Bug#400504: [cl-debian] Bug#400504: cl-mcclim-examples: sbcl dependency

Milan Zamazal pdm at zamazal.org
Sun Dec 3 08:36:20 UTC 2006

>>>>> "LC" == Luca Capello <luca at pca.it> writes:

    LC> BTW, as the dependency is there, I'd remove the duplicated
    LC> suggestion for the same packages:

I think it should be there.  If one uses both cmucl and sbcl while CLX
is installed only for one of them, this is the only hint from the
dependency system about a possibly missing CLX package.

    LC> ===== luca at gismo:~$ apt-cache show cl-mcclim Package: cl-mcclim
    LC> [...]  Depends: common-lisp-controller (>= 3.37), cmucl-source |
    LC> cl-clx-sbcl, cl-spatial-trees (>= 0.1-2) Suggests:
    LC> cl-mcclim-doc, cl-mcclim-examples, cmucl-source, cl-clx-sbcl
    LC> [...]  luca at gismo:~$ =====

    >> It's not perfect but I don't know about any better way that would
    >> satisfy both SBCL and CMUCL users.  Is this OK or do you have any
    >> suggestion how to improve the dependencies?

    LC> For stumpwm, I clearly stated in the description what you need:

This is a good idea, I'll do it in cl-mcclim as well.  Thanks for the


Milan Zamazal


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