[cl-debian] Bug#316237: ITP: cl-clg -- GTK and Glade bindings for Common Lisp

René van Bevern rvb at pro-linux.de
Wed Jun 29 11:05:02 UTC 2005

Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "René van Bevern" <rvb at pro-linux.de>

* Package name    : cl-clg
  Version         : 0.90
  Upstream Author : Espen S. Johnsen
* URL             : http://sf.net/projects/clg
* License         : LGPL, MIT
  Description     : GTK and Glade bindings for Common Lisp

CLG provides bindings to GTK 2.6 and Glade in a Lisp-like manner. There
are other GTK bindings for Common Lisp, all of them which have some
disadvantages IMHO:

cl-clg: Supports GTK 2.6, works fine on CMUCL, needs modifications to
	SBCLs FFI to support callbacks. The second issue is about to be
	solved, at least there are discussions and work on the SBCL
	development mailinglist about including these modifications.
cl-gtk: Supports GTK 2.0, not as recent as CLG and talks down a pipe to
	a daemon like CLM. Tricky to build on recent CMUCL and SBCL.
lambda-gtk: Suffers from the same problem als cl-clg, but its interface
	is not very lisp-alike at all.
lgtk:   lacks a lot of GTK 2.0 functionality, resembles the C-API as
	much as possible (imho a downside)

cl-clg comes with example programs and the whole GTK test suite
translated to CL, as well as an GTK based inspector. It cleanly compiles
with CMUCL and SBCL from unstable (after the FFI modifications that
are to be found http://jupiter.td.org.uit.no/lisp/sbcl-0.8.21-af.tar.gz
and could also be packaged)


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