[cl-debian] Re: pkg-common-lisp.alioth.debian.org is born!

Luca Capello luca at pca.it
Wed Jan 23 00:58:02 UTC 2008

Hi all!

On Fri, 11 Jan 2008 18:59:26 +0100, Luca Capello wrote:
> Cc:ing all the people invoveld in Common Lisp work on Debian, sorry if
> you receive this mail in double.  Please respect the Reply-To: and
> Mail-Followup-To: headers, thanks!

Still valid :-)

> 4) created the -commits mailing list: this will be close to everyone but
>    mails coming from alioth.debian.org, since I guess this should be the
>    envelop for automatic commit mails for every VCS (this setup should
>    be tested, however).

Browsing (again) the PTS documentation [1], I noticed that we could
avoid the -commits mailing list and use the sourcepackage_cvs@ PTS alias
instead.  In this way, people subscribed to the PTS with keyword 'cvs'
will automatically get every commit.  This approach has one big
advantage: subscription is per package and not per project, i.e. you can
decide to have commit mail for SBCL and not for CLISP.

Will both be useful?  If not, which one is the best?

I'm not even sure the -commits mailing list should be archived: if not,
I think the PTS is the way to go.

> 7) migrate everyone subscribed to cl-debian@ to the new -devel mailing
>    list, to promote the latter.  In 2 weeks at last the old cl-debian@
>    will be closed.  Is this kind enough to the cl-debian@ subscribers?
>    I'm all for it, because there's no point in having two mailing list:
>    the sooner the new one is used, the better is.

Since no one replies against this, I just did it.  You should have
received a welcome message: in case you don't, either manually subscribe
to the -devel mailing list or send me a mail.  People will be
unsubscribed from the old cl-debian@ mailing list in three days and the
old cl-debian@ mailing list will be deactivated in two weeks from now.

> 8) since the VCS poll [5] ended with no real decisions,
>    pkg-common-lisp's supported VCSs ATM are, in alphabetical order: bzr,
>    darcs, git and hg.  Directories for these VCSs already exists on
>    Alioth: you can migrate your packages, but please follow the
>    instructions on the Debian Wiki [6] and the ones described below.

I'll write soon another mail specific to git and darcs.

>    If people state which package can be co-maintained, everyone in the
>    project can migrate that package.  This means that the debian/ folder
>    needs to be adjusted:
>    a- debian/changelog:
>       add a note about the new maintainer
>    b- debian/control
>       Maintainer: Debian Common Lisp Team <pkg-common-lisp-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
>       Uploaders: [who usually take care of the package and the sponsor(s)]
>    c- debian/copyright
>       it should reflect the Uploaders: debian/control field, at least
>       for the Debian-related work.

     d- add the -commits mailing list to the automatic notification
        every time a patch is committed.  The necessary steps are
        specific for each VCS, so I'll come back to this soon :-)

     e- as soon as the new version is uploaded, please remove cl-debian@
        from the PTS [2].  I'll try to keep track of this and remove any
        package that has already migrated, but I can miss some of

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca

[1] http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/developers-reference/ch-resources.en.html#s-pts-vcs-commit
[2] http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/developers-reference/ch-resources.en.html#s-pkg-tracking-system
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