[cl-json-devel] [PATCH] Explicitly test for alist instead of type error

Stephen Compall s11 at member.fsf.org
Fri Aug 29 04:32:32 UTC 2008

Clozure CL (current SVN, maybe release I dunno) does this:

(map 'list #'identity '(x . "abc"))
 => (x #\b #\c)

Which breaks the alist case in encoder.lisp.  So, pending a fix for
Clozure, I made a workaround that tests explicitly for a proper alist
instead.  Attached is the Darcs patch:

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URL: <https://mailman.common-lisp.net/pipermail/cl-json-devel/attachments/20080828/bd09b194/attachment.patch>
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I write stuff at http://failex.blogspot.com/ now.  But the post
formatter and themes are terrible for sharing code, the primary
content, so it might go away sooner or later.

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