[cl-containers-devel] Error loading the cl-containers in REPL

Watt Poosanguansit wpoosanguansit at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 27 15:35:41 UTC 2008

I am new to cl-containers.  I using Clisp on Linux.  I am able load cl-containers through asdf without any error.  

But when I issue (setf *new-hash* (cl-containers:make-container 'associative-container :test #'equal)) in REPL, I  get this error FIND-CLASS: ASSOCIATIVE-ARRAY does not name a class [Condition of SIMPLE ERROR].

When I change the package (in-package :containers), it works fine.  So I am just not sure what else that was missing in how I load the classes.  Thanks for your help.

Watt P.


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