[cl-gtk2-devel] Tictactoe

Timofey Misarenkov rgo at interzet.ru
Fri Aug 17 11:03:25 UTC 2012


I plaing around cl-gtk2, and tried to code tictactoe example from gtk-tutorial. I have some success and below the code showing it. But one question remains: how can I define new signal? In the original code, in tictactoe_class_init function there are lines:

tictactoe_signals[TICTACTOE_SIGNAL] = g_signal_new ("tictactoe",
					 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (klass),
	                                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST | G_SIGNAL_ACTION,
	                                 G_STRUCT_OFFSET (TictactoeClass, tictactoe),
                                         G_TYPE_NONE, 0);

Is it possible to rewrite this lines on cl-gtk2?
Here the already working code (without signal creation):

(require :cl-gtk2-gtk)

(defclass tictactoe (gtk:table)
  ((buttons :initform (make-array '(3 3)) :accessor ttt-buttons))
  (:metaclass gobject:gobject-class))

(gobject:register-object-type-implementation "tictactoe-class"
					     nil nil)

(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((ttt tictactoe) &rest initargs)
   (gtk:table-n-columns ttt) 3
   (gtk:table-n-rows ttt) 3
   (gtk:table-homogeneous ttt) t)
     for i from 0 below 3
     do (loop
	   for j from 0 below 3
	   do (setf (aref (ttt-buttons ttt) i j)
		    (let ((b (make-instance 'gtk:toggle-button)))
		      (gtk:table-attach ttt b i (1+ i) j (1+ j))
		      (gobject:g-signal-connect b "toggled"
						#'(lambda (b)
						    (declare (ignore b))
						    (format t "Button toggled~%")))
		       (gtk:widget-height-request b) 20
		       (gtk:widget-width-request b) 20)
		      (gtk:widget-show b)
  (let ((window (make-instance 'gtk:gtk-window
			       :type :toplevel
			       :window-position :center
			       :title "Tictactoe"))
	(ttt (make-instance 'tictactoe)))
    (gtk:container-add window ttt)
    (gtk:widget-show window)))
Timofey Misarenkov <rgo at interzet.ru>

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