[cl-irc-devel] [PATCH] Add last argument to add-hook

Julien Danjou julien at danjou.info
Tue Dec 25 17:50:48 UTC 2012

It can be useful to be able to run some hook in last, so let's add an option
do that.
 protocol.lisp | 11 +++++++----
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/protocol.lisp b/protocol.lisp
index 1c2ec19..cd5ddd7 100644
--- a/protocol.lisp
+++ b/protocol.lisp
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ connection.")
 (defgeneric read-irc-message (connection))
 (defgeneric send-irc-message (connection command &rest arguments))
 (defgeneric get-hooks (connection class))
-(defgeneric add-hook (connection class hook))
+(defgeneric add-hook (connection class hook &optional last))
 (defgeneric remove-hook (connection class hook))
 (defgeneric remove-hooks (connection class))
 (defgeneric remove-all-hooks (connection))
@@ -379,10 +379,13 @@ server, via the `connection'."
   (gethash class (hooks connection)))
 ;;applies to both irc and dcc-connections
-(defmethod add-hook (connection class hook)
-  "Add `hook' to `class'."
+(defmethod add-hook (connection class hook &optional last)
+  "Add `hook' to `class'.
+If `last' is not nil, put this hook last."
   (setf (gethash class (hooks connection))
-        (pushnew hook (gethash class (hooks connection)))))
+        (if last
+            (append (gethash class (hooks connection)) (list hook))
+          (pushnew hook (gethash class (hooks connection))))))
 (defmethod remove-hook ((connection connection) class hook)
   "Remove `hook' from `class'."

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