[cl-ec2-devel] AWS API design thoughts
Nikodemus Siivola
nikodemus at random-state.net
Sun Apr 24 14:50:23 UTC 2011
Xach added ad-hoc to To: .. because I know he's been thinking about
some of this stuff too.
Having implemented one version of the load-balancing API with
clever-but-dirty macrology, I'm pretty sure that sooner or later the
rest should be reimplemented the same way -- otherwise it's hard to be
sure the API is actually properly implemented, and not just some wierd
I'm also thinking that this is the way to support multiple API versions.
(defclass 2010-01-01 (elb-api) ())
(with-api-version (2010-01-01)
where user-level API functions call generic functions specialized on
the API class.
A major reworking will break compatibility pretty seriously, though,
so I suspect a if/when I get to that part I will make up a new project
(CL-AWS?) so that users don't have the carpet yanked from beneath
Another thought I had is that credentials should really be
encapsulated in an object that doesn't print the secret key as part of
its PRINT-OBJECT method: otherwise it's far too easy to leak your keys
when pasting or posting a backtrace.
Just FYI, musing out loud, etc.
-- Nikodemus
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