of the figure.
+	  (dolist (funny-closure-item
+		    ;; The set of "funny" closure items. J'.
+		    (the list (oset-item-list
+			       (the oset (single-item-closure-1
+					  (copy-lr0-item kernel-item)
+					  dummy-g-symbol)))))
+	    (declare (type item funny-closure-item))
+	    (block funny-closure-item
+	      (let ((funny-closure-item-look-aheads
+		     (item-look-aheads funny-closure-item)))
+		(when (oset-empty? funny-closure-item-look-aheads)
+		  (return-from funny-closure-item nil))
+		(let* ((production (item-production funny-closure-item))
+		       (production-length (production-length production))
+		       (item-after-dot (item-after-dot funny-closure-item)))
+		  (declare (fixnum production-length item-after-dot)
+			   (type production production))
+		  (when (= production-length item-after-dot)
+		      (return-from funny-closure-item nil))
+		  (let* ((goto-item-proto (make-item
+					   :production production
+					   :after-dot (1+ item-after-dot)))
+			 (set (item-set-kernel
+			       (cdr (or (progn
+					  ;; instead of CONSing we reuse SAD-LIST
+					  (setf (car (the CONS sad-list))
+						(nth item-after-dot
+						     (the list (rhs production))))
+					  (dolist (item goto-map-item-list)
+					    (when (eq 'equal
+						      (funcall goto-map-odf
+							       sad-list item))
+					      (return item))))
+					(error "Failed to find the goto set")))))
+			 (odf (oset-order-fn set))
+			 ;; Here we go to some expense to locate the goto set
+			 ;; for an item.
+			 ;; These should be pre-computed and cached instead.
+			 (goto-item
+			  (dolist (item (oset-item-list set)
+				   (error "Failed to find goto item"))
+			    (when (eq 'equal
+				      (funcall odf goto-item-proto item))
+			      (return item)))))
+		    (dolist (lookahead
+			      (oset-item-list
+			       (the oset funny-closure-item-look-aheads)))
+		      (if (eq lookahead dummy-g-symbol)
+			  ;; Discovered lookahead propagation.
+			  (lalr1-add-depender goto-item kernel-item)
+			;; Discovered lookahead.
+			(lalr1-add-lookahead lookahead goto-item))))))))))
+      (princ "."))
+    ;; NEW STUFF HERE: 1-27-88
+    (terpri)
+    (dolist (item-set lr0-item-sets-item-list)
+      (declare (type item-set item-set))
+      (closure-1! (item-set-closure item-set))
+      (princ "."))))
+;;; This should be primitive, and not insert if not there.
+;;; Third arg is error msg
+;;; result is eq to member of the set.
+(defun oset-find (element set)
+  (let ((odf (oset-order-fn set)))
+    (dolist (item (oset-item-list set))
+      (when (eq 'equal (funcall odf element item))
+	(return item)))))
+(defun copy-lr0-item (i)
+  (make-item :production (item-production i)
+             :after-dot (item-after-dot i)))
+;;;    Do all needed to generate parse tables starting with a lisp syntax
+;;;    grammar. (doesn't write out a table file)
+(defun lalr1-tables-from-grammar (file-name &rest args)
+  (apply #'load-grammar file-name args)
+  (calculate-empty-string-derivers)
+  (calculate-first-sets)
+  (calculate-follow-sets)
+  (make-lr0-collection)
+  (lalr1-do-lookaheads)
+  (build-parse-tables t)
+  file-name)
+;;                          Original Scheme Algorithm
+(define (lalr1-do-lookaheads)
+    ;; Introduce a "dummy" terminal symbol which is used as a hack in
+    ;; lookahead calculations.
+    (let ((dummy-g-symbol (new-g-symbol "dummy" -1)))
+      ;; The dummy symbol is terminal and must be in its own first set.
+      (oset-insert! dummy-g-symbol (g-symbol-first-set dummy-g-symbol))
+      ;; Map over all the kernel items.
+      (oset-for-each
+       (lambda (item-set)
+	 (oset-for-each
+	  (lambda (kernel-item)
+	    ;; Special case: the end symbol is a lookahead for the start
+	    ;; production.
+	    (if (equal? lr0-start-state-index (item-set-index item-set))
+		;; There had better only be one item in this set!
+		(lalr1-add-lookahead the-end-g-symbol kernel-item))
+	    ;; Here we use the hack in dragon 6.9 (fig 6.20) of using lr(1)
+	    ;; closure with a dummy grammar symbol to discover propagated
+	    ;; and spontaneous lookaheads for a lr(0) kernel item.  The
+	    ;; funny-closure-items are in J' of the figure.
+	    (oset-for-each
+	     (lambda (funny-closure-item)
+	       (if 
+		   (not (oset-empty? (item-look-aheads funny-closure-item)))
+		   (begin
+		    (let ((goto-item-proto (advance-dot funny-closure-item)))
+		      (if goto-item-proto
+			  (begin
+			   ;; Here we go to some expense to locate the goto set
+			   ;; for an item.
+			   ;; These should be pre-computed and cached instead.
+			   (let ((goto-item
+				  (oset-find
+				   goto-item-proto
+				   (item-set-kernel
+				    (find-goto-set
+				     item-set
+				     (symbol-after-dot funny-closure-item)))
+				   "internal error - failed to find goto item")))
+			     (oset-for-each
+			      (lambda (lookahead)
+				(if (eq? lookahead dummy-g-symbol)
+				    ;; Discovered lookahead propagation.
+				    (lalr1-add-depender goto-item kernel-item)
+				  ;; Discovered lookahead.
+				  (lalr1-add-lookahead lookahead goto-item)))
+			      (item-look-aheads funny-closure-item)))))))))
+	     ;; The set of "funny" closure items. J'.
+	     (single-item-closure-1 (copy-lr0-item kernel-item)
+				    dummy-g-symbol)))
+	  (item-set-kernel item-set))
+	 (display "."))
+       lr0-item-sets))
+  ;; NEW STUFF HERE: 1-27-88
+  (newline)
+  (oset-for-each
+   (lambda (item-set)
+     (closure-1! (item-set-closure item-set))
+     (display "."))
+   lr0-item-sets
+   ))
+;;; test
+(set-working-direct *ZEBU-test-directory*)
+(lalr1-tables-from-grammar "ex6_2.zb")
+  (lalr1-tables-from-grammar "ex4.zb")
+  (princ "symbols: ") (terpri)
+  (cruise-symbols-2)
+  (princ "productions: ") (terpri)
+  (print-productions)
+  (princ "lr0 item sets: ") (terpri)
+  (print-collection nil)
+  (princ "lalr(1) tables: ") (terpri)
+  (cruise-parse-tables)
+  )
+;;                               End of zebu-lalr1.l

Added: vendor/zebu/zebu-loader.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/zebu-loader.lisp	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,502 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         zebu-loader.l
+; Description:  load a ZEBU grammar table
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:       6-Nov-90
+; Modified:     Thu Oct  2 12:00:10 1997 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     CL
+; Package:      ZEBU
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1990, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+; 13-Jan-93 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  implemented terminal-alist access via the vector terminal-alist-SEQ
+;  5-Nov-91 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  removed dependency on LUCID in the use of backquoted expressions
+;  in semantic actions
+; 16-Jul-91 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  Added a facility to deal with multiple grammars
+;  lr-parse takes a third argument, a grammar
+;  READ-PARSER and LIST-PARSER take a :grammar keyword argument, defaulting to
+;  *current-grammar*
+;  in order to use several grammars we need several 
+;  1-Mar-91 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  did monitoring, found that 75% of the time is in the lexer.
+;  rewrote ZEBU::RECOGNIZE-TOKEN to use a hashtable of terminal-tokens
+;  this sped up this function by a factor of 35. Speed-up of READ-PARSER: 3.5
+; 11-Dec-90 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  Introduce the ZEBU package
+(in-package "ZEBU")
+(provide "zebu-loader")
+;;; The following data structures are loaded from a parse table file by the 
+;;; function which follows.
+;;; lexicon is a vector of strings or lisp symbols , indexed by the 
+;;; "grammar symbol indices",  which are the instantiations of
+;;; the grammar symbols.
+;;; terminal-indices is a list of the grammar symbol indices indicating
+;;; which among them are terminal symbols.
+;;; production-info is a vector, indexed by the production indices.
+;;; Each item is a cons: the cars index the symbols
+;;; which are the lhs of the productions, the cdrs indicate the
+;;; lengths of the productions.
+;;; action-table is a vector indexed by the state indices.
+;;; Each state's entry is a vector whose elements represent
+;;; defined entries in the action parsing function. These entries are 3 element
+;;; lists whose first elements are the indices of the grammar symbol argument
+;;; to the action parsing function.  The second elements in the lists are an
+;;; encoding of the action function: 's for shift, 'r for reduce, 'a for
+;;; accept.  The third elements are production or next state indices as
+;;; approprite.  The three element lists appear in their surrounding
+;;; vectors sorted on their cars.
+;;; goto-table is arranged similar to action-table but has two element
+;;; lists instead of three.  The second element of each list are the
+;;; index of the state to goto.
+;;; end-symbol-index holds the index of the end symbol.
+;;; terminal-alist associates terminal symbol instantiations with
+;;; their indices.
+;;; client-lambdas are a vector of procedures, indexed by production index,
+;;; which correspond to productions in the grammar.  The client lambdas are 
+;;; what the parser calls to do syntax directed something by side effect.
+;;                             Zebu Grammar Struct
+;; helps define the function that computes whether a character can continue 
+;; a symbol
+(defvar *identifier-continue-chars*
+  "$-_*.abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890?"
+  "Characters that may occur in an identifier. Set this before calling zebu-load-file.")
+(defvar *identifier-start-chars* "$-*?abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
+  "Characters that may start an identifier.")
+; *string-delimiter*, *symbol-delimiter*
+;; An NLL-constant can now be a string or a symbol. A string is surrounded
+;; by double-quotes (#\"), as in: P(arg1: \"|Jon Doe's Deli|\")
+;; A symbol is surrounded by single-quotes (#\'), as in: 
+;;     P(arg1: 'Jon Doe')
+;; or  P(arg1: '|Jon Doe|')
+;; By default, the single-quotes may be omitted at parsing in case the
+;; symbol contains only characters which are in
+;;    (grammar-identifier-continue-chars *current-grammar*)
+;; as in P(arg1: Jon_Doe)
+;; Either set these variables before the grammar is loaded
+;;   or   supply the initial values explicitely in the .grm file
+;;        e.g. (:name "nll" :string-delimiter #\" :symbol-delimiter #\')
+(defvar *string-delimiter* #\"
+  "Delimits a lexical token, considered as a STRING.")
+(defvar *symbol-delimiter* #\'
+  "Delimits a lexical token, considered as a SYMBOL.")
+(defvar *preserve-case* nil
+  "If true, the case of an identifier will be preserved (default false).")
+(defvar *case-sensitive* nil
+  "If true, the case of a keyword matters otherwise case is ignored when \
+looking for the next token (default false).")
+(defvar *disallow-packages* nil
+  "If false, Zebu parses identifiers as symbols possibly qualified by a package")
+; grammar
+(defstruct (grammar (:print-function print-grammar))
+  name
+  lexicon
+  terminal-indices
+  production-info
+  action-table
+  goto-table
+  lr-parser-start-state-index
+  end-symbol-index
+  client-lambdas
+  identifier-index
+  string-index
+  (number-index nil)
+  (identifier-continue-chars     *identifier-continue-chars* :type string)
+  (identifier-continue-chars-V   (make-array char-code-limit :element-type 'bit
+					     :initial-element 0))
+  (identifier-start-chars        *identifier-start-chars* :type string)
+  (identifier-start-chars-V      (make-array char-code-limit :element-type 'bit
+					     :initial-element 0))
+  ;; a vector to be indexed by the char-code of the first character of a key
+  ;; each element contains an alist of pairs: (,terminal-token . ,index)
+  (terminal-alist-SEQ            (make-sequence 'vector
+						char-code-limit
+						:initial-element nil))
+  (case-sensitive                *case-sensitive*)
+  (string-delimiter              *string-delimiter* :type character)
+  (symbol-delimiter              *symbol-delimiter* :type character)
+  file
+  (package                       *package*)
+  grammar				; the grammar used to parse the
+					; grammar being defined
+					; defaults to the null-grammar
+					; but you can use the meta-grammar
+  (zb-rules ())
+  (domain ())
+  domain-file
+  (lex-cats ())				; an alist of cateory name and
+					; regular expressions
+  (lex-cat-map ())			; an alist of index and reg-ex function
+  (white-space                  '(#\Space #\Newline #\Tab))
+  (intern-identifier            t)	; Identifier is represented as symbol
+  (id-allows-start-digit        nil)    ; An Identifier may start with a digit
+  )
+;;                                Null Grammar
+(defvar *NULL-Grammar* (make-grammar :name "null-grammar"))
+(defun print-grammar (item stream level)
+  (declare (ignore level))
+  (format stream "<Zebu Grammar: ~A>" (grammar-name item)))
+;;                             register a grammar
+(defvar *all-grammars*
+  (list (cons (grammar-name *NULL-Grammar*) *NULL-Grammar*)))
+(defun find-grammar (name)
+  (cdr (assoc (string name) *all-grammars* :test #'equal)))
+;;                            Lexical Analysis Info
+(defvar *identifier-continue-chars-V*)
+(declaim (inline identifier-continue-char-p))
+(defun identifier-continue-char-p (char)
+  (declare (character char))
+  (= 1 (sbit *identifier-continue-chars-V* (char-code char))))
+(defvar *identifier-start-chars-V*)
+(declaim (inline identifier-start-char-p))
+(defun identifier-start-char-p (char)
+  (declare (character char))
+  (= 1 (sbit *identifier-start-chars-V* (char-code char))))
+;;                                   Lex-Cats
+(declaim (inline add-to-lex-cat-map))
+;; preserve the order of the definition
+;; from marc at rose.de
+;; the (index . (symbol-function terminal-token)) will be inserted 
+;; according to the order in *lex-cats* = (grammar-lex-cats grammar)
+(defun add-to-lex-cat-map (index terminal-token grammar
+				 &aux (lower (cdr (member terminal-token
+							  (grammar-lex-cats grammar)
+							  :key #'car))))
+  (setf (grammar-lex-cat-map grammar)
+        (merge 'list (list (cons index (symbol-function terminal-token)))
+               (grammar-lex-cat-map grammar)
+               #'(lambda (&rest r)
+		   (not (member (car r) lower
+				:key #'(lambda (x)
+					 (symbol-function (car x))))))
+               :key #'cdr)))
+;(defun add-to-lex-cat-map (index terminal-token grammar)
+;  (setf (grammar-lex-cat-map grammar)
+;	(nconc (grammar-lex-cat-map grammar)
+;	       (list (cons index (symbol-function terminal-token))))))
+;;                               Debugging 
+(defvar *grammar-debug* nil
+  "If TRUE at compile or load time, the parser emits traces, else not.")
+(defmacro if-debugging (&rest x)
+  `(progn . ,(if *grammar-debug*
+		 x
+	       'nil)))
+(eval-when (compile)
+  (setq *grammar-debug* nil))
+(eval-when (eval)
+  (setq *grammar-debug* T))
+;;         Read in a set of parse tables as written by (dump-tables) .
+(defun zebu-load-file (filename &key (verbose t)
+		       &aux lexicon terminal-indices (*package* *package*))
+  ;; returns a grammar and registers this grammar on *all-grammars*
+  (let ((path (probe-file (merge-pathnames
+			   filename
+			   (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :type "tab")))))
+	(*load-verbose* verbose))
+    (if path
+	(when verbose
+	  (format t "~%Loading ~s" (namestring path)))
+      (error "File not found: ~S" filename))
+    (unless (equalp (pathname-type path) "tab")
+      (let ((name (pathname-name path)))
+	(cerror "~S is now compiled."
+		"~S is not a Zebu output!~%;;; Compile ~S first!"
+		name filename name)
+	(setf path (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :type "tab") path)
+	      filename (namestring path))))
+    (with-open-file (port path :direction :input)
+      (let ((options			; 1: read grammar-options
+	     (catch 'read-grammar-options
+	       (check-grammar-options (read port) path nil))))
+	(unless options
+	  (close port)
+	  (setq port (open path :direction :input))
+	  (setq options
+		(catch 'read-grammar-options
+		  (check-grammar-options (read port) path nil))))
+	(let* ((g (apply #'make-grammar options))
+	       (terminal-alist-SEQ (grammar-terminal-alist-SEQ g)))
+	  (declare (type grammar g))
+	  (prepare-domain (grammar-domain g))
+	  ;; 1a: load the domain file
+	  (let ((grammar-domain-file (grammar-domain-file g)))
+	    (when grammar-domain-file
+	      (let ((grammar-domain-file-name
+		     (pathname-name (pathname grammar-domain-file))))
+		(or (block find-domain-file
+		      (dolist (type (append *load-binary-pathname-types*
+					    *load-source-pathname-types*))
+			(dolist (domain-path (list path (grammar-file g)))
+			  (let ((domain-file 
+				 (merge-pathnames
+				  (make-pathname 
+				   :name grammar-domain-file-name
+				   :type type)
+				  domain-path)))
+			    (when (probe-file domain-file)
+			      (when *load-verbose*
+				(format t "~%Loading domain file ~s"
+					(namestring domain-file)))
+			      (return-from find-domain-file
+				(load domain-file)))))))
+		    (warn "No domain file found")))))
+	  ;; 2: read grammar-lexicon
+	  (setf (grammar-lexicon g)          (setf lexicon (read port))
+		;; 3: read grammar-terminal-indices
+		(grammar-terminal-indices g) (setf terminal-indices (read port))
+		;; 4: read grammar-production-info
+		(grammar-production-info g)  (read port))
+	  (let ((old-grammar (assoc (grammar-name g) *all-grammars*
+				    :test #'string=)))
+	    (if old-grammar
+		(setf (cdr old-grammar) g)
+	      (setf *all-grammars* (acons (grammar-name g) g *all-grammars*))))
+	  ;; 5: read grammar-action-table
+	  (setf (grammar-action-table g) 
+		(vectorize-vector-of-lists (read port)))
+	  ;; 6: read grammar-goto-table
+	  (setf (grammar-goto-table g) (vectorize-vector-of-lists (read port))
+		;; 7: read grammar-lr-parser-start-state-index
+		(grammar-lr-parser-start-state-index g) (read port)
+		;; 8: read grammar-end-symbol-index
+		(grammar-end-symbol-index g) (read port)
+		;; 9: read grammar-client-lambdas
+		(grammar-client-lambdas g) (read-parser-actions port g))
+	  (let ((identifier-start-chars-V
+		 (grammar-identifier-start-chars-V g))
+		(identifier-start-chars (grammar-identifier-start-chars g)))
+	    (dotimes (i (length identifier-start-chars))
+	      (let ((c (schar identifier-start-chars i)))
+		(declare (character c))
+		(setf (sbit identifier-start-chars-V (char-code c))
+		      1)
+		(when (digit-char-p c)
+		  (setf (grammar-id-allows-start-digit g) t)))))
+	  (let ((identifier-continue-chars-V
+		 (grammar-identifier-continue-chars-V g))
+		(identifier-continue-chars
+		 (grammar-identifier-continue-chars g)))
+	    (dotimes (i (length identifier-continue-chars))
+	      (setf (sbit identifier-continue-chars-V
+			  (char-code
+			   (the character
+				(schar identifier-continue-chars i))))
+		    1)))
+	  ;; sort the terminal-alist so that terminals with the same
+	  ;; initial string are sorted by decreasing length
+	  ;; i.e. if "?" and "?u?" are both terminals, then "?u?"
+	  ;; should be found first.
+	  ;; This can simply be achieved by sorting according to 
+	  ;; ascending key length.
+	  (dotimes (i (length (the simple-vector terminal-indices)))
+	    (let* ((index (svref terminal-indices i))
+		   (terminal-token (svref lexicon index)))
+	      (declare (type (or symbol string) terminal-token))
+	      (typecase terminal-token
+		(string
+		 (let ((char1-code
+			(char-code (let ((c (schar terminal-token 0)))
+				    (declare (character c))
+				    (if (grammar-case-sensitive g)
+					c
+				      (char-downcase c)))))
+		       (token-association `(,terminal-token . ,index)))
+		   ;; keep a table indexed by char-code of first-char
+		   ;; of the terminal tokens
+		   (let ((bucket (elt terminal-alist-SEQ char1-code)))
+		     (setf (elt terminal-alist-SEQ char1-code)
+			   (if bucket
+			       (sort (cons token-association bucket)
+				     #'(lambda (a b) (declare (string a b))
+					       (> (length a) (length b)))
+				     :key #'car)
+			     (list token-association))))))
+		(symbol
+		 (let ((terminal-token-name (symbol-name terminal-token)))
+		   (declare (string terminal-token-name))
+		   (cond ((string= terminal-token-name "IDENTIFIER")
+			  (setf (grammar-identifier-index g) index))
+			 ((string= terminal-token-name "STRING")
+			  (setf (grammar-string-index g) index))
+			 ((string= terminal-token-name "NUMBER")
+			  (setf (grammar-number-index g) index))
+			 ;; for lexical categories: remember index
+			 ((assoc terminal-token (grammar-lex-cats g))
+			  (add-to-lex-cat-map index terminal-token g))
+			 (t (warn "If ~S is a terminal it should be a string, not a symbol.~%If it's a non-terminal it's undefined."
+				  terminal-token))))))))
+	  g)))))
+(defun read-parser-actions (port grammar)
+  ;; zb-rules = [(<NT> . <zb-rule>) ...]
+  (let ((zb-rules (read port))
+	(actions  (make-sequence
+		   'vector
+		   (length (grammar-production-info grammar))))
+	(actions-idx 1))
+    (setf (svref actions 0) :PLACE-HOLDER)
+    (dotimes (i (length zb-rules))
+      (let ((pair (svref zb-rules i)))
+	(let ((zb-rule (cdr pair)))
+	  (dolist (prod (zb-rule--productions zb-rule))
+	    (let ((action (production-rhs--build-fn prod)))
+	      (setf (svref actions actions-idx)
+		    (if (symbolp action)
+			(if (or (eq action 'identity) (null action))
+			    nil
+			  (if (fboundp action)
+			      (symbol-function action)
+			    (progn
+			      (warn "At parse time, ~S should be defined."
+				    action)
+			      action)))
+		      action
+		      ;; (if (fboundp 'compile)
+		      ;;    (compile nil action)
+		      ;;   (eval `(function ,action)))
+		      ))
+	      (incf actions-idx))))))
+    (setf (grammar-zb-rules grammar) zb-rules)
+    actions))
+(defun vectorize-vector-of-lists (V  &aux alist)
+  (declare (simple-vector V) (dynamic-extent alist))
+  (dotimes (i (length V) V) 
+    (let* ((sublist (svref V i))
+	   (pair (assoc sublist alist :test #'equal)))
+      (if pair
+	  (setf (svref v i) (cdr pair))
+	(let ((subV (list->vector sublist)))
+	  (setf (svref v i) subV)
+	  (push (cons sublist subV) alist))))))
+; load-from-command-line (for UNIX)
+; Load a compiled grammar from a command line argument:
+;    Zebu-Parser ex1.tab
+; Zebu-Parser <comiled-grammar> -l <file to load before grammar>
+;             -e "<form to be evaluated>"
+;             -quit 
+(defun load-from-command-line ()
+  (let ((*default-pathname-defaults*
+	 (make-pathname :directory
+			(pathname-directory (working-directory))))
+	(help "Zebu-Parser [-zb] <compiled-grammar> [-l <file>]*
+  [-e <form to eval>]*  [-quit]"))
+    (handler-case
+     (do* ((i 1 (1+ i))
+	   (arg (command-line-argument i) (command-line-argument i))
+	   (val (command-line-argument (1+ i))
+		(command-line-argument (1+ i))))
+	  ((null arg)
+	   (when (= i 1)
+	     (progn (warn "~a" help) (quit))))
+       ;;(format t "~%arg: ~s val: ~s" arg val)
+       (cond ((equal arg "-l")
+	      (incf i) (load val))
+	     ((equal arg "-e")
+	      (incf i) (eval (read-from-string val)))
+	     ((equal arg "-quit") (quit))
+	     ((equal arg "-h")
+	      (format t "~%~a" help))
+	     ((equal arg "-zb")
+	      (incf i) (zebu-load-file val :verbose t))
+	     (t (if (probe-file arg)
+		    (zebu-load-file arg :verbose t)
+		  (progn
+		    (warn "Unrecognized argument ~S~%~a" arg help)
+		    (quit))))))
+     (error (c)
+	    (format t "~&Zebu-Parser failed: ~A~%" c)
+	    (quit)))))
+; zebu-load-top
+; interactive loader invocation
+(defun zebu-load-top ()
+  (format t "~&Enter the name of a Zebu .tab file to load: ")
+  (let ((ifile (read-line t)))
+    (zebu-load-file ifile)))
+;;                          End of zebu-loader.lisp

Added: vendor/zebu/zebu-loadgram.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/zebu-loadgram.lisp	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,778 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         zebu-loadgram.l
+; Description:  Load a grammar file (type: .zb) so that it can be compiled
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:      10-Oct-90
+; Modified:     Thu Oct  2 16:31:15 1997 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     CL
+; Package:      ZEBU
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1990, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+; 26-Jul-94 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  Fixed Bug with "." as separator (ambiguous constituent names were made)
+; 12-Mar-93 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  Bind a Kleene* Variable
+;  9-Mar-93 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  allow a print-function specification in a domain definition rule
+;  8-Feb-93 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  allow defstruct forms for domain definition among the rules
+; 31-Jul-92 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  Introduced Kleene * and +
+; 24-Apr-92 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  Introduced a meta-grammar for reading a user grammar
+;  The meta-grammar is compiled using the null-grammar
+; 25-Mar-92 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  Warn about unused non-terminals
+; 16-Jul-91 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  to deal with multiple-grammars, first find in a grammar file: *GRAMMAR-OPTIONS*
+;  a keyworded arglist that can be passed to MAKE-GRAMMAR
+; 20-Mar-91 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  Introduced error checking during loading of grammar
+;;;             Copyright (C) 1989, by William M. Wells III
+;;;                         All Rights Reserved
+;;;     Permission is granted for unrestricted non-commercial use.
+(defvar *Kleene+-rules* ()
+  "A list of rules that are generated as a consequence of the Kleene notation")
+;;                     Read in a File Containing a Grammar
+;;; RULES
+;;; About the representations of grammars in files:
+;;;      non terminals are represented by lisp symbols,
+;;;      terminals by symbols (IDENTIFIER NUMBER STRING), or strings
+;;; for example then BNF rule:
+;;;         A ::= B | C | "foo" | "c" | <the-empty-string>
+;;; would be encoded -- using the NULL Grammar -- as:
+;;; (defrule A := B
+;;;            :build (f1 B)
+;;;            := C
+;;;            :build (f2 C)
+;;;            := "foo"
+;;;                                   ; ommitting the build clause has the
+;;;            := "c"                 ; effect of calling the identity function
+;;;            := () )
+;;                          Format for a grammar file
+A grammar file has a filename of type "zb".
+The file consists of:
+1.  A keyword agument-list for MAKE-GRAMMAR.
+    Example:
+        (:name "pc2"
+         :package "CL-USER"
+	 :grammar "zebu-mg"
+	 :identifier-continue-chars
+	 "$-_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890"
+	 )
+2.  If parsing with the NULL-Grammar
+     ( the default, if no :grammar keyword is given in 1.)
+     one or more defrule forms as above
+    If parsing with the META-Grammar
+     one or more rules using the syntax of the Meta-grammar
+     The start symbol of the grammar will be the lhs of the first
+     production encountered.  
+The symbol AUGMENTED-START is reserved and will automatically appear in
+a production deriving the start symbol.
+The symbol THE-EMPTY-STRING is also reserved. 
+Use load-grammar to internalize a grammar in the above syntax.
+ *productions* holds a list of all the productions.
+ *lambdas* holds a list of all of the associated lambdas (in reverse order)
+ *non-terminals* holds a list of all the non-terminals.
+Each non-terminal symbol has a list of the productions it
+appears in the left hand side of under its own-productions
+*g-symbol-alist* holds an alist whose cars are the string or symbol
+  which is read from the grammar, and whose cdrs hold corresponding
+  g-symbol structures; the order is in the reverse sense of *symbol-array*.
+;;                              Global variables
+(defvar *symbols*) ; a list of the grammar symbols
+(defvar *symbol-array*) ; indexed by the symbol's index, of g-symbols
+(defvar *productions*)
+(defvar *production-count*)
+(defvar *g-symbol-count*)
+(defvar *g-symbol-alist*)
+(defvar *start-symbol*)
+(defvar *empty-string-g-symbol*)
+(defvar *augmented-start-g-symbol*)
+(defvar *the-end-g-symbol*)
+(defvar *grammar-options*)
+(declaim (special
+          *identifier-continue-chars*
+          *identifier-start-chars*
+          *null-grammar*
+          *compiler-grammar* 
+          *domain-type-hierarchy*
+          *domain-types*
+          *domain-structs*
+          *lex-cats*))
+;; new rule format
+(defvar *ignore* '("DUMMY" "DUMMY1" "DUMMY2" "DUMMY3" "DUMMY4"
+		   "DUMMY5" "DUMMY6" "DUMMY7" "DUMMY8"))
+;;                                   macros
+(defmacro post-inc (x)
+  `(let ((old ,x))
+     (setq ,x (1+ ,x))
+     old))
+;;                               Initialisation
+(defun initialize-grammar ()
+  (setq *symbols* '()
+	*productions* '()
+	*production-count* 0
+	*g-symbol-count* 0
+	*g-symbol-alist* '()
+	*start-symbol* '()
+	*zb-rules* '()
+	*lex-cats* '()
+	*domain-types* '()
+	*domain-structs* '()
+	*domain-type-hierarchy* '()
+	*empty-string-g-symbol* (g-symbol-intern 'the-empty-string)
+	*augmented-start-g-symbol* (g-symbol-intern 'augmented-start)
+	*the-end-g-symbol* (g-symbol-intern 'the-end-g-symbol))
+  )
+; g-symbol-intern
+; This is sort of like interning.  returns a g-symbol. 
+; if (equal (string x) (string y)) the g-symbols are eq
+(defun g-symbol-intern (string-or-symbol)
+  (check-type string-or-symbol (or string symbol)
+	      "a string or symbol, in order to be a well-formed Zebu grammar rule.")
+  (let ((pair (assoc string-or-symbol *g-symbol-alist*
+		     :test #'equal)))
+    (if pair
+	(cdr pair)
+      (let ((symbol (new-g-symbol
+		     (string string-or-symbol)
+		     (post-inc *g-symbol-count*))))
+	(push (cons string-or-symbol symbol) *g-symbol-alist*)
+	(push symbol *symbols*)
+	symbol))))
+;;; Do various things, fixing up global data structures and
+;;; fields of grammar symbols.  A bit sleazy: *start-symbol* being NIL
+;;; is used to detect the first production.
+(defun process-production (lhs rhs &optional internal-use?)
+  (let ((lhs-symbol  (g-symbol-intern lhs))
+	;; intern constituent as a G-SYMBOL
+	(rhs-symbols (mapcar #'g-symbol-intern rhs)))
+    (unless *start-symbol*
+      (setq *start-symbol* lhs-symbol)
+      (format t "~%Start symbols is: ~A~%" 
+	      (g-symbol-name *start-symbol*))
+      (process-production 'AUGMENTED-START (list lhs) t))
+    (let ((production
+	   (make-production :lhs lhs-symbol
+			    :rhs rhs-symbols
+			    :production-index (post-inc *production-count*)
+			    :production-length (length rhs-symbols))))
+      (when (and (eq lhs-symbol *augmented-start-g-symbol*)
+		 (not internal-use?))
+	(error "AUGMENTED-START is a reserved grammar symbol"))
+      (push production *productions*)
+      (g-symbol-add-production lhs-symbol production)
+      (let ((rhs-symbol-set (make-oset :order-fn #'g-symbol-order-function)))
+	(dolist (gs rhs-symbols)
+	  (oset-insert! gs rhs-symbol-set))
+	(dolist (gs (oset-item-list rhs-symbol-set))
+	  (push production (g-symbol-rhs-productions gs)))))))
+; pre-process-rules
+; Given a function to produce the next rule, process it
+; and warn about:
+; - redefinition of lhs symbol
+; - repeated equal rhs
+; - unused lhs symbols
+; - undefined non-terminals
+; - duplicate constituents
+(defun pre-process-rules (next-rule-fn do-semantics? &aux non-terminals)
+  (do ((zb-rule (funcall next-rule-fn) (funcall next-rule-fn)))
+      ((null zb-rule))
+    (let ((lhs (zb-rule--name zb-rule)))
+      (when (assoc lhs *zb-rules*)
+	(warn "Non-terminal ~S is defined again" lhs)
+	;; (break "Rule: ~S" zb-rule)
+	)
+      (push (cons lhs zb-rule) *zb-rules*)
+      (do ((prods (zb-rule--productions zb-rule) (cdr prods)))
+	  ((null prods))
+	(let* ((production-rhs (car prods))
+	       (syntax (production-rhs--syntax production-rhs))) 
+	  (when (member syntax (rest prods)
+			:test #'equal :key #'production-rhs--syntax)
+	    (warn "Multiply defined rhs of rule for ~S: ~S" lhs syntax))
+	  (when (member "" syntax :test #'equal)
+	    (warn "Empty keyword ignored in rhs of ~s:~{ ~s~}" lhs syntax)
+	    (setf syntax
+		  (setf (production-rhs--syntax production-rhs)
+			(delete "" syntax :test #'equal))))
+	  (expand-Kleene-constituent production-rhs)))
+      (do ((prods (zb-rule--productions zb-rule) (cdr prods)))
+	  ((null prods))
+	(let* ((production-rhs (car prods))
+	       (syntax (production-rhs--syntax production-rhs))
+	       syntax1)			; the <NT>.<digit> notation is removed
+	  ;; remove the  <NT>.<digit> notation from the rhs
+	  (do ((rhs-tail syntax (cdr rhs-tail))) ((null rhs-tail))
+	    (let ((constituent (car rhs-tail)))
+	      (typecase constituent
+		(symbol
+		 (when (and (production-rhs--semantics production-rhs)
+			    (member constituent (cdr rhs-tail)))
+		   (warn "Duplicate constituent in RHS of ~S~% ~S~% Use <NT>.<digit>"
+			 lhs syntax))
+		 (let ((cname (constituent-name constituent)))
+		   (push cname syntax1)
+		   (pushnew cname non-terminals)))
+		(T (push constituent syntax1)))))
+	  (when do-semantics? (process-semantics production-rhs))
+	  (process-production lhs (nreverse syntax1))))))
+  (let* ((lhs-non-terminals (nreverse (mapcar #'car *zb-rules*)))
+	 (lexical-categories (mapcar #'(lambda (c)
+					 (symbol-name (car c)))
+				     *lex-cats*))
+	 (rhs-non-terminals 
+	  (set-difference non-terminals
+			  (union *open-categories* lexical-categories)
+			  :test #'string-equal :key #'string))
+	 (undefined-non-terminals (set-difference rhs-non-terminals
+						  lhs-non-terminals))
+	 (unused-non-terminals (set-difference (cdr lhs-non-terminals)
+					       ;; the start symbol does not
+					       ;; have to occur on any rhs
+					       rhs-non-terminals))
+	 (unused-lex-cats
+	  (set-difference lexical-categories non-terminals
+			  :test #'string= :key #'string))
+	 (overused-lex-cats
+	  (intersection lhs-non-terminals lexical-categories
+			:test #'string= :key #'string)))	   
+    (when undefined-non-terminals
+      (warn "The following non-terminals had no definition:~% ~{~a ~}"
+	    undefined-non-terminals))
+    (when unused-non-terminals
+      (warn "The following non-terminals where defined but not used:~% ~{~a ~}"
+	    unused-non-terminals))
+    (when unused-lex-cats
+      (warn "The following lexical categories where defined but not used:~% ~{~a ~}"
+	    unused-lex-cats))
+    (when overused-lex-cats
+      (warn "The following lexical categories where also defined as non-terminals:~% ~{~a ~}"
+	    overused-lex-cats))))
+; expand-Kleene-constituent
+; handle Kleene * and +:  adds to *Kleene+-rules*
+;; * case will expand:
+;; (defrule <X>*
+;;  ::= ()
+;;  ::= <x> <X>*-rest)
+;; (defrule <X>*-rest
+;;  ::= ()
+;;  ::= <Sep> <x> <X>*-rest)
+;; in case of default seperator " ":
+;; (defrule <X>*
+;;  ::= ()
+;;  ::= <x> <X>*)
+;; + case will expand:
+;; (defrule <X>+ 
+;;  ::= <x> :build (make-kb-sequence :first <x>)
+;;  ::= <x> <Sep> <x>+ 
+;;      :build (make-kb-sequence :first <x> :rest <x>+))
+(defun expand-Kleene-constituent (production-rhs)
+  (flet ((new-kb-seq (pairs)
+	   (let ((slots (mapcar
+			 #'(lambda (pair)
+			     (make-LABEL-VALUE-PAIR
+			      :-LABEL (first pair) :-VALUE (second pair)))
+			 pairs)))
+	     (make-feat-term :-type 'kb-sequence
+			     :-slots slots)))
+	 (memo (item) (push item *Kleene+-rules*)))
+    (dolist (constituent (production-rhs--syntax production-rhs))
+      (when (Kleene-p constituent)
+	(let* ((Kleene-const (Kleene--constituent constituent))
+	       (Kleene-Sep (Kleene--Separator constituent))
+	       (Kleene+ (encode-separator Kleene-const
+					  (Kleene*-p constituent)
+					  Kleene-Sep)))
+	  (declare (symbol Kleene+))
+	  ;; replace the Kleene-expr by a new non-terminal: Kleene+
+	  (setf (production-rhs--syntax production-rhs)
+		(substitute Kleene+ constituent
+			    (production-rhs--syntax production-rhs)))
+	  (let ((semantics (production-rhs--semantics production-rhs)))
+	    (when (and (feat-term-p semantics)
+		       (not (default-separator? Kleene-Sep)))
+	      (feat-term-substitute 
+	       Kleene+ (decode-kleene-name Kleene+) semantics)))
+	  ;; (break "constituent: ~S" constituent) 
+	  (unless (find Kleene+ *Kleene+-rules* :key #'zb-rule--name)
+	    ;; only if a rule of that name has not been defined yet!
+	    (let ((KR-sem (new-kb-seq `((first ,Kleene-const)
+					(rest  ,Kleene+)))))
+	      (if (Kleene*-p constituent) ; * case
+		  (if (default-separator? Kleene-Sep)
+		      (memo (make-zb-rule
+			     :-name Kleene+
+			     :-productions
+			     `(,(make-Production-Rhs)
+			       ,(make-Production-Rhs
+				 :-syntax `(,Kleene-const ,Kleene+)
+				 :-semantics KR-sem))))
+		    (let ((X*-rest (intern
+				    (format nil "Rest-~a"
+					    (symbol-name Kleene+)))))
+		      (setq KR-sem
+			    (new-kb-seq `((first ,Kleene-const)
+					  (rest  ,X*-rest))))
+		      (memo (make-zb-rule
+			     :-name Kleene+
+			     :-productions
+			     `(,(make-Production-Rhs)
+			       ,(make-Production-Rhs
+				 :-syntax `(,Kleene-const ,X*-rest)
+				 :-semantics KR-sem))))
+		      (memo (make-zb-rule
+			     :-name X*-rest
+			     :-productions
+			     `(,(make-Production-Rhs)
+			       ,(make-Production-Rhs
+				 :-syntax
+				 `(,Kleene-Sep ,Kleene-const ,X*-rest)
+				 :-semantics KR-sem))))))
+		(progn
+		  ;; (break "constituent: ~S" constituent) 
+		  (memo (make-zb-rule
+			 :-name Kleene+
+			 :-productions
+			 `(,(make-Production-Rhs
+			     :-syntax (list Kleene-const)
+			     :-semantics (new-kb-seq `((first ,Kleene-const))))
+			   ,(make-Production-Rhs
+			     :-syntax `(,Kleene-const
+					,@(unless (default-separator? Kleene-Sep)
+						  (list Kleene-Sep))
+					,Kleene+)
+			     :-semantics KR-sem)))))))))))
+    ;; (format t "~%*Kleene+-rules*: ~{~s ~}" (mapcar #'ZB-RULE--name *Kleene+-rules*))
+    ))
+(defun default-separator? (Kleene-Sep)
+  (member Kleene-Sep '(" " "") :test #'string=))
+(defun encode-separator (name k* Sep)
+  ;; k* = true iff Kleene operator is *
+  ;; k* = false iff Kleene operator is +
+  (intern (if (default-separator? Sep)
+	      (format nil "~S~:[+~;*~]" name k*)
+	    (format nil "~S~:[+~;*~]~A~D$"
+		    name
+		    k*
+		    Sep
+		    (length Sep)))))
+(defun decode-kleene-name (name)
+  (let* ((s (symbol-name name))
+	 (s-length (length s))
+	 (n (schar s (- s-length 2)))
+	 (sep-length (- (char-int n) (char-int #\0))))
+    (intern (subseq s 0 (- s-length sep-length 2)))))
+(defun constituent-name (constituent)
+  ;; constituent:symbol
+  ;; strip off .<N> from constituent symbol, unless it ends in $
+  (let* ((n (symbol-name constituent))
+	 (last-char-pos (1- (length n))))
+    (if (char= (schar n last-char-pos) #\$)
+	constituent
+      (let ((p (position-if #'(lambda (c) (char= c #\.)) n
+			    :from-end t)))
+	(if (and p 
+		 (let ((p+1 (1+ p)))
+		   (and (= p+1 last-char-pos)
+			(digit-char-p (schar n p+1)))))
+	    (intern (subseq n 0 p) (symbol-package constituent))
+	  constituent)))))
+(defun feat-term-substitute (new old ft)
+  (dolist (slot (feat-term--slots ft))
+    (let ((val (label-value-pair--value slot)))
+      (if (eq val old)
+	  (setf (label-value-pair--value slot) new)
+	(when (feat-term-p val)
+	    (feat-term-substitute new old val))))))
+(defun parse-defrule (rule &aux name)
+  (unless (and (consp rule) 
+	       (symbolp (car rule))
+	       (string= (string (car rule)) "DEFRULE")
+	       (consp (cdr rule))
+	       (symbolp (setq name (cadr rule))))
+    (error "Illegal rule ~S" rule))
+  (let ((args (cddr rule)) rhs)
+    (flet ((parse-build (&key form type map)
+	     (cond ((and (not form) type)
+		    (if (symbolp type)
+			(setf form (generate-form type map))
+		      (error "Symbol expected as value of :type ~S in ~S"
+			     type rhs))))
+	     (multiple-value-bind (ll dummies)
+		 (make-lambda-list rhs)
+	       (setq dummies
+		     (nconc dummies
+			    (mapcan #'(lambda (l)
+					(unless (member l dummies)
+					    (unless (search-list l form)
+						(list l))))
+				    ll)))
+	       ;; now generate the functions from the actions
+	       `(lambda ,ll
+		 ,@(when dummies `((declare (ignore .,dummies))))
+		 ,form)
+	       )))
+      (let ((R (make-zb-rule :-name name)) action rest)
+	(do ((args args rest))
+	    ((null args)
+	     (setf (zb-rule--productions r) (nreverse (zb-rule--productions r)))
+	     R)
+	  (let ((key (car args))
+		(val (cadr args)))
+	    (setq rest (cddr args))
+	    (if (eq key ':=)
+		(progn
+		  (setq rhs (if (listp val) val (list val)))
+		  (if (and (consp rest) (eq (car rest) ':BUILD))
+		      ;; BUILD clause: construct fn and compile it
+		      (let ((build-args (cadr rest)))
+			(setq action
+			      (if (atom build-args)
+				  (if (symbolp build-args)
+				      build-args
+				    (parse-build :FORM build-args))
+				(if (keywordp (car build-args))
+				    (apply #'parse-build build-args)
+				  (parse-build :FORM build-args))))
+			(setq rest (cddr rest)))
+		    ;; no :BUILD clause, use IDENTITY fn
+		    (setq action 
+			  (if (= (length rhs) 1) 'identity 'identity*))))
+	      (error "Keyword expected in rule ~S at .. ~{~S ~}~% Probably no () around rule's rhs"
+		     name args))
+	    (push (make-production-rhs :-syntax rhs
+				       :-build-fn action)
+		  (zb-rule--productions r))))))))
+(defun cons-avm (Feat-Term)
+  (let ((type (Feat-Term--type Feat-Term)))
+    (cons
+     (intern (concatenate 'string "MAKE-"
+			  (symbol-name type))
+	     (symbol-package type))
+     (mapcan
+      #'(lambda (lvp)
+	  (declare (type Label-value-pair lvp))
+	  (let ((slot (Label-value-pair--label lvp))
+		(val (Label-value-pair--value lvp)))
+	    (list (intern (string slot) *keyword-package*)
+		  (if (Feat-Term-p val)
+		      (cons-avm val)
+		    val))))
+      (Feat-Term--slots Feat-Term)))))
+(defun process-semantics (production-rhs)
+  (let ((Syntax (production-rhs--syntax production-rhs))
+	(Feat-Term (production-rhs--semantics production-rhs)))
+    (flet ((msg ()
+	     (format nil "The Semantics ~S of the rule RHS:~%  ~A~%"
+		     Feat-Term
+		     (with-output-to-string (s)
+		       (print-production-rhs production-rhs s nil)))))
+      (flet ((cons-lambda (ft?)
+	       (multiple-value-bind (ll dummies)
+		   (make-lambda-list Syntax)
+		 `(lambda ,ll
+		   ,@(when dummies `((declare (ignore .,dummies))))
+		   ,(if ft? (cons-avm Feat-Term) Feat-Term)))))
+	(setf (production-rhs--build-fn production-rhs)
+	      (typecase Feat-Term
+		(NULL (if (= 1 (length syntax))
+			  'identity
+			'identity*))
+		((or number string) 
+		 `(lambda (&rest args) (declare (ignore args))
+		   ,Feat-Term))
+		(symbol
+		 (if (member Feat-Term Syntax)
+		     (cons-lambda nil)
+		   (error "~A is a variable that does not occur in the RHS!"
+			  (msg))))
+		(Feat-Term (cons-lambda t))
+		(T (error "~A should be a feature term, number, string or constituent!" (msg)))))))))
+; generate-form
+(defun generate-form (type map)
+  `(,(intern (concatenate 'string "MAKE-" (symbol-name type))
+      (symbol-package type))
+    ,@(mapcan
+       #'(lambda (pair)
+	   (unless (consp pair)
+	     (error "Element of :map must be a dotted pair in ~S"
+		    map))
+	   (let ((constituent (car pair))
+		 (slot  (cdr pair)))
+	     (unless (symbolp constituent)
+	       (error "Symbol expected in map ~S at ~S"
+		      map constituent))
+	     (unless (keywordp slot)
+	       (error "Keyword expected in map ~S at ~S"
+		      map slot))
+	     (list slot constituent)))
+       map)))
+(defvar *dummy-count* 0)
+(defun next-dummy ()
+  (let* ((root "DUMMY")
+	 (dummy (intern (if (zerop *dummy-count*)
+			    root
+			  (format nil "DUMMY~S" *dummy-count*)))))
+    (incf *dummy-count*)
+    dummy))
+(defun make-lambda-list (constituents)
+  (let ((*dummy-count* 0) dummies)
+    (values (mapcar #'(lambda (constituent)
+			(if (symbolp constituent)
+			    constituent
+			  (let ((d (next-dummy)))
+			    (push d dummies)
+			    d)))
+		    constituents)
+	    dummies)))
+;; search the list for atom and return T if atom occurs anywhere
+;; this is overly cautious and should be replaced by a tree-walker
+;; but it will only cause some warnings of the compiler.
+(defun search-list (atom tree)
+  (if (atom tree)
+      (eq atom tree)
+    (when (consp tree)
+	(dolist (n tree)
+	   (when (search-list atom n) (return t))))))
+(apply #'parse-build '( "(" Formula ")" ) '(:form (progn Formula)))
+(apply #'parse-build '(Identifier) '(:type Propositional-variable
+				     :map ((Identifier . :-name))))
+(apply #'parse-build '(Formula.1 "and" Formula.2)
+       '(:type Boolean-And
+	 :map ((Formula.1 . :-rand1)
+	       (Formula.2 . :-rand2))))

+;;                           Top level load function
+;;; LOAD-GRAMMAR loads a Zebu source grammar and prepares it for 
+;;; compilation
+;;; Internalize a grammar in the lisp syntax described above.
+;;; Set up data structures as described above.
+;;; Every grammar interns the empty string as a grammar symbol
+;;; Generate the hierarchy, if a :domain is specified
+;;; and if *generate-domain* is true.
+(defun get-grammar-options-key (name)
+  (do ((options *grammar-options* (cddr options)))
+      ((null options) nil)
+    (when (eq (car options) name) (RETURN (cadr options)))))
+(defun load-grammar (filename &key (verbose T)
+			      &aux (g-file (probe-file filename)))
+  (unless g-file
+    (error "grammar file not found: ~S" filename))
+  (format t "~%Reading grammar from ~A~%" filename)
+  (initialize-grammar)
+  ;; read first form (possibly twice -- in the right package)
+  (let ((grammar-stream (open g-file :direction :input)))
+    (unwind-protect
+	 (progn
+	   (setq *grammar-options*
+		 (catch 'read-grammar-options
+		   (check-grammar-options
+		    (read grammar-stream) g-file t)))
+	   (unless *grammar-options*
+	     (close grammar-stream)
+	     (setq grammar-stream (open g-file :direction :input))
+	     (setq *grammar-options*
+		   (catch 'read-grammar-options
+		     (check-grammar-options
+		      (read grammar-stream) g-file t))))
+	   (setq *lex-cats* (get-grammar-options-key ':lex-cats))
+	   (if (eq *compiler-grammar* *NULL-Grammar*)
+	       (let ((eof (list nil)))  
+		 (pre-process-rules
+		  #'(lambda ()
+		      (loop (let ((rule (read grammar-stream nil eof)))
+			      (when verbose (print rule))
+			      (if (consp rule)
+				  (if (eq rule eof)
+				      (return nil)
+				    (if (eq (car rule) 'defstruct)
+					(push rule *domain-structs*)
+				      (return (parse-defrule rule))))
+				(warn "In file ~a~% illegal rule ~s ignored!"
+				       g-file rule)))))
+		  nil))
+	     (let (*preserve-case*
+		   *Kleene+-rules*
+		   (ff (file-parser-aux
+			grammar-stream #'error t *compiler-grammar*
+			verbose)))
+	       (pre-process-rules
+		#'(lambda ()
+		    (loop
+		     (let ((f (or (pop ff) (pop *Kleene+-rules*))))
+		       (if (null f)
+			   (return nil)
+			 (if (zb-rule-p f)
+			     (return f)
+			   (push f *domain-types*))))))
+		t))))
+      (close grammar-stream)))
+  (format t "~%~S productions, ~S symbols~%"
+	  *production-count* *g-symbol-count*)
+  (setq *symbol-array* (list->vector (reverse *symbols*)))
+  (unless *start-symbol* (error "No start symbol"))
+  g-file)
+;; dump-domain-file
+;; generate code for domain, printers, and regular expressions
+;; dump it onto the domain-file
+;; it may be the case that none of the above are necessary, in which 
+;; case no domain-file is generated
+;; the domain-file is specified as:
+;;   name: from grammar-option :DOMAIN-FILE
+;;   type: the first element of *load-source-pathname-types*
+;;   directory: same as grammar-file
+;;              if not directory in grammar-file from
+;;                      *default-pathname-defaults*
+;; if such a file exists already, a warning is given and the old file 
+;; is renamed.
+(defun dump-domain-file (grammar-file verbose)
+  (let* ((domain-file 
+	  (merge-pathnames
+	   (or (get-grammar-options-key ':DOMAIN-FILE)
+	       (make-pathname
+		:name (format nil "~A-domain"
+			      (get-grammar-options-key ':NAME))))
+	   (merge-pathnames
+	    (merge-pathnames (make-pathname
+			      :type (first *load-source-pathname-types*))
+			     grammar-file)
+	    *default-pathname-defaults*)))		 
+	 (*print-array* t)		; bit-vectors of regex code
+	 *print-level* *print-length* *print-circle*
+	 written?)
+    #-MCL (when (probe-file domain-file)
+	    (warn "Renaming existing domain file ~a" domain-file))
+    (with-open-file (port domain-file
+			  :if-does-not-exist :create
+			  :if-exists #-MCL :rename #+MCL :supersede
+			  :direction :output)
+      (format port ";;; This file was generated by Zebu (Version ~a)~%~%(IN-PACKAGE ~S)~%(REQUIRE \"zebu-package\")~%(USE-PACKAGE \"ZEBU\")~%"
+	      zb:*zebu-version* (package-name *package*))
+      (when *generate-domain* 
+	(format t "~%Generating domain source code onto file: ~a"
+		domain-file)
+	(setq written? (generate-domain-file domain-file port)))
+      ;; Write actions onto domain file
+      (when verbose
+	(format t "~%Writing actions of rules to ~a" domain-file)
+	(terpri port))
+      (dolist (r *zb-rules*)
+	(let ((non-terminal (car r)))
+	  (when verbose (format t "~%Rule ~S" non-terminal))
+	  (dolist (production (zb-rule--productions (cdr r)))
+	    (let ((fn (production-rhs--build-fn production)))
+	      (when (consp fn)
+		(let ((fn-name (gentemp (symbol-name non-terminal))))
+		  (when verbose (format t " Action: ~S" fn-name))
+		  (setf (production-rhs--build-fn production) fn-name)
+		  (pprint `(defun ,fn-name . ,(cdr fn)) port)
+		  (terpri port)
+		  (setq written? t)))))))
+      (terpri port)
+      ;; for lexical categories: compile the rx-token parsers!
+      (when *lex-cats*
+	(pprint '(eval-when (compile)
+		  (unless (member "zebu-regex" *modules* :test #'equal)
+		    (WARN "Load the Zebu Compiler!")))
+		port)
+	(pprint '(declaim (special *REGEX-GROUPS* *REGEX-GROUPINGS*))
+		port)
+	(dolist (lex-cat *lex-cats*)
+	  (pprint (def-regex-parser (car lex-cat) (cadr lex-cat))
+		  port)
+	  (terpri port))
+	(setq written? t))
+      (when written?
+	(nconc *grammar-options* (list ':DOMAIN-FILE
+				       (namestring domain-file)))
+	domain-file))))
+;;                           End of zebu-loadgram.lisp

Added: vendor/zebu/zebu-lr0-sets.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/zebu-lr0-sets.lisp	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         zebu-lr0-sets.l
+; Description:  Conversion to CL of the original Scheme program by (W M Wells)
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:      31-Oct-90
+; Modified:     Fri Apr 23 10:00:40 1993 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     CL
+; Package:      ZEBU
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1990, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+;;;             Copyright (C) 1989, by William M. Wells III
+;;;                         All Rights Reserved
+;;;     Permission is granted for unrestricted non-commercial use.
+;;; This defines the representation for sets of items, and
+;;; computes the canonical lr(0) collection of sets of items.
+;;; It currently leaves the closures lying around on the sets
+;;; of items, they could be flushed just after they are used.
+;;; It gets hold of the grammar via the symbol 'augmented start
+;;; and the application of g-symbol-own-productions to symbols.
+;;; The grammar should have been previously internalized
+;;; using load-grammar.
+(in-package "ZEBU")
+(defvar *lr0-item-set-count*)
+(defvar *lr0-item-sets*)
+(defvar *lr0-start-state-index*)
+(declaim (fixnum *lr0-start-state-index*))
+;;; A type for sets of items.
+;;; The kernel will be a o-set of items, the closure might be
+;;; an o-set, or might be null if we are trying to save space.
+;;; goto-map will be a oset of pairs whose cars are grammar symbols
+;;; and whose cdrs are item-sets.
+(defstruct (item-set (:print-function
+		      (lambda (item-set stream depth)
+			(declare (ignore depth))
+			(item-set-print-kernel item-set nil stream))))
+  index
+  kernel
+  (closure ())
+  goto-map)
+(defun item-set-print-kernel (item-set closure-too? &optional (stream t))
+  (oset-for-each
+   #'(lambda (item)
+       (item-print item stream) (terpri stream))
+   (if closure-too?
+       (item-set-get-closure! item-set)
+     (item-set-kernel item-set))))
+(declaim (inline goto-map-order-function item-set-order-function
+	    new-item-set))
+(defun goto-map-order-function (a b)
+  (g-symbol-order-function (car (the cons a)) (car (the cons b))))
+(defun new-item-set (kernel)
+  (make-item-set :kernel kernel
+		 :goto-map (make-oset
+			    :order-fn #'goto-map-order-function)))
+;;; Item sets can be identified by looking at their kernels, so:
+(defun item-set-order-function (a b)
+  (declare (type item-set a b))
+  ;; (oset-order-function (item-set-kernel a) (item-set-kernel b))
+  ;; expand call for efficiency
+  (let* ((oset-a (item-set-kernel a))
+	 (oset-b (item-set-kernel b))
+	 (odf (oset-order-fn oset-a)))
+    (labels ((oset-order-aux (ilista ilistb)
+	       (if (null ilista)
+		   'equal
+		 (let ((item-order
+			(funcall odf
+				 (car (the cons ilista))
+				 (car (the cons ilistb)))))
+		   (if (eq 'equal item-order)
+		       (oset-order-aux
+			(cdr (the cons ilista)) (cdr (the cons ilistb)))
+		     item-order)))))
+      (if (eq odf (oset-order-fn oset-b))
+	  (let ((a-card (oset-cardinality oset-a))
+		(b-card (oset-cardinality oset-b)))
+	    (declare (fixnum a-card b-card))
+	    (if (< a-card b-card)
+		'correct-order
+	      (if (= a-card b-card)
+		  ;; same cardinality, same type, so march down the lists...
+		  (oset-order-aux (oset-item-list oset-a)
+				  (oset-item-list oset-b))
+		'wrong-order)))
+	(error "incompatible types of sets: oset-order-function")))))
+;;; Result is an oset of item-sets which comprise the canonical
+;;; lr(0) sets of items.
+(defun make-lr0-collection ()
+  (let* ((lr0-set (make-oset :order-fn #'item-set-order-function))
+	 (start-prod (car (g-symbol-own-productions
+			   *augmented-start-g-symbol*)))
+	 (initial-kernel
+	  (make-oset
+	   :item-list   (list (new-item start-prod))
+	   :order-fn    #'item-order-function
+	   :cardinality 1)))
+    (let ((initial-state (new-item-set initial-kernel)))
+      (lr0-insert-item-set! initial-state lr0-set)
+      (setf *lr0-item-set-count* 0)
+      (dolist (is (oset-item-list lr0-set))
+	(setf (item-set-index is) (post-inc *lr0-item-set-count*)))
+      (setf *lr0-start-state-index* (item-set-index initial-state))
+      (format t "~S item sets~%" *lr0-item-set-count*) 
+      (setf *lr0-item-sets* lr0-set)
+      '())))
+; lr0-insert-item-set!
+; item-set should be of that type.
+; Collection should be an o-set of item-sets.
+; Returns a pointer to the item set in the collection.
+(defun lr0-insert-item-set! (item-set collection)
+  (multiple-value-bind (inserted? the-item)
+      (oset-insert-2! item-set collection)
+    (when inserted?			; item wasn't already there
+      (let ((item-set-goto-map (item-set-goto-map item-set)))
+	(princ ".")
+	(dolist (subset (oset-select-subsets
+			 (item-set-get-closure! item-set)
+			 #'symbol-after-dot))
+	  (declare (type oset subset))
+	  ;; (assert (typep subset 'oset))
+	  ;; subset is an oset of items with same after dot
+	  (let ((subset-item-list (oset-item-list subset)))
+	    (when subset-item-list
+	      (let ((goto-set (make-oset :order-fn #'item-order-function)))
+		(dolist (item subset-item-list)
+		  (let ((next (advance-dot item)))
+		    (if next (oset-insert! next goto-set))))
+		(unless (oset-empty? goto-set)
+		  (oset-insert!
+		   (cons (symbol-after-dot (car subset-item-list))
+			 (lr0-insert-item-set! (new-item-set goto-set)
+					       collection))
+		   item-set-goto-map))))))))
+    the-item))
+;;; Returns the oset of items which is the closure of the item
+;;; set, calculating it if need be from the kernel.
+;;; Caches the closure in the closure slot.
+(defun item-set-get-closure! (item-set)
+  (or (item-set-closure item-set)
+      (setf (item-set-closure item-set) (closure (item-set-kernel item-set)))))
+;;; This isn't used in the current implementation: Sep 13, 1989.
+(defun item-set-flush-closure (item-set)
+  (setf (item-set-closure item-set) '()))
+;; inline expanded in lr0-insert-item-set!
+;;; Subset is an oset of items which all have the same after dot symbol.
+;;; Result is an oset of items.
+;;; Gives back an empty set if the dots are all the way to the right
+;;; in the input set.
+(defun goto (subset)
+  (let ((result (make-oset :order-fn #'item-order-function)))
+    (dolist (item (oset-item-list subset) result)
+      (let ((next (advance-dot item)))
+	(if next (oset-insert! next result))))))
+;;; test:
+(load-grammar "ex1.zb")
+(print-collection nil)
+(print-collection t)
+;;                           End of zebu-lr0-sets.l

Added: vendor/zebu/zebu-mg-hierarchy.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/zebu-mg-hierarchy.lisp	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         zebu-mg-hierarchy.lisp
+; Description:  types and printers for the meta grammar
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:      13-May-92
+; Modified:     Thu Dec 21 11:50:12 1995 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     CL
+; Package:      ZEBU
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1992, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+(in-package "ZEBU")
+(require "zebu-aux")
+(provide "zebu-mg-hierarchy")
+;;                   Top of hierarchy for ZEBU META-Grammar
+                    (:CONSTRUCTOR NIL)))
+;;                                 KB-SEQUENCE
+(defvar *kb-sequence-separator* " "
+  "A string, separating the elements of a KB-sequence")
+(defstruct (KB-SEQUENCE (:include ZEBU-MG)
+			(:print-function KB-SEQUENCE-print)) 
+  first
+  (rest nil :type (or NULL KB-SEQUENCE)))
+      (let ((first (KB-SEQUENCE-first ITEM))
+	    (rest  (KB-SEQUENCE-rest ITEM)))
+	(if (null rest)
+	    (format STREAM "~a" first)
+	  (if (kb-sequence-p rest)
+	      (format STREAM "~a~:{~A~a~}"
+		      first
+		      (labels ((cons-kb-seq (seq)
+				 (if (null seq)
+				     nil
+				   (cons (list *kb-sequence-separator*
+					       (KB-SEQUENCE-first seq))
+					 (cons-kb-seq
+					  (KB-SEQUENCE-rest seq))))))
+			(cons-kb-seq rest)))
+	    (format STREAM "~a~A~a" first *kb-sequence-separator* rest))))
+    ""))
+;;                                  FEAT-TERM
+		      #||
+		      (:print-function
+		       (lambda (ITEM STREAM LEVEL)
+			 (format STREAM
+				 "~@[type: ~S ~][~{~S~^ ~}]"
+				 (FEAT-TERM--type ITEM)
+				 (FEAT-TERM--slots ITEM))))
+		      ||#
+		      )
+  -TYPE
+  (-SLOTS nil))
+			     #||
+			     (:print-function
+			      (lambda (ITEM STREAM LEVEL)
+				(format STREAM
+					"(~S ~S)"
+					(Label-value-pair--label ITEM)
+					(Label-value-pair--value ITEM))))
+			     ||#
+			     )
+           -LABEL
+           (-VALUE nil))
+#|| Not used yet
+			#||
+			(:print-function
+			 (lambda (ITEM STREAM LEVEL)
+			   (format STREAM
+				   "%~S"
+				   (General-Var--name ITEM))))
+			||#
+			)
+           -NAME)
+			#||
+			(:print-function
+			 (lambda (ITEM STREAM LEVEL)
+			   (format STREAM
+				   "~S=~S"
+				   (Tagged-Term--tag ITEM)
+				   (Tagged-Term--term ITEM))))
+			||#
+			)
+           -TERM
+           -TAG)
+;;                               PRODUCTION-RHS
+			   #||
+			   (:print-function print-production-rhs)
+			   ||#
+			   )
+  (-SYNTAX nil)
+  (-SEMANTICS nil)
+(defun print-production-rhs (ITEM STREAM LEVEL)
+  (format STREAM
+	  "~{~S ~}~@[ { ~S }~];"
+	  (production-rhs--syntax ITEM)
+	  (production-rhs--semantics ITEM)))
+           -constituent
+           -separator)
+(DEFSTRUCT (Kleene* (:INCLUDE Kleene) ))
+(DEFSTRUCT (Kleene+ (:INCLUDE Kleene) ))
+;;                              Type definitions
+(defstruct (domain-type (:include zebu-mg))
+  -supertype -type -slots print-function)
+(defun cons-domain-type (name avm print-function)
+  ;; Return: [supertype type slots print-function]
+  (let ((type (if (feat-term-p avm)
+		  (feat-term--type avm)
+		'KB-Domain))
+	(slots (if (feat-term-p avm)
+		   (feat-term--slots avm)
+		 avm)))
+    (make-domain-type
+     :-supertype type
+     :-type name
+     :-slots (mapcar #'(lambda (slot)
+			 (let ((v (label-value-pair--value slot)))
+			   (if (null v)
+			       (label-value-pair--label slot)
+			     (list (label-value-pair--label slot) v))))
+		     slots)
+     :print-function print-function)))
+;;                      End of zebu-mg-hierarchy.lisp

Added: vendor/zebu/zebu-mg.tab
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/zebu-mg.tab	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+(:FILE "/home/rudi/lisp/zebu-3.5.5/zebu-mg.zb" :NAME "zebu-mg" :DOMAIN-FILE "zmg-dom" :PACKAGE "ZEBU" :GRAMMAR "null-grammar" :IDENTIFIER-START-CHARS "$-_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" :IDENTIFIER-CONTINUE-CHARS "$-_.abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890" :DOMAIN-FILE "/home/rudi/lisp/zebu-3.5.5/zmg-dom.lisp")
+#19(6 7 10 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 21 22 23 25 26 28 33 34 36 )
+#34((1 . 1)(3 . 1)(3 . 1)(4 . 5)(4 . 5)(9 . 0)(9 . 4)(8 . 3)(11 . 3)(19 . 1)(19 . 1)(19 . 1)(19 . 2)(19 . 2)(19 . 1)(19 . 1)(24 . 4)(24 . 3)(17 . 0)(17 . 2)(5 . 4)(27 . 1)(29 . 0)(29 . 2)(30 . 1)(30 . 4)(32 . 2)(32 . 0)(35 . 1)(35 . 3)(35 . 3)(35 . 1)(31 . 0)(31 . 3))
+((6 :S 54))
+((2 :A 0))
+((2 :R 1))
+((2 :R 2))
+((10 :R 5) (12 :S 10))
+((10 :S 6))
+((2 :R 3))
+((10 :R 5) (12 :S 10))
+((10 :S 9))
+((2 :R 4))
+((13 :S 11))
+((6 :S 12))
+((14 :S 13))
+((10 :R 6))
+((15 :S 15))
+((16 :S 17))
+((10 :R 7) (12 :R 7) (26 :R 7) (34 :R 7))
+((18 :R 18) (25 :S 51))
+((18 :S 19))
+((10 :R 8) (12 :R 8) (26 :R 8) (34 :R 8))
+((26 :R 10) (34 :R 10))
+((26 :R 11) (34 :R 11))
+((26 :R 12) (34 :R 12))
+((26 :R 13) (34 :R 13))
+((26 :R 14) (34 :R 14))
+((26 :R 15) (34 :R 15))
+((26 :S 27))
+((18 :R 16) (25 :R 16))
+((18 :R 17) (25 :R 17))
+((18 :R 18) (25 :S 51))
+((18 :R 19))
+((28 :S 32))
+((6 :S 55) (10 :R 22) (21 :S 46) (33 :R 27) (36 :R 27))
+((10 :S 34))
+((2 :R 20))
+((10 :R 32) (36 :S 47))
+((10 :R 23))
+((6 :S 56) (16 :S 17) (20 :S 20) (21 :S 21))
+((34 :S 39))
+((10 :R 25) (36 :R 25))
+((6 :S 55) (10 :R 27) (21 :S 46) (33 :R 27) (36 :R 27))
+((10 :R 26) (33 :R 26) (36 :R 26))
+((21 :S 43))
+((6 :R 29) (10 :R 29) (21 :R 29) (33 :R 29) (36 :R 29))
+((21 :S 45))
+((6 :R 30) (10 :R 30) (21 :R 30) (33 :R 30) (36 :R 30))
+((6 :R 31) (10 :R 31) (21 :R 31) (33 :R 31) (36 :R 31))
+((6 :S 55) (10 :R 27) (21 :S 46) (33 :R 27) (36 :R 27))
+((10 :R 32) (36 :S 47))
+((10 :R 33))
+((6 :S 14) (16 :S 17))
+((6 :S 52))
+((6 :S 56) (16 :S 17) (20 :S 20) (21 :S 21) (26 :S 28))
+((10 :R 24) (33 :S 37) (36 :R 24))
+((7 :S 50) (28 :R 21))
+((6 :R 28) (10 :R 28) (21 :R 28) (22 :S 42) (23 :S 44) (33 :R 28) (36 :R 28))
+((15 :S 15) (22 :S 22) (23 :S 23) (26 :R 9) (34 :R 9)))
+((3 . 1)(4 . 2)(5 . 3)(27 . 31))
+((9 . 5))
+((9 . 8))
+((11 . 16))
+((17 . 18)(24 . 29))
+((17 . 30)(24 . 29))
+((29 . 33)(30 . 35)(32 . 53)(35 . 40))
+((31 . 36))
+((8 . 24)(11 . 25)(19 . 38))
+((32 . 41)(35 . 40))
+((30 . 48)(32 . 53)(35 . 40))
+((31 . 49))
+((8 . 4)(11 . 7))
+((8 . 24)(11 . 25)(19 . 26))
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/zebu/zebu-mg.zb
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/zebu-mg.zb	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+; -*- mode:     Lisp -*- --------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         zebu-mg.zb
+; Description:  Metagrammar for Zebu
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:      13-Apr-92
+; Modified:     Thu Dec 21 16:26:28 1995 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     Lisp
+; Package:      ZEBU
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1992, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+; 10-Mar-93 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  add domain definition
+(:name        "zebu-mg"
+ :domain-file "zmg-dom"
+ :package     "ZEBU"
+ :grammar     "null-grammar"
+ :identifier-start-chars
+ "$-_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
+ :identifier-continue-chars
+ "$-_.abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890"
+ )
+(defrule Meta-Grammar
+  := Def-Type
+  := zb-rule)
+;;                              Domain Definition
+(defrule Def-Type
+  :=     ( Identifier ":=" Typed-Conj Print-function ";" )
+  :build (cons-domain-type Identifier Typed-Conj Print-function)
+  :=     ( Identifier ":=" Conj Print-function ";")
+  :build (cons-domain-type Identifier Conj Print-function)
+  )
+(defrule Print-function
+  :=     ()
+  :=     ("<<" "print-function:" Identifier ">>")
+  :build (:form Identifier))
+;;                                 AVM grammar
+(defrule Typed-Conj
+  :=     ( Identifier ":" Conj )
+  :build (:type Feat-Term
+	  :map  ((Conj       . :-slots)
+		 (Identifier . :-type))))
+(defrule Conj
+  :=     ( "[" Label-value-pairs "]" )
+  :build (:form Label-value-pairs))
+(defrule Feat-Term
+  :=     Identifier
+  :=     Number
+  :=     String
+  :=     (Identifier "*")
+  :build (intern (concatenate 'string (string Identifier) "*"))
+  :=     (Identifier "+")
+  :build (intern (concatenate 'string (string Identifier) "+"))
+  :=     Typed-Conj
+  :=     Conj
+  :build (:type Feat-Term
+	  :map  ((Conj       . :-slots)))
+  )
+(defrule Label-value-pair
+  :=     ( "(" Identifier Feat-Term ")" )
+  :build (:type Label-value-pair
+          :map ((Identifier       . :-label)
+		(Feat-Term        . :-value)))
+  :=     ( "(" Identifier ")" )
+  :build (:type Label-value-pair
+          :map ((Identifier       . :-label)))
+  )
+(defrule Label-value-pairs
+  :=      ()
+  :=      ( Label-value-pair Label-value-pairs )
+  :build  cons
+  )
+;;                                Grammar Rules
+(defrule zb-rule
+  := ( Non-terminal "-->" Rhs ";")
+  :build (:type zb-rule
+	  :map ((Non-terminal . :-name)
+		(Rhs          . :-productions))))
+(defrule Non-terminal := Identifier)
+(defrule Rhs
+  := ()
+  := ( Rhs1 More-Rhs )
+  :build cons
+  )
+(defrule Rhs1
+  := ( Constituent-list )
+  :build (:type Production-Rhs
+	  :map  ((Constituent-list . :-syntax)))
+  := ( Constituent-list "{" Feat-Term "}" )
+  :build (:type Production-Rhs
+	  :map  ((Constituent-list . :-syntax)
+		 (Feat-Term        . :-semantics)))
+  )
+(defrule Constituent-list
+  := ( Constituent Constituent-list )
+  :build cons
+  := () )
+(defrule Constituent
+  := Identifier
+  := (Identifier "*" String)
+  :build (:type Kleene* :map ((Identifier . :-constituent)
+			      (String     . :-separator)))
+  := (Identifier "+" String)
+  :build (:type Kleene+ :map ((Identifier . :-constituent)
+			      (String     . :-separator)))
+  := String )
+(defrule More-Rhs
+  := ()
+  := ( "|" Rhs1 More-Rhs )
+  :build (:form (cons Rhs1 More-Rhs)))
+;;                                End of zebu-mg.zb

Added: vendor/zebu/zebu-oset.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/zebu-oset.lisp	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         zebu-oset.lisp
+; Description:  Conversion to CL of the original Scheme program by (W M Wells)
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:      14-Nov-90
+; Modified:     Tue Aug  2 15:03:39 1994 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     CL
+; Package:      ZEBU
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1990, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+;;;             Copyright (C) 1989, by William M. Wells III
+;;;                         All Rights Reserved
+;;;     Permission is granted for unrestricted non-commercial use.
+(in-package "ZEBU")
+;;                                Ordered Sets
+;;; A simple ordered set facility.  Items kept in these sets must
+;;; have an order function: these are supplied for integers and
+;;; osets themselves.  Items are kept in sorted lists, smallest
+;;; first.  Could be re-done with binary search trees.
+;;; See integer-order-function for how order functions are supposed to
+;;; work.
+;;; Constructor will default to make a set that orders integers.
+(defstruct (oset (:copier nil)
+		 )
+  (item-list     '() :type list)
+  (order-fn      #'integer-order-function)
+  (cardinality   0   :type fixnum))
+(declaim (inline oset-empty?))
+(defun oset-empty? (oset) (null (oset-item-list oset)))
+;;; Example of how the order function is supposed to work.
+(declaim (inline integer-order-function))
+(defun integer-order-function (a b)
+  (declare (fixnum a b))
+  (cond ((< a b) 'correct-order)
+	((> a b) 'wrong-order)
+	(T 'equal)))
+;;; Destructively insert an item into a set
+;;; Returns the item if it wasn't there already, else NIL.
+(defun oset-insert! (item set)
+  ;; Returns  NIL if nothing is inserted or T if item was inserted
+  ;; otherwise like oset-insert-2!
+  (declare (type oset set))
+  (let ((ilist (oset-item-list set)))
+    (if (null ilist)
+	(progn (setf (oset-item-list set) (list item)
+		     (oset-cardinality set) 1)
+	       t)
+      (let ((odf (oset-order-fn set))
+	    order)
+	(cond ((eq 'correct-order
+		   (setq order (funcall odf item (car (the cons ilist)))))
+	       (setf (oset-item-list set) (cons item ilist))
+	       (incf (oset-cardinality set))
+	       t)
+	      ((eq 'equal order) nil)	; item already there
+	      (T ;; Ilist isn't null, and item goes somewhere after
+	         ;; the car of ilist.
+	       (do ((ilist ilist ilist-cdr)
+		    (ilist-cdr (cdr ilist) (cdr ilist-cdr)))
+		   ((null ilist-cdr)
+		    (setf (cdr (the cons ilist)) (list item))
+		    (incf (oset-cardinality set))
+		    t)
+		 (let ((ilist-cdr1 (car (the cons ilist-cdr))))
+		   (when (eq 'correct-order
+			     (setq order (funcall odf item ilist-cdr1)))
+		     (setf (cdr (the cons ilist)) (cons item ilist-cdr))
+		     (incf (oset-cardinality set))
+		     (return-from oset-insert! t))
+		   (when (eq 'equal order) ; already there
+		     (return-from oset-insert! nil))))))))))
+;;; Returns two values: (1) NIL if nothing is inserted ot T if item was
+;;; inserted, and (2) a pointer to the item either found or inserted
+;;; into the set (so is eq to a member of the set).
+(defun oset-insert-2! (item set)
+  (declare (type oset set))
+  (let ((ilist (oset-item-list set)))
+    (if (null ilist)
+	(progn (setf (oset-item-list set) (list item)
+		     (oset-cardinality set) 1)
+	       (values t item))
+      (let ((odf (oset-order-fn set))
+	    (ilist-hd (car (the cons ilist)))
+	    order)
+	(cond ((eq 'correct-order
+		   (setq order (funcall odf item ilist-hd)))
+	       (setf (oset-item-list set) (cons item ilist))
+	       (incf (oset-cardinality set))
+	       (values t item))
+	      ((eq 'equal order) (values nil ilist-hd))
+	      ;; item already there
+	      (T ;; Ilist isn't null, and item goes somewhere after
+	         ;; the car of ilist.
+	       (do ((ilist ilist ilist-cdr) (ilist-cdr (cdr ilist) (cdr ilist-cdr)))
+		   ((null ilist-cdr)
+		    (setf (cdr (the cons ilist)) (list item))
+		    (incf (oset-cardinality set))
+		    (values t item))
+		 (let ((ilist-cdr1 (car (the cons ilist-cdr))))
+		   (when (eq 'correct-order
+			     (setq order (funcall odf item ilist-cdr1)))
+		     (setf (cdr (the cons ilist)) (cons item ilist-cdr))
+		     (incf (oset-cardinality set))
+		     (return-from oset-insert-2! (values t item)))
+		   (when (eq 'equal order) ; already there
+		     (return-from oset-insert-2! (values nil ilist-cdr1)))))))))))
+;;; Insert a list of items into an oset. returns the SET.
+(declaim (inline oset-insert-list!))
+(defun oset-insert-list! (list oset)
+  (dolist (x list oset) (oset-insert! x oset)))
+;;; It's easy to define a generic order function on osets if they
+;;; have the same order function
+;;; making for easy osets of osets.
+(defun oset-order-function (oset-a oset-b &aux (odf (oset-order-fn oset-a)))
+  (declare (type oset oset-a oset-b))
+  (labels ((oset-order-aux (ilista ilistb)
+	     (if (null ilista)
+		 'equal
+	       (let ((item-order (funcall odf (car ilista) (car ilistb))))
+		 (if (eq 'equal item-order)
+		     (oset-order-aux (cdr ilista) (cdr ilistb))
+		   item-order)))))
+    (if (eq odf (oset-order-fn oset-b))
+	(let ((a-card (oset-cardinality oset-a))
+	      (b-card (oset-cardinality oset-b)))
+	  (declare (fixnum a-card b-card))
+	  (if (< a-card b-card)
+	      'correct-order
+	    (if (= a-card b-card)
+		;; same cardinality, same type, so march down the lists...
+		(oset-order-aux (oset-item-list oset-a)
+				(oset-item-list oset-b))
+	      'wrong-order)))
+      (error "incompatible types of sets: oset-order-function"))))
+; (declaim (inline oset-comparable?))
+; (defun oset-comparable? (oseta osetb)
+;        (eq 'equal (oset-order-function oseta osetb)))
+; oset-select-subsets
+;;; Yields a list of disjoint subsets whose union is the set.  For
+;;; each subset the value of selection-fn applied to the members is
+;;; the same in the sense of eqv.
+;;; partition set according to selection-fn
+(defun oset-select-subsets (set selection-fn)
+  (let ((r-ilist (oset-item-list set))
+	(alist   '())
+	(odf     (oset-order-fn set)))
+    (dolist (item r-ilist)
+      (let* ((key (funcall selection-fn item))
+	     (found-association (assoc key alist :test #'eql)))
+	(if found-association 
+	    (setf (cdr found-association)
+		  (cons item (cdr found-association)))
+	  (push (cons key (list item)) alist))))
+    (do ((alist-tl alist (cdr alist-tl)))
+	((null alist-tl) alist)
+      (let ((items (cdar (the cons alist-tl))))
+	(setf (car alist-tl) (make-oset :item-list (nreverse items)
+					:cardinality (length items)
+					:order-fn odf))))))
+(declaim (inline oset-for-each oset-memq oset-copy oset-union oset-empty!))
+(defun oset-for-each (procedure set)
+  (declare (type oset set))
+  (dolist (x (oset-item-list set)) (funcall procedure x)))
+(defun oset-memq (elt set)
+  (member elt (oset-item-list (the oset set))))
+(defun oset-copy (oset)
+  (declare (type oset oset))
+  (make-oset
+   :item-list (copy-list (oset-item-list oset))
+   :order-fn (oset-order-fn oset)
+   :cardinality (oset-cardinality oset)))
+(defun oset-union (oset1 oset2)
+  (declare (type oset oset1 oset2))
+  #||
+  (assert (eql (oset-order-fn oset1) (oset-order-fn oset2))
+	  ()
+	  "Mismatched order functions in oset union.")
+  (if (> (oset-cardinality oset1) (oset-cardinality oset2))
+      (oset-insert-list! (oset-item-list oset2)
+			 (oset-copy oset1))
+    (oset-insert-list! (oset-item-list oset1)
+		       (oset-copy oset2)))
+  ||#
+  (oset-insert-list! (oset-item-list oset1)
+		     (oset-copy oset2)))
+(defun oset-delete (item oset)
+  (declare (type oset oset))
+  (let ((item-list (oset-item-list oset)))
+    (if (member item item-list)
+	(make-oset :item-list (delete item item-list)
+		   :cardinality (1- (oset-cardinality oset))
+		   :order-fn (oset-order-fn oset))
+      oset)))			
+(defun oset-empty! (oset)
+  (declare (type oset oset))
+  (setf (oset-cardinality oset) 0
+	(oset-item-list oset) '()))
+;;                                 LR(1) items
+;;; lr(1) items.
+;;; These are going to be represented by structs:
+;;; after-dot is an integer which indexes the symbol in the
+;;; production which follows the dot
+;;; that comes after the dot.
+;;; look-aheads is an oset of grammar symbols.
+;;; The item data structure
+;;; essentially stands for the set of lr(1) items which are the same
+;;; except for each having one lookahead symbol from the set look-aheads.
+;;; look-ahead-dependers is an oset of items to whom
+;;; lalr(1) lookaheads
+;;; propagate from this item.
+(defstruct (item (:print-function item-print))
+  (production    nil)
+  (after-dot     0 :type fixnum)
+  (look-aheads   (make-oset :order-fn #'g-symbol-order-function))
+  (look-ahead-dependers
+                 (make-oset :order-fn #'item-order-function)))
+;;; A handy predicate.
+(declaim (inline dot-at-right-end?))
+(defun dot-at-right-end? (item)
+  (declare (type item item))
+  (= (the fixnum (production-length (item-production item)))
+     (the fixnum (item-after-dot item))))
+;;; Get the symbol after the dot -- 'the-bogus-symbol if dot is flushright.
+(defun symbol-after-dot (item)
+  (declare (type item item))
+  (let ((pr-after (nthcdr (the fixnum (item-after-dot item))
+			  (the list (rhs (item-production item))))))
+    (if pr-after
+	(car pr-after)
+      'the-bogus-symbol)))
+;;; Make an item with the dot moved one to the right, or false if
+;;; dot gets past the end.
+;;; Since this is used during lr(0) set construction, it only
+;;; deals with production and after-dot slots, the others
+;;; are filled in as '() by default.
+(defun advance-dot (item)
+  (declare (type item item))
+  (let ((production (item-production item))
+	(item-after-dot (item-after-dot item)))
+    (if (= (production-length production)
+	   (the fixnum item-after-dot)) 
+	nil
+      (make-item :production production
+		 :after-dot (1+ item-after-dot)))))
+;;; Make an item which has the dot at the left end of the rhs.
+(declaim (inline new-item))
+(defun new-item (production)
+  (make-item :production production))
+;;; For osets of items:
+;;; this is used during lr(0) sets of items construction.  Only the
+;;; production and after dot fields are tested, since these characterize
+;;; lr(0) items.
+(defun item-order-function (ia ib)
+  (declare (type item ia ib))
+  (let ((production-index-a (production-index (item-production ia)))
+	(production-index-b (production-index (item-production ib))))
+    (declare (fixnum production-index-a production-index-b))
+    (if (< production-index-a production-index-b)
+	'correct-order
+      (if (= production-index-a production-index-b)
+	  (let ((iad (item-after-dot ia)) (ibd (item-after-dot ib)))
+	    (declare (fixnum iad ibd))
+	    (if (< iad ibd)
+		'correct-order
+	      (if (= iad ibd)
+		  'equal
+		'wrong-order)))
+	'wrong-order))))
+;;; test:
+ (integer-order-function 1 2)
+ (setq fred (make-oset))
+ (oset-item-list fred)
+ (oset-insert! 3 fred)
+ (oset-insert-2! 4 fred) 
+ (oset-insert-list! '(5 6 7 7) fred)
+ (oset-insert-list! '(10 11) fred)
+ (oset-insert! 1100 fred)
+ (setq ned (make-oset))
+ (setq mary (make-oset :order-fn #'oset-order-function))
+ (oset-insert! ned mary)
+ (oset-insert! ned mary)
+ (oset-insert! fred mary)
+ (oset-insert! fred mary)
+ (mapc #'oset-item-list (oset-item-list mary))
+ (mapc #'oset-item-list  (oset-select-subsets fred #'(lambda (x) (> x 5))))
+ (mapc #'oset-item-list  (oset-select-subsets fred #'evenp))
+ (oset-for-each #'(lambda (x) (format t "~S " x)) fred)
+ (oset-memq 5 fred)
+ (oset-memq 99 fred)
+ (setq freddy (oset-copy fred))
+ (oset-item-list freddy)
+ (setq al (car (oset-select-subsets fred #'evenp)))
+ (setq hal (cadr (oset-select-subsets fred #'evenp)))
+ (oset-item-list (oset-union al hal))
+ (oset-item-list fred)
+ (oset-item-list (oset-delete 1100 fred))
+ (oset-empty! freddy)
+ (oset-item-list freddy)
+;;; test: "zebu-item"
+ (defun red ((new-item (car *productions*)))
+ (item-print fred)
+ (defvar ned (advance-dot fred))
+ (item-print ned)
+ (item-order-function ned ned)
+ (item-order-function ned fred)
+ (item-order-function fred ned)
+ (symbol-after-dot fred)
+ (dot-at-right-end? fred)
+ (dot-at-right-end? ned))
+;;                                End of zebu-oset.l

Added: vendor/zebu/zebu-package.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/zebu-package.lisp	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+; -*- mode:     Lisp -*- --------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         zebu-defsystem-package.lisp
+; Description:  package definition (mk:defsystem version)
+; Author:       Rudi Schlatte, based on zebu-package.lisp by J.Laubsch
+; Language:     CL
+; Package:      CL-USER
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; Package and parameter definitions for use with mk:defsystem.
+; Eliminates dependence on some symbols (*ZEBU-directory* et al.)
+; being present in CL-USER.
+; This file REPLACES zebu-package.lisp when using mk:defsystem for the
+; load process.  Rationale: zebu-package.lisp expects some symbols and
+; packages to be present, and setting everything up including creating
+; a fake package PSGRAPH was not something very clean to do.
+(in-package "CL-USER")
+(provide "zebu-package")
+#+LUCID					; while not up tp CLtL2
+(eval-when (compile load eval)
+  (defmacro LCL::DECLAIM (decl-spec) `(proclaim ',decl-spec)))
+;;; 2000-03-25 by rschlatte at ist.tu-graz.ac.at:
+;;;   This package is not used anywhere
+;;(defpackage "PSGRAPH"
+;;    (:use "LUCID-COMMON-LISP"))
+;;(defpackage "PSGRAPH"
+;;    (:use "COMMON-LISP"))
+(defpackage "ZEBU"
+    (:nicknames "ZB")
+    #+LUCID (:import-from "SYSTEM" "*KEYWORD-PACKAGE*")
+;;; 2000-03-25 by rschlatte at ist.tu-graz.ac.at:
+;;;   Gives an error when loading compiled files
+;;    #+LUCID (:import-from "LCL" "DECLAIM")
+;;    (:import-from "PSGRAPH" PSGRAPH::PSGRAPH)
+    #+MCL   (:use "COMMON-LISP" "CCL")
+    #+KCL   (:use "LISP")
+    #+ALLEGRO (:use "COMMON-LISP" "EXCL")
+    #-(or lucid mcl kcl allegro) (:use "COMMON-LISP")
+;;; 2000-03-25 by rschlatte at ist.tu-graz.ac.at:
+;;;   Defined in this file / package instead, see below
+;;    (:import-from "CL-USER" CL-USER::*ZEBU-DIRECTORY*
+;;                  CL-USER::*ZEBU-binary-directory*)
+	     "*ZEBU-VERSION*"
+	     "KB-LEGAL-SLOT-P"
+	     "K-4-3" "K-2-1" "K-2-2" "K-3-2" "CONS-1-3" "CONS-2-3"
+	     "ZEBU-RR" "ZEBU-TOP"
+	     )
+;;; 2000-03-25 by rschlatte at ist.tu-graz.ac.at:
+;;;   Defined in this file / package instead, see below
+;;    #-LUCID
+;;    (:import-from "CL-USER"
+;;                  CL-USER::*LOAD-SOURCE-PATHNAME-TYPES*
+;;                  CL-USER::*LOAD-BINARY-PATHNAME-TYPES*))
+    )
+(in-package "ZB")
+;;; 2000-03-25 by rschlatte at ist.tu-graz.ac.at:
+;;;   Moved definitions of *ZEBU-direcotory*, *ZEBU-binary-directory*
+;;;   over from ZEBU-init.lisp, got rid of importing symbols from
+;;;   CL-USER in (defpackage "ZEBU")
+; edit the following form for your Lisp, and the directory where you keep Zebu
+(defparameter *ZEBU-directory*
+  (make-pathname 
+   :directory  ;; Might be loading zebu-package-fasl from the binary directory
+   (remove "binary" (pathname-directory *load-truename*)
+           :from-end t :test #'string-equal
+           :count 1 :end 1))
+  "The location of the ZEBU source files.")
+;; *ZEBU-binary-directory*
+;; directory for compiled grammars and lisp files
+(defparameter *ZEBU-binary-directory*
+  (make-pathname :directory (append (pathname-directory *ZEBU-directory*)
+                                    (list "binary")))
+  "The location of the compiled ZEBU files.")
+;;; 2000-03-25 by rschlatte at ist.tu-graz.ac.at:
+;;;   Extensions are defined multiple times in COMPILE-Zebu.lisp and
+;;;   ZEBU-init.lisp
+;;;   I was lazy and snarfed a list from mk:defsystem 3.x  :-)
+;;; TODO
+;;;   Do something clever with the environment package from CLOCC;
+;;;   such a list should really be maintained in one place only.
+;;; *filename-extensions* is a cons of the source and binary extensions.
+(defvar *filename-extensions*
+  (car `(#+(and Symbolics Lispm)              ("lisp" . "bin")
+         #+(and dec common vax (not ultrix))  ("LSP"  . "FAS")
+         #+(and dec common vax ultrix)        ("lsp"  . "fas")
+ 	 #+ACLPC                              ("lsp"  . "fsl")
+ 	 #+CLISP                              ("lsp"  . "fas")
+         #+KCL                                ("lsp"  . "o")
+         #+IBCL                               ("lsp"  . "o")
+         #+Xerox                              ("lisp" . "dfasl")
+	 ;; Lucid on Silicon Graphics
+	 #+(and Lucid MIPS)                   ("lisp" . "mbin")
+	 ;; the entry for (and lucid hp300) must precede
+	 ;; that of (and lucid mc68000) for hp9000/300's running lucid,
+	 ;; since *features* on hp9000/300's also include the :mc68000
+	 ;; feature.
+	 #+(and lucid hp300)                  ("lisp" . "6bin")
+         #+(and Lucid MC68000)                ("lisp" . "lbin")
+         #+(and Lucid Vax)                    ("lisp" . "vbin")
+         #+(and Lucid Prime)                  ("lisp" . "pbin")
+         #+(and Lucid SUNRise)                ("lisp" . "sbin")
+         #+(and Lucid SPARC)                  ("lisp" . "sbin")
+         #+(and Lucid :IBM-RT-PC)             ("lisp" . "bbin")
+	 ;; PA is Precision Architecture, HP's 9000/800 RISC cpu
+	 #+(and Lucid PA)                    ("lisp" . "hbin")
+         #+excl                               ("cl"   . "fasl")
+         #+CMU           ("lisp" . ,(or (c:backend-fasl-file-type c:*backend*)
+					"fasl"))
+;	 #+(and :CMU (not (or :sgi :sparc)))  ("lisp" . "fasl")
+;        #+(and :CMU :sgi)                    ("lisp" . "sgif")
+;        #+(and :CMU :sparc)                  ("lisp" . "sparcf")
+	 #+PRIME                              ("lisp" . "pbin")
+         #+HP                                 ("l"    . "b")
+         #+TI ("lisp" . #.(string (si::local-binary-file-type)))
+         #+:gclisp                            ("LSP"  . "F2S")
+         #+pyramid                            ("clisp" . "o")
+         #+:coral                             ("lisp" . "fasl")
+	 ;; Harlequin LispWorks
+	 #+:lispworks 	      ("lisp" . ,COMPILER:*FASL-EXTENSION-STRING*)
+;        #+(and :sun4 :lispworks)             ("lisp" . "wfasl")
+;        #+(and :mips :lispworks)             ("lisp" . "mfasl")
+         #+:mcl                               ("lisp" . "fasl")
+         ;; Otherwise,
+         ("lisp" . ,(pathname-type (compile-file-pathname "foo.lisp")))))
+  "Filename extensions for Common Lisp. A cons of the form
+   (Source-Extension . Binary-Extension). If the system is
+   unknown (as in *features* not known), defaults to \"lisp\" and the
+   file type of compile-file-pathname.")
+(defparameter *load-source-pathname-types*
+  (list (car *filename-extensions*)))
+(defparameter *load-binary-pathname-types*
+  (list (cdr *filename-extensions*)))
+;;; 2000-03-25 by rschlatte at ist.tu-graz.ac.at:
+;;;   Snarfed from ZEBU-init.lisp
+(defvar *zebu-version*
+  (let ((file (make-pathname
+               :name "Version"
+               :type nil
+               :directory (pathname-directory
+                           *zebu-directory*))))
+    (if (probe-file file)
+        (with-open-file (s file :direction :input)
+                        (read-line s))
+      "3.5.5")))
+	          ))
+(declaim (special *LOAD-SOURCE-PATHNAME-TYPES*
+                  *LOAD-BINARY-PATHNAME-TYPES*))
+;;                            End of zebu-defsystem-package.lisp

Added: vendor/zebu/zebu-printers.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/zebu-printers.lisp	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         zebu-printers.l
+; Description:  printing functions for grammar debugging
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:       4-Aug-92
+; Modified:     Wed Sep  7 17:40:30 1994 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     CL
+; Package:      ZEBU
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1992, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+;;                     printing the internals of a grammar
+(defun print-actions (grammar &optional (stream t))
+  (let ((g (find-grammar (string grammar))))
+    (if (null g)
+	(error "No Grammar named ~S loaded" grammar)
+      (let ((*package* (find-package (grammar-package g)))
+	    (zb-rules (grammar-zb-rules g)))
+	(dotimes (i (length zb-rules))
+	  (let ((pair (svref zb-rules i)))
+	    (format stream "~%~%Rule: ~S" (car pair))
+	    (dolist (prod (zb-rule--productions (cdr pair)))
+	      (let ((action (production-rhs--build-fn prod)))
+                #+MCL (print action stream)
+		#-MCL (pprint action stream)))))
+	(values)))))
+(defun print-production (prod)
+  (format t "~A: ~A -> "
+	  (production-index prod) (g-symbol-name (lhs prod)))
+  (dolist (x (rhs prod))
+    (princ (g-symbol-name x)) (princ " ")))
+(defun print-productions ()
+  (dolist (x (reverse *productions*))
+    (print-production x) (terpri)))
+(defun print-symbols ()
+  (dolist (sym (reverse *symbols*))
+    (format t "~A: ~A~%" (g-symbol-index sym) (g-symbol-name sym)))
+  )
+(defun print-own-productions (sym)
+  (dolist (x (g-symbol-own-productions sym))
+    (print-production x) (terpri)))
+(defun print-rhs-productions (sym)
+  (dolist (x (g-symbol-rhs-productions sym))
+    (print-production x) (terpri)))
+(defun cruise-symbols ()
+  (dolist (sym (reverse *symbols*))
+    (format t "~%~A: ~A~%"
+	    (g-symbol-index sym)
+	    (g-symbol-name sym))
+    (when (g-symbol-own-productions sym)
+      (format t "Own productions:~%")
+      (print-own-productions sym))
+    (when (g-symbol-rhs-productions sym)
+      (format t "RHS productions:~%") 
+      (print-rhs-productions sym))
+    (princ "----------------------------")
+    ))
+(defun cruise-symbols-2 ()
+  (terpri)
+  (dotimes (i (length *symbol-array*))
+    (let ((sym (svref *symbol-array* i)))
+      (format t "~S: ~S~%"
+	      (g-symbol-index sym)
+	      (g-symbol-name sym)))))
+(defun cruise-follow-sets ()
+  (let (*print-circle*)
+    (dolist (gs *symbols*)
+      (when (g-symbol-non-terminal? gs)
+	(format t "~%~A: ~S~%--------------------"
+		gs
+		(oset-item-list (g-symbol-follow-set gs)))))))
+(defun print-collection (closures-too?)
+  (format t "~%Start state index: ~A~%" *lr0-start-state-index*)
+  (oset-for-each
+   #'(lambda (item-set)
+       (format t "------------------ ~A -------------------~%"
+	       (item-set-index item-set))
+       (item-set-print-kernel item-set closures-too?)
+       (let ((gotos (item-set-goto-map item-set)))
+	 (when (oset-item-list gotos)
+	   (princ "gotos: ")
+	   (oset-for-each
+	    #'(lambda (gmelt)
+		(format t "~A -> ~A  "
+			(g-symbol-name (car gmelt))
+			(item-set-index (cdr gmelt))))
+	    gotos)
+	   (terpri)))
+       )
+   *lr0-item-sets*))
+(defun item-print (item &optional (stream t) level)
+  ;; This only prints the lr(0) parts and the lookaheads.
+  (declare (ignore level))
+  (let ((after-dot (item-after-dot item))
+	(production (item-production item)))
+    (format stream "~A -> " (g-symbol-name (lhs production)))
+    (do ((ncdr (rhs production) (cdr ncdr))
+	 (i 0 (1+ i)))
+	((null ncdr)
+	 (when (= after-dot i) (princ ". "))
+	 (unless (oset-empty? (item-look-aheads item))
+	   (princ "{ "  stream)
+	   (oset-for-each
+	    #'(lambda (gs) (format stream "~A " (g-symbol-name gs)))
+	    (item-look-aheads item))
+	   (princ "}"  stream)))
+      (format stream "~:[~;. ~]~A "
+	      (= after-dot i)
+	      (g-symbol-name (car ncdr))))))
+(defun item-list-print (item-list)
+  (dolist (item item-list)
+    (terpri)
+    (item-print item)))
+(defun cruise-parse-tables ()
+  (format t "Start-state is ~S" *lr0-start-state-index*)
+  (dotimes (i *lr0-item-set-count*)
+    (format t "~%~A~%actions: " i)
+    (oset-for-each
+     #'(lambda (action-elt)
+	 (format t "~A : ~A ~A  "
+		 (get-print-name (car action-elt))
+		 (cadr action-elt)
+		 (caddr action-elt)))
+     (svref (the vector *action-array*) i))
+    (format t "~%gotos: ")
+    (oset-for-each
+     #'(lambda (goto-elt)
+	 (format t "~A : ~A  "
+		 (get-print-name (car goto-elt))
+		 (cdr goto-elt))
+	 )
+     (svref (the vector *goto-array*) i))
+    (format t "~%--------------------------------------------------")
+    ))
+;;; test:
+ (load "zebu-loadgram")
+ (load-grammar "ex1.grm")
+ (print-symbols)
+ (cruise-symbols)
+ (cruise-symbols-2)
+ (print-productions)
+;;                           End of zebu-printers.l

Added: vendor/zebu/zebu-regex.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/zebu-regex.lisp	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,530 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         zebu-regex.l
+; Description:  A Lisp based Regular Expression Compiler
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:      21-Sep-92
+; Modified:     Mon Apr 18 13:38:26 1994 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     CL
+; Package:      ZEBU
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; (c) Copyright 1992, Hewlett-Packard Company
+;;; All rights reserved.
+;;; Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works
+;;; based upon this software are permitted.  Any distribution of this
+;;; software or derivative works must comply with all applicable United
+;;; States export control laws.
+;;; This software is made available AS IS, and Hewlett-Packard Company
+;;; makes no warranty about the software, its performance or its conformity
+;;; to any specification.
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+; 13-Jan-93 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  Aletrnatives, to be indicated by \| need to be done!
+;  7-Oct-92 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  made . fail on Newline in String
+; 28-Sep-92 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  made ? work when it occured after a string (similar to the cases for +,*)
+; 21-Sep-92 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+;  made behavior conform more with Emacs Lisp's STRING-MATCH
+;  e.g. (string-match "\\(na\\)x\\1" "naxnana") matches now,
+;  but before (string-match "(na)x\\1" "naxnana") did. 
+;  "\(" is the grouping construct, and since \ is the quoting character,
+;  it must be qoted as well, giving "\\(".
+;  Avoided string-copying by introducing pointers in the match group case.
+;;; -*- Mode:Common-Lisp; Package:ZEBU; Base:10 -*-
+;;; This code was written by:
+;;;    Lawrence E. Freil <lef at nscf.org>
+;;;    National Science Center Foundation
+;;;    Augusta, Georgia 30909
+;;; If you modify this code, please comment your modifications
+;;; clearly and inform the author of any improvements so they
+;;; can be incorporated in future releases.
+;;; nregex.lisp - My 4/8/92 attempt at a Lisp based regular expression
+;;;               parser. 
+;;;               This regular expression parser operates by taking a
+;;;               regular expression and breaking it down into a list
+;;;               consisting of lisp expressions and flags.  The list
+;;;               of lisp expressions is then turned into a
+;;;               lambda expression that can be later applied to a
+;;;               string argument for parsing.
+(in-package "ZEBU")
+(provide "zebu-regex")
+;;; Declare the global variables for storing the paren index list.
+(declaim (special *regex-groups* *regex-groupings*))
+;; In Gnu Emacs Lisp's regular expressions the braces: {,} are not special,
+;; neither are the parens: (,), nor the alternatives char: |
+;;(defvar *regex-special-chars* "?*+.()[]\\${}")
+(defvar *regex-special-chars* "?*+.[]\\$")
+;;                                For debugging
+;;; Declare some simple macros to make the code more readable.
+(defvar *regex-debug* nil)		; Set to nil for no debugging code
+(defmacro info (message &rest args)
+  (if *regex-debug*
+      `(format *standard-output* ,message , at args)))
+(eval-when (compile)
+  (setq *regex-debug* nil))
+;;; Declare a simple interface for testing.  You probably wouldn't want
+;;; to use this interface unless you were just calling this once.
+(defun regex (expression string)
+  "Usage: (regex <expression> <string)
+   This function will call regex-compile on the expression and then apply
+   the string to the returned lambda list."
+  (let ((findit (cond ((stringp expression)
+		       (regex-compile expression))
+		      ((listp expression)
+		       expression)))
+	(result nil))
+    (if (not (funcall (if (functionp findit)
+			  findit
+			(eval `(function ,findit))) string))
+	(return-from regex nil))
+    (if (= *regex-groupings* 0)
+	(return-from regex t))
+    (dotimes (i *regex-groupings*)
+      (push (funcall 'subseq 
+		     string 
+		     (car (svref *regex-groups* i))
+		     (cadr (svref *regex-groups* i)))
+	    result))
+    (reverse result)))
+;; specialized to the :anchored T case
+;; returns just the body of the fn with STRING, START, END free.
+(defun regex-compile (source &aux (ln-source (length source)))
+  "Usage: (regex-compile <regular expression>)"
+  ;; If the expression was an empty string then it always
+  ;; matches (so lets leave early)
+  (when (= ln-source 0) (return-from regex-compile '(t)))
+  (macrolet ((add-exp (list)
+	       ;; Add an item to the end of expression
+	       `(setf expression-ln (+ expression-ln (length ,list))
+                      expression (append expression ,list)))
+	     (add-exp1 (item)
+	       `(setf expression-ln (1+ expression-ln)
+                      expression (nconc expression (list ,item)))))
+    (info "Now entering regex-compile with ~S~%" source)
+    ;;
+    ;; This routine works in two parts.
+    ;; The first pass take the regular expression and produces a list of 
+    ;; operators and lisp expressions for the entire regular expression.  
+    ;; The second pass takes this list and produces the lambda expression.
+    (let ((expression			; holder for expressions
+	   ;;
+	   ;; Generate the very first expression to save the starting index
+	   ;; so that group 0 will be the entire string matched always
+	   ;;
+	   (list '(setf (svref *regex-groups* 0) (list index nil))))
+          (expression-ln 1)		; length of expression
+	  (group 1)			; Current group index
+	  (group-stack nil)		; Stack of current group endings
+	  (result nil)			; holder for built expression.
+	  )
+      ;; If the first character is a literal, then do a quick scan to see
+      ;; if it is even in the string.
+      ;; If not then we can issue a quick nil, 
+      ;; otherwise we can start the search at the matching character to skip
+      ;; the checks of the non-matching characters anyway.
+      ;;
+      ;; If I really wanted to speed up this section of code it would be 
+      ;; easy to recognize the case of a fairly long multi-character literal
+      ;; and generate a Boyer-Moore search for the entire literal. 
+      ;;
+      ;; I generate the code to do a loop because on CMU Lisp this is about
+      ;; twice as fast a calling position.
+      ;;
+      ;;
+      ;; Loop over each character in the regular expression building the
+      ;; expression list as we go.
+      ;;
+      (do ((eindex 0 (1+ eindex)))
+	  ((= eindex ln-source))
+	(let ((current (char source eindex)))
+	  (info "Now processing character ~A index = ~A~%" current eindex)
+	  (case current
+	    (#\.
+	     ;;
+	     ;; Generate code for a single wild character
+	     ;;
+	     (add-exp1 '(if (>= index length)
+			 (return-from compare nil)
+			 (incf index)))
+	     )
+	    (#\$
+	     ;;
+	     ;; If this is the last character of the expression then
+	     ;; anchor the end of the expression, otherwise let it slide
+	     ;; as a standard character (even though it should be quoted).
+	     ;;
+	     (if (= eindex (1- ln-source))
+		 (add-exp1 '(if (/= index length)
+			     (return-from compare nil)))
+	       (add-exp1 '(if (and (< index length)
+			       (eql (char string index) #\$))
+			   (incf index)
+			   (return-from compare nil)))))
+	    (#\* (add-exp1 'ASTERIX))
+	    (#\+ (add-exp1 'PLUS))
+	    (#\? (add-exp1 'QUESTION))
+	    (#\[
+	     ;;
+	     ;; Start of a range operation.
+	     ;; Generate a bit-vector that has one bit per possible character
+	     ;; and then on each character or range, set the possible bits.
+	     ;;
+	     ;; If the first character is carat then invert the set.
+	     (let* ((invert (eql (char source (1+ eindex)) #\^))
+		    (bitstring (make-array
+				256
+				:element-type 'bit
+				:initial-element (if invert 1 0)))
+		    (set-char (if invert 0 1)))
+	       (if invert (incf eindex))
+	       (let (hi-char)
+		 (do* ((x (1+ eindex) (1+ x))
+		       (char (char source x)
+			     (if (= x ln-source)
+				 (error "No closing \"]\" found in ~a"
+					source)
+			       (char source x))))
+		      ((eql char #\]) (setf eindex x))
+		   (info "Building range with character ~A~%" (char source x))
+		   (if (let ((x+2 (+ x 2)))
+			 (and (< x+2 ln-source)
+			      (eql (char source (1+ x)) #\-)
+			      (not (char= (setf hi-char (char source x+2))
+					  #\]))))
+		       (progn
+			 (if (char>= char hi-char)
+			     (error "Invalid range \"~A-~A\".  Ranges must be in acending order"
+				    char hi-char))
+			 (do ((j (char-code char) (1+ j)))
+			     ((> j (char-code hi-char))
+			      (incf x 2))
+			   (info "Setting bit for char ~A code ~A~%" (code-char j) j)
+			   (setf (sbit bitstring j) set-char)))
+		     (progn
+		       ;;
+		       ;; If the character is quoted then find out what
+		       ;; it should have been
+		       ;;
+		       (when (char= char #\\)
+			 (let (length)
+			   (multiple-value-setq (char length)
+			     (regex-quoted (subseq source (1+ x)) invert))
+			   (incf x length)))
+		       (info "Setting bit for char ~C code ~A~%"
+			     char (char-code char))
+		       (if (vectorp char)
+			   (bit-ior bitstring char t)
+			 (setf (sbit bitstring (char-code char))
+			       set-char))))))
+	       (add-exp1 `(let ((range ,bitstring))
+			   (if (>= index length)
+			       (return-from compare nil))
+			   (if (= 1 (sbit range (char-code (char string index))))
+			       (incf index)
+			     (return-from compare nil))))))
+	    (#\\
+	     ;;
+	     ;; Intrepret the next character as a special, range, octal, group or 
+	     ;; just the character itself.
+	     ;;
+	     (multiple-value-bind (value length)
+		 (regex-quoted (subseq source (1+ eindex)) nil)
+	       (cond ((listp value) (add-exp value))
+		     ((characterp value)
+		      (case value
+			(#\(
+			 ;;
+			 ;; Start a grouping.
+			 ;;
+			 (incf group)
+			 (push group group-stack)
+			 (add-exp1 `(setf (svref *regex-groups* ,(1- group)) 
+				     (list index nil)))
+			 (add-exp1 group))
+			(#\)
+			 ;;
+			 ;; End a grouping
+			 ;;
+			 (let ((group (pop group-stack)))
+			   (add-exp1 `(setf (cadr (svref *regex-groups* ,(1- group)))
+				       index))
+			   (add-exp1 (- group))))
+			(t (add-exp1 `(if (and (< index length)
+					   (eql (char string index) 
+					    ,value))
+				       (incf index)
+				       (return-from compare nil))))))
+		     ((vectorp value)
+		      (add-exp1 `(let ((range ,value))
+				  (if (>= index length)
+				      (return-from compare nil))
+				  (if (= 1 (sbit range (char-code (char string index))))
+				      (incf index)
+				    (return-from compare nil))))))
+	       (incf eindex length)))
+	    (t
+	     ;;
+	     ;; We have a literal character.  
+	     ;; Scan to see how many we have and if it is more than one
+	     ;; generate a string= verses as single eql.
+	     ;;
+	     (let* ((lit "")
+		    (term (dotimes (litindex (- ln-source eindex) nil)
+			    (let ((litchar (char source (+ eindex litindex))))
+			      (if (position litchar *regex-special-chars*)
+				  (return litchar)
+				(progn
+				  (info "Now adding ~A relative index ~A to lit~%"
+					litchar litindex)
+				  (setf lit (concatenate 'string lit 
+							 (string litchar)))))))))
+	       ;;(break "lit: ~S term: ~S" lit  term)
+	       (if (= (length lit) 1)
+		   (progn
+		     (add-exp1 `(if (and (< index length)
+				     (eql (char string index)
+				      ,current))
+				 (incf index)
+				 (return-from compare nil))))
+		 ;;
+		 ;; If we have a multi-character literal then we must
+		 ;; check to see if the next character (if there is one)
+		 ;; is an asterix or a plus.  If so then we must not use this
+		 ;; character in the big literal.
+		 (progn
+		   (when (member term '(#\* #\+ #\?))
+		     (setf lit (subseq lit 0 (1- (length lit)))))
+		   (if (= (length lit) 1)
+		       (add-exp1 `(if (and (< index length)
+				       (eql (char string index)
+					,(schar lit 0)))
+				   (incf index)
+				   (return-from compare nil)))
+		     (progn
+		       (add-exp1 `(let ((new-index (+ index ,(length lit))))
+				   (if (< length new-index)
+				       (return-from compare nil))
+				   (if (string= string ,lit :start1 index
+						:end1 new-index)
+				       (incf index ,(length lit))
+				     (return-from compare nil))))
+		       (incf eindex (1- (length lit))))))))))))
+      ;;
+      ;; Plug end of list to return t.  If we made it this far then
+      ;; We have matched!
+      (add-exp1 '(setf (cadr (svref *regex-groups* 0)) index))
+      (add-exp1 '(return-from final-return t))
+      ;;
+      ;;
+      ;; Now take the expression list and turn it into a lambda expression
+      ;; replacing the special flags with lisp code.
+      ;; For example:  A BEGIN needs to be replaced by an expression that
+      ;; saves the current index, then evaluates everything till it gets to
+      ;; the END then save the new index if it didn't fail.
+      ;; On an ASTERIX I need to take the previous expression and wrap
+      ;; it in a do that will evaluate the expression till an error
+      ;; occurs and then another do that encompases the remainder of the
+      ;; regular expression and iterates decrementing the index by one
+      ;; of the matched expression sizes and then returns nil.  After
+      ;; the last expression insert a form that returns t so that
+      ;; if the entire nested sub-expression succeeds then the loop
+      ;; is broken manually.
+      ;; 
+      ;;
+      ;; Reversing the current expression makes building up the 
+      ;; lambda list easier due to the nesting of expressions when 
+      ;; an asterisk has been encountered.
+      (setf expression (reverse expression))
+      (info "~&Regular Expression:~%(~{~s~% ~}) ;; ~d"
+	    expression expression-ln)
+      (do ((elt 0 (1+ elt))) 
+          ((= elt expression-ln))
+	(let ((piece (nth elt expression))
+	      (piece+1 (nth (1+ elt) expression)))
+	  ;;
+	  ;; Now check for PLUS, if so then ditto the expression and then let the
+	  ;; ASTERIX below handle the rest.
+	  ;;
+	  ;; (princ ".")
+	  (when (eql piece 'PLUS)
+	    (cond ((listp piece+1) (push piece+1 result))
+		  ;;
+		  ;; duplicate the entire group
+		  ;; NOTE: This hasn't been implemented yet!!
+		  (t (warn "~%GROUP repeat hasn't been implemented yet~%"))))
+	  (cond ((listp piece)		; Just append the list
+		 (push piece result))
+		((eql piece 'QUESTION)	; Wrap it in a block that won't fail
+		 (cond ((listp piece+1)
+			(push `(progn (block compare ,piece+1)
+				t)
+			      result)
+			(incf elt))
+		       ;;
+		       ;; This is a QUESTION on an entire group which
+		       ;; hasn't been implemented yet!!!
+		       ;;
+		       (t
+			(warn "~%Optional groups not implemented yet~%"))))
+		((or (eql piece 'ASTERIX) ; Do the wild thing!
+		     (eql piece 'PLUS))
+		 (when (listp piece+1)
+		   ;;
+		   ;; This is a single character wild card so
+		   ;; do the simple form.
+		   ;;
+		   (setf result 
+			 `((let ((oindex index))
+			     (block compare
+			       (do nil (nil) ,piece+1))
+			     (do ((start index (1- start)))
+				 ((< start oindex) nil)
+			       (let ((index start))
+				 (block compare
+				   , at result))))))
+		   (incf elt))))))	; Just ignore everything else.
+      (info "~&Result:~s" result)
+      ;;
+      ;; Now wrap the result in a lambda list that can then be 
+      ;; invoked or compiled, however the user wishes.
+      ;;
+      (setf result
+	    `((setf *regex-groupings* ,group)
+	      (block final-return
+		(block compare
+		  (let ((index start)
+			(length end))
+		    , at result))))))))
+;;; Define a function that will take a quoted character and return
+;;; what the real character should be plus how much of the source
+;;; string was used.  If the result is a set of characters, return an
+;;; array of bits indicating which characters should be set.  If the
+;;; expression is one of the sub-group matches, return a
+;;; list-expression that will provide the match.  
+(defun regex-quoted (char-string &optional (invert nil))
+  "Usage: (regex-quoted <char-string> &optional invert)
+       Returns either the quoted character or a simple bit vector of bits set for
+       the matching values"
+  (let ((first (char char-string 0))
+	(used-length 1)
+	result)
+    (setf result
+	  (case first
+	    (#\n #\NewLine)
+	    (#\c #\Return)
+	    (#\t #\Tab)
+	    (#\d #*0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001111111111000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
+	    (#\D #*1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110000000000111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111)
+	    (#\w #*0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001111111111000000011111111111111111111111111000010111111111111111111111111110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
+	    (#\W #*1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110000000000111111100000000000000000000000000111101000000000000000000000000001111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111)
+	    (#\b #*0000000001000000000000000000000011000000000010100000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
+	    (#\B #*1111111110111111111111111111111100111111111101011111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111)
+	    (#\s #*0000000001100000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
+	    (#\S #*1111111110011111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111)
+	    (t (if (and (char>= first #\0) (char<= first #\9))
+		   (if (and (> (length char-string) 2)
+			    (and (char>= (char char-string 1) #\0)
+				 (char<= (char char-string 1) #\9)
+				 (char>= (char char-string 2) #\0)
+				 (char<= (char char-string 2) #\9)))
+		       ;;
+		       ;; It is a single character specified in octal
+		       ;;
+		       (parse-integer char-string
+				      :end (setf used-length 3)
+				      :radix 8 :junk-allowed t)
+		     ;;
+		     ;; We have a group number replacement.
+		     ;;
+		     (let ((group (- (char-code first) (char-code #\0))))
+		       `((let* ((range (svref *regex-groups* ,group))
+				(start-old (car (the cons range)))
+				(end-old (cadr (the cons range)))
+				(ln-nstring (- end-old start-old))
+				(new-index (+ index ln-nstring)))
+			   (if (< length new-index)
+			       (return-from compare nil))
+			   (if (string= string string
+					:start1 start-old
+					:end1   end-old
+					:start2 index
+					:end2   new-index)
+			       (setq index new-index)
+			     (return-from compare nil)))))) 
+		 first))))
+    (if (and (vectorp result) invert)
+	(bit-xor result #*1111111110011111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 t))
+    (values result used-length)))
+(defun match-beginning (n)
+  (first (SVREF *REGEX-GROUPS* n)))
+(defun match-end (n)
+  (second (SVREF *REGEX-GROUPS* n)))
+(defun def-regex-parser (name pattern)
+  (when (and (eql (symbol-package name) (find-package "LISP"))
+	     (fboundp name))
+    (error "A lexical category should not name a Lisp function: ~s"
+	   name))
+  (let* ((body (regex-compile pattern)))
+    `(defun ,name (STRING &optional (START 0) (END (length STRING)))
+      ,@(when *regex-debug*
+	  '((info "~%Looking at: ~S..."
+	     (subseq string START (min (+ 10 START) END)))))
+      (when (progn .,body)
+	(second (SVREF *REGEX-GROUPS* 0))))))
+;;                             End of zebu-regex.l

Added: vendor/zebu/zebu-rr.asd
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/zebu-rr.asd	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+;;; -*- Lisp -*-
+(in-package #:asdf)
+(defsystem #:zebu-rr
+    :version "3.5.5"
+    :depends-on ("zebu") 
+    :components
+    ((:file "zebu-kb-domain")
+     (:file "zebu-tree-attributes"
+            :in-order-to ((compile-op (load-op "zebu-kb-domain"))))
+     (:file "zebra-debug"
+            :in-order-to ((compile-op (load-op "zebu-kb-domain"
+                                               "zebu-tree-attributes"))))))

Added: vendor/zebu/zebu-rr.system
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/zebu-rr.system	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+;;; -*- Lisp -*-
+;;;(in-package "CL-USER")
+(mk:defsystem "zebu-rr"
+  :source-pathname "/users/students/rschlatt/lisp/zebu-3.5.5/"
+  :binary-pathname "/users/students/rschlatt/lisp/zebu-3.5.5/binary/"
+  ;;:package "ZEBU"
+  ;; Are the dependencies correct?
+  :depends-on ("zebu") 
+  :components
+  ((:file "zebu-kb-domain")
+   (:file "zebu-tree-attributes"
+          :depends-on ("zebu-kb-domain"))
+   (:file "zebra-debug"
+          :depends-on ("zebu-kb-domain" "zebu-tree-attributes"))))

Added: vendor/zebu/zebu-slr.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/zebu-slr.lisp	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         zebu-slr.l
+; Description:  Conversion to CL of the original Scheme program by (W M Wells)
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:       1-Nov-90
+; Modified:     Fri Mar  8 14:46:41 1996 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     CL
+; Package:      ZEBU
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1990, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+;;;             Copyright (C) 1989, by William M. Wells III
+;;;                         All Rights Reserved
+;;;     Permission is granted for unrestricted non-commercial use.
+;;; Do all needed to build an slr table starting with a lisp syntax grammar.
+(in-package "ZEBU")
+(defun slr-tables-from-grammar (file-name &rest args)
+  (apply #'load-grammar file-name args)
+  (calculate-empty-string-derivers)
+  (calculate-first-sets)
+  (calculate-follow-sets)
+  (make-lr0-collection)
+  (build-parse-tables nil)
+  file-name)
+;;; test:
+(slr-tables-from-grammar "ex1.zb")
+(format t "symbols: ~%")
+(format t "productions: ~%")
+(format t "lr0 item sets: ~%")
+(print-collection nil)
+(format t "slr tables: ~%")
+;;                                End of zebu-slr.l

Added: vendor/zebu/zebu-tables.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/zebu-tables.lisp	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         zebu-tables.l
+; Description:  Conversion to CL of the original Scheme program by (W M Wells)
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:      31-Oct-90
+; Modified:     Mon Apr 11 14:11:29 1994 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     CL
+; Package:      ZEBU
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1990, Hewlett-Packard Company
+; Revisions:
+; RCS $Log: $
+;;;             Copyright (C) 1989, by William M. Wells III
+;;;                         All Rights Reserved
+;;;     Permission is granted for unrestricted non-commercial use.
+(in-package "ZEBU")
+;;; On the representation of parsing tables:
+;;; Action function is an array, indexed by the state number,
+;;; of functions of grammar symbols represented as osets of
+;;; 3 element lists containing a g-symbol index, the character
+;;; s, r, or a for shift reduce or accept, and an integer encoding the
+;;; next state, or production index as appropriate.
+;;; Goto for non-terminals will be represented by a parallel array
+;;; of osets of pairs whose cars are g-symbol indices, and whose
+;;; cdrs are state indices.
+(defvar *action-array*)
+(defvar *goto-array*)
+(declaim (type vector *action-array* *goto-array*))
+;;; An oset order function for parse table entries.
+(defun integer-function-order-function (a b)
+  (integer-order-function (car (the cons a)) (car (the cons b))))
+;;; Build the description of the state machine which is the lr-parser.
+;;; The *lr0-item-sets* correspond to the states of the parser machine.
+(defun build-parse-tables (doing-lalr1)
+  (setf *action-array* (make-sequence 'vector *lr0-item-set-count*))
+  (setf *goto-array* (make-sequence 'vector *lr0-item-set-count*))
+  (dotimes (i *lr0-item-set-count*)
+    (setf (svref (the vector *action-array*) i)
+	  (make-oset :order-fn #'integer-function-order-function))
+    (setf (svref (the vector *goto-array*) i)
+	  (make-oset :order-fn #'integer-function-order-function)))
+  (oset-for-each
+   #'(lambda (item-set)
+       (oset-for-each
+	#'(lambda (goto-elt)	     
+	    ;; Car of goto-elt is g-sym, cdr is item-set.
+	    (if (g-symbol-non-terminal? (car goto-elt))
+		(oset-insert! (cons (g-symbol-index (car goto-elt))
+				    (item-set-index (cdr goto-elt)))
+			      (svref (the vector *goto-array*)
+				    (item-set-index item-set)))
+	      (parse-table-insert! (g-symbol-index (car goto-elt))
+				   :s
+				   (item-set-index (cdr goto-elt))
+				   item-set)))
+	(item-set-goto-map item-set))
+       (oset-for-each
+	#'(lambda (closure-item)
+	    ;; Could these be kernel items?
+	    (if (dot-at-right-end? closure-item)
+		(let* ((closure-item-production (item-production closure-item))
+		       (lhs-closure-item-production (lhs closure-item-production)))
+		  (if (eq *augmented-start-g-symbol* lhs-closure-item-production)
+		      (parse-table-insert! (g-symbol-index *the-end-g-symbol*)
+					   :a 0 item-set) ; accept, bogus 0
+		    (oset-for-each
+		     #'(lambda (gs)
+			 (parse-table-insert!
+			  (g-symbol-index gs)
+			  :r
+			  (production-index closure-item-production)
+			  item-set))
+		     ;; Here is the only difference between slr and lalr1
+		     ;; (in the table construction phase).
+		     (if doing-lalr1
+			 (item-look-aheads closure-item)
+		       (g-symbol-follow-set lhs-closure-item-production)))))))
+	(item-set-get-closure! item-set))
+       )
+   *lr0-item-sets*))
+;;; An auxillary function for adding an entry to a parse table.
+;;; A simple feature allows the system to be used with some 
+;;; ambiguous grammars:  if the variable *allow-conflicts* it true,
+;;; then when a conflict arises at table construction time, simply
+;;; prefer the action which is already in the tables.  
+;;; This feature works for the "dangling else" problem.
+(defvar *allow-conflicts* t)
+(declaim (special *warn-conflicts*))
+(defun parse-table-insert! (g-sym-index action-key index item-set)
+  (let ((to-insert (list g-sym-index action-key index)))
+    (multiple-value-bind (inserted? the-item)    
+	(oset-insert-2! to-insert
+			(svref *action-array* (item-set-index item-set)))
+      (unless inserted?
+	(when *warn-conflicts*
+	  (warn "ACTION CONFLICT!!!-- state: ~S~%old entry: ~S  new entry: ~S~%~
+                 Continuing to build tables despite conflicts.~%~
+                 Will prefer old entry: ~S"
+		(item-set-index item-set) the-item to-insert the-item))
+	(unless *allow-conflicts* (error "ACTION CONFLICT"))))))
+(declaim (inline get-print-name))
+(defun get-print-name (index)
+  (g-symbol-name (svref (the vector *symbol-array*) index)))
+;;                               End of zebu-tables.l

Added: vendor/zebu/zebu-tree-attributes.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/zebu-tree-attributes.lisp	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,836 @@
+; -*- mode:     CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ;
+; File:         zebu-tree-attributes.lisp
+; Description:  Functions operating on abstract syntax trees
+; Author:       Joachim H. Laubsch
+; Created:      26-Feb-93
+; Modified:     Wed Oct 12 21:26:14 1994 (Joachim H. Laubsch)
+; Language:     CL
+; Package:      ZEBU
+; Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute) 
+; RCS $Header: $
+; (c) Copyright 1990, Hewlett-Packard Company
+(in-package "ZEBU")
+(require "zebu-kb-domain")
+(require "zebu-mg-hierarchy")
+(provide "zebu-tree-attributes")
+;;                               tree attributes
+;; Plist implementation
+(declaim (inline KB-TREE-ATTRIBUTES))
+(defun KB-tree-attributes (class-name)
+  (get (the symbol class-name) 'KB-TREE-ATTRIBUTES))
+; define-tree-attributes
+; for each class enter the tree attributes in the form:
+; ((<reader1> <reader2> ...) .  (<writer1> <writer2> ...))
+; where <readeri> is the name of the accessor for slot i
+;       <writeri> is a compiled function to set slot i
+(defun define-tree-attributes (class slots)
+  (let (writers)
+    (dolist (slot slots)
+      (let ((def `(lambda (x y)
+		   (declare (type ,class x))
+		   (setf (,slot x) y))))
+	(push
+	 (compile nil def)
+      	 writers)))
+    (setf (get (the symbol class) 'KB-TREE-ATTRIBUTES)
+	  (cons slots (nreverse writers))) ))
+;; The reason for this macro is that then the compiler does
+;; not need to be loaded when a file is loaded which contains 
+;; def-tree-attributes forms
+(defmacro def-tree-attributes (class &rest slots)
+  (check-type class symbol)
+  (let (writers setters)
+    (dolist (slot slots)
+      (check-type slot symbol)
+      (let* ((setter (intern (format nil "SET-~a" slot)))
+	     (def `(defun ,setter (x y)
+		    (declare (type ,class x))
+		    (setf (,slot x) y))))
+	(push def writers)
+	(push setter setters)))
+    `(progn
+      , at writers
+      (setf (get ',class 'KB-TREE-ATTRIBUTES)
+       (cons
+	',slots
+	(mapcar #'(lambda (setter) (symbol-function setter))
+		    ',(nreverse setters)))))))
+;; avoid duplicate definitions
+(defmacro def-tree-attributes (class &rest slots)
+  (check-type class symbol)
+  (let (writers setters)
+    (dolist (slot slots)
+      (check-type slot symbol)
+      (let ((setter (intern (format nil "SET-~a" slot))))
+	(unless (fboundp setter)
+	  (push `(defun ,setter (x y)
+		  (declare (type ,class x))
+		  (setf (,slot x) y))
+		writers))
+	(push setter setters)))
+    `(progn
+      (eval-when (compile eval) , at writers)
+      (setf (get ',class 'KB-TREE-ATTRIBUTES)
+       (cons
+	',slots
+	(mapcar #'(lambda (setter) 
+		     (symbol-function setter))
+		',(nreverse setters)))))))
+(defmacro def-tree-attributes (class &rest slots)
+  (check-type class symbol)
+  (flet ((wrong-slotdescr (d)
+	   (error "Tree attribute ~s not a symbol~%or of the form (<symbol> :set)"
+		  d)))
+    (let (writers setters set-valued-slots)
+      (dolist (slotdescr slots)
+	(let (slot setter)
+	  (typecase slotdescr
+	    (symbol (setf slot slotdescr))
+	    (cons   (setf slot (first slotdescr))
+		    (push slotdescr set-valued-slots))
+	    (t (wrong-slotdescr slotdescr)))
+	  (setf setter (intern (format nil "SET-~a" slot)))
+	  (unless (fboundp setter)
+	    (push `(defun ,setter (x y)
+		    (declare (type ,class x))
+		    (setf (,slot x) y))
+		  writers))
+	  (push setter setters)))
+      `(progn
+	(eval-when (compile eval #+CLISP load) , at writers)
+	,@(mapcar #'(lambda (set-valued-slot)
+		      (let ((type (second set-valued-slot)))
+			(if (eq type :set)
+			    `(zb::KB-def-slot-type 
+			      ',(first set-valued-slot) :set)
+			  (wrong-slotdescr set-valued-slot))))
+		  set-valued-slots)      
+	(setf (get ',class 'KB-TREE-ATTRIBUTES)
+	 (cons
+	  ',slots
+	  (list . ,(mapcar #'(lambda (setter) `(function ,setter))
+			   (nreverse setters)))))))))
+;; Hashtable implementation 
+(defvar *KB-TREE-ATTRIBUTES* (make-hash-table))
+(declaim (inline KB-TREE-ATTRIBUTES))
+(defun KB-TREE-ATTRIBUTES (class-name)
+  (gethash class-name *KB-TREE-ATTRIBUTES*))
+; define-tree-attributes
+; for each class enter the tree attributes in the form:
+; ((<reader1> <reader2> ...) .  (<writer1> <writer2> ...))
+; where <readeri> is the name of the accessor for slot i
+;       <writeri> is a compiled function to set slot i
+(declaim (inline KB-TREE-ATTRIBUTES))
+(defun define-tree-attributes (class slots)
+  (let (writers)
+    (dolist (slot slots)
+      (let ((def `(lambda (x y)
+		   (declare (type ,class x))
+		   (setf (,slot x) y))))
+	(push 
+	 (compile nil def)
+	 writers)))
+    (setf (gethash class *KB-TREE-ATTRIBUTES*)
+	  (cons slots (nreverse writers))) ))
+;;                              Set/Sequence Valued Slots
+(defvar *KB-SLOT-types* (make-hash-table))
+(declaim (type HASH-TABLE *KB-SLOT-types*))
+(declaim (inline KB-set-valued-slot-p))
+(defun KB-set-valued-slot-p (reader)
+  (eq (gethash reader *KB-SLOT-types*) ':set))
+(defun KB-def-slot-type (reader type)
+  (setf (gethash reader *KB-SLOT-types*) type))
+; kids
+; collect all the kids of OBJECT which are in KB-Domain.
+; if a kid is a SET or SEQUENCE of subnodes, include those which are
+; in KB-Domain.
+(defun kids (object &aux R)
+  (declare (inline KB-TREE-ATTRIBUTES))
+  (macrolet ((readers (x) `(the list (car (the cons ,x)))))
+    (let ((ta (KB-tree-attributes (type-of object))))
+      (when ta
+	(dolist (reader (readers ta) R)
+	  (declare (symbol reader))
+	  (let ((kids (funcall (the function (symbol-function reader)) object)))
+	    (cond ((consp kids)
+		   (dolist (k (the list kids))
+		     (when (KB-Domain-p k) (push k R))))
+		  ((KB-Domain-p kids)
+		   (push kids R))))))))
+  )
+; subexpressions
+; All immediate subexpressions of a KB-Domain-element
+; anything not of type KB-Domain-element does not have components
+(declaim (inline subexpressions))
+(defun subexpressions (KB-Domain-element)
+  (check-type KB-Domain-element KB-Domain)
+  (kids KB-Domain-element))
+; for-each-kid
+; iterate over all kids of NODE which are in KB-Domain, calling FUN.
+; NODE must be of type KB-Domain.
+; Returns nil
+(defun for-each-kid (FUN NODE)
+  (declare (type function fun))
+  (macrolet ((readers (x) `(the list (car (the cons ,x)))))
+    (if (KB-Domain-p NODE)		;  (subtypep typ 'KB-Domain)
+	(let ((ta (KB-tree-attributes (type-of node))))
+	  (when ta
+	    (dolist (reader (readers ta))
+	      (declare (symbol reader))
+	      (let ((subnode (funcall (the function (symbol-function reader)) NODE)))
+		(cond
+		  ((CONSp subnode)	; value is a set or sequence
+		   (dolist (kid (the list subnode))
+		     (when (KB-Domain-p kid) (funcall FUN kid))))
+		  ((KB-Domain-p subnode) (funcall fun subnode)))))))
+      (error "Can't iterate over non KB-Domain object: ~S" NODE))))
+(defun for-each-kid! (FUN NODE)
+  ;; just like for-each-kid, but if FUN(kid) ~eq kid then replace kid
+  ;; by the value of FUN(kid)
+  ;; returns NODE
+  (declare (type function fun))
+  (declare (inline KB-TREE-ATTRIBUTES))
+  (if (KB-Domain-p NODE)		;  (subtypep typ 'KB-Domain)
+      (macrolet ((readers (x) `(the list (car (the cons ,x))))
+		 (writers (x) `(the list (cdr (the cons ,x)))))
+	(let ((ta (KB-tree-attributes (type-of node))))
+	  (if (null ta)
+	      NODE
+	    ;; ta ((<reader1> <reader2> ...) (<writer1> <writer2> ...))
+	    (do ((r (readers ta) (cdr r)) (w (writers ta) (cdr w)))
+		((null r) NODE)
+	      (let* ((reader (car (the cons r)))
+		     (subnode (funcall (the function (symbol-function reader))
+				       NODE)))
+		(cond
+		  ((CONSp subnode)	; value is a set or sequence
+		   (do ((kids (the list subnode) (cdr kids)))
+		       ((null kids))
+		     (let ((kid (car (the cons kids))))
+		       (if (KB-Domain-p kid)
+			   (let ((newval (funcall FUN kid)))
+			     (unless (eq kid newval)
+			       (setf (car kids) newval)))))))
+		  ((KB-Domain-p subnode)
+		   (let ((vv (funcall fun subnode)))
+		     (unless (eq vv subnode)
+		       ;; (eval `(setf (,reader ,NODE) ',vv))
+		       (funcall (the compiled-function (car w)) NODE vv))))))))))
+    (error "Can't iterate over non KB-Domain object: ~S" NODE)))
+;;                             preorder-transform
+(defun preorder-transform (node funs)
+  (check-type node KB-Domain)
+  (check-type funs list)
+  (macrolet ((readers (x) `(the list (car (the cons ,x))))
+	     (writers (x) `(the list (cdr (the cons ,x))))
+	     (mung-node (n) `(preorder-transform-aux (transform-node ,n))))
+    (labels ((preorder-transform-aux (n)
+	       (let ((ta (KB-tree-attributes (type-of n))))
+		 (when (null ta)
+		   (return-from preorder-transform-aux n))
+		 (do ((r (readers ta) (cdr r)) (w (writers ta) (cdr w)))
+		     ((null r) n)
+		   (let* ((reader (car (the cons r)))
+			  (subnode (funcall (the function (symbol-function reader))
+					    n)))
+		     (cond ((CONSp subnode) ; value is a set or sequence
+			    (do ((kids (the list subnode) (cdr kids)))
+				((null kids))
+			      (let ((kid (car (the cons kids))))
+				(when (KB-Domain-p kid)
+				  (let ((newval (mung-node kid)))
+				    (unless (eq kid newval)
+				      (setf (car (the cons kids)) newval)))))))
+			   ((KB-Domain-p subnode)
+			    (let ((subnode1 (mung-node subnode)))
+			      (unless (eq subnode1 subnode)
+				(funcall (car (the cons w)) n subnode1)))))))))
+	     (transform-node (n)
+	       (let (fun-fired?)
+		 (do ((funRest (the list funs))
+		      (oldn (KB-copy n) (KB-copy n)))
+		     ((null funRest) n)
+		   (let ((fun (car funRest)))
+		     ;; run each function to acquiescence
+		     ;; each function returns 2 values, 
+		     ;; (1) the new node
+		     ;; (2) whether there was a change in this node
+		     ;;     that may make it necessary for this function to run
+		     ;;     again on the same node
+		     ;; if a function had an effect --- fun-fired? = T  ---
+		     ;; we start all over with all functions (except the current)
+		     (loop do (multiple-value-bind (v change?)
+				  (funcall (the Function fun) n)
+				(if change?
+				    (setq n v)
+				  (if (eq n v)
+				      (return n)
+				    (setq n v)))
+				(format t "~%;; ~S~%;; ~S~%;; --> ~S" fun oldn v)
+				(setq fun-fired? t)))
+		     (if fun-fired?
+			 (setq funRest (remove fun funs)
+			       fun-fired? nil)
+		       (pop funRest)))))))
+      (mung-node node))))
+(defun preorder-transform (node funs)
+  (declare (inline KB-TREE-ATTRIBUTES))
+  (check-type node KB-Domain) (check-type funs list)
+  (macrolet ((readers (x) `(the list (car (the cons ,x))))
+	     (writers (x) `(the list (cdr (the cons ,x))))
+	     (mung-node (n) `(preorder-transform-aux (transform-node ,n))))
+    (flet ((transform-node (n)
+	     (let (fun-fired?)
+	       (do ((funRest (the list funs)))
+		   ((null funRest) n)
+		 (let ((fun (car funRest)))
+		   ;; run each function to acquiescence
+		   ;; each function returns 2 values, 
+		   ;; (1) the new node
+		   ;; (2) whether there was a change in this node
+		   ;;     that may make it necessary for this function to run
+		   ;;     again on the same node
+		   ;; if a function had an effect --- fun-fired? = T  ---
+		   ;; we start all over with all functions (except the current)
+		   (loop (multiple-value-bind (v change?)
+			     (funcall (the Function fun) n)
+			   (if change?
+			       (setq n v)
+			     (if (eq n v)
+				 (return n)
+			       (setq n v)))
+			   ;; (format t "~%;; ~S~%;; ~S~%;; --> ~S" fun oldn v)
+			   (setq fun-fired? t)))
+		   (if fun-fired?
+		       (setq funRest (remove fun funs)
+			     fun-fired? nil)
+		     (pop funRest)))))))
+      (labels ((preorder-transform-aux (n)
+		 (let ((ta (KB-tree-attributes (type-of n))))
+		   (if (null ta)
+		       n
+		     (do ((r (readers ta) (cdr r))
+			  (w (writers ta) (cdr w)))
+			 ((null r) n)
+		       (let* ((reader (car (the cons r)))
+			      (subnode (funcall 
+					(the function
+					     (symbol-function reader))
+					n)))
+			 (cond ((CONSp subnode) ; value is a set or sequence
+				(do ((kids (the list subnode) (cdr kids)))
+				    ((null kids))
+				  (let ((kid (car (the cons kids))))
+				    (when (KB-Domain-p kid)
+				      (let ((newval (mung-node kid)))
+					(unless (eq kid newval)
+					  (setf (car (the cons kids)) newval)))))))
+			       ((KB-Domain-p subnode)
+				(let ((subnode1 (mung-node subnode)))
+				  (unless (eq subnode1 subnode)
+				    (funcall (car (the cons w)) 
+					     n subnode1)))))))))))
+	(mung-node node)))))
+;;                             postorder-transform
+;; just like preorder, but descend down first to the leaves, and then
+;; transform from bottom-up
+(defun postorder-transform (node funs &optional (exhaustive nil))
+  (declare (inline KB-TREE-ATTRIBUTES))
+  (check-type node KB-Domain) (check-type funs list)
+  (macrolet ((readers (x) `(the list (car (the cons ,x))))
+	     (writers (x) `(the list (cdr (the cons ,x))))
+	     ;; here is the difference to preorder: recurse first!
+	     (mung-node (n)
+	       `(transform-node (postorder-transform-aux ,n))))
+    (flet ((transform-node (n)
+	     (block transform-node
+	       ;; (format t "~%transform-node: ~S" n)
+	       (do ((funRest (the list funs)) rule-fired?)
+		   ((null funRest) n)
+		 (let ((fun (car funRest)))
+		   ;; run each function to acquiescence
+		   ;; each function returns 2 values, 
+		   ;; (1) the new node
+		   ;; (2) whether there was a change in this node
+		   ;;     that may make it necessary for this function to run
+		   ;;     again on the same node
+		   ;; if a function had an effect --- fun-fired? = T  ---
+		   ;; we start all over at the leaves
+		   (loop (multiple-value-bind (v change?)
+			     (funcall (the Function fun) n)
+			   (if change?
+			       (setq n v)
+			     (if (eq n v)
+				 (return nil)
+			       (setq n v)))
+			   (if exhaustive
+			       (return-from transform-node
+				 (values n t))
+			     (setq rule-fired? t))))
+		   (if rule-fired?
+		       (setq funRest (remove fun funs)
+			     rule-fired? nil)
+		     (pop funRest))))))) 
+      (labels ((postorder-transform-aux (n)
+		 (let ((ta (KB-tree-attributes (type-of n))))
+		   (if (null ta)
+		       n
+		     ;; (format t "~%postorder-transform: ~S" n)
+		     (do ((r (readers ta) (cdr r)) (w (writers ta) (cdr w)))
+			 ((null r) n)
+		       (let* ((reader (car (the cons r)))
+			      (subnode (funcall (the function
+						     (symbol-function reader))
+						n)))
+			 (cond ((CONSp subnode) ; value is a set or sequence
+				(do ((kids (the list subnode) (cdr kids)))
+				    ((null kids))
+				  (let ((kid (car (the cons kids))))
+				    (when (KB-Domain-p kid)
+				      (loop
+				       (multiple-value-bind (newval rule-fired?)
+					   (mung-node kid)
+					 (if (eq kid newval)
+					     (if rule-fired?
+						 (if exhaustive
+						     nil ; go on
+						   (return nil))
+					       (return nil))
+					   (progn
+					     (setf (car (the cons kids)) newval)
+					     (setf kid newval)
+					     (if exhaustive
+						 nil ; go on
+					       (return nil))))))))))
+			       ((KB-Domain-p subnode)
+				(loop
+				 (multiple-value-bind (subnode1 rule-fired?)
+				     (mung-node subnode)
+				   (if (eq subnode1 subnode)
+				       (if rule-fired?
+					   (if exhaustive
+					       nil ; go on
+					     (return nil))
+					 (return nil))
+				     (progn
+				       (funcall (car (the cons w)) n subnode1)
+				       (setf subnode subnode1)
+				       (if exhaustive
+					   nil ; go on
+					 (return nil))))))))))))))
+	(loop (multiple-value-bind (new rule-fired?)
+		  (mung-node node)
+		(if exhaustive
+		    (if (or rule-fired? (not (eq new node)))
+			(setq node new)
+		      (return new))
+		  (return new))))))))
+(defun descendants (object)
+  (let ((R (list object)))
+    (dolist (kid (kids object) R)
+      (nconc R (descendants kid)))))
+;; more efficiently:
+; descendants
+(defun descendants (object &aux R)
+  (declare (inline KB-TREE-ATTRIBUTES))
+  (check-type object KB-Domain)    
+  (macrolet ((readers (x) `(the list (car (the cons ,x)))))  
+    (labels ((descendants-aux (object)
+	       (let ((ta (KB-tree-attributes (type-of object))))
+		 (when ta
+		   (dolist (reader (readers ta))
+		     (declare (symbol reader))
+		     (let ((kids (funcall (the function (symbol-function reader))
+					  object)))
+		       (cond ((consp kids)
+			      (dolist (k (the list kids))
+				(push k R)
+				(descendants-aux k)))
+			     ((KB-Domain-p kids)
+			      (push kids R)
+			      (descendants-aux kids)))))))))
+      (descendants-aux object)
+      (nreverse (cons object R)))))
+; for-each-descendant
+; like for-each-kid
+; Returns nil
+(defun for-each-descendant (fn object)
+  (declare (type function fn))
+  (check-type object KB-Domain) 
+  (macrolet ((readers (x) `(the list (car (the cons ,x)))))  
+    (labels ((descendants-aux (object)
+	       (let ((ta (KB-tree-attributes (type-of object))))
+		 (when ta
+		   (dolist (reader (readers ta))
+		     (declare (symbol reader))
+		     (let ((kids (funcall (the function (symbol-function reader))
+					  object)))
+		       (cond ((consp kids)
+			      (dolist (k (the list kids))
+				(funcall fn k)
+				(descendants-aux k)))
+			     ((KB-Domain-p kids)
+			      (funcall fn kids)
+			      (descendants-aux kids)))))))))
+      (funcall fn object)
+      (descendants-aux object))))
+; KB-copy
+; A copy function that walks down all the tree-attributes and copies
+; unless called with :recursive-p Nil
+(defmacro %copy-structure (x)
+    `(SYSTEM:copy-structure ,x))
+(defun %copy-structure (term)
+  (let* ((ttype (type-of term))
+	 (copy-fn (find-symbol (concatenate 
+				'string "COPY-" (symbol-name ttype))
+			       (symbol-package ttype))))
+    (if (fboundp copy-fn)
+	(funcall copy-fn term)
+      (error "No COPY function defined for ~s:~a" term ttype)))) 
+(defun KB-copy (term &optional (recursive-p t))
+  (declare (inline KB-TREE-ATTRIBUTES))
+  (macrolet ((readers (x) `(the list (car (the cons ,x))))
+	     (writers (x) `(the list (cdr (the cons ,x)))))
+    (labels ((KB-copy-aux (term)
+	       (declare (type KB-Domain term))
+	       (let ((new-term (%COPY-STRUCTURE term))
+		     (ta (KB-tree-attributes (type-of term))))
+		 (if (null ta)
+		     new-term
+		   (do ((r (readers ta) (cdr r)) (w (writers ta) (cdr w)))
+		       ((null r) new-term)
+		     (let* ((reader (car (the cons r)))
+			    (writer (car (the cons w)))
+			    (subnode (funcall (the function
+						   (symbol-function
+						    (the symbol reader)))
+					      new-term)))
+		       (cond ((CONSp subnode) ; value is a set or sequence 
+			      (let ((newsubnode
+				     (copy-list (the list subnode))))
+				(funcall (the compiled-function writer)
+					 new-term newsubnode)
+				(do ((nrest newsubnode (cdr nrest)))
+				    ((null nrest))
+				  (let ((kid (car (the cons nrest))))
+				    (when (KB-Domain-p kid)
+				      (setf (car (the cons nrest))
+					    (KB-copy-aux kid)))))))
+			     ((KB-Domain-p subnode)
+			      (funcall (the compiled-function writer)
+				       new-term
+				       (KB-copy-aux subnode))))))))))
+      (if recursive-p
+	  (KB-copy-aux term)
+	(%COPY-STRUCTURE term)))))
+;; test
+(setq $a (eval (READ-PARSER "walk(agt : John ) ")))
+(setq $aa (KB-copy $a))
+(car (KB-tree-attributes (type-of $a)))
+;; note: equalp does recursive descent on structures
+(setq $b (eval (READ-PARSER "and{walk(agent: John) talk(agent: John)}")))
+(type-of $b)
+(car (KB-tree-attributes (type-of $b)))
+(setq $bb  (KB-copy $b))
+; KB-equalp
+; compares 2 objects of the KB-domain for equality. (something like term-equal?)
+;  considers only tree-attributes as relevant
+;  This is easier to extend for set-valued slots:
+(defun KB-equal (a b)
+  (declare (inline KB-TREE-ATTRIBUTES))
+  (check-type a KB-domain)
+  (check-type b KB-domain)
+  ;; ignores implementation of constants
+  (macrolet ((readers (x) `(the list (car (the cons ,x)))))
+    (labels
+	((KB-equal-aux (a b)
+	   (block KB-equal-aux
+	     (let ((a-typ (type-of a)) (b-typ (type-of b)))
+	       (unless (equal a-typ b-typ) (return-from KB-equal-aux 'Nil))
+	       (let ((ta (KB-tree-attributes a-typ)))
+		 (or
+		  (null ta)
+		  (dolist (reader (readers ta) t)
+		    (declare (symbol reader))
+		    (let* ((reader-fn (symbol-function reader))
+			   (a-subnode (funcall reader-fn a))
+			   (b-subnode (funcall reader-fn b)))
+		      (unless (eq a-subnode b-subnode)
+			(unless (equal (type-of a-subnode) (type-of b-subnode))
+			  (return-from KB-equal-aux 'Nil))
+			(cond
+			  ((CONSp a-subnode) ; value is a set or sequence
+			   (if (= (the fixnum (length (the list a-subnode)))
+				  (the fixnum (length (the list b-subnode))))
+			       (if (KB-set-valued-slot-p reader)
+				   ;; We have 2 sets to compare
+				   ;; resort to this to avoid consing, see
+				   ;; comment below:
+				   (unless
+				       (and (dolist (bb (the list b-subnode) t)
+					      (unless (dolist (aa (the list a-subnode))
+							(when (KB-equal-aux aa bb)
+							  (return t)))
+						(return nil)))
+					    (dolist (aa (the list a-subnode) t)
+					      (unless (dolist (bb (the list b-subnode))
+							(when (KB-equal-aux aa bb)
+							  (return t)))
+						(return nil))))
+				     (return-from KB-equal-aux 'Nil))
+				 ;; We have two sequences to compare
+				 ;; Their elements must be in KB-domain
+				 (do ((arest a-subnode (cdr arest))
+				      (brest b-subnode (cdr brest)))
+				     ((atom arest) (eq arest brest))
+				   (let ((aa (car (the cons arest)))
+					 (bb (car (the cons brest))))
+				     (unless (KB-equal-aux aa bb)
+				       (return-from KB-equal-aux 'Nil)))))
+			     (return-from KB-equal-aux 'Nil)))
+			  ((KB-domain-p a-subnode)
+			   (unless (KB-equal-aux a-subnode b-subnode)
+			     (return-from KB-equal-aux 'Nil)))
+			  ((symbolp a-subnode)
+			   (unless (string-equal (symbol-name a-subnode)
+						 (symbol-name b-subnode))
+			     (return-from KB-equal-aux 'Nil)))
+			  (T (unless (equal a-subnode b-subnode)
+			       (return-from KB-equal-aux 'Nil)))))))))))))
+      (or (equal a b)
+	  (KB-equal-aux a b)))))
+(KB-equal (read-nll "DESKTOP-OBJECT(NAME: 'Orders--STR')")
+	    (read-nll "DESKTOP-OBJECT(NAME: Orders--STR)"))
+(KB-equal (read-nll "WORK(agent:+{'ABRAMS','BROWNE'})")
+	    (read-nll "WORK(agent:+{ABRAMS,BROWNE})"))
+(compile 'KB-equalp)
+; KB-compare
+;; the following is useful for testing
+(defun KB-compare (a b &optional verbose 
+		     &aux (msg "~% KB-compare ~S:~S ~%          = ~S:~S"))
+  (declare (inline KB-TREE-ATTRIBUTES))
+  (check-type a KB-domain)
+  (check-type b KB-domain)
+  (macrolet ((readers (x) `(the list (car (the cons ,x)))))
+    (labels
+	((KB-equal-aux (a b)
+	   (block KB-equal-aux
+	     (let ((a-typ (type-of a)) (b-typ (type-of b)))
+	       (unless (equal a-typ b-typ) 
+		 (when verbose (format t msg a a-typ b b-typ))
+		 (return-from KB-equal-aux 'Nil))
+	       (if (typep a 'KB-domain)
+		   (let ((ta (KB-tree-attributes a-typ)))
+		     (or
+		      (null ta)
+		      (dolist (reader (readers ta) t)
+			(declare (symbol reader))
+			(let* ((reader-fn (symbol-function reader))
+			       (a-subnode (funcall reader-fn a))
+			       (b-subnode (funcall reader-fn b)))
+			  (when verbose
+			    (format t msg
+				    a-subnode (type-of a-subnode)
+				    b-subnode (type-of b-subnode)))
+			  (unless (eq a-subnode b-subnode)
+			    (unless (equal (type-of a-subnode) (type-of b-subnode))
+			      (return-from KB-equal-aux 'Nil))
+			    (cond
+			      ((CONSp a-subnode) ; value is a set or sequence
+			       (if (= (the fixnum (length (the list a-subnode)))
+				      (the fixnum (length (the list b-subnode))))
+				   (if (KB-set-valued-slot-p reader)
+				       ;; We have 2 sets to compare
+				       ;; resort to this to avoid consing, see
+				       ;; comment below:
+				       (unless
+					   (and (dolist (bb (the list b-subnode) t)
+						  (unless (dolist (aa (the list a-subnode))
+							    (when (KB-equal-aux aa bb)
+							      (return t)))
+						    (return nil)))
+						(dolist (aa (the list a-subnode) t)
+						  (unless (dolist (bb (the list b-subnode))
+							    (when (KB-equal-aux aa bb)
+							      (return t)))
+						    (return nil))))
+					 (return-from KB-equal-aux 'Nil))
+				     ;; We have two sequences to compare
+				     ;; Their elements must be in KB-domain
+				     (do ((arest a-subnode (cdr arest))
+					  (brest b-subnode (cdr brest)))
+					 ((atom arest) (eq arest brest))
+				       (let ((aa (car (the cons arest)))
+					     (bb (car (the cons brest))))
+					 (or (equal aa bb)
+					     (KB-equal-aux aa bb)
+					     (return-from KB-equal-aux 'Nil)))))
+				 (return-from KB-equal-aux 'Nil)))
+			      ((KB-domain-p a-subnode)
+			       (unless (KB-equal-aux a-subnode b-subnode)
+				 (return-from KB-equal-aux 'Nil)))
+			      ((symbolp a-subnode)
+			       (unless (string= (symbol-name a-subnode)
+						(symbol-name b-subnode))
+				 (return-from KB-equal-aux 'Nil)))
+			      (T (unless (equal a-subnode b-subnode)
+				   (return-from KB-equal-aux 'Nil)))))))))
+		 (equal a b))))))
+      (or (eq a b)
+	  (KB-equal-aux a b)))))
+#|| test
+(KB-equal (make-Placeholder-Var :-Name 'u486)
+	  (make-Placeholder-Var :-Name 'subject-nl-semantics))
+;;                       tree-attributes for kb-sequence
+(def-tree-attributes kb-sequence
+    kb-sequence-first kb-sequence-rest)
+;;; Generate (define-tree-attributes ..) for zebu
+; Das nachfolgende kannst Du zur Generierung der Tree-Attributes
+; verwenden. Prepare-Tree-Attributes kann auch zur Laufzeit die
+; Attribute eintragen; wenn Du die Definitionen ins Domainfile
+; uebernimmst, muesste Zebu define-tree-attributes immer kennen
+; (zebu-kernel?).
+;; diese hashtable ist fuer zebra wiederverwenbar (der gruene punkt)
+(defparameter *local-accessor-hashtable* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
+(defun labelnode2accessor (label topnode)
+  "Translates a label symbol and its topnode
+   into a structure accessor (-predicate atomic-wff -> at-wff--pred)"
+  (let* ((key (cons label topnode))
+         (constr (gethash key *local-accessor-hashtable*)))
+    (if constr
+	constr
+      (setf (gethash key *local-accessor-hashtable*)
+	    (intern (concatenate 'string 
+				 (symbol-name topnode) "-"
+				 (symbol-name label)))))))
+(defun prepare-tree-attributes (type &optional (output-only nil) (stream T))
+  "sets kb-tree-attributes of type and all of its subtypes"
+  (let ((slots (kb-slots type))
+        (slot-funs nil))
+    (dolist (item slots)
+      (if (symbolp item)
+          (push (labelnode2accessor item type) slot-funs)
+        ;; else
+        (push (labelnode2accessor (first item) type) slot-funs)))
+    (when slot-funs
+      (setq slot-funs (nreverse slot-funs))
+      (if output-only
+          (format stream "~S~%~%" 
+                  `(define-tree-attributes ',type '(, at slot-funs)))
+        ;; else
+        (define-tree-attributes type slot-funs)))
+    (dolist (item (kb-subtypes type))
+      (prepare-tree-attributes item output-only stream))))
+;;                     End of zebu-tree-attributes.lisp

Added: vendor/zebu/zebu.asd
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/zebu.asd	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+;;; -*- Lisp -*-
+(in-package #:asdf)
+(defsystem #:zebu
+    :version "3.5.5"
+    :components
+    ((:module "zebu-kernel"
+              ;; Functions needed in the ZEBU run-time and
+              ;; compile-time enironment
+              :pathname ""
+              :components
+              ((:file "zebu-package")
+               (:file "zebu-aux"
+                      :in-order-to
+                      ((compile-op (load-op "zebu-package"))))
+               (:file "zebu-mg-hierarchy"
+                      :in-order-to
+                      ((compile-op (load-op "zebu-aux"))))))
+     (:module "zebu-runtime"
+              ;; Run time system for LALR(1) parser
+              :pathname ""
+              :depends-on ("zebu-kernel")
+              :components
+              ((:file "zebu-loader")
+               (:file "zebu-driver"
+                      :in-order-to ((compile-op (load-op "zebu-loader"))))
+               (:file "zebu-actions"
+                      :in-order-to ((compile-op (load-op "zebu-loader"))))))))

Added: vendor/zebu/zebu.system
--- (empty file)
+++ vendor/zebu/zebu.system	Wed Oct 17 09:04:46 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+;;; -*- Lisp -*-
+(mk:defsystem "zebu"
+  :source-pathname "/users/students/rschlatt/lisp/zebu-3.5.5/"
+  :binary-pathname "/users/students/rschlatt/lisp/zebu-3.5.5/binary/"
+  ;;:package "ZEBU"
+  :components ((:module "zebu-kernel"
+                        :source-pathname ""
+			:components ((:file "zebu-defsystem-package")
+				     (:file "zebu-aux"
+					    :depends-on ("zebu-defsystem-package"))
+				     (:file "zebu-mg-hierarchy"
+					    :depends-on ("zebu-defsystem-package"))))
+	       (:module "zebu-runtime"
+                        :source-pathname ""
+			:depends-on ("zebu-kernel")
+			:components ((:file "zebu-loader")
+				     (:file "zebu-driver"
+					    :depends-on ("zebu-loader"))
+				     (:file "zebu-actions"
+					    :depends-on ("zebu-loader"))))))

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