[cl-curl-devel] usage help

Liam M. Healy lnp at healy.washington.dc.us
Fri Dec 23 02:50:51 UTC 2005


I've not ever tried cl-curl with ftp, so I can't provide a successful
example.  The commands you use look reasonable to me.  It seems to be
getting gibberish after setting the path, but I don't know why.  The
debugging step that comes to mind is to try the C interface to
libcurl, and see what makes a successful connection to the ftp server.
Then we can try to trace it back to the CL interface and maybe that
will give us a clue.


>>>>> "Richard" == Richard Ray <rray at mstc.state.ms.us> writes:

    Richard> I'm trying to understand how to use curl with sbcl 0.9.7.
    Richard> The only thing I've managed to get so far is a listing.

    Richard> (curl:with-connection-returning-string (:reassure t)
    Richard> (curl:set-option :url "ftp://user-name:password@")
    Richard> (curl:set-option :verbose t)
    Richard> (curl:set-option :ftplistonly nil)
    Richard> (curl:perform)
    Richard> (pprint (curl:return-string))

    Richard> I tried

    Richard> (curl:with-connection-returning-string (:reassure t)
    Richard> (curl:set-option :url "ftp://user-name:password@")
    Richard> (curl:set-option :verbose t)
    Richard> (curl:set-option :quote "CWD")
    Richard> (curl:perform)

    Richard> and I get

    Richard> * About to connect() to port 21
    Richard> *   Trying * connected
    Richard> * Connected to ( port 21
    Richard> < 220 (vsFTPd 2.0.1)
    >> USER user-name
    Richard> < 331 Please specify the password.
    >> PASS password
    Richard> < 230 Login successful.
    Richard> * We have successfully logged in
    >> PWD
    Richard> < 257 "/home/user-name"
    Richard> * Entry path is '/home/user-name'
    >> ]u}]VHe=
    Richard> < 500 Unknown command.
    Richard> * QUOT string not accepted: ]u}]VHe=
    Richard> * Connection #0 to host left intact

    Richard> debugger invoked on a SIMPLE-ERROR in thread
    Richard> #<THREAD "initial thread" {A91C3A9}>:
    Richard>    CURL error 21 (FTP-QUOTE-ERROR)

    Richard> Type HELP for debugger help, or (SB-EXT:QUIT) to exit from SBCL.

    Richard> restarts (invokable by number or by possibly-abbreviated name):
    Richard>    0: [ABORT] Exit debugger, returning to top level.

    Richard> (CURL::RETURN-ERROR-CHECK 21)
    Richard> 0]

    Richard> Can someone provide examples of other commands such as mkd, pwd, cwd and 
    Richard> transfering files using ftp?

    Richard> Thanks
    Richard> Richard
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    Richard> cl-curl-devel mailing list
    Richard> cl-curl-devel at common-lisp.net
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