[cl-containers-devel] error when using CMUCL

Pedro Kröger kroegerlistas at pedrokroeger.net
Tue Nov 28 22:06:28 UTC 2006

Gary King <gwking at metabang.com> writes:

> Hmm, can you keep the form but comment out the innards? Or comment
> out one part of the innards to see what CMUCL likes and dislikes?

I commented different things in the form. CMUCL doesn't like the
expressions marked with => below:

(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((object stable-associative-container) 
                                       &rest args &key container-type &allow-other-keys)
   (slot-value object 'associative-container)
   => (apply #'make-container container-type :test (test object) args)
   (slot-value object 'numbered-container)
   => (make-container container-type :test (test object))

actually it seems not to like the "object" in (test object):

(make-container container-type :test (test object))

If I replace foo for object it works (but gives a warning, of course)

Does it help?

Pedro Kroger

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