[cl-graph-devel] Graph failed to render

Gary King gwking at metabang.com
Mon Mar 6 17:04:48 UTC 2006

Hi Joel,

There first problem was that GraphViz didn't like the Lisp double  
float notation (e.g., 1.0d0). Removing all of those leads to the  
second problem: GraphViz wants all of the weights to be integers. The  
DOT manual states:

> weight=nwherenis the integer cost of the edge. Values greater than  
> 1 tend to shorten the edge. Weight 0
> flat edges are ignored for ordering nodes.

I didn't know about either of these issues so I think I'll add some  
code to cl-graph / cl-graphviz to correct things.

There may be other issues but I don't think that there will be and I  
don't want to correct the edge weights to find out! <smile>.


On Mar 6, 2006, at 11:49 AM, Joel Reymont wrote:

> <graph.dot>

Gary Warren King

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