[cl-containers-devel] Re: cl-containers

Gary King gwking at metabang.com
Sun Nov 4 19:42:22 UTC 2007

(cc'd to list)

Hi Frank,

The first error happens because the metatilities package uses reader  
conditional to use packages:

> (defpackage #:metabang.utilities
>   (:nicknames #:metatilities)
>   (:use #-clim      #:common-lisp
>         #+clim      #:clim
> ...

Since the #+ is handled at read-time, the output of the compiled fasl  
depends on the environment in place when the file was compiled (not  
when it is re-loaded). If you compiled the file when CLIM was on the  
features list, then the fasl will try to use the CLIM package when it  
is loaded regardless of whether or not CLIM is there.

This is probably a _bad_ thing and I'll see how much work it would be  
to fix this assumption.

The second error is caused (in part) because  typed-container-mixin  
defines a generic function element-type

> (defclass* typed-container-mixin (abstract-container)
>   ((element-type :initform nil
>                  :initarg :element-type
>                  :reader element-type)))

I don't think that this is an exported symbol in CLIM, but maybe it  
is in LispWorks implementation (or maybe I'm misunderstanding the  
error). Can you try the following:

1. start a fresh lisp
2. load CLIM
3. apropos "element-type"
4. If element-type is in clim (e.g., if you see clim:element-type or  
clim::element-type in the output from apropos), then (describe  
5. send me the results


On Nov 3, 2007, at 7:19 PM, Frank Schorr wrote:

> Hi Gary,
> I updated my cl-containers library.
> When asdf-loading it before clim is loaded, LispWorks complains:
> ; Loading fasl file c:\lisp\binaries\lispworks-5.0.2-mswindows-x86 
> \lisp\libraries\metatilities\dev\package.ofasl
> error: Package CLIM not found.
> After loading clim,
>   Defining function ELEMENT-TYPE visible from package CLIM.
> I haven't really understood what I should learn from this error. It  
> is not continuable.
> I think I saw this error before, where I was able to continue and  
> ignore it.
> Do you have any suggestions ?
> Best regards,
> Frank
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Gary Warren King, metabang.com
Cell: (413) 559 8738
Fax: (206) 338-4052
gwkkwg on Skype * garethsan on AIM

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