I got the following error trying to draw text on an image. The test.png is a valid file, I can view it in browser. Here is the debug dump (I use CMUCL 19b, latest libgd and cl-gd, with-image macro works fine):<br><br>Error in function CREATE-IMAGE-FROM-FILE:
<br> Could not create image from PNG file "/tmp/dir1/test.png"<br> [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]<br><br>Restarts:<br> 0: [ABORT] Return to SLIME's top level.<br> 1: [ABORT] Return to Top-Level.<br><br>
Backtrace:<br> 0: (CREATE-IMAGE-FROM-FILE "/tmp/dir1/test.png" NIL)<br> 1: (CREATE-TEXT-IMAGE-ON-IMAGE #P"/tmp/dir1/test.png"<br> "Hello!"<br> "arial"
<br> 100<br> ...)<br> 2: ("DEFSLIMEFUN INTERACTIVE-EVAL")<br><br>Thank you,<br>Andrew<br>