[cl-match-devel] defpattern help....

Michael Kohout mwkohout at gmail.com
Mon Sep 7 17:44:53 UTC 2009

Hello!  I hope somebody is actually on the list that can help me with a
basic question.

What I'd like to do is transform the pattern defined in this expression:
(cl-match:match  '(let ((x 1)) x) ((when (eql op 'let) (:list op bindings
body)) bindings) )

into a new pattern type.

The docs aren't exactly clear on, and I wasn't able to find a place in code
where the lib eats it's own dogfood and defines patterns using defpattern.

How would I do this?  What I'd like to do, if it isn't clear, is match(for
starters) let expressions.

thanks for any help you can give,
Mike Kohout
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