[Cl-heap-cvs] r16 - cl-heap/tags/release-0.1.5

rneeser at common-lisp.net rneeser at common-lisp.net
Wed Apr 4 04:43:51 UTC 2012

Author: rneeser
Date: Tue Apr  3 21:43:50 2012
New Revision: 16

Tagged the 0.1.5 release

      - copied from r14, cl-heap/trunk/
      - copied unchanged from r15, cl-heap/trunk/AUTHORS
      - copied unchanged from r15, cl-heap/trunk/ChangeLog
      - copied unchanged from r15, cl-heap/trunk/cl-heap-tests.asd
      - copied unchanged from r15, cl-heap/trunk/cl-heap.asd
      - copied unchanged from r15, cl-heap/trunk/fibonacci-heap.lisp
      - copied unchanged from r15, cl-heap/trunk/heap.lisp

Copied: cl-heap/tags/release-0.1.5/AUTHORS (from r15, cl-heap/trunk/AUTHORS)
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ cl-heap/tags/release-0.1.5/AUTHORS	Tue Apr  3 21:43:50 2012	(r16, copy of r15, cl-heap/trunk/AUTHORS)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+	Rudolph Neeser <rudy.neeser at gmail.com>
+	Michał Psota
\ No newline at end of file

Copied: cl-heap/tags/release-0.1.5/ChangeLog (from r15, cl-heap/trunk/ChangeLog)
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ cl-heap/tags/release-0.1.5/ChangeLog	Tue Apr  3 21:43:50 2012	(r16, copy of r15, cl-heap/trunk/ChangeLog)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+2012-03-31  Rudy Neeser  <rudy.neeser at gmail.com>
+	* cl-heap-tests.asd (:cl-heap-tests): Updated version number to
+	0.1.5
+	* cl-heap.asd (:cl-heap): Updated version number to 0.1.5
+	* heap.lisp (print-object):
+	Removed unnecessary slot accessor. Patch by Michał Psota.
+	* fibonacci-heap.lisp (concatenate-node-lists):
+	Removed unnecessary slot accessors. Patch by Michał Psota.
+2010-09-04  Rudy Neeser  <rudy.neeser at gmail.com>
+	* binary-heap.lisp (children-positions, parent-position)
+	(percolate-down, percolate-up, decrease-key, delete-from-heap):
+	Changed the specialising class for various index arguments to
+	these functions from FIXNUM to INTEGER in order to increase
+	portabilty.
+2010-03-17  Rudy Neeser  <rudy.neeser at gmail.com>
+	* cl-heap-tests.asd: Added a new system definition file to run the
+	testing framework for the package.
+	* cl-heap.asd: Removed the automatic loading of the testing
+	framework.
+2009-12-20  Rudy Neeser  <rudy.neeser at gmail.com>
+	* binary-heap.lisp (add-to-heap, add-all-to-heap): Fixed a bug in
+	updating the size of the DATA array in the BINARY-HEAP class.
+2009-06-18  Rudy Neeser  <rudy.neeser at gmail.com>
+	* fibonacci-heap.lisp (pop-heap): Fixed a bug which created an
+	array one size too small, causing POP-HEAP operations to
+	intermittently fail.

Copied: cl-heap/tags/release-0.1.5/cl-heap-tests.asd (from r15, cl-heap/trunk/cl-heap-tests.asd)
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ cl-heap/tags/release-0.1.5/cl-heap-tests.asd	Tue Apr  3 21:43:50 2012	(r16, copy of r15, cl-heap/trunk/cl-heap-tests.asd)
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; -*-
+;;; Copyright 2009-2010, 2012 Rudolph Neeser <rudy.neeser at gmail.com>
+;;; This file is part of CL-HEAP
+;;; CL-HEAP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;;; (at your option) any later version.
+;;; CL-HEAP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with CL-HEAP.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(defpackage #:cl-heap-tests-asdf
+  (:use :common-lisp :asdf))
+(in-package #:cl-heap-tests-asdf)
+(defsystem :cl-heap-tests
+    :description "Tests for the CL-HEAP package, an implementation of
+    heap and priority queue data structures."
+    :version "0.1.5"
+    :author "Rudy Neeser <rudy.neeser at gmail.com>"
+    :license "GPLv3"
+    :depends-on (:xlunit :cl-heap)
+    :serial t
+    :components ((:file "tests")))

Copied: cl-heap/tags/release-0.1.5/cl-heap.asd (from r15, cl-heap/trunk/cl-heap.asd)
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ cl-heap/tags/release-0.1.5/cl-heap.asd	Tue Apr  3 21:43:50 2012	(r16, copy of r15, cl-heap/trunk/cl-heap.asd)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; -*-
+;;; Copyright 2009-2010, 2012 Rudolph Neeser <rudy.neeser at gmail.com>
+;;; This file is part of CL-HEAP
+;;; CL-HEAP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;;; (at your option) any later version.
+;;; CL-HEAP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with CL-HEAP.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(defpackage #:cl-heap-asdf
+  (:use :common-lisp :asdf))
+(in-package #:cl-heap-asdf)
+(defsystem :cl-heap
+    :description "An implementation of heap and priority queue data structures."
+    :version "0.1.5"
+    :author "Rudy Neeser <rudy.neeser at gmail.com>"
+    :license "GPLv3"
+    :serial t
+    :components ((:file "package")
+		 (:file "condition")
+		 (:file "heap")
+		 (:file "binary-heap")
+		 (:file "fibonacci-heap")
+		 (:file "priority-queue")))

Copied: cl-heap/tags/release-0.1.5/fibonacci-heap.lisp (from r15, cl-heap/trunk/fibonacci-heap.lisp)
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ cl-heap/tags/release-0.1.5/fibonacci-heap.lisp	Tue Apr  3 21:43:50 2012	(r16, copy of r15, cl-heap/trunk/fibonacci-heap.lisp)
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+;;; Copyright 2009-2010 Rudolph Neeser <rudy.neeser at gmail.com>.
+;;; Copyright 2012 CL-HEAP (See AUTHORS file).
+;;; This file is part of CL-HEAP
+;;; CL-HEAP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;;; (at your option) any later version.
+;;; CL-HEAP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with CL-HEAP.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(in-package #:cl-heap)
+(defclass fibonacci-heap (heap)
+  ((root :initform nil
+	 :documentation "The minimum element in the tree.")
+   (count :initform 0
+	  :documentation "The number of items in the heap."))
+  (:documentation "A heap made up of item-disjoint, heap-ordered
+  trees. Has some good time constraints on various heap operations."))
+(defclass node ()
+  ((item :initform nil
+	 :initarg :item
+	 :accessor node-item)
+   (parent :initform nil
+	   :accessor node-parent)
+   (child :initform nil
+	  :accessor node-child)
+   (rank :initform 0
+	 :accessor node-rank
+	 :documentation "The number of children the node has.")
+   (marked :initform nil
+	   :accessor node-marked-p
+	   :documentation "Used to implement cascading cuts.")
+   (next :initform nil
+	 :accessor node-next)
+   (last :initform nil
+	 :accessor node-last))
+  (:documentation "A class used for storing data in a FIBONACCI-HEAP."))
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((node node) &key)
+  (with-slots (next last) node
+    (setf next node
+	  last node)))
+(defmethod print-object ((node node) stream)
+  (print-unreadable-object (node stream :type t :identity t)
+    (format stream "Item: ~a" (slot-value node 'item))))
+;;; Unexported functions for handling nodes.
+(defgeneric unmark-node (node)
+  (:method ((node node))
+    (setf (node-marked-p node) nil)))
+(defgeneric mark-node (node)
+  (:method ((node node))
+    (setf (node-marked-p node) t)))
+(defgeneric is-node-root-p (node)
+  (:method ((node node))
+    (null (node-parent node))))
+(defgeneric concatenate-node-lists (lhs rhs)
+  (:method ((lhs node) (rhs null))
+    lhs)
+  (:method ((lhs null) (rhs node))
+    rhs)
+  (:method ((lhs node) (rhs node))
+    (psetf (node-next lhs) rhs
+	   (node-last (node-next lhs)) (node-last rhs)
+	   (node-last rhs) lhs
+	   (node-next (node-last rhs)) (node-next lhs))
+    lhs))
+(defgeneric delete-node (node)
+  (:documentation "Deletes this node from the linked list that it
+  represents, and returns the new list. Nulls the node's parent, and
+  resets its rank if appropriate.")
+  (:method ((node null))
+    nil)
+  (:method ((node node))
+    (with-slots (next last parent) node
+      (let ((result (when (not (eq next node))
+		      next)))
+	(when result			; There was something to delete.
+	  (psetf (node-last next) last
+		 (node-next last) next
+		 next node
+		 last node))
+	(when parent			; Remove the item from any parents.
+	  (decf (node-rank parent))
+	  (when (eq (node-child parent) node)
+	    (setf (node-child parent) result))
+	  (setf parent nil))
+	result))))
+(defmacro do-each-node ((symbol node) &body body)
+  (let ((node node)
+	(last (gensym))
+	(next (gensym)))
+      `(when ,node
+	 (loop
+	    with ,last = (node-last ,node)
+	    for ,symbol = ,node then ,next
+	    for ,next = (node-next ,node) then (node-next ,next)
+	    while (not (eq ,symbol ,last))
+	    do (progn
+		 , at body)
+	    finally (progn
+		      , at body)))))
+;;; Unexported functions
+(defgeneric meld (one two)
+  (:documentation "Joins together two fibonacci heaps."))
+;; This should not increase the heap's count of its items, since it's
+;; used in areas such as linking, where this must not occur.
+(defmethod meld ((heap fibonacci-heap) (item node))
+  "Adds a node to the heap."
+  (with-slots (root) heap
+    (cond
+      ((null root)
+       (setf root item))
+      ((compare-items heap (node-item root) (node-item item))
+       (setf root (concatenate-node-lists root item)))
+      (t
+       (setf root (concatenate-node-lists item root)))))
+  heap)
+;; This should adjust the heap's count of its children, since it's use
+;; only makes sense in places where more items are added.
+(defmethod meld ((heap1 fibonacci-heap) (heap2 fibonacci-heap))
+  (with-slots ((heap1-root root)
+	       (heap1-count count)) heap1
+    (with-slots ((heap2-root root)
+		 (heap2-count count)) heap2
+      (setf heap1-root (concatenate-node-lists heap1-root heap2-root))
+      (unless (compare-items heap1 (node-item heap1-root) (node-item heap2-root))
+	(setf heap1-root heap2-root
+	      heap1-count (+ heap1-count heap2-count))))))
+(defgeneric link (heap node-one node-two)
+  (:documentation "Places node-two as a child of node-one if
+  node-one's item is smaller, or vice versa.")
+  (:method ((heap fibonacci-heap) (node-one node) (node-two node))
+    (with-slots ((one-child child)
+		 (one-item item)
+		 (one-rank rank)) node-one
+      (with-slots ((two-child child)
+		   (two-item item)
+		   (two-rank rank)) node-two
+	(cond
+	  ((compare-items heap one-item two-item)
+	   (delete-node node-two)
+	   (unless (is-node-root-p node-two)
+	     (unmark-node node-two))
+	   (setf one-child (concatenate-node-lists one-child node-two)
+		 (node-parent node-two) node-one)
+	   (incf one-rank)
+	   node-one)
+	  (t
+	   (delete-node node-one)
+	   (setf two-child (concatenate-node-lists two-child node-one)
+		 (node-parent node-one) node-two)
+	   (incf two-rank)
+	   node-two))))))
+(defgeneric cut-node (heap node)
+  (:documentation "Cuts a child from its parent and makes and places
+  it in the root list.")
+  (:method ((heap fibonacci-heap) (node node))
+    (let ((parent (node-parent node)))
+      (with-slots (root) heap
+	(delete-node node)
+	(concatenate-node-lists root node)
+	(cond
+	  ((and parent (not (is-node-root-p parent)) (node-marked-p parent))
+	   (cut-node heap parent))
+	  ((and parent (not (is-node-root-p parent)))
+	   (mark-node parent)
+	   heap))))))
+;;; Exported Functions
+(defmethod empty-heap ((heap fibonacci-heap))
+  "Clears all items from the heap. This is a constant time operation."
+  (with-slots (root count) heap
+    (setf root nil
+	  count 0))
+  heap)
+(defmethod is-empty-heap-p ((heap fibonacci-heap))
+  (unless (slot-value heap 'root)
+    t))
+(defmethod heap-size ((heap fibonacci-heap))
+  (slot-value heap 'count))
+(defmethod add-to-heap ((heap fibonacci-heap) item)
+  "Adds an item to a Fibonacci-heap. This is a constant time
+operation. Returns the item added to the heap."
+  (let ((node (make-instance 'node :item item)))
+  (meld heap node)
+  (incf (slot-value heap 'count))
+  (values item node)))
+(defmethod add-all-to-heap ((heap fibonacci-heap) (items list))
+  "Adds the following list of items into the heap. This is an O(n) operation."
+  (with-slots (count) heap
+    (loop for i in items
+       do (progn
+	    (meld heap (make-instance 'node :item i))
+	    (incf count))))
+  heap)
+(defmethod peep-at-heap ((heap fibonacci-heap))
+  "See the heap's minimum value without modifying the heap. This is a
+constant time operation."
+  (with-slots (root) heap
+    (when root
+      (node-item root))))
+(defmethod pop-heap ((heap fibonacci-heap))
+  "Remove the minimum element in the tree. This has an amortised
+running time of O(log(n)), where n is the number of items in the
+  (unless (is-empty-heap-p heap)
+    (let ((item (peep-at-heap heap)))
+      (with-slots (root count) heap
+	;; Delete the minimum.
+	(concatenate-node-lists root (node-child root))
+	(setf root (delete-node root))
+	(when root
+	  (let ((ranks (make-array (1+ (ceiling (log count 2)))  :initial-element nil))
+		(min nil))
+	    ;; Merge all trees of the same rank.
+	    (labels ((sort-node (node)
+		       (let ((position (node-rank node)))
+			 (cond
+			   ((aref ranks position)
+			    (let ((new (link heap node (aref ranks position))))
+			      (setf (aref ranks position) nil)
+			      (sort-node new)))
+			   (t
+			    (setf (aref ranks position) node))))))
+	      (do-each-node (node root)
+		;; The newly added nodes should not have a parent
+		(setf (node-parent node) nil)
+		(delete-node node)
+		(sort-node node)))
+	    (loop for tree across ranks
+	       do (when (not (null tree))
+		    (cond
+		      ((null min)
+		       (setf min tree))
+		      ((compare-items heap
+				      (node-item min)
+				      (node-item tree))
+		       (setf min (concatenate-node-lists min tree)))
+		      (t
+		       (setf min (concatenate-node-lists tree min))))))
+	    (setf root min)))
+	(decf (slot-value heap 'count))
+	item))))
+(defmethod nmerge-heaps ((first fibonacci-heap) (second fibonacci-heap))
+  "Destructively marges the two heaps. This is a constant time
+  (with-slots ((first-root root)
+	       (first-key key)
+	       (first-fun sort-fun)) first
+    (with-slots ((second-root root)
+		 (second-key key)
+		 (second-fun sort-fun)) second
+      (unless (and (eq first-key second-key)
+		   (eq first-fun second-fun))
+	(error 'heap-error :message "These two heaps were constructed using different
+	access keys and sorting functions."))))
+  (meld first second)
+  first)
+(defmethod merge-heaps ((first fibonacci-heap) (second fibonacci-heap))
+  "Returns the merge of the two given heaps. This operation runs in
+O(n + m), where n and m are the number of items in each heap."
+  (with-slots ((first-root root)
+	       (first-key key)
+	       (first-fun sort-fun)) first
+    (with-slots ((second-root root)
+		 (second-key key)
+		 (second-fun sort-fun)) second
+      (unless (and (eq first-key second-key)
+		   (eq first-fun second-fun))
+	(error 'heap-error :message "These two heaps were constructed using different
+	access keys and sorting functions."))
+      (let ((result (make-instance 'fibonacci-heap
+				   :sort-fun first-fun
+				   :key first-key)))
+	(labels ((add-from-level (node-list)
+		   (when node-list
+		     (do-each-node (node node-list)
+		       (add-from-level (node-child node))
+		       (add-to-heap result (node-item node))))))
+	  (add-from-level first-root)
+	  (add-from-level second-root))
+	result))))
+;;; This method decreases the node's key, removes the node from the
+;;; tree and adds it to the root list (unless this is of course where
+;;; the node originally was.
+(defmethod decrease-key ((heap fibonacci-heap) (item-index node) value)
+  "Changes the value of an item represented by the ITEM-INDEX to
+  VALUE. This index is returned as the second argument to
+  ADD-TO-HEAP. This is an amortised constant time operation."
+  (with-slots (key sort-fun) heap
+    (unless (funcall sort-fun value (funcall key (node-item item-index)))
+      (error 'key-error :message
+	     (format nil "The given value (~a) must be less than the current value (~a)."
+	     value (funcall key (node-item item-index)))))
+    (if (eq key #'identity)
+	(setf (node-item item-index) value)
+	(handler-case 
+	    (funcall key (node-item item-index) value)
+	  (error (e)
+	    (declare (ignore e))
+	    (error 'key-error))))
+    (cond
+      ;; A child of something. See if cascading cuts should occur.
+      ((node-parent item-index)		
+       (let ((parent (node-parent item-index)))
+	 (delete-node item-index)
+	 (meld heap item-index)
+	 (when (not (is-node-root-p parent))
+	   (if (node-marked-p parent)
+	       (cut-node heap parent)
+	       (mark-node parent)))))
+      (t				; In the list with the root.
+       (with-slots (root) heap
+	 (unless (compare-items heap (node-item root) (node-item item-index))
+	   (setf root item-index))))))
+  heap)
+(defmethod delete-from-heap ((heap fibonacci-heap) (item-index node))
+  "Removes an item from the heap, as pointed to by item-index. This
+  operation is amortised O(1), unless the item removed is the minimum item, in
+  which case the operation is equivalent to a POP-HEAP."
+  (with-slots (root count) heap
+    (let ((parent (node-parent item-index)))
+      (cond
+	((eq root item-index)
+	 (pop-heap heap))
+	(t
+	 (do-each-node (child (node-child item-index))
+	   (setf (node-parent child) nil))
+	 ;; Add children to root level.
+	 (concatenate-node-lists root (node-child item-index))
+	 (delete-node item-index)
+	 (decf count)))
+      (when (and parent (not (is-node-root-p parent)))
+	(if (node-marked-p parent)
+	    (cut-node heap parent)
+	    (mark-node parent)))))
+  heap)

Copied: cl-heap/tags/release-0.1.5/heap.lisp (from r15, cl-heap/trunk/heap.lisp)
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ cl-heap/tags/release-0.1.5/heap.lisp	Tue Apr  3 21:43:50 2012	(r16, copy of r15, cl-heap/trunk/heap.lisp)
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+;;; Copyright 2009-2010 Rudolph Neeser <rudy.neeser at gmail.com>.
+;;; Copyright 2012 CL-HEAP (See AUTHORS file).
+;;; This file is part of CL-HEAP
+;;; CL-HEAP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;;; (at your option) any later version.
+;;; CL-HEAP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with CL-HEAP.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(in-package #:cl-heap)
+;;; Some useful definitions: Through the use of SORT-FUN, each HEAP
+;;; can be used as either a min or a max heap, or even as something
+;;; abstract by defining an arbitrary total relation on the objects
+;;; being inserted into the heap. For any relation R and two items x
+;;; and y for which x R y is a true, we will call x the lesser of the
+;;; two items.
+;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defclass heap ()
+  ((sort-fun :initform #'<
+	     :reader heap-sorting-function
+	     :initarg :sort-fun
+	     :documentation "The function used to apply an order to
+   elements in the heap.")
+   (key :initform #'identity
+	:reader heap-key
+	:initarg :key
+	:documentation "A function used to obtain the elements which
+	should be compared to give an order to the items in the
+	heap."))
+  (:documentation "The base type of the two HEAP implementations."))
+;;; Exported functions.
+(defgeneric heap-size (heap)
+  (:documentation "Returns the number of elements in the heap."))
+(defgeneric add-to-heap (heap item)
+  (:documentation "Inserts an item into the given HEAP data
+  structure. Returns two values: first, the item added, and then an
+  index-key which can be used to identify the item for DECREASE-KEY
+  and DELETE-FROM-HEAP operations."))
+(defgeneric add-all-to-heap (heap items)
+  (:documentation "Adds a list of items to a HEAP. This can typically
+  be done more efficiently than by using repeated calls to
+  ADD-TO-HEAP, since the heap order only needs to be reinstated after
+  all of the items have been inserted, rather than maintained through
+  each operation. Returns the heap object."))
+(defgeneric peep-at-heap (heap)
+  (:documentation "Returns the heap's root, without modifying the
+  heap. Returns nil if the heap is empty."))
+(defgeneric pop-heap (heap)
+  (:documentation "Removes the top element from the heap and returns
+  it."))
+(defgeneric empty-heap (heap)
+  (:documentation "Removes all contents from the given heap. Returns the heap."))
+(defgeneric is-empty-heap-p (heap)
+  (:documentation "Returns true iff the given heap is empty."))
+(defgeneric merge-heaps (first second)
+  (:documentation "Returns a new heap that is the merged copy of those
+  given here. Can only merge heaps which use the same key and sorting
+  function. The two arguments are nt modified by this function."))
+(defgeneric nmerge-heaps (first second)
+  (:documentation "Destructively updates the arguments to contain the
+  merge of both heaps, which is then returned. Can only merge heaps
+  which use the same key and sorting function."))
+(defgeneric decrease-key (heap item-index value)
+  (:documentation "Decreases the value of the item represented by
+  ITEM-INDEX. ITEM-INDEX is the index returned by ADD-TO-HEAP for a
+  particular item. VALUE is the item's new value, and this must be
+  \"less\" than its old value. Returns the heap."))
+(defgeneric delete-from-heap (heap item-index)
+  (:documentation "Removes the item from the heap represented by the
+  ITEM-INDEX. This index is returned as the second value of
+  ADD-TO-HEAP. Returns the heap."))
+;;; Unexported functions
+(defgeneric compare-items (heap parent child)
+  (:documentation "Compares two items, using the HEAP's SORT-FUN and
+  KEY functions.")
+  (:method ((heap heap) parent child)
+    (with-slots (sort-fun key) heap
+      (funcall sort-fun (funcall key parent) (funcall key child)))))
+;;; Various implementation details
+(defmethod print-object ((heap heap) stream)
+  (print-unreadable-object (heap stream :type t :identity t)
+    (format stream "Size: ~A" (heap-size heap))))

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