[cffi-devel] How would you "CFFI define" this ?

Frank Goenninger frgo at me.com
Sun Dec 19 18:54:50 UTC 2010

Hi all!

I have a more complex typedef:

typedef struct amqp_frame_t_ {
  uint8_t frame_type; /* 0 means no event */
  amqp_channel_t channel;
  union {
    amqp_method_t method;
    struct {
      uint16_t class_id;
      uint64_t body_size;
      void *decoded;
      amqp_bytes_t raw;
    } properties;
    amqp_bytes_t body_fragment;
    struct {
      uint8_t transport_high;
      uint8_t transport_low;
      uint8_t protocol_version_major;
      uint8_t protocol_version_minor;
    } protocol_header;
  } payload;
} amqp_frame_t;

I am struggling with the contained structs properties and payload ... How to define them???

Thanks for any hints!



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