[cl-gd-devel] problems for install cl-gd

Nicolas Lamirault lam at tuxfamily.org
Wed Mar 22 11:05:21 UTC 2006

so i uninstall cl-gd using asdf-install.
(I   notice   that    cl-gd-test.asd   isn't   deleted   from   system
directory. ASDF-INSTALL bug ?)

i install  cl-gd (Version  0.4.2-4) by apt,  and i haven't  any errors
with this version.


Nicolas Lamirault <lam at tuxfamily.org> writes:

> hi,
> Edi Weitz <edi at agharta.de> writes:
>> On Wed, 22 Mar 2006 09:46:00 +0100, Nicolas Lamirault <lam at tuxfamily.org> wrote:
>>> i use cl-gd in some of my projects.
>> So, it worked before?
> yes perfectly 
>>> currently, i would like to install cl-gd-0.5.1
>>> CL-USER> (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :cl-gd) 
>>> [...]
>> Any interesting messages here?
> in the output i see this :
> ; compiling (DEF-FUNCTION ("gdImageDestroy" GD-IMAGE-DESTROY) ...)  
> ; compiling            (DEF-FUNCTION           ("gdImageColorAllocate"
> ; compiling         (DEF-FUNCTION         ("gdImageColorAllocateAlpha"
> ; compiling           (DEF-FUNCTION          ("gdImageColorDeallocate"
> ; compiling  (DEF-FUNCTION  ("gdImageColorExact" GD-IMAGE-COLOR-EXACT)
> ; ...)  
> ; compiling            (DEF-FUNCTION            ("gdImageColorClosest"
> ; compiling           (DEF-FUNCTION          ("gdImageColorClosestHWB"
> ; compiling          (DEF-FUNCTION         ("gdImageColorClosestAlpha"
> ; compiling            (DEF-FUNCTION            ("gdImageColorResolve"
> ; compiling          (DEF-FUNCTION         ("gdImageColorResolveAlpha"
> ; compiling          (DEF-FUNCTION          ("gdImageColorTransparent"
> ; compiling          (DEF-FUNCTION         ("gdImageGetGetTransparent"
> ; compiling          (DEF-FUNCTION         ("gdImageGetGetTransparent"
> ; compiling           (DEF-FUNCTION           ("gdImageSetAntiAliased"
> ; compiling       (DEF-FUNCTION      ("gdImageSetAntiAliasedDontBlend"
> ; compiling (DEF-FUNCTION ("gdImageSetBrush" GD-IMAGE-SET-BRUSH) ...)  
> ; compiling (DEF-FUNCTION ("gdImageSetTile" GD-IMAGE-SET-TILE) ...)  
> ; compiling (DEF-FUNCTION ("gdImageSetStyle" GD-IMAGE-SET-STYLE) ...)  
> ; compiling            (DEF-FUNCTION            ("gdImageSetThickness"
> ; compiling            (DEF-FUNCTION            ("gdImageSetThickness"
> ; compiling            (DEF-FUNCTION           ("gdImageAlphaBlending"
> ; compiling   (DEF-FUNCTION  ("gdImageSaveAlpha"  GD-IMAGE-SAVE-ALPHA)
> ; ...)  
> ; compiling (DEF-FUNCTION ("gdImageGetRed" GD-IMAGE-GET-RED) ...)  
> ; compiling (DEF-FUNCTION ("gdImageGetGreen" GD-IMAGE-GET-GREEN) ...)  
> ; compiling (DEF-FUNCTION ("gdImageGetBlue" GD-IMAGE-GET-BLUE) ...)  
> ; compiling (DEF-FUNCTION ("gdImageGetAlpha" GD-IMAGE-GET-ALPHA) ...)  
> ; compiling           (DEF-FUNCTION           ("gdImageGetColorsTotal"
> ; compiling (DEF-FUNCTION ("gdImageSetClip" GD-IMAGE-SET-CLIP) ...)  
> ; compiling (DEF-FUNCTION ("gdImageGetClip" GD-IMAGE-GET-CLIP) ...)  
> ; compiling (DEF-FUNCTION ("gdImageSetPixel" GD-IMAGE-SET-PIXEL) ...)  
> ; compiling (DEF-FUNCTION ("gdImageLine" GD-IMAGE-LINE) ...)  
> ; compiling (DEF-FUNCTION ("gdImagePolygon" GD-IMAGE-POLYGON) ...)  
> ; compiling (DEF-FUNCTION ("gdImagePolygon" GD-IMAGE-POLYGON) ...  
> ; /home/nicolas/.sbcl/site/cl-gd-0.5.1/gd-uffi.fasl written 
> ; compilation finished in 0:00:03 
> STYLE-WARNING: Undefined alien: "gdImageCreate" 
> STYLE-WARNING: Undefined alien: "gdImageCreateTrueColor" 
> STYLE-WARNING: Undefined alien: "gdImageCreateFromJpegFile" 
> STYLE-WARNING: Undefined alien: "gdImageCreateFromPngFile" 
> STYLE-WARNING: Undefined alien: "gdImageCreateFromGdFile" 
> STYLE-WARNING: Undefined alien: "gdImageCreateFromGd2File" 
> STYLE-WARNING: Undefined alien: "gdImageCreateFromGd2PartFile" 
> STYLE-WARNING: Undefined alien: "gdImageCreateFromXbmFile" 
> STYLE-WARNING: Undefined alien: "gdImageCreateFromXpm" 
> STYLE-WARNING: Undefined alien: "gdImageCreateFromGifFile" 
> [...]
>>> Test 1 failed with the following error: Attempt to call an undefined
>>> alien function.
>> This looks as if the C library wasn't loaded.
>>> Test     6     failed    with     the     following    error:     File
>>> #P"/home/nicolas/.sbcl/site/cl-gd-0.5.1/test/one-pixel.png"  could not
>>> be found 
>> Is there a PNG at that location? 
> no
> so i create it, ans the output :
> CL-USER> (cl-gd-test:TEST) 
> Test 1 failed  with the following error: Attempt  to call an undefined
> alien function.  
> Test 2 failed  with the following error: Attempt  to call an undefined
> alien function.  
> Test 3 failed  with the following error: Attempt  to call an undefined
> alien function.  
> Test 4 failed  with the following error: Attempt  to call an undefined
> alien function.  
> Test 5 failed  with the following error: Attempt  to call an undefined
> alien function.  
> Test 6 failed  with the following error: Attempt  to call an undefined
> alien function.  
> Test 7 failed  with the following error: Attempt  to call an undefined
> alien function.  
> Test 8 failed  with the following error: Attempt  to call an undefined
> alien function.  
> Test 9 failed  with the following error: Attempt  to call an undefined
> alien function.  
> Test 10 failed with the  following error: Attempt to call an undefined
> alien function.  
> Test 11 failed with the  following error: Attempt to call an undefined
> alien function.  
> Test 12 failed with the  following error: Attempt to call an undefined
> alien function.  
> Test 13 failed with the  following error: Attempt to call an undefined
> alien function.  
> Test 14 failed with the  following error: Attempt to call an undefined
> alien function.  
> Test 15 failed with the  following error: Attempt to call an undefined
> alien function.  
> Test 16 failed with the  following error: Attempt to call an undefined
> alien function.  
> Test 17 failed with the  following error: Attempt to call an undefined
> alien function.  
> Test 18 failed with the  following error: Attempt to call an undefined
> alien function.  
> Test 19 failed with the  following error: Attempt to call an undefined
> alien function.  
> Done.  
>>  Did you install with ASDF-INSTALL?
> yes
> Before, i use cl-gd installed by APT.
>> Cheers,
>> Edi.

Nicolas Lamirault
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