<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div>This may not be the proper list (I'm tempted to cross-post to the clozure one), but I have to start somewhere.<br><br></div>I'm putting together a wrapper around the recently released version of the C library GLFW. In the middle of a callback (written in CL and mostly using cl-glfw), I'm winding up in the debugger, and I'm not having any luck figuring out why.<br>
<br></div>I don't have a minimal test-case to share, yet. That's my next step. I'm being lazy and asking before I start trying to trim pieces down. The best nutshell of the problem I have at the moment is that the callback in question looks like:<br>
<br>(cffi:defcallback window-sizer<br> :void<br> ((window glfw3::glfw-window) (width :int) (height :int))<br> ;; Have to have the OpenGL context before we can do this.<br> ;; Q: Should I be making that window's context current?<br>
;; A: Seems really stupid to think otherwise.<br> (declare (ignore window))<br> (format t "Resizing to ~A x ~A~%" width height)<br> (gl:viewport 0 0 width height)<br> (format t "Setting projecting matrix~%")<br>
(gl:matrix-mode :projection)<br> (gl:load-identity)<br> (let ((ratio (/ width height)))<br> (format t "Setting ortho: ~A~%" ratio)<br> ;; This next line is failing here, pretty spectacularly.<br> ;; with an error message that doesn't seem to make any sense.<br>
;; It appears to run fine (even if it does nothing) when <br> ;; I run it throuh the REPL.<br> (gl:ortho (- ratio) ratio -1 1 1 -1))<br> (format t "Returning~%"))<br><br></div>The stack trace (FWIW) looks like:<br>
The value 17465867632912 is not of the expected type DOUBLE-FLOAT.<br> [Condition of type TYPE-ERROR]<br><br> 0: (CFFI-CALLBACKS::|GLFW3-EXAMPLE::WINDOW-SIZER| 17465867632956)<br> Locals:<br> #:G7819 = 17465867632956<br>
#:G7822 = #<A Foreign Pointer [stack-allocated] #x7F14B6B009E0><br> GLFW3-EXAMPLE::WINDOW = #<A Foreign Pointer #x7F149C034C70><br> GLFW3-EXAMPLE::WIDTH = 649<br> GLFW3-EXAMPLE::HEIGHT = 502<br>
COMMON-LISP:RATIO = 649/502<br> CL-OPENGL-BINDINGS::LEFT = -649/502<br> #:G7833 = -1.292828685258964D0<br> #:G7834 = 1.292828685258964D0<br> #:G7835 = -1.0D0<br> #:G7836 = 1.0D0<br>
#:G7837 = 1.0D0<br> #:G7838 = -1.0D0<br> 1: (CCL::%PASCAL-FUNCTIONS% 5 17465867632956)<br> Locals:<br> INDEX = 5<br> ARGS-PTR-FIXNUM = 17465867632956<br> LISP-FUNCTION = #<Compiled-function CFFI-CALLBACKS::|GLFW3-EXAMPLE::WINDOW-SIZER| (Non-Global) #x302001CF9B0F><br>
</div>Does anyone have a suggestion about where I should look to try to figure out where that value it's complaining about comes from? Or what's expecting the DOUBLE-FLOAT? Is there something else in the stack trace (or anywhere else) that I'm just totally missing due to my noobishness?<br>
<br></div>The C signature of the callback function is<br>typedef void (* GLFWwindowsizefun)(GLFWwindow*,int,int);<br><br></div>Is there something else I can supply that I didn't realize is important?<br><br></div>Just for the record, I'm much more interested in learning how I can diagnose and fix these sorts of problems for myself than anything else. I just seemed to run into a total dead end on google.<br>
<br></div>Thanks in advance,<br></div>James<br><br></div>