Hi,<br><br>I've installed the libgd on my linux box (it's in /usr/local/lib/libgd.so).<br>I've installed the bindings and now when I compile it it complained about not being able to find gdImageCreate and gdSmallFont.
<br>When I try to (cl-gd-test:test) (after (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :cl-gd-test)) it give me following output:<br>Test 1 failed with the following error: Error in KERNEL::UNDEFINED-SYMBOL-ERROR-HANDLER: the function CL-GD::GD-IMAGE-CREATE is undefined.
<br>Test 2 failed with the following error: Error in KERNEL::UNDEFINED-SYMBOL-ERROR-HANDLER: the function CL-GD::GD-IMAGE-CREATE is undefined.<br>Test 3 failed with the following error: Error in KERNEL::UNDEFINED-SYMBOL-ERROR-HANDLER: the function CL-GD::GD-IMAGE-CREATE is undefined.
<br>Test 4 failed with the following error: Error in KERNEL::UNDEFINED-SYMBOL-ERROR-HANDLER: the function CL-GD::GD-IMAGE-CREATE is undefined.<br>Test 5 failed with the following error: <br>Error in function CL-GD:CREATE-IMAGE-FROM-FILE:
<br> File #P"/home/andrews/systems/cl-gd-0.5.2/test/one-pixel.png" could not be found<br>Test 6 failed with the following error: <br>Error in function CL-GD:CREATE-IMAGE-FROM-FILE:<br> File #P"/home/andrews/systems/cl-
gd-0.5.2/test/one-pixel.png" could not be found<br>Test 7 failed with the following error: Error in KERNEL::UNDEFINED-SYMBOL-ERROR-HANDLER: the function CL-GD::GD-IMAGE-CREATE is undefined.<br>Test 8 failed with the following error: Error in KERNEL::UNDEFINED-SYMBOL-ERROR-HANDLER: the function CL-GD::GD-IMAGE-CREATE is undefined.
<br>Test 9 failed with the following error: Error in KERNEL::UNDEFINED-SYMBOL-ERROR-HANDLER: the function CL-GD::GD-IMAGE-CREATE is undefined.<br>Test 10 failed with the following error: Error in KERNEL::UNDEFINED-SYMBOL-ERROR-HANDLER: the function CL-GD::GD-IMAGE-CREATE-FROM-JPEG-FILE is undefined.
<br>Test 11 failed with the following error: Error in KERNEL::UNDEFINED-SYMBOL-ERROR-HANDLER: the function CL-GD::GD-IMAGE-CREATE is undefined.<br>Test 12 failed with the following error: Error in KERNEL::UNDEFINED-SYMBOL-ERROR-HANDLER: the function CL-GD::GD-IMAGE-CREATE is undefined.
<br>Test 13 failed with the following error: Error in KERNEL::UNDEFINED-SYMBOL-ERROR-HANDLER: the function CL-GD::GD-IMAGE-CREATE is undefined.<br>Test 14 failed with the following error: Error in KERNEL::UNDEFINED-SYMBOL-ERROR-HANDLER: the function CL-GD::GD-IMAGE-CREATE is undefined.
<br>Test 15 failed with the following error: Error in KERNEL::UNDEFINED-SYMBOL-ERROR-HANDLER: the function CL-GD::GD-IMAGE-CREATE is undefined.<br>Test 16 failed with the following error: Error in KERNEL::UNDEFINED-SYMBOL-ERROR-HANDLER: the function CL-GD::GD-IMAGE-CREATE-TRUE-COLOR is undefined.
<br>Test 17 failed with the following error: Error in KERNEL::UNDEFINED-SYMBOL-ERROR-HANDLER: the function CL-GD::GD-IMAGE-CREATE is undefined.<br>Test 18 failed with the following error: Error in KERNEL::UNDEFINED-SYMBOL-ERROR-HANDLER: the function CL-GD::GD-IMAGE-CREATE is undefined.
<br>Test 19 failed with the following error: Error in KERNEL::UNDEFINED-SYMBOL-ERROR-HANDLER: the function CL-GD::GD-IMAGE-CREATE-TRUE-COLOR is undefined.<br>Done.<br><br>I checked the libgd.so, looks like the gdImageCreate and the rest of the functions are there. What could be causing the problem?
<br><br>Thank you,<br>Andrew<br>