[cl-cli-parser-cvs] CVS update: cl-cli-parser/unit-test.lisp cl-cli-parser/cli-parser.lisp cl-cli-parser/cli-parser-test.lisp

Denis Bueno dbueno at common-lisp.net
Fri Jul 29 21:27:06 UTC 2005

Update of /project/cl-cli-parser/cvsroot/cl-cli-parser
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv18141

Modified Files:
	unit-test.lisp cli-parser.lisp cli-parser-test.lisp 
Log Message:
- cli-parser.lisp: pretty-printing for CLI-OPTION, various code cleanups.

- cli-parser-test.lisp: Example option configuration.

- unit-test.lisp: (get-tests): New function.

Date: Fri Jul 29 23:27:04 2005
Author: dbueno

Index: cl-cli-parser/unit-test.lisp
diff -u cl-cli-parser/unit-test.lisp:1.3 cl-cli-parser/unit-test.lisp:1.4
--- cl-cli-parser/unit-test.lisp:1.3	Sun Mar 20 00:08:37 2005
+++ cl-cli-parser/unit-test.lisp	Fri Jul 29 23:27:03 2005
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 (defpackage :lunit
   (:use :cl)
-  (:export #:deftest #:check))
+  (:export #:deftest #:check #:get-tests))
 (in-package :lunit)
 ;;; from peter seibel's book, practical common lisp
@@ -35,4 +35,11 @@
 (defun report-result (result form)
   "Report the results of a single test case. Called by `check'."
   (format t "~:[FAIL~;pass~] ... ~a: ~w~%" result *test-name* form)
-  result)
\ No newline at end of file
+  result)
+(defun get-tests (&optional (p *package*))
+  "Get a list of the symbols corresponding to unit test functions
+from the package P."
+  (loop for x being the symbols of p
+        if (eql 0 (search "test-" (symbol-name x) :test #'string-equal))
+        collect x))
\ No newline at end of file

Index: cl-cli-parser/cli-parser.lisp
diff -u cl-cli-parser/cli-parser.lisp:1.3 cl-cli-parser/cli-parser.lisp:1.4
--- cl-cli-parser/cli-parser.lisp:1.3	Sun Mar 20 00:08:37 2005
+++ cl-cli-parser/cli-parser.lisp	Fri Jul 29 23:27:03 2005
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;;;; $Id: cli-parser.lisp,v 1.3 2005/03/19 23:08:37 dbueno Exp $
+;;;; $Id: cli-parser.lisp,v 1.4 2005/07/29 21:27:03 dbueno Exp $
 ;;;; Denis Bueno
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@
 ;;;;   disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
 ;;;;   provided with the distribution.
-;;;;   The name of the Denis Bueno may not be used to endorse or
-;;;;   promote products derived from this software without specific
-;;;;   prior written permission.
+;;;;   The name of Denis Bueno may not be used to endorse or promote
+;;;;   products derived from this software without specific prior written
+;;;;   permission.
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
-           ;; The cli-option struct
+           ;; The CLI-OPTION class
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
 CLI-PARSE actually just calls CLI-PARSE-HASH, which will parse a
-list of command-line arguments against a list of cli-option
+list of command-line arguments against a list of CLI-OPTION
 objects. CLI-PARSE-ASSOC, instead of returning a hash table of
 results like CLI-PARSE-HASH does, returns an assoc list of
@@ -81,33 +81,105 @@
 in (as a list of strings, one for each option) along with the
 list of valid options are passed to cli-parse, which will give
 you a table of mappings, from the option to the setting specified
-by the user.
-See the cli-option struct for some details."))
+by the user."))
 (in-package :cli-parser)
+(declaim (optimize (debug 3) (safety 3) (speed 0) (compilation-speed 0)))
-;;; TODO: decide what to do if see an option like -cookycrisp: continuable
-;;; error/condition restart, ignore?
+;;; TODO
+;;; * decide what to do if see an option like -cookycrisp: continuable
+;;;   error/condition restart, ignore?
+;;; * depend on SPLIT-SEQUENCE rather than own STRING-TOKENIZE
 (defclass cli-option ()
-  ((abbreviation :initarg :abbr :accessor cli-option-abbr)
-   (longname :initarg :full :accessor cli-option-full)
+  ((abbreviation :initarg :abbr :accessor cli-option-abbr
+                 :type (or null string))
+   (longname :initarg :full :accessor cli-option-full
+             :type string)
    (argumentsp :initform nil
                :initarg :requires-arguments
-               :accessor cli-option-requires-arguments)
+               :accessor cli-option-requires-arguments
+               :type (member nil t :optional))
    (description :initform "Default description."
-                :initarg :description :accessor cli-option-description)
-   (example :initarg :example :accessor cli-option-example)))
-(defun make-cli-option (&rest initargs)
-  (apply #'make-instance 'cli-option initargs))
+                :initarg :description :accessor cli-option-description
+                :type string)
+   (example :initarg :example :accessor cli-option-example
+            :type string)))
+(defmacro pprint-clos-class (instance slots stream
+                             &key
+                             (inter-slot-newline-style :linear)
+                             (intra-slot-newline-style :fill)
+                             (unbound-msg "<unbound>")
+                             (slot-value-callback '(lambda (a1 a2)
+                                                    (declare (ignore a1))
+                                                    a2)))
+  "Pretty print the SLOTS of a CLOS class INSTANCE, to
+  value appropriate appropriate as the first argument to
+  printed between each of the slot-name/slot-value pairs of each
+  slot in SLOTS. A newline of INTRA-SLOT-NEWLINE-STYLE will be
+  printed between the slot-name and the slot-value of each slot
+  in SLOTS.
+  UNBOUND-MSG should be a string which will be printed as the
+  slot-value for any slot in INSTANCE which is unbound.
+  SLOT-VALUE-CALLBACK should be a function of two arguments, the
+  slot-name and the slot-value, which should return an object
+  which will be printed in place of the slot-value for
+  slot-name.
+  Example:
+  > (defclass foo () (a b))
+  > (defmethod cl:print-object ((f foo) stream)
+      (pprint-clos-class f (a b) stream))
+  > (make-instance 'foo)
+  #<FOO :A <unbound> :B <unbound>>
+  > (setf (slot-value * 'a) 'bar)
+  BAR
+  > **
+  #<FOO :A BAR :B <unbound>>"
+  (macrolet ((with-gensyms ((&rest syms) &body body)
+               `(let ,(loop for sym in syms
+                            collect `(,sym (gensym ,(symbol-name sym))))
+                  , at body)))
+    (with-gensyms (ginstance gslots gstream)
+      `(let ((,ginstance ,instance)
+             (,gslots ',slots)
+             (,gstream ,stream))
+         (print-unreadable-object (,ginstance ,gstream
+                                   :type (class-name (class-of ,ginstance)))
+           (loop for slot in ,gslots
+                 for first-time-p = t then nil do
+                 (unless first-time-p (write-char #\space ,gstream))
+                 (pprint-newline ,inter-slot-newline-style ,gstream)
+                 (write-string (format nil ":~a" (symbol-name slot)) ,gstream)
+                 (write-char #\space ,gstream)
+                 (pprint-newline ,intra-slot-newline-style ,gstream)
+                 (if (slot-boundp ,ginstance slot)
+                     (write (funcall ,slot-value-callback
+                                     slot
+                                     (slot-value ,ginstance slot))
+                            :stream ,gstream)
+                     (write-string ,unbound-msg ,gstream))))))))
+(defmethod cl:print-object ((o cli-option) stream)
+  (pprint-clos-class o (abbreviation longname argumentsp description example)
+                     stream))
-(defvar *single-dash* #\-
+(defparameter *single-dash* "-"
   "Short option prefix.")
-(defvar *double-dash* "--"
+(defparameter *double-dash* "--"
   "Long option prefix.")
-(defvar *option-value-sep* " "
+(defparameter *option-value-sep* " "
   "String used to separate option values.")
@@ -120,15 +192,15 @@
 ;; allowable command-line interface options.
 (defun cli-parse (args cli-opts)
-  "See cli-parse-hash."
   (cli-parse-hash args cli-opts))
 (defun cli-parse-assoc (args cli-opts)
-   "Parses command-line arguments (as generated by clisp), much
-in the same format as the cl-args that getopt() parses. That is,
-if you call any program with: './prgm --opt1=value1 value2 -n',
-and you give \"--opt1=value1\" and \"-n\" to cli-parse-assoc, it
+   "Parses command-line arguments much in the same format as the
+cl-args that getopt() parses. That is, if you call any program
+with: './prgm --opt1=value1 value2 -n', and you give
+\"--opt1=value1\", \"value2\" and \"-n\" to cli-parse-assoc, it
 returns and assoc-list of the form ((\"opt1\" (\"value1\"
 \"value2\")) (\"n\" nil))."
    (to-full-opt-names (cli-parse-assoc-aux (coalesce-options args) nil)
@@ -142,9 +214,9 @@
 (defun cli-parse-hash (args cli-opts)
-  "Parses command-line arguments in the same form as specified for
-cli-parse-assoc, but returns a hash-table of the results, instead of an
-assoc list."
+  "Parses command-line arguments in the same form as specified
+for CLI-PARSE-ASSOC, but returns a hash-table of the results,
+instead of an assoc list."
   (cli-parse-hash-aux (coalesce-options args) cli-opts))
 (defun cli-parse-hash-aux (args cli-opts)
   (let ((ret (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
@@ -251,7 +323,7 @@
   "Test whether opt is a short option of the form \"-o[=val]\""
   (and (stringp opt)
        (>= (length opt) 2)
-       (equal (elt opt 0) *single-dash*)
+       (equal (subseq opt 0 (length *single-dash*)) *single-dash*)
        (<= (end-opt-name opt) 2)))
 (defun full-opt-p (opt)
@@ -329,5 +401,3 @@
 (pushnew :cli-parser *features*)
-;;;; EOF
\ No newline at end of file

Index: cl-cli-parser/cli-parser-test.lisp
diff -u cl-cli-parser/cli-parser-test.lisp:1.4 cl-cli-parser/cli-parser-test.lisp:1.5
--- cl-cli-parser/cli-parser-test.lisp:1.4	Sun Mar 20 00:08:23 2005
+++ cl-cli-parser/cli-parser-test.lisp	Fri Jul 29 23:27:03 2005
@@ -1,14 +1,33 @@
-;;; $Id: cli-parser-test.lisp,v 1.4 2005/03/19 23:08:23 dbueno Exp $
+;;;; $Id: cli-parser-test.lisp,v 1.5 2005/07/29 21:27:03 dbueno Exp $
-;;; AGNS - Automatic (G-something) N-gram Spelling Corrector
-;;; Denis Bueno
+;;;; Denis Bueno
-;;; Thorough test of cli-parser.lisp
+;;;; Thorough test of cli-parser.lisp
 (in-package :cli-parser)
-#.(use-package :lunit)
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+  (use-package :lunit))
+(defparameter *option-conf*
+  (list (make-instance 'cli-option
+                       :abbr "t"
+                       :full "use-threads"
+                       :requires-arguments :optional
+                       :description "Whether the application should using threads"
+                       :example "--use-threads[=5]")
+        (make-instance 'cli-option
+                       :abbr nil
+                       :full "root-dir"
+                       :requires-arguments t
+                       :description "The location of the root directory"
+                       :example "--root-dir=/tmp")
+        (make-instance 'cli-option
+                       :abbr "e"
+                       :full "extension-list"
+                       :requires-arguments t
+                       :description "The list of extensions to include from the root directory (see option root-dir)"
+                       :example "--extension-list=txt[,jpg,jpeg,pdf]")))
 (deftest test-opt-p ()
   (check (opt-p "-o"))

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