[Cl-darcs-cvs] r23 - cl-darcs/trunk

mhenoch at common-lisp.net mhenoch at common-lisp.net
Wed Jul 12 14:21:13 UTC 2006

Author: mhenoch
Date: Wed Jul 12 10:21:13 2006
New Revision: 23

Split get.lisp, add repo.lisp

Modified: cl-darcs/trunk/cl-darcs.asd
--- cl-darcs/trunk/cl-darcs.asd	(original)
+++ cl-darcs/trunk/cl-darcs.asd	Wed Jul 12 10:21:13 2006
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
    (:file "get" :depends-on ("util"))
    (:file "init" :depends-on ("util"))
    (:file "prefs" :depends-on ("util"))
+   (:file "repo" :depends-on ("util"))
    (:file "patch-core" :depends-on ("util"))
    (:file "read-patch" :depends-on ("patch-core"))

Modified: cl-darcs/trunk/get.lisp
--- cl-darcs/trunk/get.lisp	(original)
+++ cl-darcs/trunk/get.lisp	Wed Jul 12 10:21:13 2006
@@ -86,77 +86,6 @@
 	  (format t "."))
 	(format t "~&Done")))))
-(defun prepare-new-repo (outname)
-  "Create directories for starting a repo at OUTNAME."
-  (make-dir outname)
-  (make-dir (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :directory (list :relative "_darcs"))
-			     outname))
-  (dolist (dir '("patches" "checkpoints" "prefs" "inventories"))
-    (make-dir (merge-pathnames
-	       (make-pathname :directory (list :relative "_darcs" dir))
-	       outname)))
-  (write-default-prefs outname))
-;; {lazily,}read_repo in DarcsRepo.lhs
-;; read_repo_private in DarcsRepo.lhs
-(defun read-repo-patch-list (inrepodir &optional inventory-file)
-  "Read patch info for INREPODIR from INVENTORY-FILE.
-Return a list of lists of patchinfo structures.
-Note that this function returns patchinfo structures in the order
-they were applied, unlike the real darcs which often uses reverse
-  (when (null inventory-file)
-    (setf inventory-file (upath-subdir inrepodir '("_darcs") "inventory")))
-  (let (tag-patches patches)
-    (with-open-stream (in (make-instance 'unreadable-stream
-					 :base-stream (open-upath inventory-file :binary t)))
-      ;; If first line is "Starting with tag:",
-      (let ((first-line (read-binary-line in)))
-	(if (string= (bytes-to-string first-line) "Starting with tag:")
-	    (let* ((tag-patch
-		    ;; read the first patch...
-		    (read-patchinfo in))
-		   (new-filename (patchinfo-make-filename tag-patch)))
-	      ;; ...for the first patch is a tag.  Recursively read
-	      ;; the inventory of that file.  The tag patch then goes
-	      ;; at the head of the current list of patches.
-	      (setf tag-patches
-		    (read-repo-patch-list
-		     inrepodir (upath-subdir inrepodir '("_darcs" "inventories") new-filename)))
-	      (setf patches (list tag-patch)))
-	    ;; If it's not, pretend we never read that line.
-	    (unread-line in first-line)))
-      ;; Then, just read all patches in the file.
-      (format t "~&Reading patchinfo from ~A" inventory-file)
-      (setf patches
-	    (nconc patches
-		   (loop for patch = (read-patchinfo in)
-		      while patch collect patch
-		      do (princ #\.)))))
-    (cons patches tag-patches)))
-(defun read-patch-from-repo (repodir patchinfo)
-  "Read patch named by PATCHINFO from REPODIR."
-  (read-patch-from-file
-   (upath-subdir repodir '("_darcs" "patches") (patchinfo-make-filename patchinfo))))
-(defun read-checkpoint-from-repo (repodir patchinfo)
-  "Read checkpoint named by PATCHINFO from REPODIR."
-  (read-patch-from-file
-   (upath-subdir repodir '("_darcs" "checkpoints") (patchinfo-make-filename patchinfo))))
-(defun read-checkpoint-list (repodir)
-  "Read a list of checkpoints from REPODIR.
-Return as a patchinfo list."
-  ;; If there are no checkpoints, it doesn't matter.
-  (ignore-errors
-    (with-open-stream (in (open-upath (upath-subdir repodir '("_darcs" "checkpoints") "inventory")))
-      (format t "~&Reading checkpoints")
-      (loop for patch = (read-patchinfo in)
-	 while patch collect patch
-	 do (princ #\.)))))
 (defun find-remaining-patches (patchinfo-list checkpoint)
   "Find the patches remaining after getting to CHECKPOINT."
   ;; XXX: this is incorrect; the checkpoint isn't among ordinary patches.
@@ -196,47 +125,3 @@
 			     :binary t))
 	(fad:copy-stream in out)))))
-(defun write-inventory (out patchinfo-list &optional file)
-  "Write PATCHINFO-LIST as inventory in OUT.
-FILE is either nil, meaning the main \"inventory\" file, or a
-string naming a file in the \"inventories\" directory."
-  ;; XXX: slightly_optimize_patchset?
-  (let ((inventory-file (cond
-			  ((null file)
-			   (merge-pathnames
-			    (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "_darcs")
-					   :name "inventory")
-			    out))
-			  (t
-			   (merge-pathnames
-			    (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "_darcs" "inventories")
-					   :name file)
-			    out)))))
-    (with-open-file (f inventory-file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede
-		       :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
-      (flet ((print-patchinfos (patchinfos)
-	       ;; Convert output to binary, using the most direct possible
-	       ;; method...
-	       (dolist (patchinfo patchinfos)
-		 (map nil (lambda (char)
-			    (write-byte (char-code char) f))
-		      (with-output-to-string (strout)
-			(write-patchinfo patchinfo strout)))
-		 (write-byte 10 f))))
-	(cond
-	  ((null patchinfo-list)
-	   ;; No patches - empty inventory file.  Nothing to do.
-	   )
-	  ((null (cdr patchinfo-list))
-	   ;; One patch list - no remaining tags.
-	   (print-patchinfos (car patchinfo-list)))
-	  (t
-	   ;; Several patch lists, one for each tag
-	   (let* ((this-tag (car patchinfo-list))
-		  (other-tags (cdr patchinfo-list))
-		  (tag-name (patchinfo-make-filename (car this-tag))))
-	     (write-inventory out other-tags tag-name)
-	     (write-sequence (map 'vector #'char-code "Starting with tag:") f)
-	     (write-byte 10 f)
-	     (print-patchinfos (car patchinfo-list)))))))))

Added: cl-darcs/trunk/repo.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ cl-darcs/trunk/repo.lisp	Wed Jul 12 10:21:13 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+;;; Copyright (C) 2006 Magnus Henoch
+;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+;;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+;;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+(in-package :darcs)
+(defun prepare-new-repo (outname)
+  "Create directories for starting a repo at OUTNAME."
+  (make-dir outname)
+  (make-dir (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :directory (list :relative "_darcs"))
+			     outname))
+  (dolist (dir '("patches" "checkpoints" "prefs" "inventories"))
+    (make-dir (merge-pathnames
+	       (make-pathname :directory (list :relative "_darcs" dir))
+	       outname)))
+  (write-default-prefs outname))
+;; {lazily,}read_repo in DarcsRepo.lhs
+;; read_repo_private in DarcsRepo.lhs
+(defun read-repo-patch-list (inrepodir &optional inventory-file)
+  "Read patch info for INREPODIR from INVENTORY-FILE.
+Return a list of lists of patchinfo structures.
+Note that this function returns patchinfo structures in the order
+they were applied, unlike the real darcs which often uses reverse
+  (when (null inventory-file)
+    (setf inventory-file (upath-subdir inrepodir '("_darcs") "inventory")))
+  (let (tag-patches patches)
+    (with-open-stream (in (make-instance 'unreadable-stream
+					 :base-stream (open-upath inventory-file :binary t)))
+      ;; If first line is "Starting with tag:",
+      (let ((first-line (read-binary-line in)))
+	(if (string= (bytes-to-string first-line) "Starting with tag:")
+	    (let* ((tag-patch
+		    ;; read the first patch...
+		    (read-patchinfo in))
+		   (new-filename (patchinfo-make-filename tag-patch)))
+	      ;; ...for the first patch is a tag.  Recursively read
+	      ;; the inventory of that file.  The tag patch then goes
+	      ;; at the head of the current list of patches.
+	      (setf tag-patches
+		    (read-repo-patch-list
+		     inrepodir (upath-subdir inrepodir '("_darcs" "inventories") new-filename)))
+	      (setf patches (list tag-patch)))
+	    ;; If it's not, pretend we never read that line.
+	    (unread-line in first-line)))
+      ;; Then, just read all patches in the file.
+      (format t "~&Reading patchinfo from ~A" inventory-file)
+      (setf patches
+	    (nconc patches
+		   (loop for patch = (read-patchinfo in)
+		      while patch collect patch
+		      do (princ #\.)))))
+    (cons patches tag-patches)))
+(defun read-patch-from-repo (repodir patchinfo)
+  "Read patch named by PATCHINFO from REPODIR."
+  (read-patch-from-file
+   (upath-subdir repodir '("_darcs" "patches") (patchinfo-make-filename patchinfo))))
+(defun read-checkpoint-from-repo (repodir patchinfo)
+  "Read checkpoint named by PATCHINFO from REPODIR."
+  (read-patch-from-file
+   (upath-subdir repodir '("_darcs" "checkpoints") (patchinfo-make-filename patchinfo))))
+(defun read-checkpoint-list (repodir)
+  "Read a list of checkpoints from REPODIR.
+Return as a patchinfo list."
+  ;; If there are no checkpoints, it doesn't matter.
+  (ignore-errors
+    (with-open-stream (in (open-upath (upath-subdir repodir '("_darcs" "checkpoints") "inventory")))
+      (format t "~&Reading checkpoints")
+      (loop for patch = (read-patchinfo in)
+	 while patch collect patch
+	 do (princ #\.)))))
+(defun write-inventory (out patchinfo-list &optional file)
+  "Write PATCHINFO-LIST as inventory in OUT.
+FILE is either nil, meaning the main \"inventory\" file, or a
+string naming a file in the \"inventories\" directory."
+  ;; XXX: slightly_optimize_patchset?
+  (let ((inventory-file (cond
+			  ((null file)
+			   (merge-pathnames
+			    (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "_darcs")
+					   :name "inventory")
+			    out))
+			  (t
+			   (merge-pathnames
+			    (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "_darcs" "inventories")
+					   :name file)
+			    out)))))
+    (with-open-file (f inventory-file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede
+		       :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
+      (flet ((print-patchinfos (patchinfos)
+	       ;; Convert output to binary, using the most direct possible
+	       ;; method...
+	       (dolist (patchinfo patchinfos)
+		 (map nil (lambda (char)
+			    (write-byte (char-code char) f))
+		      (with-output-to-string (strout)
+			(write-patchinfo patchinfo strout)))
+		 (write-byte 10 f))))
+	(cond
+	  ((null patchinfo-list)
+	   ;; No patches - empty inventory file.  Nothing to do.
+	   )
+	  ((null (cdr patchinfo-list))
+	   ;; One patch list - no remaining tags.
+	   (print-patchinfos (car patchinfo-list)))
+	  (t
+	   ;; Several patch lists, one for each tag
+	   (let* ((this-tag (car patchinfo-list))
+		  (other-tags (cdr patchinfo-list))
+		  (tag-name (patchinfo-make-filename (car this-tag))))
+	     (write-inventory out other-tags tag-name)
+	     (write-sequence (map 'vector #'char-code "Starting with tag:") f)
+	     (write-byte 10 f)
+	     (print-patchinfos (car patchinfo-list)))))))))

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