[cl-debian] cl-launch

René van Bevern rvb at progn.org
Mon Sep 19 09:00:24 UTC 2005

On 18.09.05, Faré wrote:

Hello Faré,

> Because I very much want cl-launch to be more widely used, I've packaged it
> for debian myself.
> I'd upload it or whatever, if only I knew how to do that.

You can not do that for yourself. You'll have to get an existing
Debian developer to upload it for you.

> This is my first attempt at building a debian package, so please tell me
> what I did wrong, if anything.

Please make use of our package checkers: linda and lintian, this will
tell you about some problems with your package.

     lintian -i cl-launch....changes

Especially the native-package-with-dash-version warning is important.
Having the original source code and the debian modifications seperated
makes it easier for other people to fix bugs. (more info is in the
lintian output)

Okay, I've found some things that lintian did not find:

      - your copyright file, that now contains the LLGPL preable to
        the LGPL, should also contain a pointer to

      - you have an preinst script in your debian/ directory that does
        not take any action, remove it

      - your postinst script registers something to the common lisp
        controller. However, there is nothing to register. Also, if
        you really meant to register something in the postinst script,
        you should unregister it in your prerm script, which is not
        done currently. 

      - your postinst script installs /usr/share/common-lisp/cl-launch
        ... better generate these things at package build time to have
        them included in the deb file. Install them by means of

	Otherwise, these files will not
        be under dpkg's control and other packages could easily
        overwrite them. I see no reason in generating these files at
        postinst stage rather than build time

      - the watch file, as it is currently, is useless. try "uscan
        --verbose" in your source directory to test it and "man uscan"

      - your postinst script calls register-common-lisp-source, but
        your package only Recommends: the common-lisp-controller. But
        just don't call the CLC, there is nothing to register

So you see, I just got rid of all your pre- and post- -inst and -rm
scripts. ;-) You could also call dh_lisp (Build-Depends on dh-lisp) as
the last thing in your install: target of debian/rules

You can also put files to install in debian/install with lines like
    source   usr/bin/dest
instead of calling dh_install -i every time. Same goes for
debian/manpages instead of dh_installman, debian/dirs instead of
dh_installdirs, and so on. That's just an advise, no mistake. :-)
(more info is in the manpages of the dh_ tools)

Your package is completely architecture independent, you should not
need a Build-Depends: line in your control file, only Build-Depends-Indep:

You might get useful information in the packages maint-guide,
developers-referenec and debian-policy


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