[Cl-bio-devel] Project merging

Albert Krewinkel krewink at inb.uni-luebeck.de
Wed Apr 23 09:42:24 UTC 2008


When I found out about cl-bio a few days ago, I was thrilled to find
someone else working on a general common lisp bio package.  I started
a similar effort some time ago, named CL Computational Biology[1].
It's not in my interest to duplicate any functionality, which is why
I'd like to merge the two code bases.

My main suggestion is to merge the bio-sequence implementations.
During the implementation of CLCB bio-sequences, we focused on the
intuitive handling of sub-intervals.  The concept applied here is to
regard bio-sequences as discrete intervals.  That way, other sequences
and features can simply be mapped upon their respective
'supersequence', keeping information of e.g. where an amino acid 'came
from'.  This also allows for set theoretic handling of bio-sequences.
The concept is a modification of the modeling used by the Ensembl

Disregarding your opinion towards the proposed merge, I'd be delighted
to help building a community driven Bio project in eather case.


[1] No website yet, but some docs in the svn repository: 
    svn co http://clcb.svn.sf.net/svnroot/clcb/trunk clcb

[2] http://www.ensembl.org/info/using/api/core/index.html

Albert Krewinkel <krewink (at) inb.uni-luebeck.de>
University of Luebeck, Institute for Neuro- and Bioinformatics
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