[cl-l10n-cvs] CVS cl-l10n

alendvai alendvai at common-lisp.net
Thu Jun 15 19:57:34 UTC 2006

Update of /project/cl-l10n/cvsroot/cl-l10n
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv1831

Modified Files:
	cl-l10n.asd i18n.lisp load-locale.lisp locale.lisp 
	package.lisp printers.lisp utils.lisp 
Log Message:
Added arnesi and iterate dependency, lookup-first-matching-resource

--- /project/cl-l10n/cvsroot/cl-l10n/cl-l10n.asd	2006/06/08 09:38:19	1.16
+++ /project/cl-l10n/cvsroot/cl-l10n/cl-l10n.asd	2006/06/15 19:57:34	1.17
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
                (:file "parsers" :depends-on ("printers" "parse-number"))
                (:file "parse-time" :depends-on ("load-locale"))
                (:file "i18n" :depends-on ("printers")))
-  :depends-on (:cl-ppcre :cl-fad))
+  :depends-on (:arnesi :iterate :cl-ppcre :cl-fad))
 (defmethod perform :after ((o load-op) (c (eql (find-system :cl-l10n))))
   (provide 'cl-l10n))
--- /project/cl-l10n/cvsroot/cl-l10n/i18n.lisp	2006/06/08 09:38:19	1.5
+++ /project/cl-l10n/cvsroot/cl-l10n/i18n.lisp	2006/06/15 19:57:34	1.6
@@ -84,6 +84,38 @@
                 collect `(add-resource ,locale-name
                           ',(first resource) ',(second resource) ',(cddr resource))))))
+(defmacro lookup-first-matching-resource (&body specs)
+  "Try to look up the resource keys, return the first match, fallback to the first key.
+An example usage:
+  (lookup-first-matching-resource
+    ((awhen attribute (name-of it)) (name-of state))
+    ((name-of (state-machine-of state)) (name-of state))
+    (\"state-name\" (name-of state))
+    \"last-try\")
+When a resource key is a list, its elements will be concatenated separated by dots."
+  (iter (with fallback = nil)
+        (for spec in specs)
+        (for el = (if (or (and (consp spec)
+                               (symbolp (car spec)))
+                          (atom spec))
+                      spec
+                      `(strcat-separated-by "." , at spec)))
+        (if (first-time-p)
+            (setf fallback el)
+            (collect `(lookup-resource ,el nil :warn-if-missing nil :fallback-to-name nil) into lookups))
+        (finally (return (with-unique-names (block fallback-tmp)
+                           `(block ,block
+                             (let ((,fallback-tmp ,fallback))
+                               (bind (((values resource foundp) (lookup-resource
+                                                                 ,fallback-tmp nil :warn-if-missing nil :fallback-to-name nil)))
+                                 (when foundp
+                                   (return-from ,block (values resource t))))
+                               ,@(iter (for lookup in lookups)
+                                       (collect `(bind (((values resource foundp) ,lookup))
+                                                  (when foundp
+                                                    (return-from ,block (values resource t))))))
+                               (return-from ,block (values ,fallback-tmp nil)))))))))
 (defmacro enable-sharpquote-reader ()
   "Enable quote reader for the rest of the file (being loaded or compiled).
 #\"my i18n text\" parts will be replaced by a lookup-resource call for the string.
--- /project/cl-l10n/cvsroot/cl-l10n/load-locale.lisp	2006/06/08 09:38:19	1.17
+++ /project/cl-l10n/cvsroot/cl-l10n/load-locale.lisp	2006/06/15 19:57:34	1.18
@@ -87,10 +87,10 @@
         (multiple-value-bind (escape comment) (munge-headers stream)
           (loop for header = (next-header stream)
                 while header do
-            (when-let (cat (make-category locale header 
-                                          (parse-category header stream
-                                                          escape comment)))
-              (setf (get-category locale header) cat)))))
+                (when-bind cat (make-category locale header 
+                                              (parse-category header stream
+                                                              escape comment))
+                  (setf (get-category locale header) cat)))))
       (add-printers locale)
       (add-parsers locale)
@@ -251,8 +251,8 @@
   (cdr (assoc name *category-loaders* :test #'string=)))
 (defun make-category (locale name vals)
-  (when-let (loader (get-loader name))
-    (funcall loader locale name vals)))
+  (awhen (get-loader name)
+    (funcall it locale name vals)))
 (defgeneric load-category (locale name vals)
   (:documentation "Load a category for LOCALE using VALS.")
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@
                                cat from c)))))
 (defun parse-category (name stream escape comment)
-  (let ((end (mkstr "END " name))
+  (let ((end (strcat "END " name))
         (ret nil))
     (loop for line = (read-line stream nil stream)
           until (eq line stream) do
@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@
 (defun get-default-locale () 
   (macrolet ((try (name)
-               `(when-let (it (getenv ,name))
+               `(awhen (getenv ,name)
                  (locale it :errorp nil))))
     (or (try "CL_LOCALE")
         (try "LC_CTYPE")
--- /project/cl-l10n/cvsroot/cl-l10n/locale.lisp	2006/06/08 09:38:19	1.13
+++ /project/cl-l10n/cvsroot/cl-l10n/locale.lisp	2006/06/15 19:57:34	1.14
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
 (defun locale-value (locale cat key)
-  (when-let (cat (get-category locale cat))
-    (category-value cat key)))
+  (awhen (get-category locale cat)
+    (category-value it key)))
 (defun getenv (word)
   #+sbcl (sb-ext:posix-getenv word)
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
 ;; Getters
 (defmacro defgetter (key cat &key (wrap '#'identity))
-  (let ((name (symb "LOCALE-" (substitute #\- #\_ (string-upcase key)))))
+  (let ((name (intern-concat (list "LOCALE-" (substitute #\- #\_ (string-upcase key))))))
        (defun ,name (&optional (locale (current-locale)))
          (let ((locale (locale locale)))
--- /project/cl-l10n/cvsroot/cl-l10n/package.lisp	2006/06/08 09:38:19	1.9
+++ /project/cl-l10n/cvsroot/cl-l10n/package.lisp	2006/06/15 19:57:34	1.10
@@ -3,8 +3,10 @@
 (in-package #:cl-l10n.system)
 (defpackage #:cl-l10n 
-  (:use #:cl #:cl-ppcre #:cl-fad)
+  (:use #:cl #:cl-ppcre #:cl-fad #:arnesi #:iterate)
   (:shadow cl:format cl:formatter)
+  (:shadowing-import-from :cl-fad
+                          #:copy-stream #:copy-file)
   (:export #:locale-name #:category-name #:locale #:category #:locale-error
            #:get-category #:get-cat-val #:locale-value #:load-all-locales
            #:get-locale #:*locale-path* #:*locales* #:load-default-locale
@@ -17,6 +19,5 @@
            #:with-locale #:lookup-resource
            #:lookup-resource-without-fallback #:localize
            #:missing-resource #:defresources #:enable-sharpquote-reader
-           #:with-sharpquote-reader))
+           #:with-sharpquote-reader #:lookup-first-matching-resource))
--- /project/cl-l10n/cvsroot/cl-l10n/printers.lisp	2006/06/08 09:38:20	1.18
+++ /project/cl-l10n/cvsroot/cl-l10n/printers.lisp	2006/06/15 19:57:34	1.19
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
 (defmacro def-formatter (sym &body body)
   "Creates a function with BODY which can be looked up using lookup-formatter
    using the character SYM." 
-  (let ((name (gensym (mkstr "FORMATTER-" sym))))
+  (let ((name (gensym (strcat "FORMATTER-" sym))))
     `(flet ((,name (stream locale ut sec min hour date month year day 
                            daylight-p zone)
               (declare (ignorable stream locale ut sec min hour date month 
--- /project/cl-l10n/cvsroot/cl-l10n/utils.lisp	2006/04/27 18:30:30	1.8
+++ /project/cl-l10n/cvsroot/cl-l10n/utils.lisp	2006/06/15 19:57:34	1.9
@@ -4,27 +4,6 @@
 ;;  Macros
-(defmacro aif (test then &optional else)
-  `(let ((it ,test))
-      (if it ,then ,else)))
-(defmacro acond (&rest options)
-  (if (cdr options)
-      `(aif ,(caar options)
-            (progn ,@(cdar options))
-            (acond ,@(cdr options)))
-      `(aif ,(caar options)
-            (progn ,@(cdar options)))))
-(defmacro when-let ((var form) &body body)
-  `(let ((,var ,form))
-     (when ,var
-       , at body)))
-(defmacro with-gensyms (names &body body)
-  `(let ,(mapcar #'(lambda (x) `(,x (gensym))) names)
-    , at body))
 ;; dont worry it's nothing like if*
 (defmacro or* (&rest vals)
@@ -42,21 +21,6 @@
 ;; Functions
-(defun singlep (list)
-  (and (consp list) 
-       (not (cdr list))))
-(defun last1 (list)
-  (car (last list)))
-(defun mkstr (&rest args)
-  (with-output-to-string (s)
-    (dolist (x args)
-      (princ x s))))
-(defun symb (&rest args)
-  (values (intern (apply #'mkstr args))))
 (defun mappend (fn &rest lists)
   (apply #'append (apply #'mapcar fn lists)))
@@ -88,17 +52,6 @@
               (setf res call
                     val x)))))))
-(defun compose (&rest fns)
-  (if fns
-      (let ((last-fn (last1 fns))
-            (fns (butlast fns)))
-        #'(lambda (&rest args)
-            (reduce #'funcall
-                    fns
-                    :from-end t 
-                    :initial-value (apply last-fn args))))
-      #'identity))
 (defun float-part (float)
   (if (zerop float)

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