[cl-containers-devel] cl-containers

Gary King gwking at metabang.com
Wed Jun 13 03:59:58 UTC 2012

> Dear Gary and cl-containers developers,

-- snip --

> Separately (or not), we'd develop some library for pure datastructures
> that would try to maintain some kind of
> API coherence with the stateful variants.

That's great!

> Your cl-containers looks like
> the best-factored of the existing datastructure libraries,
> as far as stateful algorithms go.

why thank you!

> Are you still maintaining it?

in theory, yes... in reality, not so much. life interferes.

> Are you accepting patches and/or co-maintainers who would perform some surgery

co-maintainers would be wonderful. I'd be happy to hand the whole thing off to people that have time and motivation to push it forward.

> on the library to split it into interface and implementations,
> and add implementations to missing datastructures (such as fibonacci heaps),
> and add thread-safe variants of various datastructures, etc.
> All the while we'd seek to preserve backwards compatibility.

All of that would be great. I don't know the best mechanism(s) but if you want me to give you super-powers on github or whatever, let me know.

Gary Warren King, metabang.com 
Cell: (413) 559 8738
Fax: (206) 338-4052
gwkkwg on Skype * garethsan on AIM * gwking on twitter

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