[cl-debian] cl-launch, debian, asdf, etc.

Faré fahree at gmail.com
Mon Sep 26 22:05:58 UTC 2005

My latest attempt at a cl-launch debian package is at:

Can you test it?

(Note that my CVS server is not up-to-date anymore; I'm migrating to monotone.)

Also, I remind that gclcvs requires a change in asdf: you must replace
'equalp with 'equal. Can you fix asdf in c-l-c and/or upstream? Need I
fill an official debian bug form?

Note that you could use cl-launch to automatically test your packages
on many different common-lisp implementations. You could then detect
such bugs as asdf not working with gcl.

PS: If this is of interest to anyone, I might include image dumping in
the next version of cl-launch.

PPS: I'm still interested in your lazy-alloc patch for sbcl.

[ François-René ÐVB Rideau | Reflection&Cybernethics | http://fare.tunes.org ]
The kingly office is entitled to no respect. It was originally procured by the
highwayman's methods; it remains a perpetuated crime, can never be anything but
the symbol of a crime. It is no more entitled to respect than is the flag of
a pirate. -- Mark Twain

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