Bug#418743: [cl-debian] Bug#418743: cl-sdl-demos: (clc:clc-require :sdl-demos), command from README.Debian doesn't work with sbcl / slime

commissariocurelli at gmx.de commissariocurelli at gmx.de
Wed Apr 11 21:26:48 UTC 2007

> On Wednesday 11 April 2007 19:17, commi wrote:
> > I am using sbcl version and when executing
> > (clc:clc-require :sdl-demos) within my slime (Version:
> > 1:20060925-1) i get the following error:
> I fear I cannot reproduce the problem. The compilation does throw an error
> because sbcl gives a warning about a function redefinition. I can imagine
> that if you abort the compilation maybe the incomplete fasl did not get
> removed.
> Could you 'rm -rf /var/cache/common-lisp-controller/1000/sbcl/sdl/' and see if
> the problem goes away?

Yes, it did, thank you.
 It seems to me that whenever you quit emacs while slime displays sbcl debugger and waits for user input on how to proceed within slime, you'll end up with corrupted fasl files.

 -- commi
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