[cl-graph-devel] how to subclass vertices, too?

Gary King gwking at metabang.com
Fri Feb 10 16:15:40 UTC 2006

> Would you believe that:
> (1) I needed to make "my-happy-vertex" subclass
> "graph-container-vertex" in order for things to work?

Yes, and I should have mentioned it. Someday I hope to use dynamic  
class creation to ensure that vertexes and so forth extend the  
correct base class but that's up to the user now. (I just updated the  

> (2) When so subclassing the vertex class, I have to set the "element"
> slot to be something unique?  Failure to do so seemed to confuse the
> duplicate-prevention machinery.  In fact, I didn't set it at all so it
> was nil (obviously I didn't see this coming), and then things got
> weird as only one of my nil "elemented" vertices was added...

I'm not so sure about this. Maybe this code will make things clearer  
(or not!)

> (in-package cl-graph)
> (defclass* my-happy-vertex (graph-container-vertex)
>   ())
> (let ((g (make-container 'graph-container :vertex-class 'my-happy- 
> vertex)))
>   (loop for (a b) in '((a b) (c d) (a c) (d e) (f g) (f h) (g i)) do
>         (add-edge-between-vertexes g a b))
>   (print "Vertexes")
>     ;; could also use the more generic iterate-nodes
>   (iterate-vertexes g (lambda (x) (print x)))
>   (print "Elements")
>   (iterate-elements g (lambda (x) (print x)))
>   g)

For me, this prints:

> "Vertexes"
> #<A>
> #<I>
> #<G>
> #<B>
> #<E>
> #<H>
> #<C>
> #<D>
> #<F>
> "Elements"
> A
> I
> G
> B
> E
> H
> C
> D
> F

The point is that when I call add-edge-between-vertexes <graph>  
<value> <value>, then the graph code takes care of wrapping the  
values into vertexes such that the element of the vertex is the  
value. Does this correspond to what you're doing?

Gary Warren King

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