Bug#360561: [cl-debian] Bug#360561: cmucl: CMUCL does not run under kernel version 2.6.16

Don Geddis don at geddis.org
Tue Aug 15 15:31:52 UTC 2006

> On Wed, 2006-07-26 at 17:48 +0200, Peter Van Eynde wrote:
>> I can see what the solution would be but there are technical and cultural 
>> problems with it, basicly the debian package would be 'different' from a 
>> normal cmucl and this is often enough reason to distrust bug reports from 
>> debian users.

Ralf Mattes <rm at seid-online.de> wrote on Wed, 26 Jul 2006:
> This is a _very_ good point!

In this case, upstream has fixed this bug (for all platforms).  In a
(near-term) future release [19d?], the memory layout is more logical, and
cmucl should no longer have this conflict with the debian kernel.

In addition, since the change affects all platforms, there doesn't need to be
any fear that the debian package is "different" from a "normal" cmucl.

        -- Don
Don Geddis                  http://don.geddis.org/               don at geddis.org
I made dinner.  We didn't have any Hamburger, so it's just Helper.
	-- "Gabe", Penny Arcade 

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