[Cl-irc-cvs] CVS update: cl-irc/example/cliki.lisp

Brian Mastenbrook bmastenbrook at common-lisp.net
Tue Jun 22 18:21:05 UTC 2004

Update of /project/cl-irc/cvsroot/cl-irc/example
In directory common-lisp.net:/home/bmastenbrook/cl-irc/example

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Memos and better aliases oh my!

Date: Tue Jun 22 11:21:05 2004
Author: bmastenbrook

Index: cl-irc/example/cliki.lisp
diff -u cl-irc/example/cliki.lisp:1.10 cl-irc/example/cliki.lisp:1.11
--- cl-irc/example/cliki.lisp:1.10	Thu Jun 17 10:40:35 2004
+++ cl-irc/example/cliki.lisp	Tue Jun 22 11:21:05 2004
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;;;; $Id: cliki.lisp,v 1.10 2004/06/17 17:40:35 bmastenbrook Exp $
+;;;; $Id: cliki.lisp,v 1.11 2004/06/22 18:21:05 bmastenbrook Exp $
 ;;;; $Source: /project/cl-irc/cvsroot/cl-irc/example/cliki.lisp,v $
 ;;;; cliki.lisp - CLiki as an infobot; only works on SBCL.
@@ -12,32 +12,115 @@
 	   :*respond-to-general-hellos* :shut-up :un-shut-up))
 (in-package :cliki)
 (defvar *small-definitions* nil)
+(defvar *aliases* nil)
+(defun forget (term-or-alias)
+  (setf *small-definitions* (remove term-or-alias *small-definitions* :test #'string-equal :key #'car))
+  (setf *aliases* (remove term-or-alias *aliases* :test #'string-equal :key #'car))
+  (write-small-definitions))
+(defun fix-aliases ()
+  (setf *small-definitions*
+        (loop for defn in *small-definitions*
+              if (stringp (cdr defn))
+              collect defn
+              else do (push (cons (first defn) (second defn))
+                            *aliases*))))
 (defun read-small-definitions ()
   (setf *small-definitions* nil)
+  (setf *aliases* nil)
   (with-open-file (sd-file "sd.lisp-expr" :direction :input :if-does-not-exist nil)
     (when sd-file
-      (block nil
-	(loop (let ((defn (read sd-file nil)))
-		(if defn (push defn *small-definitions*)
-		    (return (setf *small-definitions* (nreverse *small-definitions*))))))))))
+      (loop for defn = (read sd-file nil)
+            if defn do (ecase (car defn)
+                         (:sd (push (cdr defn) *small-definitions*))
+                         (:alias (push (cdr defn) *aliases*)))
+            else return *small-definitions*))))
 (defun write-small-definitions ()
   (with-open-file (sd-file "sd.lisp-expr" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
-    (mapc #'(lambda (defn)
-	      (prin1 defn sd-file)
-	      (format sd-file "~%")) *small-definitions*)))
+    (mapc #'(lambda (db)
+              (mapc #'(lambda (defn)
+                        (prin1 (cons (car db) defn) sd-file)
+                        (format sd-file "~%")) (reverse (cdr db))))
+          (list (cons :sd *small-definitions*)
+                (cons :alias *aliases*)))))
-(defun write-top-definition ()
+(defun write-top-definition (&key (of *small-definitions*) (type :sd))
   (with-open-file (sd-file "sd.lisp-expr" :direction :output :if-exists :append)
-    (prin1 (car *small-definitions*) sd-file)
+    (prin1 (cons type (car of)) sd-file)
     (format sd-file "~%")))
 (defun add-small-definition (term defn)
   (push (cons term defn) *small-definitions*)
-  (write-small-definitions))
+  (write-top-definition))
+(defun add-alias (term defn)
+  (push (cons term defn) *aliases*)
+  (write-top-definition :of *aliases* :type :alias))
+(defvar *lookup-depth* 0)
+(defvar *followed-aliases* nil)
+(defun alias-string-equal (orig candidate)
+  (unless (member candidate *followed-aliases* :test #'string-equal)
+    (string-equal orig candidate)))
+(defun small-definition-lookup (text)
+  (cdr (assoc text *small-definitions* :test #'string-equal)))
+(defun alias-lookup (text)
+  (let ((alias (or (cdr (assoc text *aliases* :test #'alias-string-equal))
+                   (car (rassoc text *aliases* :test #'alias-string-equal)))))
+    (if alias
+        (let ((*lookup-depth* (1+ *lookup-depth*))
+              (*followed-aliases* (cons alias *followed-aliases*)))
+          (if (> *lookup-depth* 5)
+              "Too many recursive lookups."
+              (cliki-lookup alias))))))
+(defclass memo ()
+  ((from :accessor memo-from :initarg :from)
+   (to :accessor memo-to :initarg :to)
+   (contents :accessor memo-contents :initarg :contents)))
+(defun without-non-alphanumeric (string)
+  (with-output-to-string (s)
+    (loop for char across string
+          if (alphanumericp char)
+          do (princ char s))))
+(defvar *pending-memos* nil)
+(defun memo-alias-test (orig candidate)
+  (or (string-equal orig (car candidate))
+      (string-equal orig (cdr candidate))
+      (string-equal orig (without-non-alphanumeric (car candidate)))
+      (string-equal orig (without-non-alphanumeric (cdr candidate)))))
+(defun take-care-of-memos (channel user &key (original-user user) (no-alias nil))
+  (let ((found (find (without-non-alphanumeric user) *pending-memos* :test #'string-equal :key #'memo-to :from-end t)))
+    (if found
+        (progn
+          (setf *pending-memos* (remove found *pending-memos*))
+          (privmsg *cliki-connection* channel (format nil "~A, memo from ~A: ~A" original-user (memo-from found) (memo-contents found)))
+          (take-care-of-memos channel user :original-user original-user))
+        (if (not no-alias)
+            (let ((alias (find (without-non-alphanumeric user)
+                               *aliases*
+                               :test #'memo-alias-test)))
+              (if alias
+                  (take-care-of-memos channel (cdr alias) :original-user original-user :no-alias t)))))))
+(defun add-memo (from to contents)
+  (push (make-instance 'memo :from from
+                       :to (without-non-alphanumeric to)
+                       :contents contents)
+        *pending-memos*))
 (defun url-port (url)
   (assert (string-equal url "http://" :end1 7))
@@ -138,8 +221,8 @@
 			    (setf first-line (regex-replace-all "<[^>]+>" first-line ""))
 			    (setf first-line (regex-replace-all "^(([^.]|\\.\\S)+)\\.\\s+.*$" first-line "\\1."))
 			    (setf first-line (regex-replace-all "(\\s)\\s+" first-line "\\1"))
-			    (setf first-line (regex-replace-all "^\\s(.+)$" first-line "\\1"))
-			    (when (scan "^([^.]|\\.\\S)+\\.$" first-line)
+			    (setf first-line (regex-replace-all "^\\s*(.+\\S)\\s*$" first-line "\\1"))
+			    (when (scan "^([^.]|\\.\\S)+[.?!]$" first-line)
 				(setf first-line (concatenate 'string first-line " " cliki-url))
 				(return-from cliki-return first-line))))
 			 (format nil "No definition was found in the first 5 lines of ~A" cliki-url)))
@@ -155,7 +238,6 @@
 (defun un-shut-up ()
   (setf (irc:client-stream *cliki-connection*) *trace-output*))
 (defmacro aif (test conseq &optional (else nil))
   `(let ((it ,test))
      (if it ,conseq
@@ -173,48 +255,69 @@
   (let ((first-pass (regex-replace-all "^(\\s*)([^?]+)(\\?*)$" term-with-question "\\2")))
     (setf first-pass (regex-replace-all "\\s\\s+" first-pass ""))
     (setf first-pass (regex-replace-all "\\s*$" first-pass ""))
-    (if (scan "^add \"([^\"]+)\" as: (.+)$" first-pass)
-	(let ((term (regex-replace "^add \"([^\"]+)\" .*$" first-pass "\\1"))
-	      (defn (regex-replace "^add \"[^\"]+\" as: (.+)$" first-pass "\\1")))
-	  (add-small-definition term defn)
-	  "OK, done.")
-	(if (scan "^alias \"([^\"]+)\" as: (.+)$" first-pass)
-	    (let ((term (regex-replace "^alias \"([^\"]+)\" .*$" first-pass "\\1"))
-		  (defn (regex-replace "^alias \"[^\"]+\" as: (.+)$" first-pass "\\1")))
-	      (add-small-definition term (list defn))
-	      "OK, done.")
-	  (progn
-	    (setf first-pass (regex-replace-all "(:|/|\\\\|\\#)" first-pass ""))
-            (when (and (scan "^(?i)lisppaste(\\s|!|\\?|\\.|$)*" first-pass)
-                        (find-package :lisppaste)
-                        channel
-                        (> (length channel) 0)
-                        (char= (elt channel 0) #\#)
-                        (funcall (intern "SAY-HELP" :lisppaste)
-                                 channel))
-               (return-from cliki-lookup nil))
-	    (or
-	     (if (string-equal first-pass "help") *cliki-bot-help*)
-             (if (scan "^(?i)hello(\\s|$)*" first-pass) "what's up?")
-	     (if (scan "^(?i)hi(\\s|$)*" first-pass) "what's up?")
-	     (if (scan "^(?i)yo(\\s|$)*" first-pass) "what's up?")
-	     (if (scan "^(?i)thank(s| you)(\\s|!|\\?|\\.|$)*" first-pass)
-		 (if sender
-		     (format nil "~A: you failed the inverse turing test!" sender)
-		   "you failed the inverse turing test!"))
-             (if (scan "^(?i)version(\\s|!|\\?|\\.|$)*" first-pass)
-                 (format nil "This is the minion bot, running on a ~A (~A) and running under ~A ~A." (machine-type) (machine-version) (lisp-implementation-type) (lisp-implementation-version)))
-	     (if (scan "^(?i)(?i)do my bidding!*$" first-pass) "Yes, my master.")
-             (aif (or (let ((term (cdr (assoc first-pass *small-definitions* :test #'string-equal))))
-                        (if term (if (stringp term) term (cliki-lookup (car term)))))
-                      (cliki-first-sentence first-pass)) (concatenate 'string first-pass ": " it))
-             (if (scan "(!|\\.|\\s.+\\?|\\)|\\()\\s*$" term-with-question)
-		 ;;(generate-text (+ 20 (random 6)))
-		 (ignore-errors (eliza::eliza first-pass))
-	       )
-	     (format nil "Sorry, I couldn't find anything in the database for ``~A''.~A" first-pass (if (scan " " first-pass) " Maybe you meant to end with punctuation?" ""))
-                  ))))))
+    (let ((scanned (or (nth-value 1 (scan-to-strings "^add\\s+\"([^\"]+)\"\\s+as:*\\s+(.+)$" first-pass))
+                        (nth-value 1 (scan-to-strings "^add\\s+(.+)\\s+as:\\s+(.+)$" first-pass)))))
+      (if scanned
+          (let ((term (elt scanned 0))
+                (defn (elt scanned 1)))
+            (add-small-definition term defn)
+            "OK, done.")
+	(let ((scanned (or
+                        (nth-value 1 (scan-to-strings "^alias\\s+\"([^\"]+)\"\\s+as:*\\s+(.+)$" first-pass))
+                        (nth-value 1 (scan-to-strings "^alias\\s+(.+)\\s+as:*\\s+(.+)$" first-pass))
+                        (nth-value 1 (scan-to-strings "^(.+)\\s+is\\s+another\\s+(name|word)\\s+for:*\\s+([^.]+)\\.*$" first-pass)))))
+          (if scanned
+              (let ((term (elt scanned 0))
+                    (defn (elt scanned (1- (length scanned)))))
+                (add-alias term defn)
+                "OK, done.")
+              (progn
+                (setf first-pass (regex-replace-all "(:|/|\\\\|\\#)" first-pass ""))
+                (when (and (scan "^(?i)lisppaste(\\s|!|\\?|\\.|$)*" first-pass)
+                           (find-package :lisppaste)
+                           channel
+                           (> (length channel) 0)
+                           (char= (elt channel 0) #\#)
+                           (funcall (intern "SAY-HELP" :lisppaste)
+                                    channel))
+                  (return-from cliki-lookup nil))
+                (or
+                 (if (string-equal first-pass "help") *cliki-bot-help*)
+                 (let ((strings (nth-value 1 (scan-to-strings "^(?i)memo\\s+(for|to)\\s+(\\S+)\\s+:*\\s*(.+)$" first-pass))))
+                   (when (and sender strings)
+                     (add-memo
+                      sender
+                      (if (member (elt strings 1) '("self" "myself" "me") :test #'string-equal)
+                          sender
+                          (elt strings 1))
+                      (elt strings 2))
+                     (format nil "Remembered. I'll tell ~A when he/she/it next speaks." (elt strings 1))))
+                 (let ((to-forget (nth-value 1 (scan-to-strings "^forget\\s+([^.]+)\\.*$" first-pass))))
+                   (when to-forget
+                     (forget (elt to-forget 0))
+                     (format nil "What's ~A? Never heard of it." (elt to-forget 0))))
+                 (if (scan "^(?i)hello(\\s|$)*" first-pass) "what's up?")
+                 (if (scan "^(?i)hi(\\s|$)*" first-pass) "what's up?")
+                 (if (scan "^(?i)yo(\\s|$)*" first-pass) "what's up?")
+                 (if (scan "^(?i)thank(s| you)(\\s|!|\\?|\\.|$)*" first-pass)
+                     (if sender
+                         (format nil "~A: you failed the inverse turing test!" sender)
+                         "you failed the inverse turing test!"))
+                 (if (scan "^(?i)version(\\s|!|\\?|\\.|$)*" first-pass)
+                     (format nil "This is the minion bot, running on a ~A (~A) and running under ~A ~A." (machine-type) (machine-version) (lisp-implementation-type) (lisp-implementation-version)))
+                 (if (scan "^(?i)(?i)do my bidding!*$" first-pass) "Yes, my master.")
+                 (aif (or (small-definition-lookup first-pass)
+                          (cliki-first-sentence first-pass)
+                          (alias-lookup first-pass)) (concatenate 'string first-pass ": " it))
+                 (if (or
+                      (scan "(!|\\.|\\s.+\\?|\\)|\\()\\s*$" term-with-question)
+                      (scan "^\\s*\\S+\\s+\\S+.*$" term-with-question))
+                     ;;(generate-text (+ 20 (random 6)))
+                     (ignore-errors (eliza::eliza first-pass))
+                     )
+                 (format nil "Sorry, I couldn't find anything in the database for ``~A''.~A" first-pass (if (scan " " first-pass) " Maybe you meant to end with punctuation?" ""))
+                 ))))))))
 (defun valid-cliki-message (message)
   (scan *cliki-attention-prefix* (trailing-argument message)))
@@ -227,11 +330,12 @@
 (defun msg-hook (message)
   (let ((respond-to (if (string-equal (first (arguments message)) *cliki-nickname*) (source message) (first (arguments message)))))
+    (take-care-of-memos respond-to (source message))
     (if (valid-cliki-message message)
         (let ((response (cliki-lookup (regex-replace *cliki-attention-prefix* (trailing-argument message) "") :sender (source message) :channel (first (irc:arguments message)))))
           (and response (privmsg *cliki-connection* respond-to response)))
       (if (string-equal (first (arguments message)) *cliki-nickname*)
-	  (privmsg *cliki-connection* respond-to (cliki-lookup (trailing-argument message)))
+	  (privmsg *cliki-connection* respond-to (cliki-lookup (trailing-argument message) :sender (source message)))
 	(if (anybody-here (trailing-argument message))
 	    (privmsg *cliki-connection* (first (arguments message)) (format nil "~A: hello." (source message))))))))

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