[Cffi-devel] How do I make the :actual-type of a define-foreign-type a (:pointer (:struct ...))

Joeish W joeish80829 at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 12 08:51:19 UTC 2014

 I have a define-foreign-type, translate-to-foreign, translate-from-foreign and a defclass at bottom of this page

  These four sections of code make up my types. At the top of the code is a defcstruct that, I am trying to make a part of my types  by changing the :actual-type in the define-foreign-type to:   

   (:actual-type '(:pointer (:struct rect1))).

The :actual-type is normally :pointer and that makes it so the defcfun at the bottom of code section compiles no problem.  When I compile the code here I get an error in my defcun saying that "(:pointer (:struct rect1)) is not a cffi type".  Why is it doing this and how can I make the actual type of my define-foreign-type a (:pointer (:struct rect1))?  The reason I would like to do this is so I can convert the C data to lisp data as soon as possible. If this won't work and you have any other suggestions on how to do this professionally. pls let me know. Thank you.


(cffi:defcstruct rect1
(x :int)
(y :int)
(width :int)
(height :int))
(define-foreign-type rect ()
((garbage-collect  :reader garbage-collect :initform nil :initarg 
(:actual-type '(:pointer (:struct rect1)))
(:simple-parser rect))
(defclass cv-rect ()
((c-pointer :reader c-pointer :initarg :c-pointer)))
(defmethod translate-to-foreign ((lisp-value cv-rect) (c-type rect))
(values  (c-pointer lisp-value) lisp-value))
(defmethod translate-from-foreign (c-pointer (c-type rect))
(let ((rectangle  (make-instance 'cv-rect :c-pointer c-pointer)))
(when (garbage-collect c-type)
(tg:finalize rectangle (lambda () (del-rect c-pointer))))
(defcfun ("cv_create_Rect4" rect-4) rect
"RECT constructor."
(x :int)
(y :int)
(width :int)
(height :int))
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