[cl-gd-devel] cl-gd memory leak fix

Manuel Odendahl manuel at bl0rg.net
Thu May 20 19:28:49 UTC 2004


We are using cl-gd in our bknr web framework, and use cl-gd to scale,
transform and otherwise manipulate images. We had the problem that
sometimes cl-gd would quit on us saying it could not allocate additional
memory, which suggested a memory leak somewhere. After some code
browsing and testing, I found several race conditions in cl-gd, having
to do with the use of UNWIND-PROTECT, which looked like this:

(let*  ((c-style (allocate-foreign-object :int length)))
  (unwind-protect (yadayada)
    (free-foreign-object c-style)))

However, if somehow the stack is unwound just after the call to
ALLOCATE-FOREIGN-OBJECT, C-STYLE will never get freed. I guess the
UNWIND-PROTECT code was taken from uffi (specifically from
with-foreign-object), which has the same problem (but this is another
story). Anyway, while uffi gets fixed to rewrite the above nicely, I
have added the WITH-SAFE-ALLOC to util.lisp:

(defmacro with-safe-alloc ((var alloc free) &rest body)
  `(let (,var)
        (progn (setf ,var ,alloc)
               , at body)
      (when ,var ,free))))

and sprinkled the code with it (I replaced all occurences of
UNWIND-PROTECT dealing with memory allocation, and quickly browsed the
code for other allocation code, but couldn't find any).

This seems to fix our problems. On another front, I have added the
function COLOR-COMPONENTS, which returns a list of the color copmonents
of a color (we needed this somewhere), and the function
FIND-COLOR-FROM-IMAGE, which tries to FIND-COLOR a color from a source
image inside a new image (to copy colors between images).

(defun color-components (color &key (image *default-image*))
  "Returns the color components of COLOR as a list. The components are in the
order red, green, blue, alpha."
  (mapcar #'(lambda (c) (color-component c color :image image))
         '(:red :green :blue :alpha)))

(defun find-color-from-image (color source-image &key alpha exact hwb
                             resolve (image *default-image*))
  "Returns the color in IMAGE corresponding to COLOR in SOURCE-IMAGE.  The
keyword parameters are passed to FIND-COLOR."
  (let ((red (color-component :red color :image source-image))
       (blue (color-component :blue color :image source-image))
       (green (color-component :green color :image source-image))
       (alpha (when alpha (color-component :alpha color :image source-image))))
    (find-color red green blue :alpha alpha :exact exact :hwb hwb
               :resolve resolve :image image)))

I have made a patch file which I'll attach to the mail, and the patched
cl-gd directory can be downloaded from
http://bl0rg.net/~manuel/cl-gd-patched.tar.gz. I have changed index.html
with documentation for the new functions and a documentation for
COLOR-COMPONENT, which was referenced but not included. I have also
added the Makefile we have to produce the .so file (FreeBSD, haven't
checked it on another platform).

Hope this helps :}

Regards, Manuel Odendahl
-------------- next part --------------
Only in cl-gd-patched: Makefile
diff -u cl-gd-0.3.1/colors-aux.lisp cl-gd-patched/colors-aux.lisp
--- cl-gd-0.3.1/colors-aux.lisp	Tue Aug 26 12:33:15 2003
+++ cl-gd-patched/colors-aux.lisp	Thu May 20 21:00:34 2004
@@ -95,37 +95,33 @@
 (defmethod (setf current-style) ((style list) &optional (image *default-image*))
   (check-type image image)
-  (let* ((length (length style))
-         (c-style (allocate-foreign-object :int length)))
-    (unwind-protect
-      (progn
-        (loop for color in style
-              for i from 0
-              do (setf (deref-array c-style '(:array :int) i)
-                         (typecase color
-                           (null +transparent+)
-                           (integer color)
-                           (t 1))))
-        (gd-image-set-style (img image) c-style length)
-        style)
-      (free-foreign-object c-style))))
+  (let ((length (length style)))
+    (with-safe-alloc (c-style (allocate-foreign-object :int length)
+			      (free-foreign-object c-style))
+      (loop for color in style
+	    for i from 0
+	    do (setf (deref-array c-style '(:array :int) i)
+		     (typecase color
+		       (null +transparent+)
+		       (integer color)
+		       (t 1))))
+      (gd-image-set-style (img image) c-style length)
+      style)))
 (defmethod (setf current-style) ((style vector) &optional (image *default-image*))
   (check-type image image)
-  (let* ((length (length style))
-         (c-style (allocate-foreign-object :int length)))
-    (unwind-protect
-      (progn
-        (loop for color across style
-              for i from 0
-              do (setf (deref-array c-style '(:array :int) i)
-                         (typecase color
-                           (null +transparent+)
-                           (integer color)
-                           (t 1))))
-        (gd-image-set-style (img image) c-style length)
-        style)
-      (free-foreign-object c-style))))
+  (let ((length (length style)))
+    (with-safe-alloc (c-style (allocate-foreign-object :int length)
+			      (free-foreign-object c-style))
+      (loop for color across style
+	    for i from 0
+	    do (setf (deref-array c-style '(:array :int) i)
+		     (typecase color
+		       (null +transparent+)
+		       (integer color)
+		       (t 1))))
+      (gd-image-set-style (img image) c-style length)
+      style)))
 (defun set-anti-aliased (color do-not-blend &optional (image *default-image*))
   "Set COLOR to be the current anti-aliased color of
@@ -169,4 +165,4 @@
   (with-unique-names (c-color-arg)
     `(let ((,c-color-arg (resolve-c-color color image)))
       ,@(sublis (list (cons 'color c-color-arg))
-                body :test #'eq))))
\ No newline at end of file
+                body :test #'eq))))
diff -u cl-gd-0.3.1/colors.lisp cl-gd-patched/colors.lisp
--- cl-gd-0.3.1/colors.lisp	Tue Aug 26 21:43:31 2003
+++ cl-gd-patched/colors.lisp	Thu May 20 21:00:42 2004
@@ -218,4 +218,21 @@
              ((:blue) #'gd-image-get-blue)
              ((:alpha) #'gd-image-get-alpha))
            (img image)
-           color))
\ No newline at end of file
+           color))
+(defun color-components (color &key (image *default-image*))
+  "Returns the color components of COLOR as a list. The components are in the
+order red, green, blue, alpha."
+  (mapcar #'(lambda (c) (color-component c color :image image))
+	  '(:red :green :blue :alpha)))
+(defun find-color-from-image (color source-image &key alpha exact hwb
+			      resolve (image *default-image*))
+  "Returns the color in IMAGE corresponding to COLOR in SOURCE-IMAGE. The
+keyword parameters are passed to FIND-COLOR."
+  (let ((red (color-component :red color :image source-image))
+	(blue (color-component :blue color :image source-image))
+	(green (color-component :green color :image source-image))
+	(alpha (when alpha (color-component :alpha color :image source-image))))
+    (find-color red green blue :alpha alpha :exact exact :hwb hwb
+		:resolve resolve :image image)))
Common subdirectories: cl-gd-0.3.1/doc and cl-gd-patched/doc
diff -u cl-gd-0.3.1/drawing.lisp cl-gd-patched/drawing.lisp
--- cl-gd-0.3.1/drawing.lisp	Tue Aug 26 21:43:31 2003
+++ cl-gd-patched/drawing.lisp	Thu May 20 21:00:18 2004
@@ -134,24 +134,23 @@
     (unless (and (>= effective-length 6)
                  (evenp effective-length))
       (error "We need an even number of at least six vertices"))
-    (let ((arr (allocate-foreign-object 'gd-point (/ effective-length 2))))
-      (unwind-protect
-        (with-color-argument
-          (with-transformed-alternative
-              (((aref vertices i) x-transformer)
-               ((aref vertices (1+ i)) y-transformer))
-            (loop for i from start below end by 2
-                  for point-ptr = (deref-array arr '(:array gd-point) (/ (- i start) 2))
-                  do (setf (get-slot-value point-ptr 'gd-point 'x)
-                             (aref vertices i)
-                           (get-slot-value point-ptr 'gd-point 'y)
-                             (aref vertices (1+ i))))
-            (funcall (if filled
-                       #'gd-image-filled-polygon
-                       #'gd-image-polygon)
-                     (img image) arr (/ effective-length 2) color)
-            vertices))
-        (free-foreign-object arr)))))
+    (with-safe-alloc (arr (allocate-foreign-object 'gd-point (/ effective-length 2))
+			  (free-foreign-object arr))
+      (with-color-argument
+	(with-transformed-alternative
+	    (((aref vertices i) x-transformer)
+	     ((aref vertices (1+ i)) y-transformer))
+	  (loop for i from start below end by 2
+		for point-ptr = (deref-array arr '(:array gd-point) (/ (- i start) 2))
+		do (setf (get-slot-value point-ptr 'gd-point 'x)
+			 (aref vertices i)
+			 (get-slot-value point-ptr 'gd-point 'y)
+			 (aref vertices (1+ i))))
+	  (funcall (if filled
+		       #'gd-image-filled-polygon
+		       #'gd-image-polygon)
+		   (img image) arr (/ effective-length 2) color)
+	  vertices)))))
 (defmethod draw-polygon ((vertices list) &key filled (start 0) (end (length vertices)) (color *default-color*) (image *default-image*))
   (check-type start integer)
@@ -161,28 +160,27 @@
     (unless (and (>= effective-length 6)
                  (evenp effective-length))
       (error "We need an even number of at least six vertices"))
-    (let ((arr (allocate-foreign-object 'gd-point (/ effective-length 2))))
-      (unwind-protect
-        (with-color-argument
-          (with-transformed-alternative
-              (((first x/y) x-transformer)
-               ((second x/y) y-transformer))
-            (loop for i below (- end start) by 2
-                  ;; we don't use LOOP's destructuring capabilities here
-                  ;; because of your simple WITH-TRANSFORMED-ALTERNATIVE
-                  ;; macro which would get confused
-                  for x/y on (nthcdr start vertices) by #'cddr
-                  for point-ptr = (deref-array arr '(:array gd-point) (/ i 2))
-                  do (setf (get-slot-value point-ptr 'gd-point 'x)
-                             (first x/y)
-                           (get-slot-value point-ptr 'gd-point 'y)
-                             (second x/y)))
-            (funcall (if filled
-                       #'gd-image-filled-polygon
-                       #'gd-image-polygon)
-                     (img image) arr (/ effective-length 2) color)
-            vertices))
-        (free-foreign-object arr)))))
+    (with-safe-alloc (arr (allocate-foreign-object 'gd-point (/ effective-length 2))
+			  (free-foreign-object arr))
+      (with-color-argument
+	(with-transformed-alternative
+	    (((first x/y) x-transformer)
+	     ((second x/y) y-transformer))
+	  (loop for i below (- end start) by 2
+		;; we don't use LOOP's destructuring capabilities here
+		;; because of your simple WITH-TRANSFORMED-ALTERNATIVE
+		;; macro which would get confused
+		for x/y on (nthcdr start vertices) by #'cddr
+		for point-ptr = (deref-array arr '(:array gd-point) (/ i 2))
+		do (setf (get-slot-value point-ptr 'gd-point 'x)
+			 (first x/y)
+			 (get-slot-value point-ptr 'gd-point 'y)
+			 (second x/y)))
+	  (funcall (if filled
+		       #'gd-image-filled-polygon
+		       #'gd-image-polygon)
+		   (img image) arr (/ effective-length 2) color)
+	  vertices)))))
 (defun draw-filled-ellipse (center-x center-y width height &key (color *default-color*) (image *default-image*))
   "Draws a filled ellipse centered at \(CENTER-X, CENTER-Y) with width
diff -u cl-gd-0.3.1/images.lisp cl-gd-patched/images.lisp
--- cl-gd-0.3.1/images.lisp	Sun Apr 25 21:07:10 2004
+++ cl-gd-patched/images.lisp	Thu May 20 21:02:32 2004
@@ -42,7 +42,8 @@
             (gd-image-create width height))))
     (when (null-pointer-p image-ptr)
       (error "Could not allocate image of size ~A x ~A" width height))
-    (make-image image-ptr)))
+    (let ((image (make-image image-ptr)))
+      image)))
 (defun destroy-image (image)
   "Destroys \(deallocates) IMAGE which has been created by
@@ -65,11 +66,10 @@
   ;; we rebind everything so we have left-to-right evaluation
   (rebinding (width height true-color)
-    `(let ((,name (create-image ,width ,height ,true-color)))
-      (unwind-protect
-        (progn
-          , at body)
-        (destroy-image ,name)))))
+    `(with-safe-alloc (,name
+		       (create-image ,width ,height ,true-color)
+		       (destroy-image ,name))
+      , at body)))
 (defmacro with-image* ((width height &optional true-color) &body body)
   "Creates an image with size WIDTH x HEIGHT and executes BODY with
@@ -138,7 +138,8 @@
                           (error "Could not create image from ~A file ~S: errno was ~A"
                                  %type file-name (deref-pointer err :int)))))
-                (t (make-image image))))))))
+                (t (let ((image (make-image image)))
+		     image))))))))
 (defmacro with-image-from-file ((name file-name &optional type) &body body)
   "Creates an image from the file specified by FILE-NAME \(which is
@@ -148,12 +149,11 @@
 guaranteed to be destroyed before this macro exits."
   ;; we rebind everything so we have left-to-right evaluation
   (rebinding (file-name type)
-    `(let ((,name (create-image-from-file ,file-name ,type)))
-      (unwind-protect
-        , at body
-        (when ,name
-          (destroy-image ,name))))))
+    `(with-safe-alloc (,name
+		       (create-image-from-file ,file-name ,type)
+		       (destroy-image ,name))
+      , at body)))
 (defmacro with-image-from-file* ((file-name &optional type) &body body)
   "Creates an image from the file specified by FILE-NAME \(which is
 either a pathname or a string) and executes BODY with the image bound
@@ -194,11 +194,10 @@
 before this macro exits."
   ;; we rebind everything so we have left-to-right evaluation
   (rebinding (file-name src-x src-y width height)
-    `(let ((,name (create-image-from-gd2-part ,file-name ,src-x ,src-y ,width ,height)))
-      (unwind-protect
-        , at body
-        (when ,name
-          (destroy-image ,name))))))
+    `(with-safe-alloc (,name
+		       (create-image-from-gd2-part ,file-name ,src-x ,src-y ,width ,height)
+		       (destroy-image ,name))
+      , at body)))
 (defmacro with-image-from-gd2-part* ((file-name src-x src-y width height) &body body)
   "Creates an image from the part of the GD2 file FILE-NAME \(which is
@@ -221,27 +220,23 @@
                (subtypep (stream-element-type stream) 'base-char)
                (subtypep (stream-element-type stream) '(unsigned-byte 8)))
             (with-foreign-object (size :int)
-              (let ((memory ,gd-call))
-                (unwind-protect
-                  (with-cast-pointer (temp memory :unsigned-byte)
-                    (dotimes (i (deref-pointer size :int))
-                      (write-byte (deref-array temp '(:array :unsigned-byte) i)
-                                  stream))
-                    image)
-                  (gd-free memory)))))
+	      (with-safe-alloc (memory ,gd-call (gd-free memory))
+		(with-cast-pointer (temp memory :unsigned-byte)
+		  (dotimes (i (deref-pointer size :int))
+		    (write-byte (deref-array temp '(:array :unsigned-byte) i)
+				stream))
+		  image))))
           ((subtypep (stream-element-type stream) 'character)
             (with-foreign-object (size :int)
-              (let ((memory ,gd-call))
-                (unwind-protect
-                  (with-cast-pointer (temp memory
-                                           #+(or :cmu :scl :sbcl) :unsigned-char
-                                           #-(or :cmu :scl :sbcl) :char)
-                    (dotimes (i (deref-pointer size :int))
-                      (write-char (ensure-char-character
-                                   (deref-array temp '(:array :char) i))
-                                  stream))
-                    image)
-                  (gd-free memory)))))
+	      (with-safe-alloc (memory ,gd-call (gd-free memory))
+		(with-cast-pointer (temp memory
+					 #+(or :cmu :scl :sbcl) :unsigned-char
+					 #-(or :cmu :scl :sbcl) :char)
+		  (dotimes (i (deref-pointer size :int))
+		    (write-char (ensure-char-character
+				 (deref-array temp '(:array :char) i))
+				stream))
+		  image))))
           (t (error "Can't use a stream with element-type ~A"
                     (stream-element-type stream))))))
@@ -398,4 +393,4 @@
       (((gd-image-get-sx (img image)) w-inv-transformer)
        ((gd-image-get-sy (img image)) h-inv-transformer))
     (values (gd-image-get-sx (img image))
-            (gd-image-get-sy (img image)))))
\ No newline at end of file
+            (gd-image-get-sy (img image)))))
diff -u cl-gd-0.3.1/packages.lisp cl-gd-patched/packages.lisp
--- cl-gd-0.3.1/packages.lisp	Sat Apr 24 02:17:52 2004
+++ cl-gd-patched/packages.lisp	Thu May 20 21:02:42 2004
@@ -40,11 +40,13 @@
+	   #:find-color-from-image
+           #:color-components	   
@@ -74,4 +76,4 @@
-(pushnew :cl-gd *features*)
\ No newline at end of file
+(pushnew :cl-gd *features*)
diff -u cl-gd-0.3.1/strings.lisp cl-gd-patched/strings.lisp
--- cl-gd-0.3.1/strings.lisp	Thu Aug 28 11:08:47 2003
+++ cl-gd-patched/strings.lisp	Thu May 20 21:02:50 2004
@@ -145,49 +145,49 @@
       (setq string (convert-to-char-references string)))
     (with-cstring (c-font-name font-name)
       (with-cstring (c-string string)
-        (let ((c-bounding-rectangle (allocate-foreign-object :int 8)))
-          (unwind-protect
-            (let ((msg (convert-from-cstring
-                        (cond (line-spacing
-                                (with-foreign-object (strex 'gd-ft-string-extra)
-                                  (setf (get-slot-value strex
-                                                        'gd-ft-string-extra
-                                                        'flags)
-                                          +gd-ftex-linespace+
-                                        (get-slot-value strex
-                                                        'gd-ft-string-extra
-                                                        'line-spacing)
-                                          (coerce line-spacing 'double-float))
-                                  (gd-image-string-ft-ex (if do-not-draw
-                                                           *null-image*
-                                                           (img image))
-                                                         c-bounding-rectangle
-                                                         (if anti-aliased color (- color))
-                                                         c-font-name
-                                                         (coerce point-size 'double-float)
-                                                         (coerce angle 'double-float)
-                                                         x y
-                                                         c-string
-                                                         strex)))
-                              (t
-                                (gd-image-string-ft (img (if do-not-draw
-                                                           *null-image*
-                                                           image))
-                                                    c-bounding-rectangle
-                                                    (if anti-aliased color (- color))
-                                                    c-font-name
-                                                    (coerce point-size 'double-float)
-                                                    (coerce angle 'double-float)
-                                                    x y
-                                                    c-string))))))
-              (when msg
-                (error "Error in FreeType library: ~A" msg))
-              (let ((bounding-rectangle (make-array 8)))
-                ;; strange iteration due to WITH-TRANSFORMED-ALTERNATIVE
-                (loop for i below 8 by 2 do
-                      (setf (aref bounding-rectangle i)
-                              (deref-array c-bounding-rectangle '(:array :int) i))
-                      (setf (aref bounding-rectangle (1+ i))
-                              (deref-array c-bounding-rectangle '(:array :int) (1+ i))))
-                bounding-rectangle))
-            (free-foreign-object c-bounding-rectangle)))))))
\ No newline at end of file
+	(with-safe-alloc (c-bounding-rectangle
+			  (allocate-foreign-object :int 8)
+			  (free-foreign-object c-bounding-rectangle))
+	  (let ((msg (convert-from-cstring
+		      (cond (line-spacing
+			     (with-foreign-object (strex 'gd-ft-string-extra)
+			       (setf (get-slot-value strex
+						     'gd-ft-string-extra
+						     'flags)
+				     +gd-ftex-linespace+
+				     (get-slot-value strex
+						     'gd-ft-string-extra
+						     'line-spacing)
+					 (coerce line-spacing 'double-float))
+			       (gd-image-string-ft-ex (if do-not-draw
+							  *null-image*
+							  (img image))
+						      c-bounding-rectangle
+							  (if anti-aliased color (- color))
+							  c-font-name
+							  (coerce point-size 'double-float)
+							  (coerce angle 'double-float)
+							  x y
+							  c-string
+							  strex)))
+			    (t
+			     (gd-image-string-ft (img (if do-not-draw
+							  *null-image*
+							  image))
+						 c-bounding-rectangle
+						 (if anti-aliased color (- color))
+						 c-font-name
+						 (coerce point-size 'double-float)
+						 (coerce angle 'double-float)
+						 x y
+						 c-string))))))
+	    (when msg
+	      (error "Error in FreeType library: ~A" msg))
+	    (let ((bounding-rectangle (make-array 8)))
+	      ;; strange iteration due to WITH-TRANSFORMED-ALTERNATIVE
+	      (loop for i below 8 by 2 do
+		    (setf (aref bounding-rectangle i)
+			  (deref-array c-bounding-rectangle '(:array :int) i))
+		    (setf (aref bounding-rectangle (1+ i))
+			  (deref-array c-bounding-rectangle '(:array :int) (1+ i))))
+	      bounding-rectangle)))))))
\ No newline at end of file
Common subdirectories: cl-gd-0.3.1/test and cl-gd-patched/test
diff -u cl-gd-0.3.1/util.lisp cl-gd-patched/util.lisp
--- cl-gd-0.3.1/util.lisp	Sun Aug 24 00:38:37 2003
+++ cl-gd-patched/util.lisp	Thu May 20 21:02:56 2004
@@ -115,4 +115,11 @@
             else do
             (write-char #\& s)
             (princ char-code s)
-            (write-char #\; s)))))
\ No newline at end of file
+            (write-char #\; s)))))
+(defmacro with-safe-alloc ((var alloc free) &rest body)
+  `(let (,var)
+    (unwind-protect
+	 (progn (setf ,var ,alloc)
+		, at body)
+      (when ,var ,free))))
\ No newline at end of file

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