[cl-containers-devel] Problems with priority queues

Josip Gracin gracin at tel.fer.hr
Mon Oct 22 11:02:28 UTC 2007

Hi Gary!

It's me and my queues again. :-)  Here's a test that fails on Containers 
version 0.9.8, i.e. the latest from asdf-install.  I've created a 
separate test file for priority queues so that you can easily add it to 
the test suite, if you like.


(in-package #:cl-containers-test)

(deftestsuite test-prio-queue ()
   ((q (make-instance 'priority-queue-on-container
                      :sorter #'string<
                      :test #'string=))))

(deftestsuite test-delete-prio-queue (test-prio-queue)
   (:setup (insert-item q "a")
           (insert-item q "b")
           (insert-item q "c")))

(addtest (test-delete-prio-queue)
   (delete-first q)
   (ensure-same (first-element q) "b")
   (delete-first q)
   (ensure-same (first-element q) "c"))


Not calling ELEMENT in queues.lisp:76 solves the problem.

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