[cl-debian] Bug#451095: cl-sql-mysql: cant load foreign libraries libmysqlclinet, libmysql

whooey1830 at web.de whooey1830 at web.de
Tue Nov 13 19:31:16 UTC 2007

> I believe the
> issue then is likely related to the changes that I made in CLSQL
> 3.8.5. From the changelog
> cl-sql (3.8.5-1) unstable; urgency=low
>   * debian/control: Add libmysqlclient15-dev as dependency for cl-sql-mysql
>     since clsql-mysql modules depends on finding the .so files to load
>  -- Kevin M. Rosenberg <kmr at debian.org>  Mon, 16 Jul 2007 02:16:22  -0600
> Would you mind installing the libmysqlclient15-dev package and see if
> that fixes the problem?

It did. Again, thank you very much.


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