Hi I'm a really newbie with lisp in general, I have been reading about this, i have gcl installed and even<br>I run some examples which I read (I have a copy of chapter 2 of the book " Ansi common lisp" ), I have a question,
<br>how can generate an 'executable file', I mean, I only have running I.E.<br>>(defun foo())<br>foo<br>><br><br>but this works only within the gcl, how I can create, i.e. an "hello world" which execute:
<br><br>user@host:~$ ./hello<br>hello world<br>user@host:~$<br><br>and some similar, where I can found more documentation about some similar or good tuto of lisp in general<br><br>many thanks.<br><br>