[cl-gd-devel] Adding get-pixel

Alan Shields Alan-Shields at omrf.ouhsc.edu
Fri May 6 23:33:37 UTC 2005

Please find enclosed a patch which adds a lisp interface to get-pixel.
I have attempted to conform to your style, I hope I have succeeded.

Thank you for the great work,
Alan Shields

diff -u cl-gd-0.4.6-old/drawing.lisp cl-gd-0.4.6/drawing.lisp
--- cl-gd-0.4.6-old/drawing.lisp	2005-03-09 08:17:56.000000000 -0600
+++ cl-gd-0.4.6/drawing.lisp	2005-05-06 17:29:49.000000000 -0500
@@ -39,6 +39,14 @@
       (gd-image-set-pixel (img image) x y color)))
   (values x y))
+(defun get-pixel (x y &key (image *default-image*))
+  "Gets the color associated with point \(X,Y)."
+  (check-type image image)
+  (with-transformed-alternative
+      ((x x-transformer)
+       (y y-transformer))
+    (gd-image-get-pixel (img image) x y)))
 (defgeneric set-pixels (points &key color image)
   (:documentation "Draws a list \(X1 Y1 X2 Y2 ...) or vector #\(X1 Y1
 X2 Y2 ...) of pixels."))
diff -u cl-gd-0.4.6-old/packages.lisp cl-gd-0.4.6/packages.lisp
--- cl-gd-0.4.6-old/packages.lisp	2005-03-09 03:11:30.000000000 -0600
+++ cl-gd-0.4.6/packages.lisp	2005-05-06 17:38:25.432847326 -0500
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
+	  #:get-pixel

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