Bug#384697: [cl-debian] Bug#384697: cl-launch: need to modify script variables without touching the script

Luca Capello luca at pca.it
Fri Sep 15 13:22:36 UTC 2006


On Wed, 30 Aug 2006 01:38:30 +0200, Faré wrote:
> Due to popular request, I am working on an optional /etc/cl-launchrc
> feature for cl-launch.
> Also, the preferrence happens at script-creation time. At runtime,
> the variable $LISP is still all that matters -- should it not?

I tested your cl-launchrc feature and indeed it works as expected,
but, as you wrote, at script-creation time.

I think you and I are trying to solve a different problem: IMHO it's
not worth supporting cl-launchrc at script-creation time, as per the
following example.

I, as the StumpWM maintainer, provide a general /usr/bin/stumpwm
(which is a CL-Launch script, with LISPS="sbcl clisp").  Then, Joe
User launches StumpWM and discovers that instead of his preferred
Common Lisp (which turns out to be CLisp), the script uses SBCL
(because it's the first option and it's available).  So, Joe reads the
StumpWM README.Debian where he finds that he can creates his own
~/bin/stumpwm via a /usr/share/doc/stumpwm/create-stumpwm-binary
(provided by the StumpWM Debian package, calling `cl-launch --rc` and
creating binaries in ~/bin/), specifying CLisp in his ~/.cl-launchrc.

This situation is very similar to copying /usr/bin/stumpwm and
modifying the LISPS variable.  If a lot of CL-Launch depending
packages acts like the above example, Joe User will have a crowded
~/bin/, which is something that I don't really like.  And which is
the "problem" I'm trying to solve.

In my scenario, in fact, different CL-Launch scripts end to have only
one configuration file, well, two (one general and one user-specific),
instead of filling ~/bin.

I'll investigate with the problem you arose in your previous posts
(e.g. the --dump behavior), but I hope I have better explained my
point :-)

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca
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