[cl-irc-devel] Quakenet Authentication bug

Reinout Stevens resteven at infogroep.be
Sat Jan 23 20:32:20 UTC 2010


Quakenet uses a ping message to authenticate you. The pong reply that 
cl-irc sends is wrong:
You get PING :anumber and the reply that gets send is PONG anumber :
Reason for this is an error in the pong-function:
(defmethod pong ((connection connection) (server string) &optional 
(server2 ""))
(send-irc-message connection :pong server server2))

The last argument of send-irc-message is placed behind a :
As the last argument is the empty string the ping reply is incorrect


(defmethod pong ((connection connection) (server string) &optional server2)
(if server2
    (send-irc-message connection :pong server)
    (send-irc-message connection :pong server server2)))


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