[cl-debian] [ann] [closer-announce] New versions of MOP Feature Tests, Closer to MOP and ContextL

Pascal Costanza pc at p-cos.net
Thu Dec 28 16:04:38 UTC 2006


I have just released new versions of MOP Feature Tests (0.44), Closer  
to MOP (0.41) and ContextL (0.31). These are minor versions with  
mostly bugfixes. A major change is that LispWorks 5.0/5.0.1 is now  
officially supported. (All supported Lisp implementations are now  
again supported in their newest versions.)

Here are some highlights of the new releases:

MOP Feature Tests 0.44:

- Added new tests for standard metaobject classes.
- Simplified output for feature reports.
- Added a report function for quick comparison between two versions  
of a given CL implementation.
- Significantly simplified the test for extensible allocations.

Closer to MOP 0.41:

- Fixed a problem in the handling of initial methods of generic  
functions in LispWorks.
- Added support for LispWorks 5.0/5.0.1.
- Fixed a bug in some LOOP idioms. (Thanks to Attila Lendvai.)
- Simplified the implementation of some validate-superclass methods.
- Changed the format of the contents of features.lisp. Better support  
for comparing feature changes between different versions of a given  
CL implementation.
- Corrected and added a few feature reports to features.txt.

ContextL 0.31:

- Added an implicit block to define-layered-method so return-from  
works as expected.
- Fixed a bug in some LOOP idioms. (Thanks to Attila Lendvai.)
- Added two versions of the figure editor example from the JMLC'06  
paper to the test suite.
- Several bug fixes.

You can find the libraries in the usual distribution formats,  
including as asdf-installable packages, at http://common-lisp.net/ 

Cheers and all the best for new year's eve,


Pascal Costanza, mailto:pc at p-cos.net, http://p-cos.net
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Programming Technology Lab
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussel, Belgium

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