[cl-debian] cmucl: New upstream version available

Debian External Health System dehs-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org
Fri Feb 29 01:23:56 UTC 2008


The Debian External Health System (a.k.a. DEHS) has found a new upstream version
 of the package cmucl in the unstable distribution.
The current package version is 19d-20061116-4 and latest by upstream is 19d.

If you are the maintainer or a co-maintainer of the package
 please consider updating the package.

If you believe this message can be improved in any way don't hesitate to contact me
 by replying to this message.
Note that the latest version by upstream is found thanks to the debian/watch file
 provided by your package, in case this message is a false positive please review
 the watch file before reporting.

Raphael Geissert

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