[cl-irc-cvs] r151 - trunk

ehuelsmann at common-lisp.net ehuelsmann at common-lisp.net
Sat May 13 07:56:54 UTC 2006

Author: ehuelsmann
Date: Sat May 13 03:56:53 2006
New Revision: 151

Resolve issue #2: Start guessing the message encoding.

On some lisps, reading character data mismatching the stream external format
would break server communication.

Modified: trunk/cl-irc.asd
--- trunk/cl-irc.asd	(original)
+++ trunk/cl-irc.asd	Sat May 13 03:56:53 2006
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
     :version "0.5.2"
     :licence "MIT"
     :description "Common Lisp interface to the IRC protocol"
-    :depends-on (:split-sequence :trivial-sockets)
+    :depends-on (:split-sequence :trivial-sockets :flexi-streams)
     :properties ((#:author-email . "cl-irc-devel at common-lisp.net")
                  (#:date . "$Date$")
                  ((#:albert #:output-dir) . "doc/api-doc/")

Modified: trunk/package.lisp
--- trunk/package.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/package.lisp	Sat May 13 03:56:53 2006
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
+             :output-stream

Modified: trunk/protocol.lisp
--- trunk/protocol.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/protocol.lisp	Sat May 13 03:56:53 2006
@@ -117,7 +117,11 @@
     :initarg :network-stream
     :accessor network-stream
-    :documentation "Stream used to talk to the IRC server.")
+    :documentation "Stream used to talk binary to the IRC server.")
+   (output-stream
+    :initarg :output-stream
+    :accessor output-stream
+    :documentation "Stream used to send messages to the IRC server")
     :initform *default-isupport-values*
     :accessor server-capabilities
@@ -186,12 +190,18 @@
                              (user nil)
                              (server-name "")
                              (network-stream nil)
+                             (outgoing-external-format *default-outgoing-external-format*)
                              (client-stream t)
                              (hooks nil))
-  (let ((connection (make-instance connection-type
+  (let* ((output-stream (flexi-streams:make-flexi-stream
+                         network-stream
+                         :element-type 'character
+                         :external-format (external-format-fixup outgoing-external-format)))
+         (connection (make-instance connection-type
                                    :user user
                                    :server-name server-name
                                    :network-stream network-stream
+                                   :output-stream output-stream
                                    :client-stream client-stream)))
     (dolist (hook hooks)
       (add-hook connection (car hook) (cadr hook)))
@@ -292,13 +302,40 @@
 (defun read-message-loop (connection)
   (loop while (read-message connection)))
+(defun try-decode-line (line external-formats)
+  (loop for external-format in external-formats
+        for decoded = nil
+        for error = nil
+        do (multiple-value-setq (decoded error)
+             (handler-case
+              (flexi-streams:with-input-from-sequence (in line)
+                (let ((flexi (flexi-streams:make-flexi-stream in
+;;                                                              :element-type 'character
+                                                              :external-format
+                                                              (external-format-fixup external-format))))
+                  (read-line flexi nil nil)))
+              (flexi-streams:flexi-stream-encoding-error ()
+                  nil)))
+        if decoded
+        do (return decoded)))
 (defmethod read-irc-message ((connection connection))
   "Read and parse an IRC-message from the `connection'."
-    (let ((message (create-irc-message
-                    (read-line (network-stream connection) t))))
-      (setf (connection message) connection)
-      message)
+   (multiple-value-bind
+       (buf buf-len)
+       ;; Note: we cannot use read-line here (or any other
+       ;; character based functions), since they may cause conversion
+       (read-sequence-until (network-stream connection)
+                            (make-array 1024
+                                        :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
+                                        :fill-pointer t)
+                            '(13 10))
+     (setf (fill-pointer buf) buf-len)
+     (print buf)
+     (let* ((message (create-irc-message (try-decode-line buf *default-incoming-external-formats*))))
+       (setf (connection message) connection)
+       message))
     (end-of-file ())))
        ;; satisfy read-message-loop assumption of nil when no more messages
@@ -307,8 +344,8 @@
   "Turn the arguments into a valid IRC message and send it to the
 server, via the `connection'."
   (let ((raw-message (apply #'make-irc-message command arguments)))
-    (write-sequence raw-message (network-stream connection))
-    (force-output (network-stream connection))
+    (write-sequence raw-message (output-stream connection))
+    (force-output (output-stream connection))
 (defmethod get-hooks ((connection connection) (class symbol))

Modified: trunk/utility.lisp
--- trunk/utility.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/utility.lisp	Sat May 13 03:56:53 2006
@@ -54,9 +54,8 @@
   (let ((*print-circle* nil))
     (format nil
-            "~A~{ ~A~}~@[ :~A~]~A~A"
-            command (butlast arguments) (car (last arguments))
-            #\Return #\Linefeed)))
+            "~A~{ ~A~}~@[ :~A~]~%"
+            command (butlast arguments) (car (last arguments)))))
 (defun make-ctcp-message (string)
   "Return a valid IRC CTCP message, as a string, composed by
@@ -104,7 +103,45 @@
 (defun socket-connect (server port)
   "Create a socket connected to `server':`port' and return stream for it."
-  (trivial-sockets:open-stream server port))
+  (trivial-sockets:open-stream server port :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
+(defun external-format-fixup (format)
+  (let ((new-format (copy-list format)))
+    (setf (getf (cdr new-format) :eol-style) :crlf)
+    new-format))
+(defun read-byte-no-hang (stream &optional eof-error-p eof-value)
+  (declare (optimize (speed 3) (debug 0) (safety 0)))
+  (when (listen stream)
+    (read-byte stream eof-error-p eof-value)))
+(defun read-sequence-until (stream target limit &key non-blocking)
+  "Reads data from `stream' into `target' until the subsequence
+`limit' is reached or `target' is not large enough to hold the data."
+  (let ((read-fun (if (subtypep (stream-element-type stream) 'integer)
+                      (if non-blocking #'read-byte-no-hang #'read-byte)
+                    (if non-blocking #'read-char-no-hang #'read-char)))
+        (limit-pos 0)
+        (targ-max (1- (length target)))
+        (limit-max (length limit))
+        (limit-cur 0)
+        (targ-cur -1))
+    (declare (optimize (speed 3) (debug 0)))
+    ;; In SBCL read-char is a buffered operations (depending on
+    ;; stream creation parameters), so this loop should be quite efficient
+    ;; For others, if this becomes an efficiency problem, please report...
+    (loop for next-elt = (funcall read-fun stream nil nil)
+          if (null next-elt)
+          do (return (values target targ-cur t))
+          else do
+          (setf (elt target (incf targ-cur)) next-elt)
+          (if (eql next-elt (elt limit limit-cur))
+              (incf limit-cur)
+            (setf limit-cur 0))
+          if (or (= targ-cur targ-max)
+                 (= limit-cur limit-max))
+          do (return (values target (1+ targ-cur) nil)))))
 (defun substring (string start &optional end)
   (let* ((end-index (if end end (length string)))

Modified: trunk/variable.lisp
--- trunk/variable.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/variable.lisp	Sat May 13 03:56:53 2006
@@ -41,6 +41,25 @@
     ("PREFIX" ,*default-isupport-PREFIX*)
+(defparameter *default-outgoing-external-format* '(:utf-8)
+  "The external-format we use to encode outgoing messages. This
+  should be an external format spec that flexi-streams accepts.
+  :eol-style will always be overridden to be :crlf as required
+  by the IRC protocol.")
+(defparameter *default-incoming-external-formats* '((:utf-8 :eol-style :crlf)
+                                                    (:latin1 :eol-style :crlf))
+  "The external-formats we use to decode incoming messages. This should
+  be a list of external format specs that flexi-streams accepts.
+  The external formats are tried in order, until one decodes the
+  message without encoding errors. Note that the last external
+  format should be a single-byte one with most or even all valid
+  codepoints (such as latin-1).
+  :eol-style will always be overridden to be :crlf as required by the
+  IRC protocol.")
 (defvar *dcc-connections* nil)

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