[Cl-darcs-cvs] r158 - cl-darcs/trunk

mhenoch at common-lisp.net mhenoch at common-lisp.net
Thu Jan 31 18:06:52 UTC 2008

Author: mhenoch
Date: Thu Jan 31 13:06:52 2008
New Revision: 158

Use more elaborate options framework for command line tool

Modified: cl-darcs/trunk/cl-darcs.asd
--- cl-darcs/trunk/cl-darcs.asd	(original)
+++ cl-darcs/trunk/cl-darcs.asd	Thu Jan 31 13:06:52 2008
@@ -22,8 +22,7 @@
 	       ;; Regexps
 	       ;; Diff
-	       :cl-difflib
-	       :getopt)
+	       :cl-difflib)
   ((:file "packages")
@@ -39,7 +38,8 @@
    (:file "prefs" :depends-on ("util"))
    (:file "repo" :depends-on ("util"))
    (:file "diff" :depends-on ("util"))
-   (:file "cmdline" :depends-on ("util"))
+   (:file "getopt" :depends-on ("packages"))
+   (:file "cmdline" :depends-on ("util" "getopt"))
    (:file "patch-core" :depends-on ("util"))
    (:file "record" :depends-on ("patch-core"))

Modified: cl-darcs/trunk/cmdline.lisp
--- cl-darcs/trunk/cmdline.lisp	(original)
+++ cl-darcs/trunk/cmdline.lisp	Thu Jan 31 13:06:52 2008
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
-	    (let ((retval (apply function (cdr argv))))
+	    (let ((retval (funcall function (cdr argv))))
 	      (if (numberp retval)
@@ -53,7 +53,8 @@
 		    (warn "~A didn't give a proper exit code." command)
 	  ;; Catch wrong number of arguments
-	  (program-error ()
+	  (program-error (c)
+	    (format *error-output* "~&Program error: ~A" c)
 	    (command-usage command)
 	  (invalid-arguments (c)
@@ -79,11 +80,33 @@
   "Print longer documentation for COMMAND."
   (format *error-output* "~&~A~%" (documentation (command-function command) 'function)))
-(defmacro define-darcs-command (name arglist docstring &body body)
-  (let ((function (command-function name)))
-    `(progn
-       (pushnew ',name *darcs-commands*)
-       (defun ,function ,arglist ,docstring , at body))))
+(defmacro define-darcs-command (name options operands docstring &body body)
+  "Define a darcs command called NAME.
+NAME is passed to COMMAND-FUNCTION to make the name of the function.
+OPTIONS is a list of variables holding OPTION structures, describing
+the options accepted by the commnad.
+OPERANDS is a destructuring lambda list for the non-option arguments
+accepted by the command."
+  (flet ((option-symbol (name)
+	   (intern (concatenate 'string "OPT-" (symbol-name name)))))
+    (let ((function (command-function name))
+	  (args-sym (gensym))
+	  (options-sym (gensym))
+	  (operands-sym (gensym)))
+      `(progn
+	 (pushnew ',name *darcs-commands*)
+	 (defun ,function (,args-sym) ,docstring
+		(multiple-value-bind (,options-sym ,operands-sym)
+		    (getopt ,args-sym
+			    (list ,@(mapcar #'option-symbol options)))
+		  ,@(when (null options)
+			  `((declare (ignore ,options-sym))))
+		  (let ,(mapcar
+			 (lambda (o)
+			   `(,o (cdr (assoc (option-keyword ,(option-symbol o)) ,options-sym))))
+			 options)
+		    (destructuring-bind ,operands ,operands-sym
+		      , at body))))))))
 (defun find-repo ()
   "Find repository in current directory.
@@ -92,7 +115,7 @@
     (error "Not in a darcs repo."))
-(define-darcs-command add (&rest files-and-dirs)
+(define-darcs-command add () (&rest files-and-dirs)
   "Add files and directories for later recording.
 Usage: darcs add FILE ..."
@@ -138,34 +161,100 @@
 	(format *error-output* ":~%~{ ~A~}" already-there))))
-(define-darcs-command whatsnew ()
+(define-darcs-command whatsnew () ()
   "See what has been changed in the working directory.
 Usage: darcs whatsnew"
   (diff-repo-display (find-repo)))
-(define-darcs-command init (&rest args)
+(defparameter opt-repodir 
+  (make-option
+   :keyword :repodir
+   :long "repodir"
+   :arg "DIRECTORY"
+   :help "Use DIRECTORY instead of current directory"))
+(define-darcs-command init (repodir) ()
     "Initialize a darcs repository in the current directory.
 --repodir=DIRECTORY        Use DIRECTORY instead of current directory"
-  (multiple-value-bind (operands options errors)
-      (getopt:getopt args
-		     '(("repodir" :required)))
-    (unless (null operands)
-      (error 'invalid-arguments
-	     :format-control "Invalid arguments: ~@{ ~A~}"
-	     :format-arguments operands))
-    (if errors
-	(error 'invalid-arguments 
-	       :format-control "Invalid arguments: ~@{ ~A~}"
-	       :format-arguments errors)
-	(let ((repodir (or (cdr (assoc "repodir" options :test #'string=))
-			   *default-pathname-defaults*)))
-	  (format t "Creating repo in ~A...~%" repodir)
-	  (create-repo repodir)
-	  0))))
-(define-darcs-command record (&rest args)
+  (let ((repodir (or repodir
+		     *default-pathname-defaults*)))
+    (format t "Creating repo in ~A...~%" repodir)
+    (create-repo repodir)
+    0))
+(defparameter opt-author
+  (make-option
+   :keyword :author
+   :short #\A
+   :long "author"
+   :arg "EMAIL"
+   :help "specify author id"))
+(defparameter opt-all-patches
+  (make-option
+   :keyword :all-patches
+   :short #\a
+   :long "all"
+   :help "answer yes to all patches"))
+(defparameter opt-patch-name
+  (make-option
+   :keyword :patch-name
+   :short #\m
+   :long "patch-name"
+   :arg "PATCHNAME"
+   :help "name of patch"))
+(defparameter opt-ask-deps
+  (make-option
+   :keyword :ask-deps
+   :long "ask-deps"
+   :help "ask for extra dependencies"))
+(define-darcs-command record
+    (author all-patches patch-name ask-deps)
+    (&rest files)
     "Save changes in the working copy to the repository as a patch."
-  )
+  (let* ((repo (find-repo))
+	 (author (or author
+		     ;; XXX: other ways to indicate author
+		     (progn
+		       (format *query-io* "~&Who is the author? ")
+		       (read-line *query-io*))))
+	 (patch-name (or patch-name
+			 (progn
+			   (format *query-io* "~&What is the patch name? ")
+			   (read-line *query-io*))))
+	 (files (mapcar
+		 (lambda (file)
+		   (setf file (enough-namestring file repo))
+		   (if (fad:directory-exists-p file)
+		       (sanitize-filename file :type :directory)
+		       (sanitize-filename file :type :file)))
+		 files)))
+    ;; XXX: long log
+    (let ((patches (diff-repo repo)))
+      (flet ((ask (patch)
+	       ;; If any files were specified, use only patches
+	       ;; touching those files/directories.
+	       (if (or (null files)
+		       (and (typep patch 'file-patch)
+			    (member (patch-filename patch) files :test #'equal))
+		       (and (typep patch 'directory-patch)
+			    (member (patch-directory patch) files :test #'equal)))
+		   ;; If all-patches was requested, record all patches
+		   ;; matching the file criterion.
+		   (or all-patches
+		       (progn
+			 (display-patch patch *query-io*)
+			 (y-or-n-p "Record patch ~A?" patch)))
+		   nil)))
+	(record-patches repo patch-name author :now nil
+			(select-patches patches #'ask))
+	(format t "~&Finished recording patch '~A'~%" patch-name)
+	0))))

Added: cl-darcs/trunk/getopt.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ cl-darcs/trunk/getopt.lisp	Thu Jan 31 13:06:52 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+;;; Copyright (C) 2008 Magnus Henoch
+;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+;;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+;;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+(in-package :darcs)
+;; The option struct describes a command line option.
+(defstruct option
+  ;; keyword for return value of GETOPT
+  (keyword (error "No keyword specified.") :type keyword)
+  ;; short name of one character
+  (short nil :type (or character null))
+  ;; long name
+  (long nil :type (or string null))
+  ;; does it take an argument?  if so, describe the argument type.
+  (arg nil :type (or string null))
+  ;; one-line help string
+  (help (error "No help string specified.") :type string))
+(defun getopt (args options &aux parsed leftover)
+  "Process command line ARGS, as specified by OPTIONS.
+ARGS is a list of strings.
+OPTIONS is a list of OPTION structs.
+Return two values: a alist of parsed options, and a list of leftover args.
+The keys of the alists are the keywords of the options found, and the
+values are the provided arguments, or T if the option takes no argument."
+  (flet ((what (arg)
+	   (cond
+	     ((string= arg "--")
+	      :pass)
+	     ((and (>= (length arg) 2)
+		   (string= arg "--" :end1 2))
+	      :long)
+	     ((and (>= (length arg) 1)
+		   (string= arg "-" :end1 1))
+	      :short)
+	     (t
+	      nil)))
+	 (maybe-get-argument (arg opt &key no-argument)
+	   (push (cons (option-keyword opt)
+		       (if (option-arg opt)
+			   (if (or no-argument (null args))
+			       (error "Option ~A requires an argument." arg)
+			       (pop args))
+			   t))
+		 parsed))
+	 (maybe-split-long-option (arg)
+	   (let ((equal-pos (position #\= arg)))
+	     (if equal-pos
+		 (progn
+		   (push (subseq arg (1+ equal-pos)) args)
+		   (subseq arg 2 equal-pos))
+		 (subseq arg 2)))))
+    (loop while args do
+	 (ecase (what (car args))
+	   (:pass
+	    ;; Got "--".  Skip it and return the remaining arguments
+	    ;; without checking.
+	    (pop args)
+	    (return-from getopt (values parsed (append (nreverse leftover) args))))
+	   (:long
+	    ;; Got a long option.  Identify it and retrieve its
+	    ;; argument, if any.
+	    (let* ((arg (pop args))
+		   (long-option (maybe-split-long-option arg))
+		   (option (find long-option options :key #'option-long :test #'string=)))
+	      (unless option
+		(error "Unknown long option ~S (none of ~{~S ~})." arg (mapcar #'option-long options)))
+	      (maybe-get-argument arg option)))
+	   (:short
+	    ;; Got a string of short options.  Identify them all.
+	    (let* ((arg (pop args))
+		   (letters (map 'list #'identity (subseq arg 1))))
+	      (loop while letters
+		 do
+		   (let* ((letter (pop letters))
+			  (option (find letter options :key #'option-short)))
+		     (unless option
+		       (error "Unknown option ~A." letter))
+		     ;; Only the last short option can have an argument.
+		     (maybe-get-argument letter option 
+					 :no-argument (not (null letters)))))))
+	   ((nil)
+	    ;; Not an option - leftover args.
+	    (push (pop args) leftover))))
+    (values parsed (nreverse leftover))))

Modified: cl-darcs/trunk/util.lisp
--- cl-darcs/trunk/util.lisp	(original)
+++ cl-darcs/trunk/util.lisp	Thu Jan 31 13:06:52 2008
@@ -205,6 +205,7 @@
 Signal an error if FILENAME doesn't denote a relative path going
 strictly down.
 If TYPE is :DIRECTORY, return pathname in directory form."
+  (declare (type (member :file :directory) type))
   (let ((components (split-sequence:split-sequence #\/ filename :remove-empty-subseqs t)))
     (setf components (delete "." components :test #'string=))
     (when (member ".." components :test #'string=)

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