CFFI govels size_t into :sizet [Was: cffi 0.17.0 breaks some stuff]

Attila Lendvai attila at
Thu Feb 25 10:51:24 UTC 2016

> Do you think that the osicat maintainer would be willing to
> "contribute" the stdlib definitions to the proposed new system?

well, i always forget about osicat, but osicat itself *is* supposed to
be that system i was pondering about, except that it's also kinda
posixly confused...

(in-package #:osicat-posix)

(ctype size "size_t")
(ctype ssize "ssize_t")

there should be a system for C stdlib.h, stddef.h, etc stuff, which
has nothing to do with the underlying OS. of course this system will
require groveling and thus on windows it will be a pain to use, but
what isn't a pain on windows...?

i'll look into setting up the skeleton of such a new CFFI system. my
proposed name is CFFI/STDLIB, both for the asdf system and for its
package, but suggestions are welcome.

details on the header files:

which brings up another question that i can't really decide from a
distance... should this new system be based on CFFI/C2FFI? or should
it use hand written grovel files?

it needs groveling for definitions that are implemented as C macros,
and the C standard is very liberal about allowing random stuff to be a
macro, without a corresponding dlsym... which suggest that a hand
written grovel file is the way to go, but then c2ffi can emit stuff
that doesn't require the groveller, and is also automated. plus i've
been planning to extend it to also emit a grovel file to accommodate
for stuff that need groveling (e.g. inline functions if nothing

oh well... any insights? which side of this fork will lead to less

• attila lendvai
• PGP: 963F 5D5F 45C7 DFCD 0A39
“Children are not the people of tomorrow, but are people of today.
They have a right to be taken seriously, and to be treated with
tenderness and respect. They should be allowed to grow into whoever
they were meant to be. 'The unknown person' inside of them is our hope
for the future.”
	— Janusz Korczak (1879–1942), together with his 192 orphans, he was
murdered by lost souls poisoned with nazi ideology -- or maybe just
following orders.

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