[cffi-devel] Program hanging on foreign-funcall
Jakob Reschke
jakres at googlemail.com
Sat Feb 13 21:04:57 UTC 2010
I'm writing a binding to Agar (http://libagar.com), an SDL GUI library
(among other things), but I'm facing a problem:
AG_Editable objects can be bound to a text buffer so the text entered
into the editable widget is written into that buffer and vice
versa. The buffer can be set with
void AG_EditableSetString(AG_Editable *ed, char *text);
The following C Program works fine:
#include <agar/core.h>
#include <agar/gui.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
AG_InitCore("myprog", 0);
AG_InitVideo(320, 240, 32, 0);
char buffer[100]; /* text buffer */
AG_Window *win = AG_WindowNew(0);
AG_Textbox *tb = AG_TextboxNew(win, 0, "testbox:");
AG_Editable *ed = tb->ed;
AG_EditableBindUTF8(ed, &buffer, 100); /* no hang here */
AG_EditableSetString(ed, "foobar");
return 0;
Whereas the following CFFI Lisp, which is supposed to be equivalent,
at the REPL does not:
(cffi:with-foreign-object (buffer :char 100)
(let* ((win (cffi::foreign-funcall "AG_WindowNew" :int 0 :pointer))
(tb (cffi::foreign-funcall "AG_TextboxNew" :pointer win :int
0 :string "box:" :pointer))
(ed (cffi::foreign-slot-value tb 'ag-cffi::textbox
(ag:window-show win)
;; hangs here:
(cffi::foreign-funcall "AG_EditableBindUTF8" :pointer ed :pointer
buffer :int 100 :void)
(cffi::foreign-funcall "AG_EditableSetString" :pointer ed :string
"foobar" :void)
(cffi::foreign-funcall "AG_EventLoop_FixedFPS" :void))))
The program hangs at the line with the according comment. The window
shows up but doesn't get into the event loop, there are no error
conditions and if I interrupt in Slime with C-c C-c (which works), the
backtrace always reads
"bogus stack frame" > "foreign function" > "foreign function" >
(lambda ()) > (sb-int:simple-eval-in-lexenv ...) > ...
What could cause this and how do I fix it? Or did I do something wrong?
Best regards,
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